Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 336 Xu Shu's Opportunity

Xinye, on the avenue near the prefect's mansion. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

A carriage was surrounded by many guards and drove down the aisle.

Sitting in the carriage was Liao Li.

Recently, Liao Li has been very proud of his life and became the chief bookkeeper. In terms of treatment, Liu Bei is also very courteous, with many followers and concubines.

Just like now, the carriage is surrounded by more than a dozen armored guards.And a few months ago, Liao Li was just a famous person with a relatively wealthy family background.

It stands to reason that Liao Li should be more satisfied with all this.

But the fact is not the case, Liao Li pays for his talents and learning.Not under Zhuge Liang, but the position is always under Zhuge Liang.

With jealousy and hatred in his heart, he often sings against Zhuge Liang.

Even though he felt that Zhuge Liang was right, Liao Li also said that Zhuge Liang was wrong.

Just like the war between Liu Feng and Sun Quan, Zhuge Liang said that the outcome was hard to tell, but he said that Liu Feng would lose.

It's in favor of Liu Bei.But when the news of the battle ahead came back, Liao Li found out that it was not the case at all.

Liu Feng won, and it was a big victory.The water army drove straight in, burning dozens of ferries and several cities.Not what a big win is.

The navy, Liu Feng's navy actually directly invaded Jiangdong.

Who would have believed this a few months ago, but it happened.

Earlier, Liao Li had threatened that Liu Feng would be defeated, but in a blink of an eye Liu Feng actually won.Although Liu Bei didn't say anything, Liao Li secretly suspected that Liu Bei might alienate him.

The only good thing is that Zhuge Liang was also wrong. Zhuge Liang once said that Liu Feng would draw with Jiangdong, which was also wrong.

But Liao Li still felt that Zhuge Liang's threat was too great and he needed to get rid of him as soon as possible.

If you want to do it, you have to be a confidant.Liu Bei's dedicated adviser.

Heartbroken, Liao Li ordered: "Go, go to Xu Shu's mansion."

"Promise." The leader of the entourage promised, and turned to the Xu residence according to Liao Li's instructions.

Xu Mansion is still that mansion" but it is no longer as prominent as before.

Although Xu Shu still holds the position of a military advisor, Liu Bei has completely left Xu Shu aside in some important affairs.

This is all because of the people Xu Shu and Liu Bei hate, Liu Feng's relationship is too thick, and the relationship between teachers and students is almost comparable to that of father and son in this era.

Liu Bei had to stay away from Xu Shu.

But now Liao Li wants to unite Xu Shu and Zhuge Liang to fight for power and profit.According to Liao Li's thinking, Xu Shu should be a victim of a power struggle, and should have ambitions to regain his own power.

The carriage soon arrived at Xu Shu's mansion.

Now the gate of the Xu Mansion is closed even during the daytime, and there is not even a guard standing guard in front of the gate, which shows the desperation.

Liao Li became more confident in his plan.

"Go and knock on the door." Liao Li said to his followers.

"No." The attendant answered, and knocked on the door.

Soon the concierge opened the door a little, and when he heard that Liao Li, the chief bookkeeper, was visiting, he went in and reported it.

In the study, Xu Shu sat on the main seat and read a book.

He was wearing casual clothes and looked very relaxed.There is no outsider's imagination of Zhongzhou's downfall, but the demeanor of a celebrity is getting stronger and stronger.

Only the occasional flashes of light in his eyes can make people realize that the current Xu Yuanzhi is still Xu Yuanzhi.

A man who threatened to help the monarch, established a career as a king, and was a man of peerless talent and learning.

Xu Shu has been neglected for a year, but the reason why Xu Shu doesn't look lonely is because of his good attitude.In the past year, Xu Shu has read a lot.

I feel that my imagination and knowledge have been greatly improved.Self-improvement.

Xu Shu in the past was not well-trained and could not achieve complete peace of mind.When encountering angry things," he would also be angry. But Xu Shu felt that he would not be able to do it now.

This is very important.

If one day I can resume my official career, my role will be even greater.Xu Shu thought in his heart.Now that he is back in office, he will no longer consider Liu Bei.

What Xu Shu is thinking about now is his disciple, Liu Feng.

At present, the news of Liu Feng's victory has not reached his ears, and Xu Shu didn't even know that Liu Feng was fighting Jiangdong.

No one told him.But he believes that Liu Feng can solve any difficulties he encounters by himself.

During the three years of teaching Liu Feng, Xu Shu cultivated his confidence in this disciple.In the past year, Liu Feng's almost rocket-like ascension speed" made Xu Shu trust this disciple even more.

Liu Bei was estranged from Xu Shu, and Xu Shu might have been desperate for Liu Bei.

Just then" the porter came to report that Liao Li had come to see him.

Xu Shu was surprised." Liao Li had heard of this person and met him several times, but there was no intersection.

This is not surprising, his current status is embarrassing, and Liao Limei is Liu Bei's close minister, so naturally he has to draw a clear line with him.

It is strange that Liao Li suddenly came to see him now.

"Open the middle door, please come in." Although it was strange, Xu Shu didn't want to be rude.Xu Shu said.

"No." The porter replied, and quickly went to open the middle door.Xu Shu walked out of the study and greeted Liao Li outside the door.

After a while, Liao Li walked in.Liao Li first sized up Xu Shu, and was surprised to see that Xu Shu didn't look downcast, but had an elegant demeanor.

Didn't this person lose his rights?It stands to reason that a man should not have power for a day, and Xu Shu should be down and out at the moment, lonely.

When Liao Li was sizing up Xu Shu, Xu Shu stepped forward to meet him, raised his fist with a smile and said, "Master Liao, please forgive me for being too far away to welcome you."

"That's too polite sir." Liao Li bowed first, then said with a smile, "I don't know who I am, I'm a bad guest. Don't be offended, sir."

This answer has an elegant temperament.It made Xu Shu miss him too, and gave Liao Li a high opinion.

"Hehe. Let's talk inside first." Xu Shu chuckled and bent over to lead the way.

"Thank you." Liao Li nodded and walked in calmly.

The two entered the study and sat down with each other.Xu Shu ordered the maid to bring more tea.

After raising his glass and taking a sip, Liao Licai said with a smile, "I'm here to tell you something."

"Oh? What do you need Master Liao to come to inform you in person?" Xu Shu asked in surprise.

"Hehe, this is the name of the master, but the master is born. If Yuan Zhi does not give up, just call me Gongyuan." First he smiled, and Liao Licai said: "The news just came that General Yang Wu Liu Feng launched an army to crusade against Jiangdong, and the naval army burned several crossings in Jiangdong, and returned with a big victory."

"Is there any external help?" Xu Shu frowned.

"No, Cai Mao didn't move." Liao Li laughed.

This was really unexpected.Not long after Liu Feng occupied Jiangxia, his foundation was not solid.The navy is not strong, and there are not many warships.It can actually suppress Jiangdong.

How is this going.

Seeing Xu Shu's surprise, Liao Li smiled slightly and said, "The benefit of the warship."

Xu Shu nodded, feeling relieved.Warships are also a kind of external force. If the warships are much more advanced, they can really catch people by surprise.

However, now that Cao Cao is going south, that disciple is against Jiangdong.

It's not beautiful to fight with lips and teeth.What is Pang Tong doing.Nor do they advise.Immediately, Xu Shu complained to Pang Tong.

After all, Xu Shu had been separated from Liu Feng for a year. He didn't know how strong and assertive Liu Feng is now.

Fight Cao Cao and attack Sun Quan.Jiang Wan never tried to persuade Gu Pangtong, but in the end Liu Feng made a strong attack and won all of them.

Liu Feng's self-confidence and ability have been cultivated in this process.

"Now that Liu Feng is thriving, like the sun is rising in the sky. But the lord is still living in Xinye. I don't know what Yuan Zhi feels in his heart?" Liao Li suddenly asked deeply.

"The area is not good, and the situation is not good." Xu Shu had a good feeling for Liao Li, so he replied casually.

"No." Liao Li shook his head, and said with some seriousness: "The lord's prestige is as high as the sky, but now it is in decline. The battle of Wancheng caused even more loss of soldiers and generals."

"What does Gongyuan mean?" Xu Shu noticed something different and frowned.

The words are so obvious, and they are still pretending to be stupid.

Everyone works together to move to Zhuge Liang, and then divide up the power is a matter of mutual benefit.What a fool.

He cursed secretly in his heart, but Liao Li said with a slight smile on his face: "Zhuge Kong's rule of the county is good, but his general is not good. On the contrary, sir, he is a little better."

After saying that, Liao Li paused, and said without shame: "Mr. was the one who asked Kong Ming to come out of the mountain, but now Kong Ming holds great power in civil and military affairs, and everything has to go through his hands. But Mr. is alienated by the lord, as if he is at home. It's really shameful."

These words are already very blatant.

Xu Shu frowned when he heard this, Liao Li was right, the existence of Zhuge Liang was the reason why Liu Bei alienated him directly, because Liu Bei felt that someone could take his place.

But this does not mean that Zhuge Liang squeezed him out, on the contrary, Zhuge Liang is a very generous person. ,

Xu Shu and Zhuge Liang have a very good personal relationship.

It was all because of Liu Feng.

But Liao Li was half puzzled, but used the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman.

Moreover, Xu Shu has already heard it.Liao Liming obviously hated Zhuge Liang, but he knew that he had no strength to contend with Zhuge Liang, so he wanted to unite him and move to Zhuge Liang.

But he has to come up with such high-sounding reasons to slander Zhuge Liang first.Stir his wrath.

It's really shameless to be a human being.

If it had been a year ago, Xu Shu would have been furious and driven Liao Li away.But now Xu Shu's self-cultivation has improved a lot.

Although he was angry in his heart, he had a slight smile on his face, and said, "Gong Yuan has found the wrong person. I don't have any ambitions, and I think the current situation is not bad."

Liao Li touched a soft nail, and immediately became unhappy.His complexion also became ugly.

In front of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, he needed to pretend to be elegant, but in front of Xu Shu who had lost his power, Liao Li couldn't pretend to be elegant.

"In that case, I'll take my leave." Liao Li said coldly, got up and left immediately.

Feeling ruthless in my heart, I'm just a military adviser who has lost power, so why should I be so proud.Since the toast does not eat fine wine.Then collect you first.

"This person is really a villain." Seeing Liao Li leaving with hatred because of a disagreement.Xu Shu expressed his evaluation in his heart. ! ~!

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