Chapter 330 Eight is Cheap (Second)

But ugly is ugly, and Lu Su was afraid that Liu Feng would use force if he disagreed with him. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

The current Jiangdong is like a little girl who has no defenses. If Liu Feng uses force, he will definitely suffer.

Thinking of what Sun Quan said, he should temporarily ease the relationship with Liu Feng at any cost, and fight Liu Feng again after the food and grass are sufficient in the coming year.

Thinking about it this way, the anger in Lu Su's heart was slightly removed, and he became more rational.

But this does not mean that Lu Su is willing to suffer this loss.You are only allowed to ask for prices, and I am not allowed to sit on the ground and pay back the money?

Lu Su is a bold man. When Zhou Yu asked him to borrow food, he directly lent half of his family's food to Zhou Yu.

So Lu Su hates businessmen who care about every detail, but Lu Su is also a qualified adviser.He knew how to fight for Sun Quan's interests.

Therefore, at this moment Lu Su decided to be a businessman.

"General Liu was joking. This account cannot be calculated in this way. First of all, it is the one hundred shipwrights. It was Wuhou's deep apology that I gave it to the general's shipwrights earlier. It does not mean that twenty shipwrights are worth five sea-going ships. For the fifty sea-going ships, we can join in the rush work and build them within three months to make up for the general." His temper became much calmer, and Lu Su smiled again.

Liu Feng's expression did not change, it seemed that one ear listened and the other ear forgot.

Liu Feng's attitude made Lu Su feel a little helpless.But he decided to fight his case anyway.

The words just now opened up Lu Su's thoughts. After thinking quickly in his heart, Lu Su smiled and said, "As for those sailors, Jiang Dong is willing to accompany them. Even paying 3000 people is fine. As for those sailors who sank in the sea , I have no problem with their settlement expenses, one thousand gold is one thousand gold."

"Finally, there are war horses. There is a waterway, and Liaodong is close at hand. When Marquis Wu builds a sea ship, he can quickly send people to Liaodong. At that time, there will be a steady stream of war horses, and they will definitely be rationed to sir."

Liu Feng looked at Lu Su who was talking boastfully, and sneered in his heart, and he said it lightly.

It will take several months to build fifty ships for Lu Su.For the loss of the sailors, Lu Su is willing to accompany three thousand.Maybe it's from San Viet.War horses are even more ridiculous.

Liu Feng knew that Sun Quan would never even think about importing war horses from Liaodong. When he was conspiring with Jiang Wan and Yiji, Liu Feng ordered the waterway to be blocked.

As long as it is a merchant ship from Soochow, it will be robbed.

Liaodong's war horses are just floating clouds to Jiangdong.

Now it seems that Sun Quan owes Liu Feng a large sum of money, and Liu Feng wants to ask for it back.But Lu Su said that the money will be paid back in a few months.

Repaying debts is a matter of course.If ordinary people owe each other debts, maybe they will pay back some face.If you don't wait to use it, pay it back in a few months.

But now is the handover of power and power, what is needed is to fight for every inch of land and every inch of profit.

How could Liu Feng give Sun Quan face.

"If those sea-going ships are still there, in a few months, I can also organize a merchant ship to go to Liaodong. I haven't settled the loss with my husband, but I have started bargaining." Liu Feng sneered without concealing .

"This." After all, Lu Su was not a businessman, so his rhetoric was forced, and it was only when he established a gentle relationship with each other that he could make the other party back down.

But now Jiangxia and Jiangdong are like fire and water.

Delayed for months, it is simply not possible.

Therefore, Lu Su suddenly had no excuses.

"In fact, [-] gold is not a big deal. In comparison, Gan Ning's crusade against Jiangdong caused a loss of more than [-] gold. Think about the major ferries that Jiangdong gradually built, think of the burned granaries, warships, Baggage. And the [-] shi of grain lost in Moling City. And Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin. I am afraid that these add up to not less than [-] gold. Especially Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin, these two people are not measured by price, They are priceless." Liu Feng said meaningfully.

Lu Su hesitated, and finished speaking.Lu Su immediately realized that bargaining was not his forte.

And Liu Feng looked more like a businessman.

"If Zijing can't make the decision, the matter can be postponed for ten days. Zijing can take the opportunity to contact Sun Quan and let Sun Quan make the decision." Seeing Lu Su's hesitation but indecision, Liu Feng smiled slightly.

Now he is strong and powerful, while Jiangdong is small and weak.He only needs the presence of the old god, but Lu Su has to worry about it.

On this matter, Lu Su really wanted to discuss with Sun Quan, and Liu Feng's words were also very tempting.

But Lu Su had already begun to doubt Liu Feng's character.This person is more like a general than a businessman.

If you are like a businessman, if the price is the same today and the price is the same tomorrow, you will lose a lot.

Moreover, Lu Su cared very much about Sun Quan's orders.At all costs, we must suspend our relationship with Jiang Xia.

Still have to be more cautious, don't lose the big because of small things.What is lost can be regained in old age.Lu Su found some comforting words in his heart, but they couldn't change the fact.

Liu Feng asked for a price all over the sky, that is powerful.But they don't have the strength to sit on the ground and raise prices.

In the coming year, who knows what the coming year will be like.

Doubtful in his heart, but Lu Su still gritted his teeth, nodded and said: "Okay, the general's losses will be replenished by Marquis Wu."

"Okay, Mr. Zijing is indeed a straightforward person." Liu Feng was not surprised when Lu Su agreed, but he still said hello and said with a smile.

Lu Su was not in the same mood as Liu Feng. He considered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "There is one thing, please be accommodating."

After getting [-] gold for nothing, Liu Feng was in a good mood, and his complexion improved a lot.He smiled and said, "Say."

"The general also knows that I have spent countless money and food to pacify the chaos in Jiangdong, and the gold has almost bottomed out. I'm afraid I won't be able to spend [-] gold." Lu Sunai said.

If it hadn't been for the end of the mountain, Sun Quan would not have swallowed his anger so much.

"What do you mean, sir?" Liu Feng frowned.He knew about Jiangdong's situation, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.The six counties and 81 states in the east of the Yangtze River can't even get [-] gold.

In fact, Liu Feng didn't know that Sun Quan had an unusual attachment to Wu Dao, and a large part of the money was paid to Wu Dao.

This is what caused the lack of money.

However, Lu Su is very clear about these.The existence of Wu Dao, and Sun Quan thought that Wu Dao was better than Chu Dao, this is where Sun Quan relied.

The so-called food and grass will be abundant in the coming year, and Liu Feng will settle accounts with Wu Dao.

The existence of Wu Dao has also spawned another industry, which is the mining industry.Now there are many iron mines in Jiangdong.Some have always existed, while others were specially mined by selected people.

That's right, Lu Su wanted to replace gold with iron ore.

This is impossible, Jiangdong has no gold, but Liu Feng wants gold, he is strong, and Sun Quan has to suffer.

"I Jiangdong produced [-] catties of iron, how about it?" Lu Su asked tentatively.

Liu Feng's heart skipped a beat, and then he was ecstatic.

gold?Liu Feng really didn't need that stuff, the one he snatched from Jiangling was enough for Liu Feng to squander for more than ten years.With a price tag of [-] gold, Liu Feng just wanted to weaken Jiang Dong.

But iron ore is different.Although [-] catties of pig iron is not too much, because pig iron cannot be directly forged, it needs to be smelted first, and then it can be forged.

After the processes in the middle, maybe only [-] Chu knives can be made.

But this is a great temptation for Jiang Xia.Due to geographical reasons, Jiangxia, Changsha, Jiujiang and other counties do not have the vast territory of Jiangdong, and secondly, they do not have as many mountains as Jiangdong.

The production of this iron ore has always been the biggest reason that troubled Liu Feng.

Otherwise, Jiang Wan would not have considered blackmailing Jiangdong with the iron ore matter, there was really no other way.

Now that Lu Su is poor, he has to take out iron ore to make up for it.One hundred thousand catties of iron.

How could Liu Feng not be heartbroken.It's just that the heart is beating back and forth, but on the cover Liu tried his best to keep calm.

"One hundred thousand catties of iron in exchange for twenty thousand gold? It seems a little disproportionate." Liu Feng said with a strange look.

Of course this Lu Su knew that exchanging [-] catties of iron for [-] gold was indeed not acceptable.

But iron is very small in the market, and most of it is controlled by the state.It is a strategic material.Now Jiangdong is willing to replace gold with latte to make up for Liu Feng's loss.

In a sense, Liu Feng did not suffer, but Jiang Dong suffered.

At this point, Lu Su did not intend to back down any longer.One hundred thousand catties of iron is already the limit. You must know that Sun Quan is also frantically forging Wu Dao, and the iron ore needed is huge.

Therefore, Lu Su shook his head resolutely this time, and said: "Jiangdong started his career as a martial artist, and he attaches great importance to swords and utensils. Now, in order to repair the relationship between the two families, he is willing to spend [-] catties of iron is the limit. If it's too much, it's already beyond the tolerance range. Forgive me for not obeying."

This time, Liu Feng saw determination in Lu Su's eyes, and realized that this was Lu Su's last line of defense.

Go one step further, don't even think about it.

Now you can eat [-] catties of iron, which is very cheap.Liu Feng thought about it for a while, and decided not to push further, and let this profitable business come to naught.

"Okay, [-] catties of iron, [-] shipwrights, and the shipwright's family. If Sun Quan can pay for these, my army will never appear in the hinterland of Jiangdong again." Liu Feng promised.

This promise was not binding, but it still made Lu Su happy.

Actually, Lu Su didn't need too long.Just one year, one year.Just let Jiangdong take a breather.

It might take a year to imitate a warship like Liu Feng's.At that time, Jiangxia and Jiangdong's overall forces will return to their original tricks.

In terms of comprehensive strength, Jiangxia is far inferior to Jiangdong.

"Thank you, General." Lu Su bowed to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng smiled slightly, but did not answer.Xie Liu Feng couldn't afford it. He took such a big deal from Jiang Dong without spending a penny.

If Sun Quan knew the truth about the fifty ships and Jiang Qin, let alone thanking them, it would not be impossible to raise troops directly.

So thank you, I can't bear it.

It stands to reason that the matter has been discussed.Liu Feng took a step back and accepted Jiangdong's compensation and sharing the waterway.

But Lu Su has another purpose for coming this time.

"I've finished talking about the major issues. I have one more thing to discuss with the general." Lu Su said.

"What's the matter?" Liu Feng frowned.

"Mrs. Qiao." Embarrassment flashed across Lu Su's face, but he still had to say it.

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