Chapter 340 Disaster Situation (Third Update)

In the backyard of General Yang Wu's mansion, inside Cai Da's house. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Liu Feng sat on the bed, hugging his second son, Liu Chang.Cai Da was lying on the bed.Sitting next to him was Cai Yu who was hugging Liu Wei.

It has been more than a month since Cai Yu gave birth, and Cai Da also gave birth to a son a few days ago.Liu Feng was named Liu Chang.

Wrinkled, as ugly as the newborn Liu Wei.But he is also very energetic like Liu Wei, with a pair of big black eyes constantly looking around curiously.

Compared with Cai Yu's dystocia, Cai Da's delivery was smoother, but it was not enough.

Only a few days after giving birth, Cai Da was still very weak, and now she was leaning on the dress, looking at Liu Chang in Liu Feng's arms with a happy face.

Cai Yu beside him had a smile on his face. After more than a month of recuperation, Cai Yu could barely get out of bed.I came to see it because I was worried about Cai Da's situation.

Liu Wei on her hands has gradually grown, and the skin on her body has become as smooth and tender as a normal baby.

With thin arms and thin legs, he supported and kicked hard.Very strong boy.

Liu Feng held the baby in his arms, looked at the baby in front of him, and felt a strong feeling in his heart, this is the feeling of being a father.

Moreover, Liu Feng's current status is not ordinary.

If it is placed in modern times, it would be much more troublesome for ordinary people to have children.But Liu Feng didn't care about it. There were wives and maids at home.

All he has to do is enjoy happy hour.Changing diapers, getting hungry, crying, he doesn't have to do it.

Just hugging my son, the leisure time is limited after all.

"General." A guard's voice sounded from outside the door.

Although reluctant, Liu Feng returned Liu Chang in his arms to Cai Da. "Everyone have a good rest, especially you." Liu Feng glanced at the second daughter, then turned his gaze to Cai Yu, and warned, "Don't get out of bed casually, you should cultivate yourself."

This woman has no edge when she is crazy.It's only been a month, and he went crazy with idleness, wanting to ride a horse.It's just unreasonable.

"Hmm." Cai Yu's expression changed, a little unwilling, but under Liu Feng's gaze, he still had to nod obediently.

Seeing Cai Yu nodding obediently, Liu Feng smiled in satisfaction.Only then did he go out.

After leaving the gate, Liu Feng saw a guard.Liu Feng is very familiar with the guards stationed outside the study door all the year round.

"What's the matter?" Liu Feng straightened his clothes and asked.

"Xu Tian, ​​the two adults Zhang Dao are back." The guard replied.

Liu Feng sighed in his heart, another source of food was over.

The common people in Jingchu have a lot of food, and some of them can't even finish it for several years.That's why Liu Feng set his sights on Jingzhou.

Xu Tian and Zhang Dao were sent to buy grain from the people.

These days, the harvest is not bad.Under the control of the two of them and Fei Guan, Jiang Xia's grain has reached 600 million shi.

However, with the advent of drought and the reduction of grain production, the common people realized that this year's harvest might be complete.Therefore, they held on to the food tightly and stopped selling it.

Half a month ago, Zhang Dao and Xu Tian sent someone to talk about it, and Liu Feng wrote back, telling them to leave and return.

However, after a while, Liu Feng cheered up.

There are not many spies under Liu Feng, so it's barely enough to inquire about Xiangyang and some situations in Yuzhang, but the intelligence capabilities in most places are blank.

However, Zhang Dao and Xu Tian lived in Jingchu all year round, so they should have a deep understanding of drought.

Ask them what's going on in Jingchu, or what's going on in Jiangdong.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng quickly walked towards the study.

Soon, Liu Feng arrived at the study and walked in.

In the study room, two people have been waiting for a long time.Seeing Liu Feng coming, he immediately bowed down and said, "My lord."

Liu Feng nodded and said, "Excuse me."

Immediately, Liu Feng stood up and sat down on the main seat.Only after sitting down did they have the opportunity to look at the two of them carefully.

I saw that the two of them were both tanned and lean, and there was a trace of radiance in their eyes.

Liu Feng looked at it and nodded secretly. After the experience outside, his spirit and ability should have improved.If it is not bad, it should be barely enough for the two of them to be sheriffs.

Just like Xu Zheng who was dispatched to Changsha.It was very reluctant when he got started, but now he has improved a bit. Liu Feng plans to promote him to be the prefect of Changsha in a few days.

Whether it is Ma Liang, Jiang Wan, or Xiang Chong, they are all governors, or the talents of the Sangong Jiuqing, and it is only an expedient measure to let them be county guards.

Appointing some trustworthy and capable people as local civil servants is the kingly way.It's a pity that now is not the time, and one day when Jingchu is occupied, the official selection system can be developed.At that time, county guards and county magistrates will be promoted one by one.

Many thoughts flashed through Liu Feng's mind.

"The two of you have raised 200 million shi of grain in just a few days in Jingzhou, which is really good." Liu Feng praised.

"It all depends on my lord's foresight." Zhang Dao and Xu Tian looked at each other and said tacitly.

The words of the two came from the heart. Before Liu Feng sent them to buy grain, they were all in the mood of completing the task, and they were also very puzzled about the task itself.

Grain can only be stored for a few years, and buying too much will only cost money.

But now that the drought is coming, the crops may be wiped out this year. The two admire Liu Feng's foresight.

With just one hand, it can be multiplied several times, and it is a huge profit.

The food is purchased by you, and it has nothing to do with whether I have the foresight.Liu Feng was somewhat disapproving of what the two said.

But his subordinates respected him, and Liu Feng had no reason to refute.So it's just an imagination.

"You have been in Jingzhou for many days, do you know what is going on in Jingzhou?" Liu Feng asked.Finally he asked the question he was desperate to know.

"The drought is very serious. More than half of the rivers have completely dried up. Although the rest of the rivers have not completely dried up, they are still lingering. The amount of water is seriously insufficient. And Cai Mao and Kuaiyue did not have the foresight of the Lord. They dug deep wells first. So many people It is difficult to use water. Some old people even lost their lives because of it." Zhang Dao said with a sigh.

Look a little heavy.

Immediately, he told Liu Feng everything he had seen.

The people in Jingzhou are very rich. Even if some people sell grain to Zhang Dao and his wife, the surplus in the family can still last until next year.

But the current situation is not food.but water.

Some people even ran out of water for cooking, because Zhang and Dao often walked around the village.I once saw with my own eyes that some people swallowed rice grains raw.

Grind it and eat it, then drink some water.

It is said to evaporate water when cooking. For the common people nowadays, a sip of water can save their lives.

Regarding Zhang Dao's words, Liu Feng listened silently, except for some fluctuations at the beginning, the rest was calm.

Knowing that there would be a drought early in the morning, Liu Feng had already imagined what the drought would be like in his mind.

These are not bad, Jing Chu and Wu Yue still have some foundations.Drought may not kill many people.What was really destructive was the flood that followed.

They can break down the houses of the people, wash away the food, and make the food moldy.

At that time, the victims of the disaster may be a large area, and the turmoil caused is absolutely amazing.

And from the current situation in Jingchu, Liu Feng can roughly guess the situation in Jiangdong.

I am afraid that Sun Quan's life will be difficult.Even more sad than Cai Mao and the others.Cai Mao had no ambitions for Jingchu, but Sun Quan had ambitions.

Ambition is afraid of weakness.Sun Quan is afraid of unpredictable and unpredictable disasters.

In other words, Liu Feng has a high chance of getting Sun Quan's Shanyue people from this disaster.

Up to now, other Liu Feng doesn't care anymore.Liu Feng cared most about his own interests.

"En." After Zhang Dao finished speaking, Liu Feng nodded and said.

Immediately, he said again: "Although you have been working outside for nearly a year, it is very hard. But now is not the time for you to rest."

"My lord, please give me instructions." The two said cleverly.

My heart is also more excited, now Liu Feng is no longer the wild general who didn't have a piece of territory, he is General Yang Wu who owns three counties.

With these days, the experience outside.The two are also eager to be reused, and then go up.

"Follow me." Liu Feng stood up and said to the two of them.

"No." The two promised, and followed quickly.

Immediately, Liu Feng took the two of them out of the city in a carriage.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the edge of a small river about thirty miles south of Xiling City.

What unfolded in front of Zhang Dao and Xu Tian was a scene of enthusiasm.

This river has been completely dry, except for some silt in the middle of the river, the rest is very dry.More roads are almost there.

But it was on this dead river that several people dug out the soil from the inside of the river, and then carried the soil to reinforce the river on both sides.

Dredge the river, strengthen the river, and improve the river.

These words rose from the hearts of Zhang Dao and Xu Tian, ​​and they gradually realized what Liu Feng wanted to do with them.

The two were looking at Xiaohe in front of them, and so was Liu Feng.

Liu Feng would come to this river almost every few days, because this river is the epitome of Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and Changsha.

Several prime-aged laborers were drawn.Arranged to dredge the river.

Now in the three counties, as long as there are rivers, there will be these migrant workers digging rivers.

Because Liu Feng knew that the most destructive natural disasters were floods.When the flood comes, everything is just clouds.

By dredging the river and maximizing the amount of flood discharge, the three counties of Jiangxia can be preserved.

For such an important project, the volume is very large.Jiujiang is better, the place is small.There are also few water systems.However, the water systems in Jiangxia and Changsha counties are too many to die.

Xu Zheng and the local government system led by Jiang Wan are still unsatisfactory under the full operation.

Now Zhang Dao, Xu Tian and Xu Tian both have good abilities after training.With their participation, the progress of the project should be accelerated.

"One of you will go to Changsha, and the other will stay in Jiangxia. Help the prefect of the second county to regulate the river." Liu Feng said to the two.

They had already expected it in their hearts, and the two were not surprised.

He replied quickly, "No."

Seeing the reaction speed of the two, Liu Feng was quite satisfied. People who have gone outside to practice are really different.

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