Chapter 330 Nine Strong Rejection (Third Change)

Big Joe, this woman is special.He is the wife of Sun Ce, and Sun Ce is the true founder of Jiangdong.

Sun Quan can afford to lose anything, such as Xu Sheng and Zhuge Jin.When these two were captured, Sun Quan could just ignore them.

But Da Qiao couldn't do it.All because Sun Quan's status comes from his elder brother.

He can treat his widowed sister-in-law and nephew lightly.But it can't make Jiangdong people feel that he treats the widowed wife poorly.Even lost.

But Liu Feng did this. Starting from Jiangxia, he challenged Jiangdong with a water army. In the battle of Moling, Zhuge Jin was captured and Da Qiao was captured.

The blow to Sun Quan was huge.

If there is news that Sun Quan not only lost the water battle, but also lost the widowed wife.Sun Quan's position will be questioned by many people.

For example, some traditionalists, those who support Sun Shao.There are also people who support Sun Yi.These people are very small, and after Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, the living space was further compressed.

He has always been hovering on the edge of Jiangdong's forces.But don't underestimate these people, if you let them know that Sun Quan fought so much that even Sun Ce's wife was lost.

They will definitely attack in groups, and then make Jiangdong turbulent.This is what Sun Quan does not want to see.

Therefore, now Sun Quan has opened up the news to all Jiangdong high-level officials, Zhuge Jin, Xu Sheng were captured, dozens of ferries were burned, and so on.

Caused quite a bit of turmoil.But Da Qiao's disappearance is strictly kept secret.

And Lu Su's responsibility is to get Da Qiao back.

Liu Fengna, Xiao Qiao, has a reputation for lust.As for whether Da Qiao is still innocent, Sun Quan doesn't know, but he has no idea.

But it doesn't matter, Big Joe is not Little Joe.

Zhou Yu is still alive, but Sun Ce has been dead for many years.As long as Da Qiao goes back, what Liu Fengran pointed out can be regarded as never having happened.

A moment ago, because of the relationship between the two families, Lu Su begged Liu Feng to stop the army and lost a lot of supplies.This time, Lu Su was ready to face Liu Feng's storm.

But what surprised Lu Su was.

Liu Feng shook his head, and directly declined, "Little Qiao lives well with me, but I often miss Da Qiao, Mr. Qiao, and now the family is reunited, and they are very happy."

When Lu Su mentioned that there was still something to do, Liu Feng had already guessed that it was Da Qiao.

After all, identity is too sensitive, which is especially important to Sun Quan.

But Liu Feng and Xiao Qiao had a good relationship, so why did they put Da Qiao back for some reason.Besides, Liu Feng's promise is true. One day, he will take down Jiangdong and save Sun Shao's life.

Liu Feng generally doesn't do things that go against his own words.

Lu Su was surprised by Liu Feng's refusal, but also frowned.

I heard that Xiao Qiao was taken into the General's Mansion by strong means, but from Liu Feng's words, the situation seems to be a little different from what I imagined.

Lu Su raised his head and watched Liu Feng's expression carefully.Not finding anything wrong, Lu Su can roughly conclude that what Liu Feng said is true.

This is difficult.

"General, Er Qiao is just a beauty. There are so many beauties in the world, why do you only like Er Qiao?" Lu Su asked.

"Hehe, you don't need to guess about this point. It's just a preference." Liu Feng smiled and said calmly.

Immediately, he said again: "I know Sun Quan is worried, let him rest assured, I will not use Da Qiao for anything. Here, she is my wife's sister, that's all."

This is obviously Zhou Yu's wife.But she claimed to be his own wife.

Liu Feng's thick skin made Lu Su speak.As for Liu Feng's guarantee, it was not binding in Lu Su's view.

However, seeing Liu Feng's resolute attitude, Lu Su had no choice.You can't insist on arguing with Liu Feng.

Forget it, the major event has been achieved.This matter gave Wu Hou a headache.Anyway, for those shipwrights, there was at least one or two months before the iron ore arrived in Jiangxia, enough time for Sun Quan to solve the trouble.

No matter how bad it is, let Da Qiao die.Get an empty coffin and bury it.

In this way, the matter of Da Qiao can be prevented to the greatest extent.

Thinking about it, Lu Su no longer attached to Da Qiao's affairs, and said: "In this way, the foreign ministers will not force others."

Seeing that Lu Su flinched, Liu Feng smiled slightly, thinking that Lu Su had a clear head and didn't make fun of himself.Now he has the advantage, and he doesn't want to enlarge Joe, but he doesn't want to let it go.

Even if Lu Su said the hype was in vain, it was just a waste of words.

The two had torn their faces apart once before, but now they barely reached an agreement.But always estranged.Then, without further ado, Liu Feng found a reason for Lu Su to leave.

It is estimated that if Lu Su leaves this time, he will never want to come to Jiangxia to see Liu Feng in his next life.But Liu Feng didn't mind either. What's the use of the enemy's loyalty?

After Lu Su left, Liu Feng touched his chin, his eyes were a little flooded.

A hundred shipwrights, plus the small family of the shipwright.There are 2000 people.As usual, these people stayed in Xiakou to strengthen Xiakou's shipbuilding team.

One hundred thousand catties of iron will be handed over to Zhang Wei.Continue to continuously supervise the creation of Chu Dao.

Last time Liu Feng gave Gan Ning [-] handles, and after the war, Liu Feng gave Gan Ning another [-] handles, just enough to equip the entire army.

Now, there are only one or two thousand Chu knives left in the warehouse, which is too disproportionate compared to his [-] army.

Liu Feng had won the battle and got a bargain, so he began to think about how to spend the resources he got.

On the contrary, Lu Su lost the battle and lost resources.Jiang Dong was really poor this time.

However, Lu Su quickly lifted his spirits. Jiangdong's comprehensive strength is still higher than that of Jiangxia. As long as he waits for a year, after this year's autumn harvest, the granary will be rich.

At that time, with the advantage of Wu Dao, attacking Jiang Xia, it will be a matter of course to get rid of the shame.

After cheering up, Lu Su didn't procrastinate anymore.He also didn't give Jiang Wan any face, and directly ordered his followers to get on the carriage and set off to return to Wu County.

By boat of course.

It took Lu Su a lot of time to come to Jiangxia, because he was going upstream.It is much cheaper to return to Jiangdong, and go down the river.

Six days later, Lu Su returned to Wu County.

The first thing after entering the city is not to go home, but to go to Wuhou Mansion.

Lu Su wanted to report the situation to Sun Quan.

Sun Quan is in the study.After asking a small official, Lu Su came to the study.But when he saw Sun Quan, Lu Su was startled.

The eyes were sunken and bloodshot.The skin is dry, it seems that it has not had a good sleep for a long time.

"My lord, this is?" Lu Su stepped forward and asked.

"Zijing is back? Is Jiangxia's affairs settled?" Sun Quan noticed Lu Su only now, and couldn't help asking.

"It's half done." Lu Su thought that Sun Quan was worried about Jiang Xia's affairs and caused his mental breakdown, so he couldn't help saying immediately.Immediately, he roughly talked about the deal with Liu Feng.

"The loss is a little bigger." Sun Quan said with a sigh.

"The current loss should be recovered in the next year. Jiangdong has a superior terrain, fertile fields, and good weather. As long as you cultivate for a year, you can fight again." Lu Su thought that Sun Quan was distressed by the loss, so he couldn't help persuading him.

"I'm afraid there may not be food and grass for me to send troops in the next year." Sun Quan was silent for a moment, and said naively.

"Why?" Lu Su asked in surprise.

"Look at this." Sun Quan sighed and handed Lu Su the scroll of bamboo slips on the case.

Lu Su spread out his doubts, and with just one glance, Lu Su frowned.

What is written above is the situation of drought, yes, drought.The weather has always been smooth, with occasional floods, but Jiangdong, which has never been dry, has actually experienced a drought.

And it's getting worse.

Lu Su remembered that when he set off for Jiangxia, the situation was not so serious. Even when he came back, the water level of the Yangtze River was relatively normal.

But I didn't expect that the drought in various places was so severe.

The water level of the Yangtze River is not bad, but more than half of the river system in the east of the Yangtze River has begun to dry up.

How serious is this?It is very difficult for the people to irrigate and use water.Looking at the records above, if there is another one or two months of drought, the harvest may only be [-]% to [-]% of previous years.

This is quite a scary thing.

"Is there a strategy to deal with it?" Lu Su raised his head with difficulty and asked Sun Quan.This kind of people's livelihood issue is really not what he is good at.

"Gu has already sent more people to learn from Jiangxia and dig deep wells. But there are so many places in Jiangdong, it is impossible to cover them all at once. It can only be regarded as a remedy after a dead sheep." Sun Quan sighed.

But immediately, the light in Sun Quan's eyes flickered, shooting out an extremely fearful light.

"It's Liu Feng who Gu is afraid of now, but he started digging a deep well a year ago. Does Zijing still remember that Fu?"

With that said, Sun Quan raised his head and looked at Lu Su.

Of course Lu Su remembered that the Fu was satirizing Liu Feng's ignorance of politics, which resulted in a lot of jokes.Digging deep wells in Jiangxia?

Unless you are a prophet, how can there be drought in Jiangxia?

The author must be someone who hates Liu Feng so much that he wrote that Fu.But it cannot be denied that the author was right.

Jiang Xia's digging a well is indeed a rather silly thing.

But now it doesn't look like that.

Now that the drought is severe in Jiangdong, Sun Quan had to make a bad plan to dig deep wells to make up for it.

However, Liu Feng had prepared early, and the adverse effects of the drought must be much smaller than that of Jiangdong.

What's even more frightening is that Liu Feng made preparations a year ago.

Is it really a prophet?

This kind of guessing is really terrible, so terrible that Lu Su can't even imagine it.But other than this speculation, is there any other way to prove that Liu Feng just got lucky?

And, and.

Lu Su suddenly remembered that Liu Feng spent a lot of money to buy 30 shi of grain from Jiang Dong.

Back then Lu Su thought he had made a profit, and he did.With this money, Zhou Yu's war to encircle and suppress Shanyue went relatively smoothly.

But now it seems.But it was a big loss.

If the drought continues, Jiangdong's harvest will decrease by 30%, then [-] shi of grain is life-saving grain.

Disaster relief.

But what about now?

Subconsciously, Lu Su glanced at Sun Quan, and saw deep, deep fear in Sun Quan's emerald green eyes.

"Prophet?" Lu Su shuddered deeply.


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