That night, Liu Feng set up a family banquet for Mi Zhu. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Mi Zhu got drunk" was arranged by Liu Feng in a mansion next to General Yang Wu's mansion.

On this day, Liu Feng was sitting in his study, dealing with official documents from various places.

In the past few days, almost all the losses in various places have been reported.There are tens of counties in Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and Changsha" and only about ten of them were affected.

Among them, there are a little more in Changsha, which is sparsely populated.Some river channels were only hastily reinforced and failed to withstand the scour of the flood.

However, in general, the loss is still within the acceptable range.

Just look at Jiangdong. These days, Liu Feng's spies in Jiangdong keep sending news that "Jiangdong is completely submerged.

Liu Feng guessed that Sun Quan was jumping despair.Counting the days, when will Jiangdong's envoys come.

Most of these official documents are the approval of the disaster relief food, and there are also Zhao Lei's calculations, the rewards for the disaster's merits, and the punishment for negligence.

When the processing is over," it was already noon in the morning.

Liu Feng stretched his waist, looked at the sky outside the door, and planned to get up and go to the backyard for dinner.

At this moment, a guard entered the door and reported: "My lord, General Xiakou Gan has sent a message that Lu Su, the Jiangdong envoy, has arrived in Xiakou."

Liu Feng's footsteps paused, and surprise flashed in his eyes.Or Lu Su.

"Understood." Liu Feng nodded lightly, and waved away the guards.After that, he still started and walked towards the backyard.

Lu Su is not Mi Zhu" and he is not qualified to let Liu Feng sit and wait. Besides, he is the uncle now.

After Liu Feng entered the backyard, he slept for a quarter of an hour and had dinner with all the wives.Then fell asleep again.

Lu Su finally came to Xiling.

After tidying up a bit, Liu Feng received Lu Su in the study.

This Jiangdong's future important minister looked at ease.Didn't see any difference at all.

Liu Feng took a look at it and couldn't help admiring it.Jiangdong was flooded like that, and Lu Su was still so calm.

However, Lu Su's composure is also expected by Liu Feng." If he looks dejected as soon as they meet, I'm afraid there is no need to talk about this negotiation.

Surrender directly.

Although Lu Su looked calm, he was still a little surprised.The last time Liu Feng delayed him for a month, he was really impressed.

This time Lu Su had already made preparations, and he planned to wait another month for Liu Feng.But I didn't expect that as soon as I entered Xiling City, I was welcomed into General Yang Wu's mansion and met Liu Feng directly.

Wasn't the last snub" just to avenge Marquis Wu for neglecting Jiang Wan? Lu Su thought dumbfoundingly.

"I've seen the general." Lu Su took a few steps forward to meet him after looking at him for only a moment.

"Excuse me, sit down." This time "Liu Feng also didn't deliberately neglect Lu Su" and invited Lu Su to take the seat.

Just as Lu Su thought, the last time was just revenge.

"General Xie, sit down." Lu Su nodded and sat in the position pointed by Liu Feng.

"Mr. Zijing is an old acquaintance, what is the so-called reason for coming to Jiangxia this time?" Liu Feng asked with a smile.

Counting back and forth, Lu Su has come to Jiangxia for the third time.It is indeed an old acquaintance.

"I'm ashamed to say that. The torrential rain a few days ago caused the river to swell and flow into the branch river, and almost the entire east of the river was submerged.Although Marquis Wu tried his best to allocate food for disaster relief, "there are still some gaps. I was ordered by Marquis Wu to come to Jiangxia to buy food from the general." Lu Su said frankly.

It doesn't work if you don't confess, you can't hide this matter.Lu Su did not believe that Liu Feng had no spies in Jiangdong.

It’s just that Lu Su still said some panic, for example, Sun Quan tried his best to allocate food for disaster relief, but there are still some gaps. This sentence is too watery.

More than just some gaps, it is obviously a big hole.

These lies" are just Lu Su's dying struggle. Liu Feng doesn't know how much food Sun Quan still has, but he can probably guess that it will never exceed 30 shi.

But Liu Feng didn't point it out.He just nodded and said: "I also know about the situation in Jiangdong. Millions of people were affected by the disaster. It really makes people feel sympathetic."

Speaking of which, Liu Feng changed the subject and said, "It's just that I, Jiangxia, suffered a severe disaster. There is not much food to support the people in Jiangdong."

When Liu Feng spoke, he showed no sympathy.

Liu Feng is not the kind of hypocritical person. He "rectified Jiangxia" to save the people under his tent, but it also aggravated the disaster in Jiangdong.

If you sympathize with Jiang Dong in turn, you are a hypocrite.

That look and tone, Lu Su knew it was a scene.But Lu Su still heard some overtones from it.

There is not much food to support the people in Jiangdong.In other words, there is still food.

"Don't worry, general, if Jiang Xia can fully support Jiang Dong, I, Jiang Dong, are willing to pay a certain price." Lu Su said.

coming.Liu Feng thought secretly, but said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zijing's words are inconsistent. I remember the last time Mr. Zijing said that Jiangdong has a lot of gold and silver, and I exchanged iron ore for my promise. This time "On the contrary, he said that he would have to pay a certain price.Could it be that the city cannot be built? "

A city is of course impossible.

Lu Su smiled, shook his head and said, "Same as last time." Marquis Wu prepared 20 catties of iron.Buy food from the general and go back to provide disaster relief. "

Iron again?Liu Feng's heart moved. Jiangxia, Jiujiang, Changsha and other places have few minerals. Iron ore has always been a big headache for Liu Feng.Chu Dao consumes too much iron.

Last time, Lu Su replaced 20 gold with [-] catties of iron in exchange for Liu Feng's promise.This time it was [-] catties again.

There are so many iron mines in Jiangdong.

Of course Liu Feng didn't know how distressed Sun Quan was when he took out this piece of iron ore. Now Wu Dao's production has entered the right track, and there is a fixed production every day.

The amount of iron consumed is astonishing.

The 20 catties of iron were prepared by Sun Quan to produce Chu Dao.It's just that the floods in Jiangdong are serious now, and there is no money, so Sun Quan had to reluctantly take out these irons.

"I don't know how much grain Mr. Zijing wants to exchange for the 20 catties of iron." Although his heart was moved, Liu Feng asked calmly.

"30 shi of grain." Lu Su said his price very calmly.

The production of iron ore takes time, and now Jiangdong can only take out 20 catties. First, it will be exchanged for Sanfeng Wanshi to go back for a while. After the iron ore is produced one after another, it will be exchanged for grain.

There is a gap of two or three million stones.Some lost money.

Lu Su felt really distressed.As for the price of 30 shi, Lu Su came to the conclusion after repeated thinking in his mind.

When Liu Feng bought grain from Jiangdong, he used "30 gold" in exchange for [-] shi of grain.

Now 20 jin of iron ore is roughly equal to the price of 30 gold.Jiangdong used it in exchange for [-] shi of grain.According to Lu Su's idea, he was already very generous.

This change of hands is a price difference of [-] gold.Therefore, Lu Su was very confident that Liu Feng would immediately agree.

But Lu Su really underestimated Liu Feng's appetite.

"20 shi of grain, and this is the only time. Next time, I don't want iron ore." Liu Feng was quite dissatisfied with the price, shook his head, stretched out two fingers, and said seriously.

Even if Lu Su knew that Liu Feng was an out-and-out profiteer, he would never have imagined that Liu Feng would be so ruthless.

At the beginning, the price of buying grain from Jiangdong was [-] gold and [-] shi.

But now the meaning "Liu Feng will double the price" was changed to twenty thousand gold and one hundred thousand stone.

I want [-] gold as soon as I change hands.

Really, what a profiteer.

With Lu Su's self-cultivation, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Lu Su's face is also a little ugly." He suppressed the anger in his heart, raised his fist and said: "The general bought grain from Jiangdong back then at a price of 30 gold and 30 shi, but now Jiangdong is willing to pay [-] gold to buy back [-].It shows sincerity, and I ask the general to think twice. "

"I've thought twice." Liu Feng said with a disapproving smile.

Immediately, he said again: "At first I bought grain just to stockpile it, because I knew it was going to rise sharply. Otherwise, I would have paid such a high price." Why buy your Jiangdong grain.Now, the food has really increased. "Not only Jiangdong, but also Jingchu and Xinye are short of food. I doubled it in my hand. It is very sincere."

This naked merchant's 〖speech〗argument" made Lu Su speak.

"Everyone should open the sky and speak clearly. I know that the grain in your Jiangdong granary is less than 30 shi, and the people affected by the disaster may exceed one million. There is a gap of 300 to 150 million shi. Even if you save some food, donate rice every day Porridge also needs at least [-] million shi." After speaking, Liu Feng looked up at Lu Su.

Lu Su had an expression on his face, what Liu Feng said was the truth.There is nothing to quibble about.

Seeing Lu Sushi's expression, "I don't answer. Liu Feng doesn't mind either." He smiled slightly and said, "I don't have much food in Jiangxia. It's about 250 million, which seems to be enough to meet Jiangdong's needs." However, this This disaster not only affected Jiangdong, but also Jingchu, and Xinye. You three parties compete. Of course I want to raise the price."

"To put it bluntly, as long as you Jiangdong can promise me a few conditions, 150 million shi of grain, I will give you an immediate reply and have someone send it to Jiangdong."

"Let's talk, general." Lu Su said calmly.

"First of all, I heard that Jiangdong crusade against Shanyue and surrendered 60 Shanyue people. I don't think you Jiangdong can afford to support so many idlers now. You might as well give these people to me. Secondly, it is the 20 people that Zijing mentioned. In the end, I still want Lu Xun. Mr. Zijing also knows, "Now that Da Qiao is with me, she misses her daughter and son-in-law very much. ", Liu Feng smiled and said three conditions.

Lu Su's face twitched a few times.

Liu Feng wanted to swallow the fruits of Jiangdong's victory against Shanyue all at once, and it was not enough for this guy to swallow.Because of the war against Shanyue, the number of captives that Jiangdong surrendered was only 10,000+.And this guy actually wants 60.

20 jin of iron is still within the calculation range.

And Lu Xun, this is the most famous figure in the next generation of the Lu family.The Lu family is a big family in Jiangdong, and they are called the four surnames together with Zhang "Gu" and Zhu.

How could it be possible to give Lu Xun to Liu Feng.

In Lu Su's heart, he almost cursed again and again.

But Liu Feng didn't give Lu Su a chance to turn his back on him. He smiled slightly and said, "I also know that these conditions are a bit heavy. I'm afraid Mr. Zijing can't make the decision. I will arrange a place for Mr. Zijing first, and then you will send people to Jiangdong. Ask your Marquis Wu."

It means that things have progressed to the present, you have no right to negotiate with me, so come to Sun Quan.

Lu Su was full of words, but was blocked by Liu Feng.Lu Su forced a smile, raised his fist and said, "I'll send someone to Wu County to meet Marquis Wu, please wait a moment, General."

"Well, I can afford to wait." Liu Feng smiled slightly, and uttered a sentence that made Lu Su almost vomit blood.

I can afford to wait, but you can't afford to wait.

Immediately, Liu Feng raised his head and said to the guard: "Come here.", "My lord." A guard outside the door responded.Bye bye.

"Take Mr. Zijing and go to the house where Mr. Mi Zhu stayed a few days ago." Liu Feng said with a smile.

"No." The guard responded." Then, he bowed to Lu Su and said, "Please, sir. "

Lu Su glanced at the guard, stood up and raised his fist at Liu Feng, and followed the guard away.

"Procrastinate, the longer the delay, the more painful it will be for Sun Quan. In the end, he will still come to me. I just don't know." Where is Sun Quan's bottom line?Can Lu Xun come? "Looking at Lu Su's leaving back, Liu Feng had some expectation in his heart.

Lu Xun.

Outside the gate, Lu Su followed the guards out of General Yang Wu's mansion "with more than ten followers, sat in a carriage, and followed the guards to the outside of a mansion.

"After the gentleman goes in, the little official will arrange the accommodation. The little one will go back first and report back." After arriving at the mansion, the guard raised his fist and said.

Lu Su didn't reply immediately, but thought for a moment.Asked: "This sergeant" Mi Zhu lives here? "

"Well." A few days ago, "Mr. Mi Zhu was brought here by myself." After the guard replied, "I bowed to Lu Su and left.

"Mi Zhu." There was a strange gleam in Lu Su's eyes, telling me that there is only one piece of pancake, but there are many people sharing it. If you go late, even the soup will be gone, right?

After stopping for a moment, Lu Su closed his eyes and walked in.

This mansion can be regarded as a place vacated by Liu Feng for the envoys of all parties to live.There are small officials guarding.

As soon as Lu Su entered the door, a small official rushed over.

"But Mr. Jiangdong Lu Zijing?" asked the little official.

"Exactly." Lu Su nodded.

"The courtyard has been arranged, sir, come with me." The little official bowed and guided.

"I heard that Mr. Xinye Mi is also here, I don't know, can I meet Mr. Mi?" Lu Su tentatively asked.

"Why not? Sir, please." The clerk said with a smile upon hearing this.

The surprise in Lu Su's heart disappeared in a flash. According to Lu Su's thinking, Liu Feng just wanted to let him know of Mi Zhu's existence so as to increase his sense of crisis.

It was impossible for the two of them to have a chance to meet, but unexpectedly, this little official dared to let him meet Mi Zhu.

Are you not afraid that they are discussing some conspiracy in private?

Xinye is quite far from Jiangdong, and Sun Quan would not pay attention to Liu Bei, a small prince, before.The only known person is Mi Zhu.

After Liu Feng became strong, Sun Quan also sent people to Xinye to investigate the reason why Liu Feng left.As for the relationship between Liu Feng and Mi Zhu, it is not very clear.

Of course I don't know, Mi Zhu is commensurate with Liu Feng's uncle and nephew.

The relationship in private is very good, and she is not afraid of any conspiracy at all.

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