Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 351 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 350 The Lion's Big Opening (Third)

If it were someone else, Liu Feng wouldn't have said that.But Mi Zhu is different to Liu Feng.

So after thinking about it, I decided to speak up.

"Then tell the truth to Uncle. I am short of everything now, lacking cities, lacking population, lacking talents, and lacking soldiers. It sounds poor, but at the same time I am also very rich. I have millions of shi of grain, and 10,000+ A lot of gold, a lot of copper coins." Liu Feng said honestly.

"That is to say, Feng'er wants to get some talents from the emperor's uncle?" Mi Zhu asked with a frown. According to Liu Feng, only talents from Liu Bei's side can attract him.

"Yeah." Liu Feng nodded readily.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Uncle Huang cherishes his reputation very much. Now it's not easy to gather a group of talents. If Uncle Huang gave someone to you casually, people's hearts will be scattered. It's not that far. It won't work." Mi Zhu shook his head and said.

It seemed difficult, but Liu Feng heard Mi Zhu's implication.

"Uncle, please teach me." At this moment, Liu Feng couldn't care less, and begged.

Liu Feng's expression fell into Mi Zhu's eyes, and his heart felt warm again.

Now he is Liu Bei's envoy, and Liu Feng is a prince.How trusting Liu Feng was to confess to him like this.

Therefore, Mi Zhu was very solemn about Liu Feng's request.

After pondering for a moment, Mi Zhu raised his head and said, "Uncle can't help you directly. But there are some tricks."

"Uncle, please tell me." Liu Feng cheered up and said.

"First of all, you have to delay. Now the disaster has just begun, and Xinye still has some ability to persist for a while. You just need a little time to drag people to the point of desperation. When people are hungry and faint, they can lose their minds. At that time , what you want, Uncle Huang has no choice but to agree."

Mi Zhu said in detail, and then smiled again: "The second is that it is hidden. For example, if Jiangxia still has 300 million grains, it is said to be 150 million shi. Now there are three parties affected by the disaster. , Jiangdong, Jingzhou, Xinye, less food can cause competition. Make a profit from it. This is up for grabs."

"En." Liu Feng nodded when he heard the words, but he was a little disappointed in his heart. Liu Feng knew about these two things, and he planned to implement them.

If the person sent by Liu Bei was someone else, he would directly ask Jiang Wan to meet him.

"In the end, the lion opened his mouth." Mi Zhu said with a smile.It's been a long time since I talked about these businessmen, and Mi Zhu feels pretty good.

"The lion opened his mouth?" Liu Feng asked with a boost of energy.

"Well. For example, the price in your heart is one, but the lion says it is three. Wait for the other party to bargain. After haggling, the price becomes one. Or even [-]%. At that time, the buyer Satisfied, because the price has been bargained, and I think I have made a profit. And the seller also got the desired price. At that time, everyone will be happy, and harmony will make money." Mi Zhu said with a smile.

It turned out to be a profiteer.Seeing Mi Zhu's smiling face, Liu Feng choked in his heart.

Liu Feng really didn't expect this lion to open his mouth, but it doesn't mean that Liu Feng is feasible for this method.


In his previous life, Liu Feng, as a buyer, occasionally bought things in irregular shops.

I have been slaughtered many times before I can find out some experience.From now on, you can buy things of high quality and low price.But Liu Feng knew that the merchant still made money.

Isn't what Mi Zhu said just looking at buyers from the perspective of a businessman?Raise the price first and wait for you to cut it.

It's just that Liu Feng didn't expect it.After all, Liu Feng is not a real businessman.

Liu Feng understood everything, smiled slightly and stretched out a hand to Mi Zhu, saying: "Then please tell Liu Bei that if you want food, it's okay, I need five people. Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, Chen Dao, Wei Yan. These people can exchange for 20 shi of grain to help him survive this crisis." As he spoke, Liu Feng's eyes flashed, and he said: "I have one more condition, the 20 shi is not for Liu Bei, I will send Manpower went to Xinye to provide disaster relief in my name."

Blue out of blue is better than blue.

This is really the lion's mouth.Shocked by Liu Feng's conditions, Mi Zhu swallowed hard.

Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, Chen Dao, Wei Yan.These few people are absolute lions.

Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu has the talent of Wang Zuo.Zhao Yun and Mi Zhu also knew that the poor general should not be trusted.But it is capable.

Needless to say, Chen Dao is the captain of Liu Bei's personal army and the general he relies on.

Wei Yan and Mi Zhu are not very clear, but they vaguely remember that they are a military marquis, 30 years old.It can be regarded as somewhat promising.

What's even more rare is Liu Feng's last condition.

Disaster relief is a matter of winning people's hearts, and giving food to Liu Bei is to let Liu Bei win people's hearts.And the distribution of food in Liu Feng's hands is to win the hearts of the people for Liu Feng himself.

This is a very tangled condition.

Will Liu Bei agree?If he is not crazy, he will definitely not agree, but if there is no food, Liu Bei will go crazy.Xinye is gone, it's crazy.

Therefore, the chances of Liu Bei agreeing are still very high.

Now we are waiting for Liu Bei to bargain. Should we accept the conditions or give up Zhuge Liang and the others.

Mi Zhu guessed that among the five people, only two or three should be Liu Feng's targets.

Xu Shu must be one of them.

But no matter what, Mi Zhu was quite satisfied with Liu Feng's lion who dared to speak.

Hold the baby, and have an army, so you are not afraid of being robbed.Waiting for the price to sell is the right way.Waiting for Liu Bei to bargain.

"I'll pass the news to the emperor immediately." Mi Zhu said with a smile.

Liu Feng nodded fiercely, and glanced at the ink and bamboo slips on his case.He picked it up himself and handed it to Mi Zhu.He also grinds the ink himself.

This uncle is a good man.Taught him a trick.

Because of Mi Zhu, Liu Feng dared to open his mouth like a lion.Liu Feng came up with the last condition on the spur of the moment.Thinking about it, I opened my mouth anyway, so I might as well open it up a bit.

Selling the grain to Liu Bei won the hearts of the people, a little unwilling, so he went to distribute the grain himself.Earn your own reputation.

As for Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, Chen Dao, Wei Yan.

It was Liu Feng's little Jiujiu.Liu Feng knew that Zhuge Liang was Liu Bei's right-hand man, and now the only man who could solve Liu Bei's predicament.So Liu Bei will not give up.

Chen Daonai is Liu Bei's confidant and beloved general, and Liu Bei will not give up.

Wei Yan is not famous.It was Liu Feng's temporary thought.

When he left Xinye, he had a few words with Wei Yan, which made Liu Feng admire him for a long time.

In other words, the first two people, Zhuge Liang, and Chen Daoshi Liu Feng are room for Liu Bei to bargain.According to Mi Zhu's words.

Liu Feng's price in mind is Xu Shu and Zhao Yun.And after the lion opened its mouth, maybe Wei Yan could still be obtained.and the additional conditions that follow.

According to Mi Zhu's one-two-three theory, Liu Feng will either benefit from one, Xu Shu, and Zhao Yun.Either take a profit of [-].Add a Wei Yan.

It's wonderful.

Not only that, this big opening also triggered Liu Feng's inspiration.

Jiang Dong.

Originally, Liu Feng's goal was hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people, and the specific number was about 40.Liu Feng decided to add 60% to [-] people.

Then, and then, there was Lu Xun.

Although Liu Feng knew that it would be very difficult for Sun Quan to give up Lu Xun.After all, the Lu family has a great influence in Jiangdong. If Lu Xun is abandoned, the Lu family may be attracted, and it may also cause the rebellion of the entire Jiangdong gentry.

But Liu Feng can try.Maybe shit luck.Not much hope though.

Lu Xun, although Liu Feng really wanted to go to Jiangdong, he didn't have the chance.Over time, I actually forgot.

After that, Mi Zhu sold Liu Bei under Liu Feng's nose.

A letter, explaining Liu Feng's price, sent someone back to hand it to Liu Bei.However, Mi Zhu did not betray Liu Bei, at least he couldn't catch the handle.Because I only taught some small tricks in private.

When Liu Bei sent Mi Zhu out, he was very confident. Although he knew that he had alienated Mi Zhu, Mi Zhu's loyalty dropped a lot.And Mi Zhu and Liu Feng have a good relationship.

But Liu Bei is still very confident that Mi Zhu will not betray him, because Mi Zhu's family is young and his brothers are all in Xinye.But Mi Zhu really betrayed Liu Bei, using this alternative but very safe method.

When the letter was sent out, Liu Fengchang let out a sigh of relief.Glancing at Mi Zhu, he said with a smile, "Uncle, you haven't seen your nephew's wife and a pair of sons. They haven't seen their elders either. Let them meet uncle."

"En." Mi Zhu nodded happily.

Go straight into the backyard and see your wife and children.This is a very solemn etiquette.Said that the relationship between the two is close.

Although Mi Zhu regarded himself as an uncle, he knew that the two had no blood relationship.Each other is only because of a slowly cultivated feelings.

Now that Liu Feng led him to see his wife and children, it was a kind of affirmation.

At the same time, after Mi Zhu came to Jiangxia, Liu Feng's words and deeds played back in Mi Zhu's mind.In the end, I went to see Liu Feng's wife and children.

An unstoppable emotion rose in Mi Zhu's heart.

He really didn't want to stay with Liu Bei.However, when Mi Zhu thought about it again, he was very decadent.

He has too much concern in Xinye, too much.Wife and children, brother, sister.However, it would be nice to meet Liu Feng, his nephew, here.

What is the name of the nephew's son?

Mi Zhu quickly cheered up and followed Liu Feng into the backyard.

Right now, Cai Da and Cai Yu should be together, bringing their respective sons.Liu Feng sent someone to notify first.

Cai Yu's identity was too sensitive, Liu Feng was afraid that Mi Zhu would recognize Cai Yu.It was replaced by Yueying.

When Liu Feng brought Mi Zhu to the backyard, Cai Da hugged Liu Chang, and Huang Yueying hugged Liu Wei.Standing side by side, when Mi Zhu came in.

Qi Qi blessed Mi Zhu and said, "I've seen Uncle."

Huang Yueying did not wear a veil, showing a beautiful face.

Mi Zhu looked at Cai Da, then at Huang Yueying, his eyes were moist, and he helped the second daughter up with both hands.Afterwards, Mi Zhu turned his head and smiled at Liu Feng: "In a blink of an eye, Feng'er is already a husband, a father. He has really grown up."

Liu Feng's heart warmed, and he nodded with a smile.


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