To the south of Xiling City, 35 miles away, there is a small village. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Near the village, a medium-sized river passes by.

This river is very rebellious. When there was a flood in the past, it would flood.

At this moment, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and the torrential rain is pouring down.

On the bank of the river, there is a stone house, in which there are several middle-aged men.These men are all village names in small villages.

More than ten days ago, the heavy rain that washed away the drought came and went quickly. After that, there was no rain for five or six consecutive days.

Just when the people were desperate, it began to rain again.But after a heavy rain, it lasts five or six days.

At this moment, the few men in the stone house have changed from joy to silence.

Almost every village near the water has a stone house like this, which is responsible for monitoring the river.It was an order issued by the government ten days ago.

If the river suddenly swells, they will be responsible for reporting the news, so that the villagers in the village can evacuate in time.

Without government coercion, these men came to watch on their own initiative.Because behind him is his own village.

It has been raining for five or six days.These men also persisted for five or six days.

What made them a little happy was that, despite the heavy rain, the river swelled, but it didn't "spread over the river bank" and enter the earth.

If there had been such a torrential rain in previous years, their village would have been flooded.

Why this happened, of course they know.

Everything is General Yang Wu.It is he who spends money and food, digs rivers, and rehabilitates rivers to protect their villages from floods.

First came the drought "deep wells. Then came the floods, and the rivers were rehabilitated.

The gratitude of the few strong men to Liu Feng was almost doubled.

The torrential rain continued, and the river was still surging, but it never overflowed.

This kind of thing happened outside most of the villages in the three counties of Changsha, Jiujiang, and Jiangxia. A stone house was in charge of guarding the people.

But there are also some unfortunate ones.

This torrential rain is really too big.Jiangxia's water system is too developed.

There are rivers everywhere, and even some rivers have been dug deep, but they still cannot store the soaring river water and overflow the river.For example, there is a big village in the east of this river named "Dan Shui", so there are stone houses responsible for monitoring outside the river.

At the first moment when the river overflowed, these people rushed out of the stone house, braved the heavy rain, and ran towards their village.

"Dong dong dong." Looking at the gong in his hand, he shouted: "There is a flood, there is a flood, hurry up and withdraw."

"There's a flood, there's a flood, hurry up and evacuate." There were shouts, mixed with the sound of gongs.The expressions of the people in the village suddenly changed.

Fortunately, as early as ten days ago, the government had notified them to prepare their bags and prepare to retreat at any time.

Although the people are panicking now, they are not in a mess.

Led by the elderly and middle-aged people in the village, the village began to retreat in an orderly manner.

The village is somewhat low-lying.Their goal was to run to a nearby village.Jiangxia is not a place where there is drought all year round, but there are occasional floods.

The experienced old people in the village know which village will be submerged and which village will be safe.

"Hurry up, hurry up" the old man and the woman, the child drove in the morning, and the rest ran eastward quickly. "The middle-aged men in the village shouted one after another.

But this village is a big village.Assembly takes a while.

When the soaring river flooded the soles of the feet, the people in the village were assembled. They all set off for the neighboring villages.

In the rainstorm, the villagers' faces were flustered, but not flustered.

They are still calm" and even have a little joy in their mouths. When floods occurred in previous years, some people were killed or injured because of the lack of retreat, but this year there were no.

Isn't that enough joy?

Only some old people, worried.Because of the flood, the crops were gone.What should I do next year.

This is rather unfortunate.

In some villages, a small number of people disappeared because the speed of retreat could not keep up with the speed of the river surge.

Although there were various frustrations, on the whole, the river regulation policies of the three counties were very successful. With such heavy rain and soaring river water, casualties were suppressed to a very small extent.

Jiangxia, "Jiujiang, and the three counties of Changsha are lucky because they have Liu Feng's foresight. Although some are not satisfactory, for example, although there are deep boreholes in drought, they cannot completely guarantee crops. In floods, losses cannot be minimized. zero.

But compared to most areas of Jingchu and Jiangdong, it is already pleasing to the eye.

This torrential rain spread to most of the south of the Yangtze River and a small part of the north of the Yangtze River. The west is probably Xiangyang.

The rainfall in Shangyong and other places to the west of Xiangyang has obviously decreased a lot.

In other words, "Xiangyang, Wuling and other places are upstream. There is no flood peak from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The threat is much smaller.

But despite this, a large area of ​​villages in Jingzhou was submerged.

Several ordinary people fled their homes in a hurry, looking for nearby high ground to escape the flood.On the way, in the panic, several people were separated from their relatives.

Some people may find their relatives after they are safe." Some people may be separated forever.

The only good thing is that Jingchu is also in a place where floods happen occasionally.The old people in the village also know where they can avoid the flood and where they will be submerged.

The old man's experience allowed most of the common people to escape.

But when the six-day torrential rain stopped and the sky was illuminated for the first time, what appeared in front of the people of Xiangyang was.

The ocean is everywhere.

Occasionally, corpses floating in the flood water, human corpses, and animal corpses can also be seen.There are domestic animals and there are wild animals.

Experienced old people know that "it will take a day or two for the flood to recede, and it will take a day or two for the flood to recede.

After the great flood, the number of human and livestock casualties.

The terrible plague may sweep the entire Jingchu.

In the city of Xiangyang, the floodwaters were up to their knees.The carriage is made of wood, and it is not easy to walk in this kind of big water.

Cai Mao and Kuai Yue had no choice but to ride horses to the south gate of the city.

Both of them were wearing formal clothes" and their faces were very heavy. I thought that the drought was over and Ganshuang was coming, but I didn't expect that after a few days of no joy, this heavy rain would come.

In a washout, it is unknown how many people will be killed or injured.

What's more terrible is the food. Every family has a surplus, but in the flood, the people must not care about the food.Even if it is taken away, the grain soaked in water will also become moldy.

Jingzhou, which has never had a food crisis, may have a food crisis this time.

It's strange that the two are in a good mood.

Soon." Surrounded by guards, the two rode their horses to the city gate. They got off their horses and stepped up the steps.

The two came to the top of the city, looking at the vast ocean in front of them, and the occasional scene of floating corpses, both of them gasped in unison.

What is terrible may not only be "food" but also plague.

Looking at each other, both of them saw the heaviness in each other's eyes.

"Although the grain in Jiangling has been emptied," we still have some stocks in Xiangyang.Fortunately, fortunately. Cai Mao touched the sweat on his forehead and said happily.

Now, even people like Cai Mao can no longer keep their composure.

"It is true that the food can barely be maintained, but the plague." Kuai Yue nodded, but his face was heavy.After thinking about it for a while, he immediately gave an order to the little officials around him: "Order to concentrate the soldiers, and when the flood recedes, immediately organize people to bury the corpses of humans and animals."

"Order all medical centers, the doctors are not allowed to hoard the medicine for the treatment of the plague without permission, and control it. Be ready to defend against the plague at any time."

Kuai Yue's ability is still very sufficient, and at this moment, temporary measures have been considered.

"Promise." Under Kuai Yue's order, the terrified little official immediately calmed down, promised, and quickly went down the city wall.

The chariots and horses went to the General's Mansion in Zhennan in the city, preparing to spread Kuaiyue's order throughout Jingchu.

"Now the situation in the north is becoming more and more stable. It may be a year or two before Mr. Cao goes south. I hope there will be no trouble." Kuai Yue sighed as he looked at Wang Yang.

"Hey." Cai Mao also sighed, but what worried him was not this, but his son-in-law Liu Feng.

I don't know what happened to Jiang Xia.However, according to the news that came, Liu Feng had been renovating and dredging the river before this.

The disaster situation should be better than that of Jingxi.

Thinking about it this way." Cai Mao felt a little relieved.

Jingzhou still has a lot of background, Cai Mao, Kuai Yue and the two have some hope for the future.

But Xinye is different.

This torrential rain swept many places, starting from Xiangyang in the west.Xinye Hao is not dead. It is located in the north of Xiangyang, and it has also been affected.

The disaster situation at this moment is similar to that in Xiangyang.”

On the south gate, Liu Bei stood together with many civil and military ministers under the tent, Zhuge Liang, Liao Li "Xu ​​Shu, Mi Zhu, Sun Qian" Jian Yong.Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Chen Dao, Wei Yan.

Looking at Wang Yang who was tortured by the flood and blown to pieces.All of them spoke silently.

The IQ of this group of people is not low, and they can think of what Kuai Yue and Cai Mao can think of, "plague, food. Jingchu has a lot of background.

But Xinye doesn’t have any, let alone food.” Even if it’s medicine, I’m afraid there aren’t many of them.

After this flood, they don't know how to live, and they have no idea.

A group of people behind him spoke silently, and Liu Bei standing in front was even colder.What kind of career, what kind of ambition.

Liu Bei thinks it's all bullshit.

If he can't survive this disaster," he may not even be able to keep the last piece of land.

Although Zhuge Liang couldn't see Liu Bei's face, judging from Liu Bei's trembling brows, he could guess that Liu Bei was in despair.

He stepped forward six steps, persuading him: "My lord, now is not the time to be sad, it's better to think of a plan to get through the crisis in front of you."

Liu Bei was in despair, but Zhuge Liang said he was sad.

Liao Lixin wondered when Zizi would have to consider fame. ! ~!

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