Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 325 Cao Cao Lost the Cup

Even though Jiang Wan put away his mentality, he still followed Liu Feng's wishes and ignored Lu Su and Jiang Dong. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

It is to retaliate against Sun Quan with an eye for an eye.

Let Sun Quan and Lu Su be anxious.

Then, no matter how Lu Su changed his rhetoric and wanted Jiang Wan to agree to discuss the waterway, Jiang Wan would avoid answering and put everything on Liu Feng.

I can't decide what, so I'll wait for the general to come back.

Looking at Jiang Wan's face that was so thick-skinned that he was not surprised at all, Lu Su's teeth itched with hatred, but he couldn't help it.

Just like when Jiang Wan went to Jiangdong and asked to see Sun Quan, Lu Su kept him in front of him.

This may be retribution.

Do things yourself first, and then others retaliate against you.Lu Su also had something to say.

If you really want to, just like Jiang Wan did back then, come today, come back today. But he can't, he must persevere.

Jiangdong has no hole cards, like Jiangxia, who has that kind of extremely fast warship.

Moreover, in this battle, Jiangdong's warships lost a lot, and Jiang Qin was missing.The power has been greatly reduced.The advantage of the navy is gone" and it is still at a disadvantage.

Needless to say, the army, returning to the west, it is estimated that even the four cities of Jiujiang will not be able to break through.

Only Jiangxia can fight Jiangdong, and Jiangdong can't fight Jiangxia.

Still the same sentence, people are knives and I am fish.

"In this case, we can only wait for General Liu to return." Lu Sunai said, and then asked again: "I just don't know when Liu Jiangxia will return?"

"Reinforcing the river course is a century-old event, and there is no room for negligence. At least it will be January or February." Jiang Wan replied according to Liu Feng's instructions.

"January and February." Lu Su smiled wryly in his heart.

This is the deadline for Liu Feng to repay.He is really a person who can't stand the slightest grievance.

"So, I'll wait here for General Liu's return." With a mouthful of resentment, Lu Su had to swallow it back in his heart, Nai said.

"I'll send someone to arrange a residence for Mr. Jiang Wan." Jiang Wan nodded.

After finishing speaking, the two had nothing to talk about.Jiang Wan personally sent the depressed Lu Su to the arranged residence.

Outside the mansion where Lu Su was temporarily staying, Jiang Wan got into the carriage.

I feel a little refreshed in my heart.It's a wonderful feeling.

Jiang Wan's nature is to calm things down, and to reason when he can.Use force only when you can't reason.If you get angry, you can laugh it off.

He himself will not hold grudges against Sun Quan and Lu Su for neglecting him.

All actions were arranged by Liu Feng.

But at this moment, Jiang Wan actually felt a little refreshed.

I haven't tried it before. I really don't know how refreshing this feeling of tit for tat will be. This feeling" appeared once in the hall of the prefect's mansion, but at that time I was still dealing with Lu Su and was suppressed by Jiang Wan.

Now it is not necessary.

Feeling refreshed, Jiang Wan ordered the coachman to drive directly to General Yang Wu's residence.

After entering the General's Mansion, Jiang Wan asked the passing officials and learned that Liu Feng was in the study, so he started to walk towards the study.

At this moment" in the study.

Liu Feng was dealing with a day's official business, some of which were related to river affairs in the three counties, some were about the drought situation in various places, and others were civil matters.

At present, there is no official in charge of criminal affairs on Liu Feng's side.Some crimes about beheadings were all personally committed by Liu Feng.

But I just passed by, and I believe that Ma Liang, Xu Zheng and others have already dealt with it.Nothing will go wrong.

After Jiang Wan came in, "Liu Feng put down the official document in his hand" and asked with a smile, "How is it?"

Jiang Wan smiled and recounted the conversation with Lu Su with a smile, and then smiled again: "Although Lu Su felt sorry, he still stayed, and he didn't go back directly like I did before.", "Now I am strong, Jiangdong is weak. The situation is obvious, and Sun Quan has a winning strategy." Naturally, he must be patient in every possible way.It's a bad breath out of my heart. " Liu Feng said with a slight smile.

"Hehe." Even Jiang Wan felt a little relieved by the feeling of letting out a sigh of relief.Hehe smiled.

"Grind him first and let him wait. But simply making him wait is not an option. We have to show our posture so that Sun Quan has to bleed." Liu Feng laughed.

"My lord is saying." Jiang Wan said with a flash of eyes.

"I'll wait and send a letter to Gan Ningna" and asked him to practice the navy day and night, pretending to go south to Jiangdong again.Tell Lu Su, "Sun Quan has got the news. Tell them to hurry." Speaking of this, "Liu Feng's face turned cold" and said: "I want to let the people of Jiangdong know that the current Jiangxia is no longer the former Jiangxia."

"He hit me once, and I fought back harder."

"En." Jiang Wan nodded.

Now that Liu Feng had been reported, Jiang Wan got up and went back.Jiang Xia's affairs are quite busy now.Jiang Wan didn't have much time.

The effects of Gan Ning's Eastern Expedition have already begun to appear.

Jiang Dong was subdued and wanted peace.But Jiang Xia wanted to fight for more benefits, and used Gan Ning's deterrence to directly and rudely ask for benefits.

The wrangling between the two sides has already begun.

But this kind of effect is not only between Jiangdong and Jiangxia, but also many forces around.

Xiangyang" inside the Cai Mansion.

Cai Mao was in a daze while holding the bamboo slips in his hand.

A few days ago, Cai Mao and Kuai Yue got the news that Liu Feng was going to fight Jiangdong, and thinking that fighting Jiangdong would be a good thing, Cai Mao also wanted to help his son-in-law.

He sent Wenpin to Jiangling, and paid close attention to the quietness of Jiangdong.

But the information brought back was extremely astonishing.

Liu Feng's navy drove straight in and entered the hinterland of Jiangdong.The Jiangdong Navy seems to have collapsed, losing dozens of ferry crossings and several cities.

Before Cai Mao got this battle report, he didn't even dare to think about it.

Jiangdong, known as the enemy of the navy, was defeated and maimed without even moving under the threat of Gan Ning.

Because he was too excited, Cai Mao ignored the words "Gan Ning relied on the captain of the war to drive straight in" the intelligence said.

It was enough to defeat Jiangdong.Regardless of how he was killed.

At this moment, Huang Chengyan's words flashed across Cai Mao's mind.

This son is the person that the old man takes a fancy to.

Judging from this battle, "Liu Feng may really win the championship.

Cai Mao murmured.

"My Cai family can also find another way." Cai Mao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Wen Ping.

These two words gradually formed in Cai Mao's mind.

After thinking about it, Cai Mao didn't hesitate any longer, buried in the case and began to write quickly.

A total of two bamboo slips were written, one was a personal letter to Wenpin.If Cao Cao goes south," Ling Wenpin went south to the police and took refuge in Liu Feng.

The second letter was Feng Wenpin asking the prefect of Jiangling, temporarily stationed in Jiangling.

Wenpin now has an army of [-].If he takes refuge in Liu Feng, Liu Feng's power will be greatly increased at once.

After writing these two documents, Cai Mao said silently in his heart: "There is only this that can help you. If it is really a dragon", it will be cloudy and rainy. "

After sitting for a while, Cai Mao called a confidant house slave.Give the private letter to Wenpin to the slave and ask him to take it to Wenpin.

Afterwards, Cai Mao picked up the official documents, got up and left the study.

Now Jingchu is in charge of two people, and the intention of Tiao Wenpin to go to Jiangling is too obvious.You must talk to Kuai Yue.

Xu Du, the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Cao Cao set up a small banquet in the side hall.Apart from Cao Cao, there were only a few civil servants present.

Xun Or, Xun You" Jia Xu, Cheng Yu and so on.

Cao Cao was wearing a plain robe" with a gloomy face on his face.

The last attack on Liaodong was very difficult. Hundreds of thousands of troops marched together, but they only fought a tie with Gongsun Kang, Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi and others, and finally retreated because of the lack of food.

Work hard and mobilize the masses, and return with success.

This is enough to make Cao Cao depressed, but at least Cao Cao also came on the battlefield.Months of conditioning" almost lifted my spirits.

But at this time, Guo Jia died.

Just one month ago," Cao Cao buried Guo Jia himself.

In the process of pacifying the north, "Cao Cao accepted four people who contributed the most, Xun He, Guo Jia, Xun You, and Cheng Yu.

Among them, Xun or is the most. Whenever Cao Cao goes out to fight, "Xun or sits in the rear" with enough soldiers and food.

The second is Guo Jia, who can win battles by counting fortunes.

The third one is Xun You and Cheng Yu.Jia Xu's words "Cao Cao basically doesn't tell him if he doesn't ask" are often just decorations.

Now that Guo Jia is gone, Cao Cao's heart is clouded.

"My lord, although I have suffered some minor setbacks in Liaodong, the power is still there. As long as a year passes, the crisis of the bottom of the granary will be relieved. At that time, if we go to Liaodong again, we will surely win." Seeing Cao Cao depressed, Cheng Yu persuaded him.

"What Zhong De said is" the world is not at peace today.There is Liaodong in the north, Ma Teng and Han Sui in the west, Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, Liu Zhang in Shu, Liu Feng in Jingchu, and Sun Quan in Wuyue. It is the time for a man to establish a career, and it is time to raise your spirits and sweep out the gangsters." Xun You He also said persuasion.

Cao Cao's image and emotions can drive the whole north.

If Cao Cao took a nap and fell ill.Maybe people in the north will panic.

At this time "Cao Cao can't lose his ambition.

"What Zhongde and Gongda said is true. Gu can't relax." Cheng Yu and Xun You's words cheered up Cao Cao and swept away the obstinacy in his heart.

"Now the big man is still thriving, and the order destroyed by the Yellow Turban, Dong Zhuo, etc. has also been restored. Except for a few minor troubles on the border, it can be said that the situation is very good. There is nothing to worry about." Hahaha.Come for a drink.Let's sing and dance again. " Cao Cao laughed loudly.

As he spoke, Cao Cao raised the wine glass in his hand.He intends to get drunk with his officials.

Xun He, Cheng Yu and others also raised their glasses to respond to Cao Cao.

But at this moment, Prime Minister Chang Shi walked in.The shocked expression surprised Cao Cao.

"Duke Ming, Liu Fengshui's army attacked Wu and won a great victory."

"Touch." The wine glass in Cao Cao's hand dropped to the ground.

But Cao Cao didn't realize it.This news was like a basin of cold water chilling Cao Cao.What a good mood, the mood of watching singing and dancing is gone.

It was because of Liu Feng.

"It's been more than a year, and it's only been a little over a year. This unknown junior has grown from an unknown name to what he is now. Captured my favorite general, captured my city, and defeated Jiangdong again. If you give him time..." Jing Chu would give him possession up.By the time the set is truly full-fledged, hard to restrain. "

Compared with Liu Feng, Gongsundu in Liaodong is just a minor problem.

"Let's attack Jingchu first next year. This son can no longer give him an environment to grow up." Cao Cao said coldly.

Xun Yu and the others looked at each other face to face, but no one objected.

Cao Cao is right, "This person has risen too fast, too fast. Now he has become a skyrocketing trend. If he is given the opportunity, he might swallow Chu."

There is a strong enemy, and it must be eradicated as soon as possible. ! ~!

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