On a trail, a group of farmers from the same village were walking forward with hoes and loads. (Apex novel hand-written novel) These peasants have dark skin and chapped lips.

Look tired.

"Hey, when will this drought be the end." One of the farmers sighed.

"Didn't the government have issued a notice, it will take a while." Another farmer sighed.

The conversation between the two was heard by others.But he didn't answer.

There was a look of despair on everyone's face.When will this depressing drought come to an end?

It's already July."Usually at this time" has entered the harvest season.

Every household in the village is ready for busy farming.

But now, looking at this field, it is barren everywhere, and only a few places rely on artificial irrigation to grow flowers.

Thirty percent, the current crops are about [-]% of previous years.Every household is pretty much the same.If it weren't for a few deep wells, the people's harvest at this moment might only be [-] to [-]% of previous years.

Also because of the existence of deep boreholes, people can still survive.

But experienced farmers know that this year will survive, but only [-]% of the crops will be harvested.What about next year?

Roots, bark.

Deeply aware that they may starve next year, so many villages responded to the government's call with all their strength.A large number of middle-aged laborers went to the nearby river to strengthen the river bank and improve the river.Nothing else, three meals a day.The rations saved in this way will be life-saving rations when you starve next year.

There are only old people, wives and daughters left in the family, farming.

Soon, the group of farmers from the same village arrived near a small river nearby.

The nearby large and medium rivers have all been rehabilitated, and only these small rivers are left.The river is only three feet wide and very shallow.What is needed now is to strengthen the river bank and deepen the river channel.

When this group of farmers from the same village came, there were many people standing outside the Hanoi.Or digging river channels, or picking soil, dry in full swing.

There is a team of "soldiers" watching over them.

It's just that the expressions on most people's faces are much different from yesterday's.There seems to be a lot of desperation today.

"What happened?" The villagers stepped forward and asked.

"I heard from the military master that today is the last day. There will be no work tomorrow." The person who was asked was also a farmer, and he said dejectedly.

This means that the rations for three meals a day are gone.

"Why?" The villager who asked earlier asked in surprise.

"We have tens of thousands of people in Jiangxia, and 10 people have been digging river channels for many months." Most of the river channels have been repaired. "The farmer sighed.

The villagers fell silent.There is no way around this, since the river channels have all been rehabilitated.There is no reason for the government to buy rations to feed them.

This group of newly arrived villagers became very sad "like most people".

Compared with the heaviness of these people, Liu Feng's mood is relatively good.

Because Liu Feng is a person who knows the situation and is well prepared.The grain stockpiled in his warehouse is enough for disaster relief.

Therefore, Liu Feng is relatively so-called drought.

The only thing to worry about is floods, which are too destructive.But now, Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and most of the water systems in Changsha have been rehabilitated.

The power of flood discharge and the firmness of the river bank have been greatly improved.

When the floods come, the "rolling flood" will flow down the river and invade the east of the river.

In other words, the floods in Jiangxia will be much less and the losses will be much less. Of course Liu Feng is in a good mood.

General Yang Wu's Mansion, inside the school grounds.Some guards surrounded Liu Feng.

Liu Feng held the Chu Dao in his hand and danced the Chu Dao wildly in the school grounds with swordsmanship.In the school grounds, there are swords and swords.

"Huh." After a long time, Liu Feng and Xia Pi finished their exercise.He let out a sigh of relief.A fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Sometimes sitting for a long time can be very uncomfortable.It's much more comfortable to exercise like this.

"General." A guard came up holding a towel.

"Yeah." Liu Feng took the towel and wiped it on his forehead.

I was planning to go back to the backyard and take a bath to refresh myself.But Liu Fenggang immediately retracted the steps that he lifted out. "Huh?" There was a cry of surprise." Liu Feng stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead.

Just now, it seemed like a drop of rain fell from the sky.

Liu Feng looked up, but what he saw was Wanliyun and the red sun hanging high.But after blinking, the rain from the sky fell finely.

It was raining on this sunny day.

Liu Feng froze for a moment, but he quickly came back to his senses, and said loudly to the guards, "Go and find me the master Liu Ba, the meritorious Cao Zhao Lei, and Jiang Wan, the prefect of Jiangxia."

After saying that, Liu Feng ignored the guards and was not in the mood to take a bath.He ran straight towards the study.

Because Liu Feng realized that the flood might be caused by this rain, and then sweep across the entire area south of the Yangtze River.

At that time, the dry river will surge.It turned into a flood and came raging.

Although the river course has been basically rectified, Liu Feng still has to order the governments at all levels to prepare.Prepare for the strain.

Because of the flood, Liu Feng never told anyone.Therefore, Jiang Wan, Ma Liang, Xu Zheng and the others were not very vigilant.

And Liu Feng is now going to spread the news about the flood "to alert all levels of government.

All-out defenses that include migrating low-lying farmers and more.

The offices of the Chief Registrar Liu Ba and Gongcao Zhao Lei are in the General’s Mansion, and Jiang Wan’s Prefect’s Mansion is also nearby.So, soon the three of them came to the study.

At this time, Liu Feng sat down and was ready.

When the three of them came in, Liu Feng looked up and saw joy on the faces of the three of them.

For them, the rain was a good thing, a good thing entirely.Because the rain is equal to the passing of the drought.

"My lord." The three of them bowed to Liu Feng in unison.

"Yeah." Liu Feng nodded, then his expression became serious, and he said, "It's raining, but don't be too happy."

Liu Feng's words stunned the three of them." But they soon realized that Liu Feng had something to say, and put away the joy on their faces." They calmed down.

Liu Feng nodded secretly, "This group of people deserves to be the top civil servants of this era.

Liu Feng raised his head, swept across the faces of the three of them one by one, and said in a deep voice, "Because of the matter of the deep well, you may have some doubts about me." But let me tell you now, I do know that this scene Drought will come. "

Jiang Wan, Liu Ba, and Zhao Lei were all startled, but then calmed down again.

There are indeed many speculations in the hearts of the three of them about this matter. Now it is just that the speculation has been confirmed. So it is relatively calm.

"And, I also know" that after this drought, there will be floods. After Liu Feng finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at the three of them and said, "A flood that swept across the entire area south of the Yangtze River may result in countless corpses." "

"The general's words are serious." Zhao Lei lost his voice with a huge shock all over his body.

Compared to the previous one, this one is now the real blockbuster.Floods sweeping south of the Yangtze River?Thinking about it makes me feel chills.

"There is a deep well ahead." Liu Feng raised his head and glanced at Zhao Lei. Liu Feng didn't blame Zhao Lei for not believing it.After saying a word," he said in a deep voice: "I ordered Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and Changsha to recruit strong men and open up river channels, just for this. "

Liu Feng said, "Three people must win and then have doubts. Well, I think so, now is the time when the princes are divided, "every share of money and food" is very important.

However, Liu Feng spent a lot of money and hired hundreds of thousands of laborers to improve the river.

This may seem like a sage's move, but it's actually a little silly.But when Liu Feng uttered this astonishing remark, the stupidity made a lot of sense.

If it is known in advance that the flood is coming, then the river course will be improved.One can reduce the area affected by the disaster and stabilize the society.Second, it can also reduce unnecessary losses.Three, the number of people affected by the disaster is small, which can save a large amount of disaster relief food.

Very reasonable.

"My lord, give me an order." Jiang Wan took a deep breath after being shaken all over, raised his fist and said to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng nodded." Turning to Liu Ba, he said, "Draft an official document" and order Ma Liang, the prefect of Jiujiang, to work on Xu Zheng's planning in Changsha. We must go all out to deal with the flood."

"In addition, send someone to tell Gan Ning to suspend all naval training and lock the warships in the water fortress.", "No." As the chief bookkeeper, it is his responsibility to be in charge of document exchanges.When Liu Ba heard the words, he quickly agreed.

After ordering Liu Ba, Liu Feng turned his attention to Zhao Lei.Under Liu Feng's gaze, Zhao Lei's body froze, and his eyes glistened.

"In this flood, the people with the most meritorious deeds were recorded and rewarded with meritorious deeds afterwards." Liu Feng said.

Zhao Lei is a meritorious officer, an official in charge of meritorious deeds.In this regard, it is natural to leave it to Zhao Lei.

"Promise." After getting the order, Zhao Lei promised.

After ordering the two, Liu Feng turned his attention to Jiang Wan.After taking a deep look at Jiang Wan, Liu Feng said softly, "I will leave Jiang Xia's affairs to Gong Yan."

"My lord, don't worry, since I know the news about the flood," Jiang Xia can't be messed up. Jiang Wan lowered his head slightly and assured in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'm sure I'm going to be so busy that I don't touch the ground, I'm going down to get ready." Liu Feng didn't want to say anything else about this job, and God had given an omen.

Any further delay will be at your own peril.

"No." The situation was urgent, the three of them agreed and left quickly.

After the three of them left, Liu Feng also came out of the study." Standing in the corridor, he looked up at the gradually dark sky, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. He murmured: "Heavy rain, heavy rain. "

On the small river before, there was another scene.

Several farmers dropped their tools, or shouted for joy under the heavy rain.Or burst into tears.

"Hahaha, God didn't abandon us. With this rain, the remaining [-]% of the crops will be saved. You won't have to go hungry next year." Several people shouted.

The supervisor in charge of this area is a dub.Feeling the raindrops falling from the sky, Du Bo also smiled on his cold face.

Although the rain was late, it was life-saving.

Feeling the joy of the farmers, Du Bo let them shout for a while.

It wasn't until the farmers' mood stabilized that Du Bo stepped forward and shouted: "Okay. Although it's raining, I should be happy." But I can't be sorry for the food the general gave you. After digging this section of the river, you will It's time to go home. "

"No." Responding to Dubo was a loud promise.

It rained heavily and without warning.

The area is about most of the area south of the Yangtze River, and a small area north of the Yangtze River.

In Xiangyang, the continuously falling rain washes over the entire city, relieving the sweltering weather that had been sweltering for several months.

Several people came out of the house one after another.Shout out to the sky.

On a dry day, what could be more comforting than a torrential rain?

In Kuai Yue's mansion, in the study room.

When the heavy rain came, Cai Mao and Kuai Yue were playing chess.

Although they didn't care much about Jingzhou, a severe drought still put a lot of pressure on the two of them.

Now a timely rain makes this pressure disappear immediately.

Jingchu has a solid foundation, stronger than any state or county in the world.Even if it is the land of abundance that day, Yizhou is the same.

Every household has a surplus.

As long as the drought is over and there is another bumper harvest next year, it will pass.

"This rain, it's raining well." A pawn was dropped, Kuai Yue looked up at the fine rain outside, and listened to the thud, thud, thud, and the sound of rain beating on the roof tiles.Let out a long breath.

"Yeah, if it doesn't rain again, a lot of people will die of thirst." Cai Mao also exhaled and said happily.

Jiangdong, in Wuhou's mansion.

Sun Quan stood in the courtyard, facing the heavy rain in the sky, with open arms.Laughing out of nowhere, "Hahahaha, God didn't let Gu despair, didn't let Gu despair. "

In terms of pressure, Liu Feng is the least, followed by Cai Mao and Kuai Yue.The biggest is Sun Quan.Jiangdong is no better than Jingchu. Although the people have enough money, it is not enough to last a year.

Some officials estimate that Jiangdong’s grain output this year may be around [-]%. Drinking porridge every day can barely last until next year’s autumn harvest.

But if the drought continues, [-]% of the food will be turned into fly ash, and hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people will be dragged down.At that time, the entire Jiangdong will fall into despair.

So, Sun Quan faced the heavy rain and laughed.

The laughter was filled with the joy of rebirth.

God treats him well.

Also happy is Liu Bei.

In Xinye, in the prefect's mansion, Liu Bei was similar to Sun Quan, standing in the yard, soaking his whole body in the rain, with a joyful smile on his face.

Xinye is small, but there are many soldiers.There were more than 3000 of the former five thousand after the First World War in Wancheng.

But there are only [-] to [-] people, which is almost ten to one.

Therefore, "the people in Xinye have a hard life. Although there is a surplus every year, it is not much. Now that the watch is dead again, Kuai Yue and Cai Mao have also cut off the supply to Xinye.

If the drought continues, grains will be harvested this year.Liu Bei may have to lead his troops north to fight Xu Huang, who is guarding the ruins of Wancheng, to rob food.

And now it doesn't.

Like Sun Quan, Liu Bei also had a strong sense of narrow escape.

The joy in his heart made him laugh up to the sky.

"Ha ha."! .

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