Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 350 What I Desire From Liu Bei

This torrential rain covered Jingpan, the land of Wuyue, south of the Yangtze River. (Apex novels hand-made novels) It is normal for Da Xinye to be within the strike range.

Liu Feng also thought that Liu Bei would send someone to ask for help.

Liu Feng's understanding of Liu Bei is already very thorough. This person has a thick skin, even if he has a mortal hatred, in the face of life and death, he can still put down his body and compromise.

This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with, and also the most disgusting.

However, Liu Feng hoped that Liu Bei's people would come.Since Liu Bei sent someone here, it proves that the situation has reached the end of the mountain.

Liu Bei's life is not easy now, there are only tens of thousands of people in the territory, and there is only one city.Food reserves are again scarce.

After a flood, he must have fallen into despair.

In history, there is another Liu Biao who can help.Help Liu Bei tng live, but now Liu Biao died early, and Jingzhou is the leader of Kuai Yue and Cai Mao.

These two people don't care much about Liu Bei.

In desperation, I came to beg him.Liu Feng can also take the opportunity to ask for what he wants.

On Liu Bei's side, there are civil servants and generals whom Liu Feng longs for, Zhuge Liang, Jian Yong, Sun Qian, Mi Zhu, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Chen Dao, Wei Yan and so on.

But Liu Feng desperately wants it, and it is currently available. There are only three people.

Mother Gan, teacher Xu Shu, and Zhao Yun who Liu Bei didn't love very much.

Needless to say, Gan's, Liu Feng always remembered Gan's kind heart, whenever he thought of Gan's smiling face, Liu Feng would miss him endlessly.

But after thinking about it, Liu Feng felt that it was unrealistic to switch back to Gan's now.

Because Gan is Liu Bei's official wife, Liu Bei can acquiesce to the rumor that Gan has an affair with him.But it is impossible to let his wife really live with Liu Feng.

The second is the Mi family. The Mi family is also the person Liu Feng wants to change back, but it is impossible.Because the Mi family represents the bond of interests between Mi Zhu and Liu Bei.

And if the Mi family can't leave, then the Gan family is definitely not willing to leave the Mi family either.The relationship between the two is so good.

Therefore, when Liu Feng took the Gan family away, he could only mobilize troops in the Battle of Chibi to bring back both the Gan family and the Mi family.If uncle Mi Zhu is willing, Liu Feng also wants to bring Mi Zhu along.

As for Xu Shu being his teacher, the two have a very good relationship. Liu Feng also heard that Xu Shu's life with Liu Bei was not good, so he took the opportunity to pull Xu Shu over. Liu Feng thought it might be a big possibility.

And Zhao Yun is similar to Xu Shu, and neither has been reused by Liu Bei.

Moreover, Liu Feng is currently short of cavalry generals. When it comes to cavalry, Liu Feng is upset.

He won more than 1000 horses for fighting Chaisang, and [-] horses for fighting Jiangling.Trade with Liaodong and get [-] war horses.

There are [-] horses in total. According to the standard equipment of cavalry, one person with three horses can equip [-] cavalry.

But now it can only be placed in Jiangxia Ranch, staring blankly.

There is no way there is no good cavalry general.If the cavalry is handed over to the infantry commander, such as Huang Zhong.So what kind of cavalry is taught?

Liu Feng couldn't imagine.So I would rather wait.Waiting for the most ideal cavalry general.

Zhao Yun is Liu Feng's coveted object, the most perfect cavalry general in his mind.Now that the opportunity is so good, Liu Jing certainly wants to try it.

If it can be exchanged, there is another advantage that you don't have to worry about loyalty issues.Just imagine, if Zhao Yun knew, Liu Bei would have given up on him for Xinye.

Zhao Yun's loyalty to Liu Bei must have plummeted, although it cannot be directly turned into black sincerity to Liu Feng.But at least Liu Feng had a chance to keep Zhao Yun.

Liu Feng had already thought about these things.The only envoy was Mi Zhu, and Liu Feng was a little surprised.

Liu Bei should know that he and Mi Zhu will have a good relationship, and now that he is sending Mi Zhu here, isn't he afraid that Mi Zhu will secretly favor him?

However, Liu Feng thought about it again, Mi Zhu is not alone in Xinye, there are Mi Zhu's wife and children, younger brother Mi Fang and so on.

Mi Zhu had no condition to favor him.

Xiakou is not far away from Xiling City, which is only an hour or two away.What's more, when the news sent by Gan Ning arrived, Mi Zhu might have already left for a long time.

Therefore, Liu Feng simply dropped the official document and waited quietly for Mi Zhu's arrival.

I have some expectations for Mi Zhu and Liu Feng. When I was in Xinye, this smiling and kind uncle put a lot of things into him.

Support, gold, money.

Moreover, Mi and Gan have a good relationship.Because of Mi's existence, Liu Feng could leave Xinye with peace of mind, because Liu Feng knew that after he left.Mi's will take good care of Gan's.

So, no matter what it is, Liu Feng is very grateful for this uncle.

I haven't seen you for over a year.Liu Feng let out a long breath.

While waiting, time passed slowly.

When the guard came to report that Mi Zhu's carriage had arrived at the gate of the prefect's mansion, Kan Feng was overjoyed and got up and walked out of the study.

He planned to meet Mi Zhu in person.

It's just that when Liu Feng saw Mi Zhu, he couldn't believe his eyes.

This is still Mi Zhuhua's handsome face that can leave a mark in history books, and that graceful and luxurious demeanor.Liu Feng didn't even see it, what Liu Feng saw was a somewhat thin and disheartened Mi Zhu.

At this moment, Liu Feng knew that Mi Zhu must have encountered some trouble in Xinye.

But Liu Feng didn't know what the trouble was, because according to the information sent back by the spies stationed in Xinye, Mi Zhu was still in charge of the treasury, and his position was very stable.

Liu Feng was looking at Mi Zhu, and Mi Zhu was also looking at Liu Feng.

In Mi Zhu's eyes, Liu Feng has grown up.It's not about growing up in age, but in temperament. At that time, Liu Feng gave him the feeling that he had Liu Bei's style of courtesy and corporal.

Is a very reliable heir.

But looking at Liu Feng in front of him now, Mi Zhu has already discovered that the person in front of him has far surpassed Liu Bei.

Regardless of the sharp eyes, or the power that surrounds the whole body.Both far surpassed Liu Bei.

As the saying goes, what kind of rights you have, you can have what kind of momentum.According to the rights, Liu Feng sits in three counties with tens of thousands of soldiers.Liu Bei is simply incomparable.

The prestige cultivated is naturally higher than that of Liu Bei.

grown up.Mi Zhu looked at Liu Feng with emotion.

After looking at it for a moment, he was about to salute.But Liu Fengxian said: "Uncle first go inside to talk."

After speaking, Mi Zhu couldn't help but take a step forward and took Mi Zhu's hand, and walked towards the general's mansion.

Uncle.It made Mi Zhu go back to three years ago in a trance.The scene of the two getting along, slowly, the Liu Feng in memory overlapped with the current Liu Feng.

At this moment," some enlightenment rose in Mi Zhu's heart.

No matter how powerful and powerful Liu Feng is.It's still that Liu Feng.Will call him uncle.

Thinking about it, Mi Zhu's eyes became a little moist, because he thought of Liu Bei who had exhausted his family's wealth and wanted to help him. Why is there such a big gap.

In a daze, Mi Zhu was pulled into the study by Liu Feng.

After helping Mi Zhu to sit down, Liu Fengping retreated the sh girl.Asked softly: "Uncle looks haggard, but what happened?"

Said" Liu Feng then asked softly: "But for the nephew? "

Although Liu Feng didn't know what happened to Mi Zhu, he could guess to a certain extent.I'm afraid it's for him.

But Liu Feng was not so sure. According to the logic, Mi Zhu was Liu Bei's close minister and the number one confidant.

Mi Zhu abandoned his identity as a wealthy merchant and defected to Liu Bei.Liu Bei ran here and there, but Mi Zhu was always loyal and followed him around.

There is no credit" and hard work.

This is the mutual trust between the monarch and his ministers.

People who have read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms may think that Liu Bei trusts and relies on Zhuge Liang.But in fact, it was just the opposite. The person Liu Bei trusted the most was Mi Zhu.

During Liu Bei's period, "Zhuge Liang's power was always under Mi Zhu. Logically speaking, this relationship is unbreakable.

Unless, unless Liu Bei has gradually lost his mind, he became suspicious and alienated Mi Zhu.

The thought that flashed in Liu Feng's mind was not far from the truth.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng felt guilty for Mi Zhu at the same time.

Liu Feng's uncle, the attitude of the queen.Let Mi Zhu feel very relieved.The expression on his face also improved a lot, and he smiled and said, "It's none of Feng'er's business."

But Liu Feng was more convinced that it was him.

With a long sigh, he secretly decided that when the Battle of Chibi came, "not only should we take back the Gan clan, but Mi Zai" would also bring Mi Zhu's wife and children back to Jiangxia.

for sure.

Liu Feng clenched his fists.

Here Liu Feng made up his mind, while Mi Zhu over there had a lot of smiles on his face because he was in a better mood.He smiled and said: "Uncle, I am here this time, but I want to trouble Feng'er."

"Food?" Liu Feng asked after hearing the words.

"Well, the food in Xinye is not enough for disaster relief." Mi Zhu nodded and said.

Liu Feng was a little embarrassed, and felt at ease to blackmail Liu Bei, but the object of the negotiation was actually Mi Zhu.

After thinking about it, Liu Feng tentatively asked, "Is my nephew negotiating with Liu Bei?"

How could Mi Zhu not understand what Liu Feng meant?Feeling happy, she nodded with a smile and said, "Yes. Don't worry about uncle."

Liu Feng immediately felt relieved.

"Okay, let's talk about business first.

I'll catch up with my uncle later. "Speaking, Liu Feng put away the smile on his face and said.

The same was true for Mi Zhu, who put away his smile.

Once it comes to business, Liu Feng will become very calm.He opened his mouth and said, "Just as Liu Bei guessed, I do have food, and a lot of it, enough to save Xinye. However, Jiangdong and Jingzhou are also affected by the disaster in the surrounding areas. According to the transaction, my batch of food is very expensive. , I don’t know what price Liu Bei can pay for it?”

Mi Zhu is a businessman, and he is also a very capable businessman.All kinds of people, all kinds of negotiations, I don't know how many times I have met.

Liu Feng's words were only reduced to four words.

Mi Zhu smiled slightly, nodded and said, "If Feng'er wants to get anything from the emperor, just say it."

"Uh." Looking at Mi Zhu's smiling eyes, as if looking at his nephew, he was a little embarrassed.

Negotiating with this big businessman's uncle seems to be a bit tricky.Might as well just say it straight! .

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