Now the water inside and outside Xinye City has receded a little bit, and there is no floating phenomenon when walking on the water with a few horse-drawn carriages.

In fact, it is also understandable, after all, next to Xinye is the big branch of Xiangjiang River, which is a big river.There is still a little bit of flood discharge capacity.

Outside the prefect's mansion." Mi Zhu got out of the carriage.

Compared with Liu Feng's time, Mi Zhu's spirit is not good, and his face shape is also a bit different, and the habit of smiling when he meets everyone is gone.

What increases is boredom.

Tired.Tired of Xinye, tired of Liu Bei.

Mi Zhu has no reason not to be tired of Liu Bei." In Xuzhou, he exhausted his family wealth, helped Liu Bei, and even married his younger sister to Liu Bei."

After Liu Bei was defeated, Mi Zhu followed Zhou Xuan and worked hard.

But now, since the first battle in Wancheng, Liu Bei has never been close to him."The old love" seems to be gone.

How could Mi Zhu not be disheartened?

As for Liu Bei summoning him suddenly, Mi Zhu could probably guess that he didn't want to catch up with him, but wanted him to go to Jiangxia.

On the city wall, when Zhuge Liang was speaking to Liu Bei, Mi Zhu was also there.

Glancing at the prefect's mansion, Mi Zhu walked in.

After entering the prefect's mansion, Mi Zhu soon came outside the study.

"Please report." Mi Zhu bowed to the guard in front of the door.

In the past, Mi Zhu was also Liu Bei's close minister, and he had to report when he entered the study, but now.

Mi Zhu is very conscious.

"My lord has already ordered that if Master Mi comes here, he must be notified." The guard quickly saluted Mi Zhu and said in a low voice.

"It needs to be reported." Mi Zhu sneered inwardly.

Nodding to the guard, Mi Zhu walked in.After entering the study, Mi Zhu didn't even look up, and directly lowered his head and said to the front: "Mi Zhu pays homage to the lord."

Sitting on the main seat, Liu Bei was in a daze for a while looking at Mi Zhu's obedient expression.

Ask yourself if you are doing something wrong.But after a while, Liu Bei was replaced by determination.

Mi Zhu and Liu Feng were too close to be reliable.

This is Liu Bei's idea.

Now Liu Bei is almost full of Liu Feng, which is naked hostility.Liu Bei subconsciously looked at people close to Liu Feng with colored eyes.

"Excuse me, sit down." Dao Bei pointed to the seat next to him.

"Thank you, my lord." Mi Zhu said, but still didn't look up." He continued to lower his head slightly, and came to the side.

"Zizhong is also on the top of the wall today." Liu Bei said directly without thinking too much.After a pause, he said again: "The ocean is everywhere, the people have been severely affected by the disaster. Zizhong is also in charge of money and food, so he should know that the food in my Xinye is no longer enough to relieve the disaster."

Mi Zhu had already confirmed what Liu Bei wanted to say.

"My lord, please give me instructions." Mi Zhu raised his fist and said.

"Although Liu Feng, the prefect of Jiangxia, has grievances with me", he is close to Zizhong, and he often calls Zizhong his uncle.Now my Xinye Crisis also asks Zi Zhongneng to go out and "go to Jiangxia to get food." Liu Bei's tone, although there is a request "but no matter how you look at it, it is not sincere.

The relationship between the two has become superficial.

uncle?Mi Zhu ignored Liu Bei's attitude, but was a little dazed about the word "uncle".

In fact, it was Liu Bei's idea that Liu Feng called him uncle.When Liu Feng first became Liu Bei's stepson, Liu Jingri valued Liu Feng.

Want to stand as an heir.

Liu Feng is young and his foundation is shallow.Although Mi Zhu is not capable, he handles interpersonal relationships very well, and is also in charge of money and food, so he can be regarded as an important minister.

Liu Bei originally wanted his stepson to be close to Mi Zhu in order to prepare for his succession in the future.Let Mi Zhu take the initiative to get close to Liu Feng.

Later, the more Mi Zhu got along with him, the more he liked Liu Feng.It's quite a pleasure to be an uncle.

But today.

Mi Zhu felt disheartened for a while.

"No." Mi Zhu raised his fist in response.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Bei personally drafted an official document to equip Mi Zhu with a hundred guards, and sent Mi Zhu to Jiangxia for help.

With complicated feelings, Mi Zhu left the prefect's mansion with the official document in his arms.

After Mi Zhu left, Liu Bei murmured, "It must be successful."

If Xinye, Xiangyang and other places are the upper reaches, and Jiangxia is the middle reaches, then Jiangdong is the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

The flood accumulated from Jingchu and flowed into Jiangxia.However, because of Liu Feng's dredging and "remediation", Jiangxia's flood discharge has greatly increased, and in the floods in a small area, the flood was "reluctantly unloaded."

Now that the rainstorm is over, Jiang Xia is safe.

However, Jiangxia's flood discharge is strong, and Jiangdong will suffer.

Jiangdong was occupied by Sun Ce. When Sun Ce ruled, he only considered wars, wars, and rarely considered floods.remediation.

When Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, he was very concerned about the administration of officials.

But when Sun Quan first succeeded to the throne, people's hearts were not stable, and he was not in the mood to engage in any kind of bureaucracy." Later, he grew up.

Sun Quan also began to suppress the internal contradictions, fought abroad, beat Huang Zu, and diverted his attention.

Later, Liu Feng was beaten, and then Shanyue broke out.Most of the time, money and food were also consumed in the battle, and things like river improvement were delayed.

After accumulating, the river gradually narrows and its depth gradually changes.

Rivers that have not been rehabilitated cannot stop the larger half-waterlogging at all.

And this time, it was another great flood that happened in hundreds of years.And because the flood discharge in Jiangxia, Changsha, and Jiujiang is extremely large.

As a result, the floods continued to flow into Jiangdong at a rapid speed.

Before Xiangyang was submerged, "Jiangdong was already flooded. Five or six days of continuous torrential rain turned Jiangdong into a vast ocean.

Lake mouth ferry.

Because the torrential rain came too fast, the warships were not tied up in time, some sank, and most of them were floating in Hukou City.

A flat-bottomed boat, the draft is not deep, and now the water depth in the ferry is as high as half a person.It's normal.

Now some houses in Ferry City have been washed away.

The rest of the people did not dare to live.Can't live.Therefore, most of them squatted on the city wall of the half city of the ferry.

There are also some who simply live on the warships scattered in the city.

The guard of Hukou drove a small boat and marched in the city.Looking at the disaster, his face was livid.The reason is not only that the lake mouth is flooded, but also the worry about Jiangdong.

Judging by the rainstorm, the area should be large.

If it covers Jingzhou Jiangdong, then the water will concentrate into the Yangtze River, and then submerge the entire Jiangdong.

This is a very scary thing.

Soon, Hong Cheng's worries about Jiang Dong were replaced by the tragedy in front of him.People squatted everywhere on the city wall, and many people left in a hurry, even though they brought their clothes with, but no pots and pans.

"Go back and take out all the cauldrons in the army." Hong Cheng ordered.

"Promise." The soldiers sailing the boat made a promise, and the boat turned around" and began to return.

Hong Cheng's worries were correct. The storm indeed covered Jingchu, Wuyue, and parts of the north bank of the Yangtze River.

The upper reaches of the rain, because Jiangxia's flood discharge is amazing.And all poured into Jiangdong, a vast ocean.

Wu Cheng is not bad.

Because of the high terrain, the water only submerged near the soles of the feet.

But none of the "officials" in Wucheng felt lucky because of this. Because the official documents of the disaster from all over Jiangdong entered Wucheng like snowflakes.

Almost all the same, asking for food relief.

A flood displaced several people. If you are lucky, you can bring out some food. If you are unlucky, only people can escape.

Not a single grain of rice was brought out.

What is even more frightening is that there is no way to count the deaths and injuries, but there must be many deaths and injuries. There should be relatively few people, but there are countless animal corpses.

That's what's scary.


Almost within five or six days, the heavens brewed a hunger, flood, and plague against Jiangdong. Three major threats.

Among them, floods and hunger are the second largest.If these two major threats can be eliminated, the plague may be avoided.

But the key is Jiangdong's current drainage system. It will take time to drain so much stagnant water.Coupled with the water that is still being drained from the upper reaches.

It will take at least three to five days for the water level to drop naturally.

As for grain, the entire Jiangdong granary has almost bottomed out, with only 30 million shi left.What is the concept of 30 million stone?

It can feed a hundred thousand troops for seven or eight months.Lu can survive for a year with a little food.

But compared to the millions of people in Jiangdong, wrong, plus hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people, there may be 150 million people.

With such a large population, two to three million shi of grain is only enough to dry the teeth.

In Wucheng, in the study of Marquis Wu's mansion.

At this moment, there are three people sitting, Sun Quan, Lu Su, and Zhang Zhao.

Sun Quan's face was quite ugly, and he described it as bleak.Both eyes are blood red.Sun Quan could hardly believe that just seven days ago, he was still happy when it rained.The drought is over, although this year is relatively hard, the harvest may be around [-]%. But after all, we can survive.

But the rain was getting bigger and bigger, until it flooded his Jiangdong.It took just seven days from joy to despair.

Sun Quan almost collapsed in this sudden change.

Lu Su is almost as good as Sun Quan.

Only Zhang Zhao was relatively calm.Zhang Zhao is in his fifties, and everyone is familiar with Zhang Zhao." Before his death, Sun Ce passed his position to Sun Quan.

He asked Zhou Yu to ask Zhou Yu if he was not sure about foreign affairs.If the internal affairs are not resolved, ask Zhang Zhao.

Zhang Zhao and Zhou Yu, one inside and one outside, supported Jiangdong when Sun Quan was still young, and they were the real ministers of the humerus.The top beam of Jiangdong.

At this time, it was Zhang Zhao who stepped forward.After pondering for a moment, he raised his fist and said to Sun Quan: "My lord, the flood is raging now, and the people have suffered a lot.Food must become scarce, and the top priority should be to raise food and grass for disaster relief. "

"What can Zibu do?" Sun Quan was like a man grasping for life-saving straws in adverse waters.Wen Bo said impatiently.

"It can be temporarily borrowed from the big noble families and powerful people. It will be returned in the next year." Zhang Zhao came up with an idea "feasible idea.

Jiangdong is a complicated force. The gentry and powerful occupy a large amount of resources, and they also value the storage of grain and grass.The selected places" are also relatively high-lying, and there should be a lot of stock.

Sun Quan was overjoyed.But Lu Su's words made Sun Quan's heart cool down again.

"Only relying on the powerful, the grain of the gentry may not be enough to support the next autumn harvest. What's more, there are hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people." Lu Su shook his head.

Yes, and Yamagoshi.Sun Quan's heart is "very cold, very cold.!~!


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