Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 337 Lu Su's Face Is Too Ugly

Just when the princes of the world were looking sideways at the news that Liu Fengshui's army had driven straight into Jiangdong, a month passed in a flash. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

In the courtyard where Lu Su was temporarily placed, Lu Su clasped his hands lightly, walking back and forth in the courtyard anxiously.

Xiakou Shuijun's frequent drills, put on a look, the news of another expedition has reached Lu Su's ears.He first confirmed the accuracy of the information.

After reaching a conclusion, he immediately sent his followers to report to Sun Quan.

Just yesterday, the entourage brought back Sun Quan's order to ease the relationship with Jiang Xia at all costs.

Lu Su knew, he knew that Jiang Dong was in a weak position and needed help from others.

The assembly of Xiakou's army at this time may be a smoke from Liu Feng.But Jiangdong couldn't afford to lose.

Liu Feng's ability to attack Jiangdong once proves that he has no scruples.It's not impossible to do it again.

Therefore, even though Lu Su knew it might be smoke, he still couldn't help but feel dizzy.

Although Sun Quan's reply gave him great power.But right now it is not possible to resolve the situation.

He can't even meet Liu Feng now, so why talk about easing the relationship between Jiang Dong and Jiang Xia?

I remembered that a month ago, Jiang Wan said that Liu Feng would not return it until January or February.

The magnitude of this February is too great.

It has been a month now, and it would take another month for Liu Feng to return Jiang Xia.Perhaps Gan Ning's navy has already left Xiakou.

"Ridiculous." I didn't expect that in Jiangdong, a force known as the number one naval force, there would be a day when I was afraid of the opponent's navy.

This change of concept is too fast.

Lu Su felt absurd in his heart.

But the seemingly absurd thing happened, and it happened in just a few short months.

No, we must find a way to meet Liu Feng.Lu Su stopped and made up his mind.

"Come here, set up the frame" to go to the Jiangxia prefect's mansion. "Lu Su shouted towards the outside.

After a while, there was a carriage standing outside the house with more than ten attendants.After changing his clothes, Lu Su boarded the carriage.

The carriage slowly headed towards the prefect's mansion.

Since the beginning of this month, Lu Su went to the prefect's mansion every three days to ask for news, and now he has to ask almost every day.

Of course Lu Su knew that it might be useless to do so, "If Liu Feng doesn't see you, he just doesn't see you. There's nothing you can do about Liu Feng.

But Lu Su still ran back and forth tirelessly.I hope that one day Liu Feng will be in a better mood and be able to see him.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the gate of the prefect's mansion.

I asked the guard in front of the door and learned that Jiang Wan was handling official duties in the study.Lu Su didn't need to report, he just walked in.

He has only lived in Jiangxia for a month, but he has visited the prefect's mansion no less than twenty times.Lu Su has become a familiar face.

In the study, Jiang Wan was dealing with official business.

Wearing a formal suit, buried in the desk.

"Oh. Zijing is here." Hearing footsteps outside the door, Jiang Wan looked up. Seeing that it was Lu Su, he smiled and said.

He secretly looked at Lu Su, the anxiety in his eyes could not be concealed.

Jiang Wan noticed that Lu Su had become a lot more anxious recently, but he didn't gloat or sympathize with his misfortune.If Jiang Xia is now in Jiang Dong's position, he should be the one who is anxious.

Seeing Jiang Wan greeting with a touch of joy in his expression, Lu Su felt an urge to kill him with a sword.Lu Su is not a weak scholar, on the contrary he has good swordsmanship.

And these days, when Lu Su came every day, Jiang Wan always had this smile. Seeing Jiang Wan, Lu Su felt that his mood would become even more anxious.

But Lu Su had to force a smile again, and asked: "At the beginning, Gong Yan once said that General Liu was strengthening the river in Changsha" and he could return it in one or two months.Now that January has passed, I wonder if the general has returned it? "

Maybe he's used to it, when he said this," Lu Su didn't think Jiang Wan would reply that Liu Feng had returned.

Lu Su was ready to wrestle.

But very unexpectedly, Jiang Wan smiled and said, "It's a coincidence that Zijing came. My lord returned to Xiling half a day ago and is currently in the General's Mansion."

This month, Liu Fenglian took a step out of General Yang Wu's residence.What Jiang Wan said was pure nonsense.

But Lu Su doesn't care about these, as long as he can see Liu Feng.

After being a bit stunned, Lu Su immediately said happily: "Please also ask Gong Yan to take me to Gu General Liu."

"No need." Jiang Wan said with a slight smile, "Zijing's purpose for coming here" roughly, I have already reported it to the lord.Zijing just needs to go to the general's mansion to meet the lord. "

As he spoke, Jiang Wan raised his head and shouted towards the door: "Come here!" Take Mr. Zijing to the General's Mansion. "

promise. "As promised, a guard walked in.

"Mr. Zijing, please." After entering," the guard first bowed to Jiang Wan, and then respectfully said to Lu Su.

"Thank you Gongyan." Lu Su bowed deeply to Jiang Wan, and then followed the guards out of the study.

Jiang Wan accepted Lu Su's obeisance calmly.If he hadn't spoken to Liu Feng and left Lu Su alone for a month, it would be time to deal with the relationship between the two.

Liu Feng thought about it and saw Lu Su.

Otherwise, according to Liu Feng's words, if it can be delayed for a day, it will be delayed for a day.

"He who understands current affairs is a hero. I hope Zijing can agree to the master's conditions." Jiang Wan said with a smile towards the door.

Outside the door, Lu Su was in another mood.

It's been a month, in an anxious situation, a month of waiting.Finally got to see Liu Feng.

Lu Su could hardly hide his trembling for a while.

It wasn't until he got into the carriage that Lu Su's emotional fluctuations slowly calmed down.

Meeting Liu Feng is just the starting point, but it doesn't mean that the goal will be achieved.Lu Su knew this very well.Taking a deep breath, Lu Su calmed himself down completely.

Close your eyes and rest your mind.

Soon, the carriage arrived outside the gate of the General's Mansion.The guard sent by Jiang Wan will lead the way." Lu Su also entered the General's Mansion smoothly.

Lu Su was also very familiar with this mansion.I was here last time.Last time it was the prefect's mansion, but now it is General Yang Wu's mansion.

It's just that compared with the ease last time, Lu Su has realized what it means to be extremely difficult this time.

I also pay more attention to this opportunity. No matter what kind of cold talk I face, I will complete the goal of this mission.

With this belief in mind, Lu Su walked into Zi's study.

"Foreigner Lu Su, I have met General Liu." As soon as he entered the study, Lu Su greeted the white figure who was kneeling beside him.

This white figure is naturally Liu Feng.

He was wearing a ruddy white robe today, and he didn't wear a crown on his head, just a cloth scarf, and his expression was relatively indifferent.

When Lu Su came in, he was reading a roll of bamboo slips.

"Yeah." Liu Feng hummed lightly.He put down the bamboo slips in his hand.

You must know that "Liu Feng was very enthusiastic about Lu Su last time, Lu Zijing, the winner of the Sun Liu Alliance.

Zhou Yu and Lu Su were the two who led Jiang Dong to work hard, resisted Cao Cao's attack, and chased Cao Cao.

But Liu Feng didn't pay attention at that time, and he foresaw that the relationship with Sun Quan would come to where it is today.Now the two parties are already in conflict.

Lu Su also ran to Liu Feng for Wu Hou Sun Quan, so naturally he was no longer polite to him.

Lu Su has a lot of friends, but he has never encountered such a situation.

As the host, no matter how unpleasant people are, they still have to exchange a few false greetings.But Liu Feng was fine, with a calm expression and no enthusiasm at all.

Compared with the last time we met, it was a world of difference.

Looking at Liu Ba's attire, he has a strong sense of home.It doesn't look like what should be worn on a formal diplomatic occasion.

Not to mention how uncomfortable Lu Su felt.

But who told them to be weak this time.And he started the war first, putting on a bullying posture.Waiting to see Liu Feng's jokes, it turned out to be the opposite.They were defeated.

It's really self-inflicted, and I can't blame anyone.

Therefore, Lu Su felt uncomfortable for a while and then calmed down.

There was a bit of a smile on his face, and he said: "General Liu must have known the purpose of the foreign minister's visit. I don't know what General Liu thinks?"

"Jiang Wan said it in general terms. I only know about some details and I don't understand it. Please repeat, Mr. Zijing." Liu Feng raised his head and took a formal look at Lu Su.

He didn't mean to ask Lu Su to sit down, but just said casually.

Lu Su didn't care either. Seeing Liu Feng's attitude, he already knew that there would be no good fruit for him this time.

"Sea ships sent by General Liu to Liaodong" We seized ten ships.Five of them were returned to the general, along with most of their entourage.But the other five ships sank at sea.Marquis Wu knew that the ship was a rare item of gold and silver, and the general also looked down upon it.So Marquis Wu is willing to use twenty skilled shipwrights to make up for these five sea-going ships. "Lu Su has been thinking about these things these days, so he spoke smoothly.

Speaking of this, Lu Su paused, raised his head and looked at Liu Feng sincerely and said: "As for the waterway," Marquis Wu has already agreed, and the two sides will share it. From then on, Jiangdong will not block Jiangxia's ships. "

To be honest, this price is already very reasonable.

Those twenty skilled shipwrights were enough to build one or two hundred ships in their lifetime.

But who said that Liu Feng's side is in full swing now, while Jiangdong's side is weak.

Moreover, who told Liu Feng to hate Jiang Dong for being domineering?

If it was placed before the war, the price would be very appropriate.But now.

"Sharing the waterway is indeed the minimum condition." Liu Feng nodded and smiled.

This smile really shook Lu Su's heart.Indifference, from indifference to smile, this is a good change.

But the next moment, Lu Su's heart tugged again.

"It's just that the previous one made up for Jiang Xia's loss. Sir, he only mentioned a part of my Jiang Xia's loss, which makes people angry." Liu Feng said with a cold gleam in his eyes.

It's been a month, but it reminded Liu Feng of one thing.Something that could be used to extort Jiangdong in a high-sounding manner.

"Here we come." Lu Su's heart skipped a beat, but he knew it was time to make things difficult.He couldn't help cheering up his spirits, and asked cautiously: "As far as the foreign officials know," Jiang Xia's loss was only five warships.Why did General Liu say that the five warships were part of it. "

Indeed, Lu Su couldn't understand this question.

"Sir, but I forgot. My merchant ship was returned, and there were sixty searches. Because you Jiangdong detained ten of my warships, the remaining fifty had to avoid disaster at sea. I recently got the news." They all sank.Isn't this loss counted on you Jiangdong? "Liu Fengwen said with a smile.

Anyway, the fifty warships should be in Taiwan now. If Taiwan continues to blockade, the people in Jiangdong will never know that the fifty sea-going ships are still at sea.

They'll just think it's sunk.

Originally, whether it sank or not has nothing to do with Jiangdong.But now Jiangdong and his gang are bent on seeking peace, and Liu Feng has made this matter grand.

Put all the responsibility on Jiang Dong.

Liu Feng knew that if Lu Su wanted to seek peace, he had to fight.

Sure enough, Liu Feng saw a trace of deep, deep anger in Lu Su's eyes. Lu Su was also a stubborn person, and he could also be like Jiang Wan, who would leave without saying a word.

But it can't now, Jiangdong has no advantage, no cards.

Therefore, the anger in Lu Su's eyes was quickly hidden.If it weren't for Liu Feng's sharp eyes and his staring at Lu Su, he would not have noticed it.

Lu Su remembered Sun Quan's order to suspend the relationship with Jiang Xia at all costs. He took a deep breath, raised his fist and said, "I wonder if General Liu has any suggestions? "

This time it was really torn apart, Lu Su didn't even keep his smile, he was as indifferent as Liu Feng.

"It's up to me to decide." Liu Feng said with a slight smile. "These fifty warships, Sun Quan was very generous before. Five ships are twenty shipwrights. I don't want him for these fifty ships." Two hundred shipwrights.I want a hundred shipwrights. "

"The rest of the accompanying sailors." As he spoke, Liu Feng frowned, and said, "Sir, I know too." Sailors are not easy to recruit, especially those who dare to enter the sea and are experienced.I don't want much, just a thousand gold.In addition, "the settlement expenses of these sailors will also be paid by you", which is a thousand gold. "

"This plus the more than 600 war horses on board, according to the market price, it will cost [-] gold. It adds up to just [-] gold." As he spoke, Liu Feng raised his head and looked at Lu Su with an ugly face. "Lu smiled and said: "I don't know if Mr. thinks my algorithm is wrong? "

Lu Su's face was not only ugly, it was frighteningly dark.

Liu Feng is pure extortion.Hundreds of sailors cost two thousand gold.What can two thousand gold do?What is the concept of being able to buy [-] to [-] shi of grain.

It can feed [-] troops for [-] months.

War horse?That's right, war horses in Jiangdong are about eleven gold a horse, and they are not the kind of high-quality war horses.Liu Feng's calculation of [-] gold is very reasonable.

Seems reasonable.But Liu Feng came directly from Liaodong by selling horses.

Lu Su dares to assert that the cost will not exceed the hardware.In the blink of an eye, Jiangji's profit will be doubled. jn merchants, and also jn merchants among jn merchants.

In addition, a hundred shipwrights would be even more aggressive.

There are only six or seven hundred shipwrights in Jiangdong, but when Liu Feng opened his mouth, there were a hundred, which was almost one-sixth of Jiangdong's shipwrights.

After experiencing the First Battle of the Navy, "Jiangdong's warships lost a lot. Sun Quan is still counting on these shipwrights to speed up the construction of warships.

Besides, sending a hundred shipwrights would definitely take the family with them.At least one or two thousand people should be sent.

This knife was cruel enough, it's no wonder that Lu Su's face is not ugly.

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