While thinking, there was a sound of footsteps, but it was Jiang Wan who came in. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

"My lord." Jiang Wan bowed to Liu Feng.Dressed in formal clothes, Jiang Wan was extremely majestic.

Seeing Jiang Wan wearing formal clothes, Liu Feng felt a little apologetic. Although he himself was very leisurely, Jiang Wan, the prefect of Jiangxia, was not.

Just "reinforcing the river" made Jiang Wan very busy.

However, I can only apologize in my heart.

There is really no one available.

"Sit, Gongyan." Liu Feng pointed to the empty seat on the side and said.

"Thank you, my lord." Jiang Wan responded and sat down naturally.

"Xun Gongyan came this time to deal with Lu Su." After Jiang Wan sat down, Liu Feng smiled slightly.

"Oh? Jiangdong's envoy is Lu Su?" Although Jiang Wan groaned, there was no surprise on his face. At present, the one who has won Sun Quan's trust is Lu Su.

"Well, the last time Gongyan went to Jiangdong as an envoy, he had already contacted Lu Su, so it should be easier to deal with." Liu Feng nodded and smiled.

Immediately, Liu Feng nodded fiercely, and said: "This turnaround is because Jiangdong asked me to send envoys to make peace. We must plan carefully and try to add some benefits."

"Based on the current situation in Jiangdong, apart from the Shanyue people, there are no other benefits that can be given. Gold, silver and jewelry have been sold in the conquest of Shanyue, and the granary has bottomed out. The rest is some minerals." Jiang Wan counts the current Jiangdong. What can be obtained is a bit embarrassing.

Minerals may not be available, and those things are used to make weapons.Unless it's really a last resort.

Except for minerals, it seems that Jiangdong has nothing left.

Liu Feng listened for a while, and it seemed that it was true. Except for some soft savings, Jiangdong's other hard savings such as food, gold and copper coins, etc. were all exhausted.

Poor jingle.

An indescribable joy welled up in my heart.Liu Feng smiled slightly and said, "We'll talk about Shanyue people and minerals later, but the most important thing now is shipbuilding."

"Boatmaker?" Jiang Wan's eyes lit up." said.

"Yes, they may have come here because they want to share the waterway with us, and they have an excuse. They say that our shipwrights are not enough to make those sea-going ships. If Jiangdong can send a hundred shipwrights over here," it can be considered. " Liu Feng smiled and nodded.

Immediately, he said again: "However, it will take some time."

"This subordinate understands." Jiang Wan already understood in his heart." He couldn't help saying.

At present, what Jiangxia lacks the most is "boat builders" who are patched together. It is far less powerful than Jingchu and Wuyue.

It is a big deal to take advantage of the benefits and get some benefits early.

There are a hundred shipwrights, plus their small family has at least 1000 people.It was enough to make Sun Quan feel distressed for a while.

However, regarding the losses caused by Liu Feng's dispatch of troops to Jiangdong, these losses were all small losses.Well, I would like to see how many city granaries were burned, how many ferries were burned, and how many warships were burned when Gan Ning went to war.

So in the end Sun Quan will still agree.

Then, the monarch and his ministers talked about the details, and Jiang Wan hurried down to prepare.

The time from Xiakou to Xiling was short, and Lu Su might be close to Xiling City at this moment.

After some preparations, Jiang Wan led some small officials and soldiers out of the west of Xiling City and waited outside the gate.

At this moment, Lu Su's convoy was about one mile away from Xiling City.

There were hundreds of people in the party, including dozens of carriages and 200 accompanying guards.The vehicles were all provided by Gan Ning, and most of them were loaded with some local products of Jiangdong.

Lu Su was sitting in the front carriage with a calm expression, but a sigh flashed in the depths of his eyes.

This time, the burden on Lu Su's shoulders is very heavy.

The last time Jiang Wan was on a mission, Jiangxia, who seemed to be a weak country, had to bear the burden of humiliation to negotiate waterways with Jiangdong.

Today, his missions are exactly the same as those of Jiang Wan.

It's just that the situation is completely opposite. Jiang Xia's strength and the ability of the water army have changed the status of both sides drastically.

Although Jiang Xia is not necessarily strong, but only in the navy." Jiang Dong is really not as good as Jiang Xia.

Lu Su recalled that the last time Jiang Wan was sent as an envoy, Sun Quan said that he would not be sick, "everything was received by him on his behalf. This time I came to Jiangxia" and I don't know what it will be like.

Lu Su sighed inwardly.

Soon, the mile was over.

Xiling City gradually came into Lu Su's eyes. Lu Su had visited this city once.Although the city does not have to go to Wucheng and Moling City in the east of the Yangtze River, it is still at an upper-middle level.

Especially the defense is amazing.

As long as 10 troops are stationed, even [-] people can resist for a long time.

The last time I came, I begged Liu Feng to return Zhou Yu's eldest son.Lu Su sighed even more in his heart.

This time, it's really difficult.

"Stop." The soldiers escorting the team were Gan Ning's sailors, and a military lord walking in front called to stop.Then he rode his horse to the side of Lu Su's carriage and said, "Mr. Zijing, Mr. Jiang Xia, the prefect of Jiangxia, is waiting outside the city gate."

Lu Su could already see Jiang Wan without the Marquis reminding him.

Nodding his head, Lu Su got out of the carriage.went up to welcome.

"Long time no see, how is Mr. Zijing?" Jiang Wan smiled and raised his fist.

"But it's a headache." Lu Su sighed and said with a little deep meaning.

"Hehe, if you feel tired from the journey, you can go to the prefect's mansion first to rest." Jiang Wan said with a slight smile.

Seeing that Jiang Wan didn't seem to understand the deep meaning in his words, or he did hear "but was pretending to be confused.

Lu Su sighed again in his heart, "I am more worried about this mission.

"It's really tiring, but it's just Wu Hou's entrustment, so I have to do my best." Lu Su smiled and said.

"In that case, please invite Mr. Zijing to go to the prefect's mansion." Jiang Wan said with the same smile.

"Please." Said" Jiang Wan stretched out his hand to let Lu Su get into the carriage.

"Please." Lu Su clasped his fists at Jiang Wan, and sat in the carriage again.Jiang Wan also stepped into the carriage.

The two teams merged into one and headed towards the prefect's mansion.

After arriving at the prefect's mansion, Jiang Wan sent the military marquis back to Xiakou to return to his command.The local products brought by Lu Su were temporarily placed in the front yard of the prefect's mansion.

After finishing the order, Jiang Wan led Lu Su into the hall.

Originally, Jiang Wan planned to perform some singing and dancing, but he didn't think Lu Su was in the mood to listen, so he gave up.

After sitting down with each other, Lu Su spoke first. He raised his fist and said to Jiang Wan, "The two families started fighting because of some small misunderstandings the day before yesterday. Today, the Marquis of Wu sent me here" so that the two families could turn the fighting into jade and clear up the misunderstanding. "Speaking" Lu Su pulled out a roll of bamboo slips from his sleeve.

Holding it in his hand, an attendant behind Jiang Wan immediately stepped forward, took the bamboo slip from Lu Su, and passed it to Jiang Wan.

After Jiang Wan took it, he briefly scanned it again. ps

On it are not only some local products of Jiangdong, but also some jade and bronze wares.Even if it is placed on exchanges between the two countries," it can be considered very rich.

This sincerity seems to exist.But it's just a cloud.As much as you give, you must seek ten times, a hundred times the benefits.This is country.If there is no broad interest, how can it be willing to pay the cost.

After Jiang Wan roughly scanned it, he put the bamboo slips on the table calmly.

"The war between the two countries is not a small misunderstanding." Jiang Wan said with a smile, without any reservations, how can the dispute between the two countries be reservations.

Just as the mouth is like the edge of a knife, strive for every inch.

"When I found out that merchant ships could sail directly to Liaodong, I really became greedy in Jiangdong. That's why I detained ten merchant ships. Not only did I come with five sea-going ships," but also returned the accompanying personnel. "There was no embarrassment on Lu Su's face, and he said calmly.

"Only five ships?" Jiang Wan asked without changing his expression.

In fact, Jiang Wan had guessed that the other five merchant ships might have been dispatched by Jiang Dong to go overseas to find another fifty merchant ships.

"After General Jiang Qin seized the merchant ships that day, he heard that there were still [-] merchant ships overseas. When he was greedy, he sent troops to go overseas, but he never returned. I am afraid that he encountered a storm." Speaking of this, Lu Su's face The board was a little heavy, he paused, and said again: "Marquis Wu also knew that the five warships suffered a lot of losses, so I came to Jiangxia this time, and there are twenty shipwrights" and their families.Hope that makes it up. "

Lu Su was very sincere.

The attitude is very firm and admits failure.The seized merchant ships will be returned to you." I will make up for the lost merchant ships. This time, Gan Ning does not intend to ask for the losses caused by Gan Ning.

Zhuge Jin can see this from the fact that Lu Su didn't mention Xu Sheng.

It's just that they want Liu Feng to stop fighting, but it's a little less.

Will Jiang Qin go back?Jiang Wan was a little surprised by the news of Lu Su, but then remembered that Liu Feng's strength at sea was tens of thousands.

Also relieved.

What's more, Jiangxia's navy has been rampant at sea for several months, while Jiangdong's navy is just out of the sea.It is common sense that Jiang Qin's entire army was wiped out in a battle between the two armies.

Some joy rose in Jiang Wan's heart.

Jiang Qin is a general, and his existence can resist Jiang Xia's expansion to a certain extent.Now going to Jiang Qin" can be said to have increased Jiangxia's power to invade Jiangdong in a disguised form.

"Hehe, I will accept this gift list on behalf of the general. It's just that this matter has to be decided by the general. It's just." Jiang Wan smiled slightly, "Naturally, Lu Su will not pass the test like this.

Hearing what Jiang Wan said, Lu Su's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately smiled, "I know that these are not enough to make up for Jiang Dong's fault, and there is one more thing, please tell the general."

Just now Lu Su saw that Jiang Wan was called Jiangxia prefect, and it was already inappropriate to call Liu Feng Liu Jiangxia, so he followed Jiang Wan in calling Liu Feng a general.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Wan raised his eyebrows, but he had a premonition that a meat scene was coming.

"Marquis Wu has promised that the two families will share the trade route to Liaodong, and hope to restore the good relationship between the two families." Lu Su looked up at Jiang Wan and said softly.

After speaking, Lu Su looked at Jiang Wan expectantly.

Jiang Dong was really sincere this time, in order to make Jiang Xia stop mobilizing troops against Jiang Dong."Loss" of Xu Sheng who was taken captive, Zhuge Jin didn't mention a word.

And make up for Jiang Xia's loss.It also needs to share the waterway with Jiangxia.

It was heartbreaking.No way, who told Jiang Xia's navy to drive straight in and cause a lot of damage.

Think of the attitude he got when "Jiang Wan went to Jiangdong as an envoy that day".

Liu Feng gritted his teeth and vowed to retaliate.Jiang Wan is fine, he can deal with it calmly.But Lu Su couldn't take it lightly. He went up to Sun Quan" and went down to Lu Su, and he didn't feel regretful.

Things that could be achieved through discussion and discussion at the beginning, but now they have to take the initiative to seek peace and send property, Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin, etc., may not be able to calm Liu Feng's anger.

Allowing the two to repair their relationship.

Don't want to, don't want to.The more he thought about it, the more Lu Su felt that he and Sun Quan had really committed a mess and made a fool of themselves.feel sad.

In the end, there is still a little grievance." Lu Su simply shook his head and didn't want to think about it.

Now people are knives and I am fish.It all depends on what Liu Feng thinks." If there is a disagreement, it may lead to permanent disaster.

I hope, I hope Liu Feng can be rational for a while.Let Jiangdong have a respite, restore their power, and study that new type of warship.

Against Jiang Xia.

Lu Su's feelings as a minister of the weak side." How could Jiang Wan not know.

When he went to Jiangdong as an envoy at the beginning, he also acted in a weak manner, hoping to calm things down.But in the end, Sun Quan actually claimed that he could not get sick.

"I still can't make the decision on this matter, the general still has to make the decision himself." Jiang Wan smiled slightly, shaking his head and said.

"Then ask Gong Yan to lead the general on your behalf." Lu Su felt even more uncertain when he saw Jiang Wan taking off.But still bite the bullet and begged to see Liu Feng.

"My master is in Changsha to inspect the river reinforcement work." I'm afraid I won't be able to return to Jiangxia for a while.Mr. Zijing please wait for a while. "Jiang Wan shook his head.

This off-word is really bad" is worse than Sun Quan's saying that he can't get sick.

If this is really in Changsha, Liu Feng can make a decision with a document, so why wait?

Even though Lu Su had cultivated himself well, he still couldn't help cursing inwardly.Find a reason, and let Jiang Dong save face.But knowing it is one thing, being able to expose it is another.

He obviously knew that Liu Feng was deliberately neglecting him, and it was naked neglect, which could not be exposed.One can imagine Lu Su's current mood.

Jiang Xia is not in a hurry, but Jiang Dong is in a hurry.

If Jiangxia sends troops to Jiangdong again, "come and burn it once. Last time it burned down the granary, and next time it will burn down the entire city.

Jiang Dong should stop messing around, and just hit him to death with tofu.

"Gong Yan is the prefect of Jiangxia, is it difficult for Gong Yan to make decisions at this time?" Lu Su had to let go of his posture again" asked.

"Now that General Yang Wu and Liu are sitting down, there are three counties of Jiujiang, Jiangxia, and Changsha. I am just a small Jiangxia prefect. At this time, this is a big matter, and it is really beyond my control. Please forgive me." Jiang Wan said In the direction of Changsha, he raised his fist.Sorry.

My side is as immovable as a mountain." Looking at Jiang Dong, he was in a hurry.

This is what Liu Feng wanted.To be honest, seeing Lu Su anxiously, Jiang Wan felt a little relieved.

Although he cultivated himself well, Jiang Wan still felt somewhat uncomfortable when Jiang Xia, Sun Quan, and Lu Su neglected him back then.

Seeing Lu Su anxious now, Jiang Wan found himself ashamed to feel better than Ji.

"Uh. I'm really going back as I live." The change in mentality surprised Jiang Wan, and she immediately put away her distracting thoughts.

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