The mansion does not have a front yard and a back yard, but four courtyards, each with a study room and a living room. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Mi Zhu lives in the courtyard on the left.

When Lu Su came, Mi Zhu was reading in the study.

When he was in Xinye, Mi Zhu hardly had any happy moments, but in Jiangxia these days, Mi Zhu was in a very relaxed mood.

Most of the books I read are travel notes.

Suddenly, I heard from the little official in this house that Lu Su asked to see him.Mi Zhu smiled slightly, and put down the bamboo slip in his hand.He said, "Please come in."

The little official responded and went out to ask Lu Su to come in.

Lu Su?Mi Zhu's eyes flashed with brilliance.

A few days ago, Mi Zhu taught Liu Feng some tricks.He knew that people from Jiangdong would live in.And what he has to do is to help Liu Feng as much as possible and stabilize Lu Su.

And how to stabilize it?Mi Zhu has his own way.

Not long after the little official left, Lu Su walked in.

"Lu Su in the lower Jiangdong, is Mr. Zizhong?" After Lu Su entered the door, he looked at Mi Zhu a little, praised Fengyi for his extraordinary appearance, and immediately bowed to salute.

"Exactly." Mi Zhu smiled slightly and got up to greet her.

After exchanging a few words, the two sat down with each other.Mi Zhu is in the main seat, and Lu Su is sitting on the side.

"A few days ago, it rained continuously, how is the situation in Xinye?" After sitting down, Lu Su asked after thinking about it in his heart.

"Hey, the loss is huge. We need 20 shi of grain to survive this flood." Mi Zhu sighed and said, "Is it the same in Jiangdong?"

"Yes. It's almost the same as Xinye." Lu Su nodded upon hearing this.

"Hey." Mi Zhu sighed again.It seems to be sighing for Jiang Dong, Mi Zhu used to be a businessman with a deep city, and was good at confusing opponents, this gesture "immediately won a little favor from Lu Su.

"Now Jingchu and Jiangdong are severely affected, and only Jiangfu can survive. So Wuhou sent me to Jiangxia to buy grain from General Yang Wu, but the price is very high, hey." Although I have some good feelings, but the business is still the business , Lu Su tentatively said.

"Then what did Liu Feng ask Jiangdong for?" Mi Zhu raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and looked a little annoyed.

"20 shi, a small 20 shi of grain, Liu Feng's condition is that I have five people in Xinye, military advisor Zhuge Kongming, military advisor Xu Shu, and general Chen Dao." General Zhao Yun and military marquis Wei Yan.It's like a lion opening its mouth. "

"What?" Lu Su lost his voice because of surprise.

I thought that Liu Feng's words to Jiang Dong were harsh enough, but after listening to Mi Zhu's words, Lu Su felt that Jiang Dong was a bit cheap.

Lu Su didn't know who Wei Yan was, but Lu Su knew who Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu, Chen Dao, and Zhao Yun were. If these people were placed in Jiangdong's position.

It's like Zhou Yu, Zhang Zhao, Huang Gai, and Cheng Pu.

For a force, "how could it be released? And it's only 20 shi of grain.

The price of Jiangdong is 60 people, 20 catties of iron, and Lu Xun.That's the calculation." Lu Su really felt that Jiang Dong got a good deal.

Human nature cannot be changed, and Lu Su is not exempt.

When a person finds out that he has been cheated, he will feel very angry.But when he finds out that another person has also been deceived, and stepped on deeper than himself, he will relax a bit.gas.

Now Lu Su and Mi Zhu are almost in this state.

Lu Su's shock at Liu Feng's price for Jiang Dong was reduced a little.

Mi Zhu is a businessman who is good at observing words and demeanor. "Although Lu Su concealed it deeply, he has some subconscious expressions." Mi Zhu could still see it.

He sighed and said: "It's too important at this time." I can only write down the situation and leave it to the emperor to decide. "

"At this time, can the emperor agree?" Lu Su asked with a frown.

According to Lu Su, it is unlikely. If Liu Bei is the kind of person who sells his subordinates in exchange for life-saving food, Liu Bei is not Liu Bei.

"So what if you don't agree? Do you want to attack Xu Huang in Wancheng and take Xu Huang's rations?" Mi Zhu sighed.

Raise troops?There was a flash of light in Lu Su's eyes.

"It's not impossible, it's just that the target of the army may be changed." Lu Su said meaningfully.And deliberately lowered his voice, beware that the partition wall has ears.

Mi Zhu sneered inwardly when he heard the words, Mi Zhu knew how strong Liu Feng's character was.Mi Zhu knew better how Liu Feng's strong character was developed.

Mi Zhu noticed almost all of Liu Feng's changes in Xinye.

Lu Su had a good plan, and the two families raised troops to threaten Liu Feng?

Liu Feng might burn the food first, and then lead the troops to fight Jiangdong to the death.Both jade and stone are burned.

On the face, Mi Zhu shook his head vigorously and said: "I am not strong enough in Xinye, so I dare not fight Jiang Xia to the death." He also lowered his voice quite cooperatively.

"Also, Liu Feng's conditions may not be without room for maneuver."

"Oh? Mr. Zizhong, what's your opinion?" Lu Su was a little disappointed after hearing Mi Zhu's words.At this moment, he lifted his spirits and asked.

"Sir, I know that I'm a businessman, a big businessman. I'm speculative, and I've done a lot of hoarding of goods. And that's how Liu Feng feels to me now. The lion opened his mouth." Mi Zhu said softly.

"What do you mean?" Lu Su really didn't understand about merchants, and what Mi Zhu said was a little profound.

"Excessive asking price, pay back the money on the spot." This time, it was Mi Zhu who said meaningfully.

Lu Su understood these eight characters.Just because he understood, Lu Su's eyes almost protruded at this moment.

Liu Feng, a dignified prince, has really become a merchant.Excessive asking price, pay back the money on the spot.Thankfully he figured it out.But if you think about it deeply, think about Liu Feng's past style.

Lu Su felt that Mi Zhu's judgment was correct.

Liu Feng has really become a businessman.

"I don't know, what is Liu Feng's condition for opening Jiangdong?" Mi Zhu asked suddenly.

"20 catties of iron, 60 people. And Lu Xun." Since Mi Zhu was so frank, Lu Su naturally did not hide anything, said.

"Sir, it's better to discuss with Marquis Wu early on how to make a counter-offer." After hearing this, Mi Zhu shook his head and said.

"Thank you sir for your guidance." Lu Su sincerely thanked him.

Lu Su's temptation was unsuccessful.Because Xinye has no intention of sending troops.Lu Su's plan to rob by force fell through.

Now, I had no choice but to pay back the money on the spot with Mi Zhu's asking price, and tried the eight-character mantra.

It may be feasible if Liu Feng's conditions can be slightly lowered.

Lu Su thought in his heart.

Lu Su never thought that Mi Zhu would lie to him, because now Xinye and Jiangdong are in the same sympathy.

After talking with Mi Zhu for a while, Lu Su hurriedly left.

He wanted to send someone to report to Sun Quan what he heard and the terms Liu Feng offered.

After Lu Su left, Mi Zhu also raised his pen.

With a smile on his face, he spread out the bamboo slips and began to write official documents.

Write Mi Zhu's own "guess" and the situation facing Jiangdong.

A few days ago, Mi Zhu sent Liu Bei the conditions offered by Liu Feng in an official document.

Based on Mi Zhu's guess, Liu Bei would definitely be furious and think Liu Feng was dishonest.

However, Mi Zhu believed that Liu Bei would feel much better if Jiangdong's experience and his own "guess" were taken into account.

It's still the same idea, it's more comfortable for two people to be slaughtered if one person is slaughtered.

Moreover, it is not without room for bargaining.

After Liu Bei thought about it, he would definitely send the few people Liu Feng wanted.

Xu Shu and Zhao Yun cannot be reused by Liu Bei.As for Wei Yan, he's just a little guy.

After writing, Mi Zhu glanced at it, nodded in satisfaction, and then found a confidant, and sent the official document to Xinye.

Mi Zhu followed Liu Bei from east to west for a long time, from Xuzhou to Xudu, to Hebei, to Runan, to Xinye, and traveled half of the Central Plains.

The understanding of Liu Bei is very deep, very deep.

Xinye, inside the prefect's mansion.

Liu Bei's eyes turned red when he received Mi Zhu's first official document.

In the study, Liu Bei threw away the bamboo slips and roared, "Liu Feng, don't think about digging out my roots."

For Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Chen Dao and others are the roots.The root system of a power, and he himself is the backbone.

If the root system is gone, what is the use of the trunk?

After roaring for a while, Liu Bei gradually calmed down.Since Liu Feng has no sincerity, he can only raise troops.

Now there are two objects, Jingzhou, and Xu Huang in the ruins of Wancheng.

Jingzhou is impossible, Liu Feng and Cai Mao are Weng's son-in-law.That left only Xu Huang.According to reports from spies, Xu Huang's army is about [-] to [-].

And his army was only three thousand.

But Liu Bei can't control much anymore, and at this time, he can only fight.

The blood red in his eyes flashed away, Liu Bei ordered: "Call Zhuge Liang, Liao Li to come to discuss matters."

Following Liu Bei's order, Zhuge Liang and Liao Li came in just a moment.

After entering the door, the two looked at Liu Bei's blood-red eyes and the madness in the eyes, and they were suspicious.

"This is the news Mi Zhu brought from Liu Feng. Take a look." Liu Bei pointed at the bamboo slips that had been thrown to the ground, and said coldly.

"This, this is?" Zhuge Liang picked up the bamboo slips first, and after looking at them, his face changed drastically.

No sincerity, no sincerity.

After reading it, Zhuge Liang handed the bamboo slips to Liao Li without saying a word.

After Liao Li glanced at it, his heart was a little moved.The people above may not be able to sell a few.Xu Shu and Zhao Yun are all fringe characters, and Wei Yan is just a small person.It's just that Zhuge Liang, Chen Dao has gone a little farther.

Liu Bei would not sell it even if he was killed.

Liao Li felt sorry for Liu Feng's lion.

"I want to raise troops to attack Xu Huang and plunder food by war." Looking at the two advisers, Liu Bei's eyes were filled with determination.

Rising up in despair.

"No." The two had nothing to say.Qi Qi agreed.It's just that Liao Li lacks confidence. Liu Bei's strength is too weak now. Attacking Xu Huang may lead to the annihilation of the entire army.

Thinking about it, Liao Li shuddered all over.

The mobilization of the army will take time, especially now with the floods.

Under the full operation of the Xinye forces, it was not until the fourth day that the army gathered and was ready to go to Wancheng.

But just when Liu Bei was about to die and survive, Mi Zhu's official document arrived again.

The courage Liu Bei had gathered with great difficulty was immediately vented.

Excessive asking price, pay back the money on the spot?In the study room, Liu Bei looked at the official documents on the case and didn't know what to say.

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