Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 341 Liu Feng's Prestige

Chapter 340 Liu Feng's Prestige (Second Update)

Although Liu Feng was counting on this to make a fortune, he hurt others and himself. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Liu Feng knew this truth.How much Sun Quan and others lost is beyond Liu Feng's control.But Liu Feng's request to himself is that none of the people under his hands should die due to difficulty in drinking water.

Therefore, Liu Feng ordered to dig a deep well.

According to information from various places, the role of Shenjing has gradually emerged.

Although Jiangxia's situation is also very serious, it is better than Jiangdong and most of Jingzhou.

The people have plenty of drinking water.

Of course, there has been no rain for several months, and the river has dried up, which has a strong impact on aquaculture and agriculture.

According to Liu Feng's estimation, Jiangxia's harvest this year may not exceed [-]%.

This [-]% is still counted, the flood after the drought.

As for Jiangdong, most areas in Jingzhou may have a small income, and the people can only rely on the surplus to survive.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng felt a little heavy.However, this heavy feeling was quickly forcibly erased by Liu Feng.

Conquest in troubled times, how can we talk about benevolence and righteousness to the enemy?

After reading this volume of bamboo slips, Liu Feng was in no mood to deal with other official duties.After sitting for a while, he got up and said, "Prepare the car."

Soon after, Liu Feng left the city under the escort of the soldiers led by Kou Shui.

There are many tributaries of the Yangtze River, and Fanjiang is one of them.It's just that compared to the larger tributaries of the Yangtze River, Fanjiang is really not worth mentioning.

Fanjiang is located about 120 miles east of Xiling City, from south to north.

It is the first dry river among the many river systems in Jiangxia.

The river, which is about ten feet wide, is now only mud.The edge of the river has been completely turned into silt, and the center is quickly dried and cracked soil, presenting a net shape.

There are a lot of dead fish and shrimp scattered on the river.There was a faint stench in the air.

Jiang Wan led the officials of all sizes in Xiling to stand on this dry river.

All of them were frowning deeply, with deep worry in their eyes.

Jiang Wan is a great talent, he judges people very accurately, and he does not allow corrupt officials to be accepted, so all the officials in Jiangxia are relatively clean and capable people.

These guys are very motivated.The sense of responsibility is also very strong.

Now that Jiang Xia looks like this, of course there are many people who are worried.

It's not just officials standing here.There are also a few farmers, and the brows of these farmers are also deeply frowned.They were all from nearby villages, and they were recruited by petty officials to guide Jiang Wan and the others.

Among the farmers, one of the able-bodied men is called Yang Qian.

Yang Qian is a farmer, an out-and-out farmer.But Yang Qian, who has spent his whole life figuring it out, has never encountered such a situation.

Every year in Jiangxia, the weather is smooth and the weather is good. Even if there is a disaster, it is because of the flood, which causes the river to rise sharply and harm the local area.

There has never been a drought.

Now more than half of the crops in the village have withered, and more than half are maintained by several deep wells in the village.Now in the village, except for a few deep wells, the other shallow wells can only produce a little water.

Drought, great drought.

If it weren't for those deep boreholes, Yang Qian really didn't know what to do.

And someone might die of thirst.Die from thirst, this is almost unimaginable in Yang Qian's experience in the first half of his life.

But within a month, Yang Qian deeply felt that fear.

Therefore, Yang Qian is very grateful to Liu Feng.If it weren't for Liu Feng, their village would be in danger.

In the past, Yang Qian was slightly dissatisfied with Liu Feng's order to dig wells everywhere and occupy their time.But now, these grievances have turned into guilt.

Guilt towards Liu Feng.

"If this severe drought lasts for another month, Jiang Xia's harvest this year may only be [-]% to [-]%. It's hard." A small official beside Jiang Wan sighed.

"Yeah, Jiang Xia's background is too weak." An official agreed.

Jiang Wan also sighed in his heart, Jiang Xia's foundation is indeed weak, Xiang Jiangdong, the people of Jing and Chu are all living relatively well-off, and there are quite a few people who have enough money to survive the disaster year.

But Jiang Xia didn't. In previous years, Huang Zu's exploitation was too severe.

However, Jiang Wan's heart cheered a bit, after the battle of Jiangling and the battle of Wancheng.After Fei Guan, Zhang Dao, and Xu Zhengshu's purchases day and night, Jiangxia's granary now has 600 million shi of grain.

What is the concept?Save some food, enough for 100 million people to survive for three years.

But now Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and Changsha have a population of only 80.As long as 300 million shi of grain is left, it is enough to survive this year.It will be harvested in autumn next year.

There is still a large portion left.

Thinking about it, Jiang Wan was glad that Liu Feng was following him, if it wasn't for Liu Feng's foresight, the current Jiangxia would be as helpless as Jiangdong and Jingzhou.

Possibly even worse than these places have been.

"Let's go, let's go to the next river." They have been walking this river for a while, and they know everything they need to know.Jiang Wan decided to go to other places to have a comprehensive understanding of the drought.

At this moment, a sound of horseshoes sounded, and then a pair of soldiers appeared in front of everyone.

It's Liu Feng's carriage.

"My lord." Jiang Wan took the lead and greeted the carriage in unison.

"Excuse me." Escorted by Kou Shui and others, Liu Feng who came here nodded and got out of the carriage.

After getting off the car, Liu Feng focused his attention on the river in front of him.

Seeing the news from the bamboo slips is completely different from witnessing the drought.

Liu Feng claimed that Jiangxia started from the water. Huang She was wiped out in the first battle of Dongting Lake, and then he entered Xiakou and captured Xiling.

The Jiangxia that Liu Feng saw was a Jiangxia with plenty of water.But now before his eyes was a dry river.

It's a shock.

The might of God is unpredictable.This kind of sharp weapon can kill people and hurt themselves.

After standing for a while, Liu Feng raised his head and saw several farmers standing nearby. He picked a more capable person and asked, "How is the situation in your village?"

The person Liu Feng asked was Yang Qian.Yang Qian didn't know Liu Feng, but from the reactions of Jiang Wan and others, he could tell who Liu Feng was.

It was the Lord of Jiangxia who defeated Zhou Yu.Cao Ren.Liu Feng who let them live again.

"General Qi. Relying on a few deep wells, everyone has a drink of water, and even some water can be spared to irrigate the fields." With excitement, Yang Qian bent slightly and replied.

Liu Feng frowned. He knew that the drought would last for a while, and only [-]% to [-]% of the dealers would survive.

Once the floods were over, only [-]-[-]% of the crops were harvested.

Now Yang Qian actually uses the common people's water to irrigate the fields, it is really a bit stupid.

"Based on my experience, this drought will last for a while. Go back and tell your village chief that you only need to feed [-] to [-] percent of the crops. The rest will die of drought sooner or later." And no blame.

Just a reminder.

Will it last for a while?Yang Qian couldn't help feeling bitter, the drought has been going on for so long, and only [-]% to [-]% of the harvest on the field is left, if it lasts for a while.

Yang Qian didn't dare to imagine it anymore.

But Yang Qian believed in Liu Feng's judgment. When the general dug the deep well, didn't there be any omens?

But this time, the general said that if the drought lasts for a while, it will definitely last for a while.

In this way, only a small amount of water can be used to feed a small amount of crops.

"Promise." Yang Qian was grateful for Liu Feng's reminder, and promised loudly.

Seeing Yang Qian's promise without hesitation, Liu Feng's heart skipped a beat, he just reminded him subconsciously.But seeing Yang Qian's attitude seemed to support his judgment.

Recalling some of the things I did, such as deep well drilling.

Looking at the trust in Yang Qian's eyes again, Liu Feng gradually had some understanding in his heart.

"After returning, Gong Yan drafted an official document and posted it at the entrance of each village. He told the people directly that the drought would continue for a while. He ordered the people everywhere to keep only [-]% of their crops and discard the rest." Liu Feng, who had realized his prestige, gave an order to Jiang Wan.

If he hadn't realized that his prestige was so high, Liu Feng would not have done this.

Crops are the lifeblood of ordinary people, and letting them reduce production is tantamount to killing them.It will cause great public outrage.

It's better to just ignore it and wait for the drought to continue and the crops to gradually decrease.

But realizing that his prestige was so high, Liu Feng felt confident.

Now let the people reduce production first, so that the remaining labor can be freed up to do other things.

"Promise." The common people's support for Liu Feng, Jiang Wan, who is closer to the common people, feels more deeply than Liu Feng.

In terms of Shenjing alone, Liu Feng's prestige far surpassed Sun Quan's prestige in Jiangdong.

The people are for those who keep them alive.

Liu Feng nodded, kicked past Jiang Wan, and stood on the edge of the river.

Looking at the dry river, Liu Feng already knew his plan in his heart, and it was time to realize it.

"Now is just the time to renovate the river. It is easy to dig deep in the river without water. And because of the reduced crop production, there will be a lot of labor left." Liu Feng turned his head and looked at Jiang Wan.

"This subordinate understands." Jiang Wan understood Liu Feng's meaning.

"The wages are paid, and I take care of three meals a day. I can eat and drink enough." Liu Feng smiled slightly at Jiang Wan.

Now these three meals, the temptation for the common people has increased to the limit.

Because of the reduction in crop production, the people all know that this year's harvest will be small, and next year will be very difficult.Now I can eat official meals and the rest of the rations.

Possibly a lifesaver.

"No." Jiang Wan nodded again, the monarch and his ministers had already reached a tacit understanding, and now it was just the last work.

Digging deep boreholes, reinforcing and deepening river channels.

Especially the river.Many areas south of the Yangtze River are threatened by floods.Now strengthen the river and widen the river.

It can be said to be a century-old event.

Next year, the year after.Even 100 years later, the water systems in Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and Changsha will become much more resistant to flooding.

The big floods in other places are just small floods in Jiangxia.

There are minor floods in other places, but Jiangxia has no floods at all.

This is the gap.

A hundred years event.Liu Feng said silently in his heart.

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