Chapter 340 The eldest son Liu Wei (first update)

Xiling City, the backyard of General Yang Wu's mansion, outside Cai Yu's house. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Painful groans came out, and amidst the groans, maids kept coming in and out.

Cai Yu gave birth today, but it has been half an hour.The voice went from screaming at the beginning to moaning now.The breath weakened.

If so.The maids didn't dare to think about it, and many maids began to sweat on their faces.

He looked terrified.

Outside the house, Liu Feng, Huang Yueying, Xiao Qiao, and Huan'er were all waiting anxiously.

But Liu Feng's expression was the same as that of the maids, getting more and more anxious.

What the maids knew, of course Liu Feng also knew.It is a hurdle for a woman to give birth to a child in this era, especially the first child.

Whether you can survive it all depends on God's will.

Hearing Cai Yu's voice change from strong to weak, it gradually gained strength.Liu Feng's heart gradually sank.

This feeling of not being able to grasp it is really bad, just like when he was in Xinye. At that time, Liu Feng had no strength to resist Liu Bei.

But now Cai Yu in the house wants to give birth to him, whether it will go well or not depends on God's will.

A deep force gushed out from Liu Feng's heart.

Although Liu Feng was strong in his heart, he was still calm on the face.Huang Yueying beside her was already crying.

"Okay, okay. It'll be fine." Liu Feng was already annoyed, but when he heard Huang Yueying's crying, he became even more annoyed.But still patiently said.

Originally, Huang Yueying's temperament was weird. Putting on the veil and taking off the veil are completely different personalities.

But now even wearing a veil is useless.

His eyes were red, and tears kept coming out, and his eyes were a little frightened and frightened.

Liu Feng looked up at Xiao Qiao and Huan'er again, and found that the two of them were similar to Huang Yueying, with red eyes.

"Okay, all three of you go down to accompany Da'er." Liu Fengnai said.

Cai Yu and Cai Da were pregnant only a little more than a month apart. Now that Cai Yu is in labor, Cai Da is about the same.Therefore, Liu Feng asked Cai Da to rest in the house with peace of mind.

"Yeah." Xiao Qiao nodded, and she also knew that their presence would only annoy Liu Feng more.

Immediately, Xiao Qiao took Huang Yueying's hand, gestured to Huan'er, and the three of them walked out together.

After Xiao Qiao and the others left, Liu Feng's mood did not improve, but worsened.

Because as time passed, the moans coming from the house became weaker and weaker.This indicates that Cai Yu's physical strength may have reached its limit.

"Ma'am, use your strength. You can't fall asleep." Even the mother-in-law who was in charge of delivering the baby had her throat hoarse.

"It's really bothering him." Liu Feng's eyes became redder and redder, until they were almost bloodshot in the end.With a loud roar, the Chu knife from his waist was unsheathed, and he slashed at the pillar next to him.

"Touch." There was a soft sound, and the pillar hugged by one person was cut in half by Liu Feng's sword.Sen Leng's Chu Dao was stuck in the middle.

At this moment, there was a loud cry from inside the room.

Just like seeing the blue sky through the clouds, Liu Feng's mood suddenly improved.After releasing the handle of the knife, Liu Feng turned his head and stared at the door.

Liu Feng naturally knew what this angry cry meant.

The baby is out, and it must be healthy to listen to the sound.But what about the big ones?Thinking of Cai Yu, Liu Feng's good mood was replaced by nervousness.

I just wanted to walk in and have a look, but saw the midwife rushing out.He congratulated Liu Feng with a happy face: "Congratulations, general, congratulations, general, you are a son."

"Where's Madam?" Liu Feng was overjoyed, and then asked again.

The midwife was taken aback for a moment, she had delivered countless children, based on experience.Rushing out like her, shouting that he has won a son, the host must be overjoyed.

It is rare for Liu Feng to ask his wife about the situation first.

But the midwife reacted very quickly, she was only stunned for a moment, then she smiled and said: "Mother and child are safe, mother and child are safe."

Originally, the midwife was quite ugly, with wrinkled face and short stature.But at this moment, Liu Feng felt that the midwife was really pleasing to the eye.

In great joy, Liu Feng generously said: "Ten gold rewards." Immediately, Liu Feng turned his head to the surrounding maids and said: "Today, everyone who has served in this yard will be rewarded."

After finishing speaking, Liu Feng rushed into the room with a stride.

Leave the midwife in a daze.

"Ten...ten gold? Grandma, how much is it?" The midwife was also stunned by the great happiness.

After hearing that the mother and child were safe, the surrounding maids also showed expressions of relief.Immediately, I heard Liu Feng say that there is a reward for everything.

The maids immediately showed joy.

The young master and his wife are all safe, and they have followed suit.

After entering the house, Liu Feng could vaguely smell some blood, which was not pleasant anyway.But Liu Feng couldn't control that much anymore, and rushed into the inner room.

In the inner room, several maids were throwing a naked boy with wrinkled skin into the basin for washing.

Liu Feng knew that newborn babies were like this, and their skin would become smooth after a few days.

However, this boy's eyes are very big and very energetic.Just now he was crying loudly, but now he stopped crying.

Seeing Liu Feng coming in, he grinned.

This smile made Liu Feng feel at ease.This son is clever and knows how to smile at Lao Tzu.

However, Liu Feng's attention was quickly diverted from his son.

On the bed, Cai Yu's face was dripping with sweat, and there was deep fatigue and pain in his brows.

A pair of eyes seemed to be opened but not opened.

Liu Feng could tell that Cai Yu was already very tired, but he was still worried.So hold on.

With a touch of tenderness, Liu Feng came to Cai Yu's side, and said softly: "Don't worry, he is a son, very strong."

Hearing Liu Feng's voice, Cai Yu's eyes opened a little, and an intoxicating blush appeared on his cheeks.

"En." Looking at Liu Feng, Cai Yu nodded heavily.

At this moment, the maids over there had already cleaned up the kid.Wrapped in a brocade cloth, hugged to Liu Feng's side.

"General." The maid said softly.

Liu Feng did not reach out to take it, but stretched out his hand to lift the quilt on Cai Yu's body, helped Cai Yu up, and then raised the pillow so that Cai Yu could lean on it.

Only then did he take over his son, and under Cai Yu's expectant eyes, he handed the son over to Cai Yu's hands.

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally my wish has come true." Liu Feng leaned gently on Cai Yu's shoulder, and said softly to the crystal earlobe that was close at hand.

"En." Cai Yu hugged her son tightly, tears streaming from her eyes.

It's a completely different feeling for a woman to have children than to be childless.For the first half of her life, Tanai married an old man, and her offspring were difficult.

But God treated her kindly, and met Liu Feng.This young but powerful man did not despise her, but loved her even more.

gave her a child.

"Come closer." Cai Yu let go of the child a little and said softly.

"Huh?" Liu Feng was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously moved his body forward.

Cai Yu gently rested her head on Liu Feng's arms.He closed his eyes gently, looking very happy.

Liu Feng smiled, and stretched out his hand to embrace Cai Yu.

A very warm feeling rose from the hearts of the two of them.

The maids at the side looked at each other for a while, then walked out in a loud voice.

The two leaned together like this for a while, Cai Yu opened his eyes, and suddenly asked, "By the way, have you thought about your son's name yet?"

Hearing this, Liu Feng's body stiffened for a while, feeling a little embarrassed.

As early as a few months ago, Cai Yu asked him to name the child.At that time, Liu Feng thought hard and didn't know what name to choose.

I took it off because I didn't know men and women.

Now, there is no escape.

Feeling Liu Feng's stiff body and embarrassed face, he immediately knew that he hadn't thought about it.Liu Feng couldn't help but give Liu Feng a blank look.

But didn't say anything.

Cai Yu didn't complain, but Liu Feng became restless.He opened his eyes wide and looked around curiously at his son.

Liu Feng felt that he was really not competent as an old man.

Suddenly, Liu Feng's mind flashed, and he remembered the scene just now.

Just when he was overly anxious and pulled out the Chu knife and slashed at the pillar, the boy cried loudly.

Although it is a bit of a coincidence, the timing is just right.

"Wei." Liu Feng contemplated for a long time before spit out a word.

"What?" The voice was a little soft, and Cai Yu couldn't hear it clearly.

"Liu Wei." Liu Feng spit out two words again.

This time it was clear.

"Liu Wei?" Cai Yu read it twice softly, and it came out smoothly as he read it.His eyebrows opened and he smiled.

"Wei'er, Wei'er." Cai Yu teased the boy in his arms.

This kid is indeed very talented, and he doesn't feel tired for a while, he is in good spirits and has plenty of physical strength.

"Giggle." Under Cai Yu's teasing, he giggled.

However, soon one big and one small will get tired.One is a baby, even if it is gifted, it is easy to get tired.One is postpartum weakness.

Liu Feng originally wanted to greet the maid and carry Liu Wei outside to settle down.

But Cai Yu refused desperately and insisted on letting Liu Wei lie beside her.

Finally, mother and child lay side by side.He fell asleep peacefully.

woman, son.Liu Feng looked at it for a while, and a sense of relief rose from his heart.Mother and child are safe, really gratifying to congratulate.

After standing for a while, Liu Feng walked out.

He breathed a sigh of relief here, but Cai Da and Huang Yueying were still worried.I don't know if there is a clever maid in the past to inform them.

Especially Cai Da, who is nine months pregnant with Liujia.It's almost time to give birth, and nothing can go wrong right now.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng walked towards the yard next to him.

In Cai Da's house, Cai Da, Huang Yueying, Xiao Qiao, and Huan'er are all there.

In terms of the number of people in Liu Feng's backyard, it may not be as good as ordinary dignitaries.But On Harmony is second to none.

In this family, Cai Da, Cai Yu, and Huang Yueying are blood relatives, two wives, and one concubine, and their deterrent power is very strong.

Xiao Qiao has a gentle personality and has no intention of competing for favor.Huan'er was born as a servant girl, and she was very law-abiding.

Under the command of Cai Da, the relationship between the girls is also relatively good.

It would be unimaginable to put this in other powerful families.

Either doting concubines and destroying wives, or wives killing concubines.There are swords and swords everywhere.

At this moment, all the girls are really worried about Cai Yu.Especially Cai Yu's groans gradually weakened, and she could no longer hear them sitting in this room.

Everyone's hearts tensed up.

When Liu Feng came in, he saw three tense faces. Huang Yueying was veiled and couldn't see any expression, but her brows were deeply furrowed.

Still can feel one or two.

As soon as Liu Feng came in, he attracted the attention of all the girls.

"How's it going?" Huang Yueying stood up quickly and asked Liu Feng nervously.

"Mother and child are safe." Liu Feng spat out four words with a smile.

"God bless, God bless." Huang Yueying's tense body softened, she let out a breath, her jade hands kept patting her towering chest, and she couldn't help saying.

The other three women also breathed a sigh of relief, but Cai Da was more intense.With a sway of her delicate body, she couldn't sit still.

Liu Feng was startled, and hurriedly took a stride to support Cai Da.Looking at her tired face, Liu Feng immediately helped her up.

Said: "Go in and rest."

"Yeah." Cai Da nodded and said obediently

Immediately, Liu Feng personally helped Cai Da into the inner room and settled her down.

When Liu Feng left the inner room, the three women in the outer room had already started chattering.

In fact, Huang Yueying was the only one who was excited, she said: "I really want to see what the newborn baby looks like."

Liu Feng rolled his eyes in his heart, but his face sank immediately, and he scolded: "Don't bother them."

Liu Feng's words were like a basin of cold water, dissipating most of Huang Yueying's excitement.He lowered his head.A dejected look.

Liu Feng didn't care about her, and scolded her, this girl would definitely not dare to go.

Turning to Xiao Qiao, Huan'er said, "I've been nervous for half an hour, and you are all tired and go to sleep."

"En." The two girls agreed in unison.

Liu Feng nodded and walked out.

After being nervous for half an hour, Liu Feng himself was also tired.It's not physically tiring, but mental.Fortunately, the mother and child are safe.

if.if.Liu Feng couldn't even imagine what he would do.

It wasn't until then that Liu Feng realized that he was sweating.First, I went to Huan'er's yard and took a bath.

After regaining his energy, Liu Feng threw himself into the study again.

Cai Yu giving birth is not a big deal for Jiang Xia.Because he is not a son-in-law.Although Liu Feng doesn't mind if his son is not his son, but as a son of a son, it is really not good to celebrate.

After returning to the study, Liu closed his eyes to relieve the fatigue in his heart.When he opened his eyes again, Liu Feng learned from a husband, Lao Tzu.

Once again, he became a prince of Megatron.

Liu Feng raised his hand and pulled out a roll of bamboo slips from among the many bamboo slips on the case.

Cai Yu's delivery was sudden. An hour ago, Liu Feng was still sitting here handling official business.

Unfolding the bamboo slips, Liu Feng looked at them carefully, his brows gradually furrowed.

The severe drought was more serious than Liu Feng imagined.It is now the beginning of June, and most of the major river systems in Jiangxia are gradually drying up.

And on this scroll of bamboo slips, it is recorded that Jiangxia's first completely dry river.

Jiangxia, which has plenty of rain every year, finally began a severe drought that has never happened in hundreds of years.

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