Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 347 Liu Bei Was Rejected

Flutter.Hearing Liu Bei's request, Wu Shuang almost laughed out loud.

This person is stupid." Liu Bei and Liu Feng did not share the same hatred, and the battle of Wancheng had completely torn their faces.

Liu Bei actually came to ask for help.However, Gan's heart is kind, and this Wu Shuang has a deep understanding.And Liu Feng is also a dutiful son.

It would be terrible if Liu Feng agreed to Liu Bei's request in order to make Gan's peace of mind.

Wu Shuang made up her mind that she must persuade Gan to refuse later.

"Well, wait." She made up her mind, but Wu Shuang nodded coldly.

When we got back outside Gan's house," Wu Shuang stopped for a moment. Then, he bent over and saluted, "Ma'am" Liu Bei said that there was a flood in Xinye, and the people were seriously affected." The officials in Xinye have no ability to treat them, and I hope Madam You can write a letter, go to Jiangxia, and ask the lord for help. "

"Puchi." Wu Shuang tried not to laugh out loud, but Mi Shi laughed without any scruples, giggling, trembling for a while, Mi Shi laughed and said: "It's so interesting, Liu Bei is so poor. I beg Feng'er, giggling. No wonder you are humbled, giggling."

This smile is very pleasant.

"Flood in Xinye?" Gan asked in a daze.

She lives in the backyard and doesn't leave the yard for a long time.What's going on outside, she doesn't know.The torrential rain just made her feel a little bit bad, but she didn't expect that there would be a flood.

And "it's still a torrent that Liu Bei can't handle. What a disaster that must be."

Gan felt a little unbearable.

Seeing Gan's expression, Mi knew that this sister was kind-hearted.Quickly stopped laughing, and persuaded: "Sister, don't sympathize with him. As a prefect, he can't even appease the local people. But in a small county with tens of thousands of people, let him raise five thousand troops. The poor soldier ransom is nothing more than that. The cause of the past is the result of the future." Everything is his fault, there is no need for Feng'er to be responsible for his poor soldier ransom. "

"Madam Mi is right, ma'am, don't worry about Liu Bei. What's more, we don't have much food in Jiangxia, and we have [-] to [-] soldiers." Besides, Xinye is flooded. I am afraid, I am afraid that Jiangxia will also have Flood." As he spoke, Wu Shuang was a little depressed.

I didn't think of this layer before." I just thought of it now. Xinye is so close to Jiangxia, so I don't know what's going on. As a native of Jiangxia, Wu Shuang has a wife and children in Jiangxia.

Gan's "kind heart" originally couldn't bear the suffering of the people in Xinye. But after hearing Wu Shuang's words, he became stronger.

The people in Xinye are people, but the people in Jiangxia are also people.

If Liu Feng's food is not enough, of course Jiang Xia must be rescued first.There is no reason to save Xinye first.If she had to choose between Liu Bei and Liu Feng, she would definitely choose Liu Feng.

At this moment, Gan's heart was firm.

Seeing the change in Gan's expression, Mi suddenly smiled.Secretly gave Wu Shuang an appreciative look, "Smart.

"Go and tell him" military and political affairs, I don't even understand as a woman", and I can't decide. For the food problem, I ask him to send his own people to Jiangxia" to ask Feng'er for help. "Gan said firmly to Wu Shuang.

"No." Because she was worried about Jiang Xia, Wu Shuang was a little depressed, so she said "yes" and left in a hurry.

After Wu Shuang left, Gan's mood was a little depressed.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Mi asked a little strangely.Liu Bei should be happy if he rejected it.

"Sergeant Wu is right. Xinye is very close to Jiangxia. It has been raining here for days. I don't know what's going on in Jiangxia. It's not easy to start a business. Don't make any trouble at Feng'er." Gan raised her head and looked at Jiangxia. direction, worried.

Gan's words" made Mi startled. She also began to worry.

Outside the door, Wu Shuang told Liu Bei Gan's answer with a hard face.

That kind of official answer, I'm a woman, I can't be the master of everything.It made Liu Bei's nose crooked with anger.

Gan's and Liu Feng's relationship is very good, and Liu Bei sees it.

If Gan Shi said a word, Liu Feng would finish it even if he died.

But the current situation is that the Gan family is unwilling to make things difficult for Liu Feng. Even if he has the heart to abandon the people of Xinye, he still has to take care of Liu Feng.

Coming over eagerly to beg is as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.Now being rejected coldly by Gan, Liu Bei is like swallowing a fly for the second time.

Discomfort, nausea, and anger.

But Liu Bei knew that this was not the time to be angry.

With an ugly smile on his face, Liu Bei put his posture on the pole, raised his fist to Wu Shuang and said, "Please let the strong man come in again and let us know that there are many floating corpses in Xinye. If there are more casualties among the people", it will definitely cause a plague.At that time, the number of casualties.I also ask my wife to be kind and pity the people of Xinye. "

Wu Shuang sneered, but didn't answer.

A big man drove away his adopted son" and almost made his wife angry. He has no ability to govern the state and counties, and no courage to expand the territory.

Now that the disaster is coming, he still asks for a wife.

Wu Shuang's disdain for Liu Bei has reached its peak, coupled with worrying about Jiang Xia's comfort.Wu Shuang made up his mind" and looked at Liu Bei.

Seeing Wu Shuang's expression, Liu Bei had a heart attack, but Li An made a ps

Unable to help again, he raised his fist and repeated the previous words.But Wu Shuang looked up slightly and continued to look at Liu Bei.

Liu Bei finally couldn't bear it anymore, today's humiliation was too much.

"I am the majestic General Zuo, uncle of the Great Han Emperor, this place is my mansion, you will spend your food and lodging here" I eat everything.How dare you despise me. ", Liu Bei was so angry that he pointed at Wu Shuang with one hand and said sharply.

"You can eradicate me if you have the ability. But let me remind you first, I have some contact with the lord. As long as I die, the lord's army will go upstream to crusade against Xinye. When the time comes, let your precious son be buried with me." Wu Both showed the expression of you biting me, and said sarcastically.

This is the advantage of being in a powerful country." Even a small soldier can despise Liu Bei's power that can be wiped out at any time.

Wu Shuang's words drove Liu Bei almost crazy.

However, he really didn't dare to do anything to the man in front of him.At least in Jingzhou, Liu Bei didn't dare to do anything with this person before he had the power to contend with Liu Feng.

However, Liu Bei gradually calmed down, thinking about Wu Shuang's words of ridiculing him without hesitation, Liu Bei knew that if he argued with this reckless man here again, he would be the one who would be humiliated.

After figuring it out, Liu Bei didn't even want to say anything more about the scene" and left in a huff.

"Bah. Pretentious." Wu Shuang spat hard at Liu Bei's back.

"My lord, you really dared to say it just now. If he is really cruel, he will kill us." When Wu Shuang and Liu Bei confronted each other," the two little soldiers next to him didn't say a word.

At this time, I said.It's just that the tone is not very worried, but a little smile.

Although they are small personal soldiers, they are still Liu Feng's personal soldiers. They are not afraid of death.

"Hey, he didn't dare." Wu Shuang smiled and said confidently.

At this time, another soldier suddenly said: "I don't know what happened to Jiang Xia.", "Hey." Wu Shuang's good mood suddenly disappeared, and she sighed.

However, he still trusted Liu Feng and Wu Shuang, and he thought about it, Liu Feng's ability was much stronger than Liu Bei's.

Liu Bei can do nothing now, but Jiang Xia should be able to maintain it under the influence of Liu Feng.

Thinking about it this way" Wu Shuang's mood improved slightly again.

Wu Shuang's mood became better.Liu Bei is odd.

After receiving Liao Li's strategy, and thinking that he understood Gan's temperament, he seized her weakness and kindness, counted the lives and deaths of the common people, and made Gan's succumb." Send a letter to Liu Feng.

But he didn't expect that the current Gan family was no longer the Gan family he knew. She actually decided to save the people and supported Liu Feng.

From Liu Bei's point of view, this is simply unbelievable.

I remember that the former Ganshi was not like this.

Being rejected is not bad, but Liu Bei has been rejected a lot.But after making up his mind, he abandoned his face and begged Gan in a low voice.

It failed.And he was humiliated by a pawn at the door.

Liu Bei's mood was not only extremely bad, it was almost to the point where he was about to explode.

With this kind of mood in mind, Liu Bei quickly returned to the study with a dark face and gloomy eyes.

He didn't intend to discuss with Liao Li now, but it failed. Liu Bei didn't want to see Liao Li's surprised eyes.

Since you go through the back door, you can't use conspiracy.Then you can only go through the front door and use Zhuge Liang's strategy to send envoys to beg Liu Feng at a certain price.

Although, Liu Bei didn't know his new field at this time, so what price could he get into Liu Feng's eyes.

But it's something to try anyway.

Thinking about it, Liu Bei ordered someone to find Mi Zhu.

Liu Feng and the Gan family have a good relationship, and the Gan family and the Mi family have a good relationship." And Mi Zhu also loves Wuwu, and has a good relationship with Liu Feng.

When Liu Feng was in Xinye, he still called Mi Zhu his uncle.

Liu Bei knew and understood all of this.

Because when Liu Bei was in Xuzhou, it was all funded by Mi Zhu.After Liu Bei lost Xuzhou, Mi Zhu resolutely followed him to wander.

So after Liu Feng left, Liu Bei did not alienate Mi Zhu.

But after the first battle in Wancheng, Liu Bei's hatred for Liu Feng had reached an irretrievable point, and he began to alienate Mi Zhu, who was close to Liu Feng.

Liu Bei himself has rarely met Mi Zhu in private, one-on-one.

But at this time, except for Mi Zhu, Xinye couldn't find anyone to send Jiang Xia as an envoy.

In addition, the relationship between Zhang Fei and Liu Feng is even higher than that of Mi Zhu.But Zhang Fei is a military general, and he is a muddy person.Not suitable for missions.

And "the relationship between Zhang Fei and Liu Bei is still slowly repairing.

There is only one left: Xu Shu. But Liu Bei did not dare to let Xu Shu go. Liu Bei knew that he had been alienated from Xu Shu for a long time. If he sent Xu Shu over at this time, maybe Xu Shu would never come back.

Although alienated from Xu Shu," Liu Bei was still very sure of Xu Shu's wisdom, and he didn't want to give Xu Shu to Liu Feng, an enemy.

The rest can only rely on Mi Zhuji. Liu Bei sighed in his heart. PS! ~!


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