Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 354 Goodbye Shuijing Sima Hui

Chapter 350 Goodbye Water Mirror Sima Hui

But Zhang Zhongjing didn't pay attention to Liu Feng's gaze. After looking carefully at Huang Xu, he went straight forward and held Huang Xu's hand, closing his eyes gently. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Huang Xu knew that this might be his last chance, so he couldn't help looking at Zhang Zhongjing expectantly and apprehensively.

After Zhang Zhongjing shook hands for a while, he let go of Huang Xu's hand.Turning around and asking Liu Feng, "Is it caused by the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, it's a fault of practicing martial arts diligently." Liu Feng didn't dare to take it too seriously in front of the medical sage, and bent over with his fists clasped.

"It's not a serious injury. It's just that after a long time, it's more troublesome to treat this injury after accumulating. It won't be curable in three to five years." Seeing Liu Feng confirming his guess, Zhang Zhongjing nodded and said.

"If it can be cured, don't say three to five years, even if it is ten years, I will be very happy." Seeing Zhang Zhongjing saying that he can be saved, Huang Xu's heart was immediately replaced by ecstasy, thinking about the scene of his mother crying all day long , he blurted out excitedly.

Liu Feng reacted a step slower, glanced at Huang Xu who looked excited, raised his fist and said to Zhang Zhongjing: "This child has been tortured by this pain since childhood, and today I suddenly heard from my husband that it can be cured, so I am so excited that I can't control it, sir. No wonder."

Seeing the innocent smile on the crooked young man in front of him, Zhang Zhongjing also had a smile on his face. Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "This old man cures diseases and saves lives. I like the joyful smiles of patients the most. How can I blame him? "

Liu Feng was in awe, the so-called parental heart of a doctor.No wonder Zhang Zhongjing's achievements are so high, but it turns out that he is really benevolent and benevolent.

"I have a prescription to cure this child, but this child must stay here for a month or two, don't you know?" Zhang Zhongjing turned around and asked Liu Fengdao. Given his age, Zhang Zhongjing is not lacking in experience. Feng is not from here.And it was dusty, as if he came here in a hurry.

Liu Feng calculated the time in his mind, and realized that his trip to Jingzhou might really take a month or two, so he nodded and said, "I'll leave it to you, sir."

"You stay here, and I will come back to pick you up after one or two months." Liu Feng raised his head and looked at Huang Xu, who was still excited, and said, but then he thought of Huang Xu's stubborn character in his heart, and he was not at ease.He exhorted: "You must listen to the master in everything, and don't make troubles again to make your mother sad."

"Don't worry, brother, I will." Huang Xu nodded heavily and said.His eyes were full of gratitude, but he knew that without Liu Feng, it would be extremely difficult for him to see a doctor like Zhang Zhongjing in his life.

"Farewell." After exhorting Huang Xu, Liu Feng raised his fist at Zhang Zhongjing.

"Please." Zhang Zhongjing stretched out his hand to see off the guest.Liu Feng looks heroic, standing upright, showing the vigor of a young man, and he understands etiquette, he does not treat him as a doctor and neglects him, telling Huang Xu to show his elder brother's demeanor.

Zhang Zhongjing had a good impression of him.

Liu Feng saluted Zhang Zhongjing, and then took Kou Shui out of Zhuangzi.Zhang Zhongjing sees them off, and the two bid farewell in front of the door.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Zhongjing never mentioned the matter of the consultation fee, and Liu Feng also wisely didn't ask.If such people need gold and silver, they can go in and out of the mansion of the nobles as much as they want, and the gold and silver will come rolling in.

But he lives in seclusion in the countryside, and his plan is definitely not wealth.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Zhongjing, Liu Feng ordered Kou Shui and others to drive the carriage to Xiangyang.

Now the mood is very different, Huang Xu's matter is surprisingly simple to solve, so simple that he didn't bother at all.

And if Huang Xu is cured, it is tantamount to continuing the roots of the Huang family.If he didn't die for a day, Huang Zhong might follow him for a day.

Huang Zhong's matter was completely resolved.

Liu Feng's mood naturally relaxed. At this time, the carriage slowly headed north to Xiangyang.It's the beginning of spring, and there are green clothes emerging along the road, which is full of vitality.

Kneeling on the carriage, Liu Feng's thoughts were not on the scenery along the road.

He was thinking about Pang Tong. Before he left for Xiangyang, Liu Feng had great admiration for Meng Jian, Shi Tao, Cui Ding and others, but in fact it was Pang Tong that he longed for the most.

Whether it is novels such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms or official history such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, this person is extremely revered.

In Luo Guanzhong's novel, he praised so much that "the crouching dragon and phoenix chick can be safe for the world by one person."Although Fengchu died early, Zhuge Liang was there. Seeing that Zhuge Liang stabilized the Shu Kingdom after Liu Bei's death, and there was a faint upward trend of development, we can see how talented Pang Tong, who was juxtaposed with Zhuge, was.

Chen Shou wrote the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, praising Pang Tongjing, the great man of Chu.Such as Wei Chen Xun Yu.And Xun Yu was one of Cao Cao's five advisers, and he was known as Wang Zuozhi's talent.Pang Tong and Xun Yu also have one thing in common, they are all famous in the world because of their talents.

Xun Yu was praised by the famous scholar He Yong as Wang Zuo's talent, so Xun Yu's talent was discovered.

According to rumors, when Pang Tong was young, his behavior was dull, and people knew that he was a genius. One day, he came to visit Sima Wei on behalf of his uncle Pang De, and Sima Wei praised him as the crown of Nanzhou scholars.

What is especially valuable is that Pang Tong still has the knowledge of people.And make friends widely.Everyone likes to be his friend.

According to the official history, Pang Tong first served as a meritorious service for Wu general Zhou Yu. Later, when Zhou Yu died, Pang Tong was buried in Wu.Afterwards, Pang Tong said goodbye to Lu Ji, Gu Shao, and Quan Cong from Jiangdong, and praised Lu Ji as a naive horse with a lot of strength.Praise Gu Shao for being an ox who can bear heavy loads and go far.Zan Quancong said, "Qing likes to be admired, and he is like Fan Zizhao in Runan."Although there is not much intelligence, it is also good for a while.

These people were later all well-known figures in the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and they were among the important ministers.Later achievements were exactly what Pang Tong praised.

All kinds of talents made Pang Tong extremely confident. During a conversation with a friend, he said to himself that when discussing the emperor's secret strategy, the most important thing is to rely on him, and I seem to have a day.

It means that he is very good at assisting the emperor to achieve success.

Comparing Guan Zhongleyi with Zhuge Liang, there are similarities in the same way but the same effect.It's no wonder that Sima Hui praised Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang side by side.

If such characters can be recruited.He has the qualifications to challenge Cao Cao.Because Liu Feng knows that a person's talent is limited. Although he has historical foresight, this advantage will disappear sooner or later.For example, some changes in the current situation will change the development of major events to a certain extent.

At that time, what Liu Feng can rely on is Pang Tong, Xu Shu and other wise men to compete with those famous figures in Cao Wei.

Even if this is not the case, using Pang Tong and others can stabilize the city and consolidate power.

Therefore, for the trip to Xiangyang, Liu Feng's goal is very clear, that is, to have a meeting with Sima Hui and ask him to guide him.

Thinking of Sima Hui, Liu Feng couldn't help thinking that when he rescued Xu Shu that day, Sima Hui wanted to accept him as a disciple, but Liu Feng considered that the Shu Han was the foundation, and if he stayed away from Xinye, it would cause a lot of trouble.

If he had known today, if he had agreed to Sima Hui to be his disciple, then Liu Feng and Pang Tong might have become friends and interacted with each other today.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng felt a trace of regret in his heart, but then he thought, if he had gone south with Sima Hui, how could he have achieved such achievements now.

The prefect of Jiangxia had Gan Ning, the general of Wu, and Huang Zhong, the general of Shu, under his tent.Self-contained forces.

Desperate to look forward to Shu, after all, it is not greedy enough.Today, Pang Tong was recruited as a counselor under the account.Liu Feng smiled and thought in his heart.

In this kind of anticipation, the tall city of Xiangyang is already close at hand.

The city wall is thick and heavy, the city gate tower is stalwart, and the city gate is tall.This is the important city of Jingchu, Xiangyang.

It's noon now, and it's a time of leisure.However, some common people, Lu Xun, went out or entered the city.This is unimaginable in other places. Only in this city with a population of more than [-] people can there be such a prosperous scene.

This is not a time of war, so although the city gates are guarded, they are not checked.Liu Feng himself was not from Xiangyang. Although he was notorious for killing Jiangxia prefect Huang Zu and hated Liu Biao for seizing the general, he was recognized by others.

So Liu Feng swaggered in the carriage, and under the guard of Kou Shui and others, he slowly entered the city.

During this time, when the gatekeepers saw Liu Feng going out, there were 50 guards, and these guards were all strong and had a murderous look, thinking they were the children of some powerful family.

He also paid attention respectfully.

Although Mr. Shui Jing, Sima Hui, claims to be a hermit, he is not actually hiding in the green mountains and green waters, but living ostentatiously in Xiangyang.

The reason why he was called a hermit was actually because he refused to be an official.

Therefore, many people knew Sima Hui's residence. Liu Feng only sent Kou Shui to inquire about Sima Hui's residence.

But when Liu Feng came to Sima Hui's mansion in a carriage, he was still taken aback.This mansion is huge and majestic. Liu Feng checked it visually, and it was even bigger than Liu Bei's mansion.

This is not the residence of a hermit, it is clearly the mansion of the powerful.

This may mean that the big hermit lives in the city and the little hermit lives in the mountains.Although Liu Feng was guessing in his heart, he acted very quickly. He jumped out of the carriage, tidied up his appearance in front of the door, and then came to the door in a serious manner.

Facing the two servants guarding the gate, he said, "Please come in and tell Mr. Sima that you are Xu Shu's disciple and old friend from Xinye."

Although Liu Feng swaggered into Xiangyang, it didn't mean he would foolishly claim to be Jiangxia prefect Liu Feng.If so, Liu Biao's soldiers might have killed him before seeing Sima Hui.

For Liu Biao, this is a good opportunity to get rid of his thorn in his side.

Of course the servants didn't know who the so-called old man from Xinye was, but they knew that Xu Shu was a friend of their master.Not daring to be negligent at the moment, the servant standing on the right bent over to Liu Feng and said, "My lord, wait a moment, let me go in and report."

"Thank you." Liu Feng raised his fist and smiled.

At the same time, another servant did not neglect Liu Feng, he led Liu Feng into Sima Mansion and waited in the side hall.By the way, tea was served, and a few maids were found to serve.

It can be seen from this that Sima Hui must be a very well-mannered person, and he is considerate in hospitality.

The servant who came in to announce his farewell to Liu Feng immediately walked to a courtyard on the east side of the mansion.

In fact, Liu Feng didn't know that the reason why this mansion was so huge was that it was comparable to the mansion of the rich and powerful.It's all because although Sima Hui is a hermit, human relationships still have to be considered. After all, everyone needs help when they are down, so Sima Hui has many contacts with the nobles in Jingxiang.

Among them, Huang Chengyan and Pang Degong, the well-known figures among the gentry in Jingzhou, are all friends of Sima Hui.This is a human relationship, and trivial matters are naturally entangled.

Sima Hui has a great reputation. Although he has never been an official to prove his talent, his talent and learning are well-versed in the world.Therefore, there are countless people who invite Sima Hui to accept students.

Some people get rid of Sima Hui, but some people can't get rid of it.So he set up a small academy in the mansion to teach some gentry children.

In a room in the courtyard, Sima Hui sat meticulously on the main seat, and below him sat about a dozen young gentry children.

Among these people, there were no heroes who were worthy of Sima Hui's all-out teaching, and they were younger and less knowledgeable, so Sima Hui taught him very leisurely.

After the servant got outside the house, he didn't rush in rashly, but knocked on the door.

"What's the matter?" Hearing the knock on the door, Sima Hui put down the bamboo slips in his hand and raised his head to ask.

"Outside the door, there is a gentleman who claims to be Xu Shu's disciple and an old man from Xinye, begging to see him." The servant replied respectfully.

"Oh?" A strange light flashed in Sima Hui's eyes when he heard the words, as if he was very surprised.But soon Sima Hui returned to normal.

He raised his head and looked at the disciples who were buried in their studies.He got up and said, "Go out for a while for the teacher, don't neglect your homework."

After speaking, Sima Hui walked out.

"Liu Feng?" As Sima Hui walked, he guessed why Liu Feng came here. After killing Huang Zu, he was promoted to the prefect of Jiangxia, but he still dared to hang around in Xiangyang City, which shows that the plan is not small.

After Sima Hui left, the group of gentry children in the room did settle down for a while.But not long after Sima Hui left, noisy discussions started.

"Which one is here who actually asked the teacher to leave me and go to greet him?" Among the more than ten noble children, a frail young man sitting in the first row asked in surprise.

You must know that Sima Hui is very principled, and he is also meticulous when teaching them.Even if someone asks for a meeting, they often meet only after finishing their homework.

It is rare to leave halfway like today.

"Maybe it's Liu Bei." A slender boy next to the frail boy replied casually.

"Brother Fei, what do you think?" After answering, the slender boy turned his head and asked a boy behind him.

This young man has an honest face, but his eyes are very narrow, his lips are thin, and he is born with a hint of meanness.

His surname is Fei, his first name is Guang. He is fifteen years old and the third son in his family. He is a descendant of the Fei family in Xuancheng, Xiangyang.That is, the third son of Jingzhou engaged in Feiguan.

"Didn't you hear the report from the person just now that he is Xu Shu's disciple? Liu Bei is the master served by Xu Shu." Fei Guang said with a disdainful glance at the slender young man.

"Disciple Xu Shu?" Suddenly Fei Guang's body shook, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.I heard that the man was Xu Shu's disciple, and now he didn't report his life, obviously he was hiding his identity.

Could it be that that person really went to Xiangyang?Fei Guang only felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling.The eyes are full of greed.

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