Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 349 More People Ask for Help

Is God going to kill me?The despair in Sun Quan's eyes was even worse. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

There are many victims, and this year, almost all of them have been harvested.The rest of the people's homes are washed away by the flood, and the ones soaked in the water will sooner or later become moldy.

Hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people.Nearly [-] local troops.

But now there are only 10,000+ stone grains left in the Wuxian granary.

Official warehouses in various places also suffered a lot of losses due to flooding.What is placed in front of Sun Quan may be a vacancy of 300 million shi for grain.

How could Sun Quan not despair?

For a moment, Sun Quan's face was full of obstinacy.

At this moment, Lu Su hesitated a little, and said to Sun Quan: "My lord, do you remember that Liu Fenghu bought 30 shi of our Jiangdong's grain?"

Sun Quan remembered this incident very clearly.At first they sent Lu Su to find Liu Feng, asking for Zhou Yu's eldest son to be released, but later, Liu Feng made a condition of buying Jiangdong's grain, otherwise Zhou Yu's eldest son would not be released.

Grain is a strategic reserve, and Sun Quan was in the midst of a war at the time. The Shanyue people in the east of the river made Sun Quan very cautious, but in the end he couldn't stand Liu Feng's high price of youhuo, and sold it to Liu Feng for 30 shi.

Now it seems that the 30 stones are really a big loss.

If you add the 30 shi, and borrow food from the powerful and gentry, and save some food, you can last for a long time.

Thinking of this, Sun Quan's face showed ferocity, and he said through gritted teeth: "This man must have known about the disaster long ago. Before the drought, he started digging deep wells. He survived the drought. Before the flood, he First use the huge youhuo to let us sell grain, and then start fighting for river improvement in our own place. This allows the flood to pass through Jiangxia smoothly, and finally all flow into Jiangdong. At least half of Jiangdong's current state is caused by him. "

Based on the relationship between Jiangdong and Jiangxia, it is natural for both parties to send spies.Sun Quan was fully aware of Jiangxia's vigorous campaign to improve the river.

It was inexplicable at the beginning, but now it suddenly becomes clear.

This guy must know that the drought and flood are coming, and then wait to make a fortune.That 30 shi grain deal is typical.

It seems to be losing money but making a lot of money.

Now that Jiangdong has no food, how much would it cost to buy back the 30 shi or even more food from Liu Feng?

Moreover, in Gan Ning's conquest of Jiangdong, Sun Quan lost Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin and Da Qiao.The humiliating peace was exchanged for Liu Feng not to attack Jiangdong.

It's already embarrassing enough, but now I still have to eagerly ask Liu Feng for help.Sun Quan is also a face-saving person.

Therefore, Sun Quan, who had already understood Lu Qi's meaning, was not only unhappy, but even more gnashed his teeth.

Sun Quan's face did not make Lu Su flinch, and now he is in a desperate situation.Jiangdong's grain can only last for February and March at most.

When winter comes, it is the time when Jiangdong falls into real despair.

By that time, Jiangdong, which is vastly outnumbered by civil and military elites, will collapse suddenly.

Therefore, Lu Su continued: "My lord, do you still remember the battle of Jiangling? At that time, someone pretended to be Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai attacked Jiangling, and swept away the food. At that time, Liu Biao thought it was us, but it was someone else. Jiang Xia is the only person with that kind of navy ability. It's just that our relationship with Liu Biao was also very rigid at that time, so we didn't come forward to clarify."

"Also, I heard that Liu Feng also harvested a lot of grain in the battle of Wancheng. Now the grain in Jiangxia's granary should be able to support us in Jiangdong."

Lu Su's words were very attractive to Sun Quan.The reason for the shame and anger just now is that I don't want to bow down for 30 shi of grain.Because the sum of 30 shi is not enough to make Jiangdong survive the crisis.

But now, according to Lu Su's words, Liu Feng's food is enough to support the entire Jiangdong.Sun Quan was naturally moved.In the face of survival, it is not unacceptable to put aside face and not spend a lot of money to buy food.

But at this moment, Zhang Zhao spoke.

"We have a stiff relationship with Liu Feng. We don't mind the high price, but I'm afraid that Liu Feng won't sell it." Zhang Zhao sighed.

The current situation is that Liu Feng is sitting on Baoshan.As for Jiangdong's internal and external troubles, he could only watch helplessly.If there is no food, they can only wait to die.

With Liu Feng's strong personality, it is not impossible to watch the casualties of Jiangdong people and then perish.

No, not possible, but certain.

Zhang Zhao had never met Liu Feng, but he knew Liu Feng from various sources. Liu Feng left the new field angrily, and then attacked Huang Zu, Zhou Yu, and Cao Ren.

Although Jiangdong has never been cheap from Liu Feng, he has caused a lot of trouble, and he is still a close neighbor.If Liu Feng intends to annex Jiangdong, then.

Liu Feng looked on coldly, almost nailing the matter to an iron plate.

"No, according to the information, the scope of the rain should be very large. Jingzhou must have been affected. I don't know if the situation is serious or not. But the shortage of food is certain. The second is Xinye. Liu Bei has too many troops, and there is a shortage of food and grass. They are not fools, and they must know that Jiangxia has food. Now everyone is like a hungry wolf who has fainted from hunger. Liu Feng chooses to trade. Let the soldiers know that the disaster is serious. Only Jiangxia has the food to save millions of people. The soldiers must be desperate. Liu Feng's unleashed combat power, unless he wants to lose both. Therefore, Liu Feng will definitely choose a deal. But the price may be higher. "Lu Su didn't know the extent of this heavy rain, but it can be seen from the amount of flooding from the upper reaches that the scope of the blow must be very large.

Therefore, Lu Su took this as a judgment and concluded that various forces were trying to put pressure on Liu Feng.

Now it seems that Liu Feng is strong, Jiangdong is weak, Xinye is weak, and Jingchu is weak, but if the three parties fight Liu Feng with the determination to die, Liu Feng will definitely compromise.

"However, in Jingchu, with Cai Mao's presence, it will become difficult to say." After a while, Lu Su added.

In other words, the only one who can make an alliance is Xinye Liubei.

"Jingzhou's naval forces are too weak, so I don't take it seriously." Sun Quan said disapprovingly, but then showed a look of anticipation, and said, "According to Zijing's explanation, can we wait?" Put pressure on Liu Feng and threaten to attack Jiangxia at all costs? And let Liu Feng compromise and lower the transaction price to an acceptable range?"

"You can try it a little bit, but don't push it too fast. Liu Feng's character is too strong. If he disagrees with each other, it will be troublesome if we all die together." Lu Su thought about it for a while.road.

"En." Sun Quan couldn't help restraining his look of anticipation, and nodded.

Even Lu Su and Sun Quan couldn't figure out that Liu Feng's price was not only high, but extremely high.It was the fruit of the victory of the Shanyue Rebellion that had been swallowed up in Jiangdong's history for a few years before it was wiped out.

Hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people.

After a short discussion, the three monarchs and ministers agreed that "under the current circumstances, it is more cost-effective to buy grain from Jiangxia, even if the price is slightly higher.

If the price is really unbearable, then they will threaten Liu Feng to sell grain, assuming that they will die together in despair.

After the discussion, Sun Quan said to Lu Su: "Zi Jing, you are familiar with Jiang Xia." I will trouble you to go again. "

The corner of Lu Su's mouth twitched when he heard this, Jiang Xia was familiar with him.But Lu Su once vowed that he never wanted to see Liu Feng's face again.

With Lu Su's personality, under Sun Quan's order, some reluctance actually arose in his heart.

But after all, he is a responsible person, and Jiangdong is really desolate now." And he is really the only person who knows Jiang Xia well.

If he doesn't go, who will go?

So" Lu Su had no choice but to raise his fist and say: "No. "

"Hurry up and go back, I try my best to raise food and deal with it first." Zhang Zhao nodded to Lu Su.

"En." Lu Su responded.

Immediately, Lu Su cupped his fists at Sun Quan and walked out of the study.

After Lu Su returned to the mansion, he only told his wife.He took Jiangdong's heavy responsibility and went to Jiangxia.

The weather is sultry and the jungle is vast. These eight words can sum up Jiaozhou.

There were only twelve prefectures in the Han Dynasty, but at that time Jiaozhou was also relatively Jiaozhou. It was called Baiyue, and it was a land of barbarians. The biggest force was Sanyue.Among them, the most famous is the Nanyue Dynasty.

Later, during Emperor Wu's crusade against the Xiongnu, his force was strong, he defeated Baiyue, and established Jiaozhou.

However, Jiaozhou's miasma, foreign races, and because it is a barbarian land, have always made the Central Plains people very afraid, and few people set foot in Jiaozhou.

Therefore, Jiaozhou has always been very backward and closed.

But this situation changed when Shi Xie was governor.Shi Xie was a very generous man, and he was a famous scholar. There were frequent wars in the Central Plains, and not only Jingzhou but also Jiaozhou were stable.

Therefore, several scholars defected, and the Central Plains culture they brought greatly enhanced the potential of Jiaozhou.

Up to now, Jiaozhou has been very prosperous.

It's just that Jiaozhou also has the limitations of Jiaozhou. The environment is relatively harsh, and the lives of the people are relatively hard. Because there are many alien races and the influence of the Han people, they rarely step out of the city.

That is, the land is sparsely populated.

What Liu Feng didn't know was that the scope of the rainstorm also included Jiaozhou.The water system in Jiaozhou is more developed than Jiangdong.

The number of large and small rivers.The grain output in Jiaozhou is very low.

Therefore, a flood will not be easy for Jiaozhou.

The administrative office of Jiaozhou is Jiaozhi.A very old city.

Because there are few wars in Jiaozhou, the city is not very tall, not very thick, and even half-new and half-old.

There are about [-] people in the city, most of them are Han Chinese, accounting for about two-thirds, and the rest are Baiyue aliens.

Under Shi Xie's governance, the Han people in Jiaozhou lived in harmony with other races.Together, they have built up the current prosperity of Jiaozhou.

It's just that the common people are a little sad today.When greeting each other, they are all sighing, this year's food, hey.

In the center of the city, in the governor's mansion.

Shi Xie and his younger brother Shi Yi were also frowning.

Shi Xie is 69 years old, with gray hair and an old face, but his figure is still tall, unlike ordinary old people, who gradually become shorter.

Shi Yi is also 60 years old, and his appearance is somewhat similar to Shi Xie.

Both of them were wearing casual clothes at the moment, and both had frowning faces.

"Brother, now Jiaozhou depends entirely on your prestige to make Han people and Yue people live in harmony, but this can only be preserved when the situation is stable. This year's food may not be good, and those Yue people are rebellious. If Without food relief, I'm afraid there will be a war." Shi Yi said with a sigh.

Shi Xie and Shi Yi are not the kind of ambitious and moderate people.For the war or something, I hate it the most.

Seeing the imminent catastrophe, it is natural to lament.

"Well, I have to find a way to get some food over here." Shi Xie nodded and sighed.

After a pause, Shi Xie continued: "Jiaozhou has a small population, and as long as 30 or [-] shi of grain are needed, we can overcome the immediate crisis. I think it is possible to ask for the relationship between my brother and Jiangdong."

"I just heard that Jiangdong has fought a war for more than a year, and the consumption must be huge. I'm afraid there is not much food." As he spoke, Shi Xie began to worry.

"Whether there is food or not, let's ask for help first. I will immediately take gems, pearls, and gold and go to Jiangdong to ask for food." Shi Yi was more anxious, and immediately got up and said.

"Wait, these are probably not enough to show our sincerity." Shi Xie stopped Shi Yi.

Shi Yi turned his head and looked at Shi Xie.

"Last time, didn't some people from other races donate ten elephants to us? Take them there together." Shi Xie thought for a while, then raised his head and said to Shi Xie.

"Elephants?" Shi Yi frowned when he heard this, and said, "Elephants are well-trained and even have special trainers, but they can't be eaten, and they have no value at all except for viewing and entertainment. Take Is it useful to go to Jiangdong?"

Shi Xie smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said: "Elephants are very common in our Jiaozhou, but they are not common in the Central Plains. It is enough to have fun."

Seeing Shi Xie's insistence, Shi Yi couldn't say much more.

It's just that I feel a little depressed, because after I have an elephant, I can't take a boat.You have to go completely on foot, over the mountains and ridges, to Jiangdong.

After Shi Yi bid farewell to Shi Xie, he first went to the treasury and withdrew [-] gold, various gems, and a batch of high-quality pearls.

Take ten elephants and set off for Jiangdong.It's just that Shi Yi didn't know that the flood in Jiangdong was worse than that in Jiaozhou, and Sun Quan himself had to buy grain.

Xiling City, in the study of General Yang Wu's residence.

Liu Feng was sitting in the study, dealing with official duties.

Although Jiangxia, Changsha, and most of Jiujiang have survived the flood, some small places were still affected.

The people are facing some difficulties.

Therefore, Liu Feng did not sit and enjoy, waiting for Sun Quan to come to ask for food.Make a fortune.

Instead, he was busy dispatching officials to various places for disaster relief with food from Xiling appease the people.

It's the same today, Liu Feng is planning to send a batch of grain to sea.Because Liu Feng suddenly remembered that Taiwan might also be within the range of the heavy rain.

So Liu Feng was more worried.Prepare to mobilize food and grass in the past.

At this moment, a guard came to report: "My lord, Xiakou came to report that it was under Liu Bei's tent, and Mi Zhu has arrived in Xiakou."

"Oh?" Liu Feng's eyes flashed with surprise. ! .

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