Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 345 Humiliation.Liu Bei Begging Gan's

Liu Bei's eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously: "...Kong Ming has a clever plan to help me set a new home."

Zhuge Liang shook his head, sighed, and said: "There is no clever plan, but there is one mediocre plan."

After hearing the first half of Zhuge Liang's sentence, Liu Bei's heart sank.But the second half of the sentence made Liu Bei feel as if he had grasped the life-saving straw.

"It doesn't matter if the trick is mediocre, as long as it can survive this consolation, it's a good plan. Kong Ming said." Liu Bei looked directly at Zhuge Liang" and said without any hesitation.

At this moment, catastrophe is imminent.What else.

Seeing Liu Bei's expression, Zhuge Liang sighed and was about to speak.

Here, Liao Li spoke ahead of time. He glanced at Zhuge Liang before saying to Liu Bei, "What Kong Ming means is that I'm afraid I'm going to borrow food from others."

"Borrowing grain? I'm afraid Jingzhou is also involved in this heavy rain. Since the loss of Jiangling, Jingzhou's granaries have dropped by half. There must be no extra grain to help Xinye, not to mention that they will not save me if they have grain." Liu Bei sneered. .

Immediately," he suddenly came to his senses, and said with an ugly expression, "It's him? "Many of the people present sighed. Of course Liu Bei was referring to Liu Feng.

Liu Bei paid a lot of attention to Liu Feng, knowing Liu Feng's "deep borehole" and digging river channels to purchase grain on a large scale.

Deep boreholes, digging river channels.So that Jiangxia can survive the natural disaster safely.Liu Feng himself has food reserves, so he is basically worried.

And compared to Jiang Xia?Xinye is really a mess.

But the method Liao Li said was unacceptable to Liu Bei, not to mention Liu Bei, even Guan Yu and others were also unacceptable.

The battle of Wancheng almost exhausted the Xinye elite.

It's all because of that bastard Liu Feng.

Many people also realized who Liao Li was talking about.At that moment, the eyes of many generals began to turn red.

"No. I won't beg him even if I die." Especially Liu Bei, his eyes were red and his chest was heaving violently, exuding a monstrous hatred, he flatly refused.

"Master, besides Jiangxia, there is no place for food anymore. You have to think twice." Seeing Liu Bei's appearance, Zhuge Liang persuaded again.

"I'd rather attack Xu Huang" to plunder food. ", Liu Bei refused again, this time even more ruthlessly "without even looking at Zhuge Liang" and walked away.

Seeing Liu Bei leave, Zhuge Liang let out a long sigh.There was a bit of sarcasm in Liao Li's eyes, he has outstanding ability, but he doesn't know how to be flexible, how can he be deadly remonstrance, and he still asked Liu Bei to beg Liu Feng in front of everyone.

Seeing Zhuge Liang sigh, Liao Li just felt relieved.Smiling all around, he followed Liu Bei down.

With Liao Li's movement, everyone dispersed.On the top of the city, only Zhuge Liang who shook his head and sighed, and Xu Shu who remained silent.

He took a look at Zhuge Liang who looked lonely." Xu Shu seemed to see himself back then.

"Then Liao Li is a villain, be careful." Xu Shu patted Zhuge Liang on the shoulder and left.

"Small man?" Zhuge Liang smiled wryly, of course he also saw that Liao Li was a villain, but he found out too late.

I regret that I should have raised Liao Li to the lord.

"I don't know what kind of situation it will develop into." Zhuge Liang looked at Wang Yang, who was full of eyes, and sighed in his heart.

Even Zhuge Liang, even if Zhuge Liang is only in his 20s," but at this moment I feel tired.

Not only do you have to deal with the nearby Cao Cao, Kuai Yue, Cai Mao, and Liu Feng, but you also have to deal with the attack and annihilation of the villains inside. Zhuge Liang is really difficult.

He also doubted for the first time whether Liu Bei could succeed.

Internal and external troubles.

Sighing again, Zhuge Liang turned around and went down the city.

In the city, the water was quite deep" and almost reached his knees. Liu Bei rode his horse back to the front, his face was ugly and Zhuge Liang's words hit him in the face.

Submit to Liu Feng, what are the consequences?It's already happened once in Wancheng." That guy doesn't care whether he still has the Liu surname.

Not only took his Wancheng away, but also swallowed hundreds of his wounded soldiers.

I have already been beaten once, do I still have to stick my neck out and be beaten a second time?

Liu Bei felt that he was not so cheap.This is the conflict in Liu Bei's heart." On the other hand, it is the situation of flooding Xinye.

The flood is like a beast that swallows everything.

Everywhere he went was a mess.Now there are many floating corpses, human corpses and animal corpses.If coupled with the lack of food, large areas of people will starve to death.This is tantamount to the source of the plague.

Xinye, Xinye, the last piece of land.

Reason told Liu Bei that he should do everything he could to get the site revived. However, hatred told Liu Bei that he must never bow to Liu Feng again.

These two thoughts were glued together in Liu Bei's mind, and they were fighting each other.Almost a dead heat.

Liu Bei's face became more and more ugly, but his mind was blank.

At this moment, the servant of the prefect's mansion is at the door, pouring water out continuously.At any rate, the prefect's mansion had walls, the gate was blocked, and there were so many people, it would not be submerged in the flood.

Liu Bei got off his war horse in front of the door, but he ignored the horse and walked in directly, plunging into the study.

I want to read a book and meditate, but the more I read, the more irritable I become.Well, sleeping, but lying there is Liu Feng's face, and Wang Yang everywhere. ps

Liu Bei is even more annoying.At this moment, Liao Li, who was the first to follow Liu Bei, had already known Liu Bei's location from his servant" and followed him in.

"My lord." After entering the door, seeing Liu Bei's expression changed, which was very ugly, Liao Li just pretended not to see it, and said his respects.

"What's the matter?" Liu Bei was startled by Liao Li's sudden intrusion, and then he forced his expression back and asked.

"I came here to tell my lord" Zhuge Liang's plan was right. "Liao Li smiled and looked at Liu Bei and said, Liu Bei's face sank, and his eyes were full of anger.

"My lord, don't be angry." Seeing this, Liao Li smiled calmly.Immediately, he said in a deep voice: "When Cao Cao fell into despair, under Lu Bu's capture, there were only two cities left. Didn't they come back to life later? My lord, there is still a city with tens of thousands of people. There are so many civil and military forces, so why not worry about opportunities? Come?" I have to say, Liao Li's words are very skillful.

At this time, Liu Bei's angry face was not because of the flood, nor was it simply because of his hatred of Liu Bei.It was despair, the despair of competing for Jingzhou.Now Liu Ba is so strong that Liu Bei wants to look up to him. This kind of despair makes Liu Bei subconsciously think that "everything is futile."

Not to mention asking Liu Feng for food, even if Liu Feng gave him food, he might not be able to win Jingzhou." In the end, he fell into despair.

This kind of despair is the root cause of Liu Bei's gaffe.Maybe Liu Bei himself didn't realize it." But Liao Li noticed it.

Under Liao Li's words, Liu Bei's mind gradually became clear.I also know how to think rationally.

Liao Li is right, if you have the capital, you still have the opportunity, if you lose the capital.That's true despair.But Liu ah...,....

Thinking of the young eagle that flew away from his hand, Liu Bei smiled wryly.Very self-aware: "He won't help me."

Liao Li had already prepared for Liu Bei's question.

His eyes flashed with affection, as well as the determination to abandon all superficiality.He took a deep look at Liu Bei" and said: "In today's troubled times, if you want to succeed, you have to be willing to show your skin.The key is with Mrs. Kimball. "

"Madam Gan is kind-hearted and has a deep relationship with Liu Feng. If the lord can ask Madam Gan for a letter to ask Madam Gan to intercede for the people of Xinye, then there is a [-]% certainty."

"Gan's?" Liu Bei was already stunned when Liao Ligang spoke.

Liu Bei didn't want to think about Gan's person, nor did he want to see him.

The Gan family can be said to be a taboo in Liu Bei's heart.At the beginning, he knew that the Gan family was innocent, but he still allowed Tang Song to act mischievously, accusing the Gan family of having an affair with Liu Feng, which caused Gan to vomit blood, and Liu Feng retreated.

At that time, Liu Bei was very happy that Feng Liufeng had left, and because he was happy, he also sympathized with Gan.And a little guilty.

So "Liu Bei didn't embarrass Gan's later. But since Liu Feng sent ten guards, in the name of guards, to enter Gan's courtyard for protection.

For the Gan family, Liu Bei was only left with a sense of humiliation.

Seeing one's first wife in one's own territory requires other people's consent. What a shame.

But now Liao Li asked him to beg for mercy from the Gan family, begging the Gan family to consider the people of Xinye and let Liu Feng help.

What a shame.It’s like a man being cuckolded, because that man was too strong” and had to swallow his anger. Later, because he was poor” he had to wag his tail and ask for living expenses from the cheating woman.

Although Liu Bei knew that Gan and Liu Feng were innocent, he knew that their mother and son had a good relationship, and nothing would happen. But Liu Bei still had that feeling in his heart. If "if he was asked to beg Gan, Liu Bei would believe him." It would be as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

It's painful to die.But on the other hand, Liao Li was right.If you want to gain a foothold in the troubled times, you can ignore any face. Isn’t he like this before? Fleeing in embarrassment, he surrendered to Lu Bu, Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao. In the end, he had no choice but to go south to Liu Biao.

Although Liu Biao was on guard against him, at least he was given Xinye to live in.But Liu Bei never stared at Jingzhou. Before Zhuge Liang defected to him, he had already coveted Jingzhou.

After Zhuge Liang defected to him and presented the Longzhong pair, Liu Bei's covetousness for Jingzhou has reached its peak.

What's this?This is shame.

If you want to talk about it, now you are just asking Gan.Even if he used tricks to make Gan vomit blood in anger.But now the situation is exhausted, so he has the cheek to come to the door for help.What else?

Once, didn't he just call Cao Cao a Cao thief, and then surrendered to Cao Cao?But, but Cao Cao is Cao Cao.It is the traitor of Tianping.

And who is Gan?It's just a hand to bind a chicken." More than a year ago, he could crush an ant that could be crushed to death if he wanted to.

Now, now let him beg Gan in turn?

The humiliation is enormous.That's why Liu Bei resisted the most.But if you don't go, Xinye will be in chaos.You don't need Cao Cao to attack" and you can fall.

Are you going or not?Liu Bei was very tangled in his heart.On the one hand, there is a sense of humiliation, and on the other hand, Wang Tu's hegemony. ! ~!


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