Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 355 Who wins, who loses.

Liao Li was very excited, really excited. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

On the one hand, it is because the floods are raging now, and the despair of almost extinction has gained vitality.The second is because of Xu Shu.

Liao Li could never forget that day he went to Xu Shu and tried to persuade Xu Shu to unite against Zhuge Liang, but Xu Shu refused with a flat face.

In Liao Li's view, Xu Shu didn't give to despise him.Who is he now?The master book, Liu Bei's right-hand man, and Xinye's important minister.A downtrodden man defied him.

Liao Li felt an unprecedented humiliation that day.He vowed to drive Xu Shu away.Now, the opportunity has come.

Liao Li didn't really think about what would happen if he drove Xu Shu, who had outstanding ability, to join Liu Feng. He just wanted to drive Xu Shu away and wash away the shame he had suffered.

Strengthen your position.Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang.Until he dominated Xinye, he truly became the most important minister under Liu Bei.Then he assisted Liu Bei to capture Xiangyang, occupy Jingzhou, and eliminate Liu Feng.

By the way, by the way, there is also Liu Feng.Once Jiang Xia met, she failed to moleste her, but was molested instead.

Liao Li always remembered this humiliation.

When I gain power, I will plan to attack Xiangyang.Destroy Jiang Xia, destroy Jiang Xia.

The more Liao Li thought about it, the more [excited] he became, the blood in his whole body was throbbing." His eyes became brighter and brighter, but the strange thing was that outsiders couldn't see anything.

At this moment, on the way to Xu Shu's mansion in Xinye City.

Liao Li's carriage was surrounded by more than ten guards. On the carriage, Liao Li was kneeling and sitting, with a very natural expression and graceful posture.

It has been several days since the flood, and the flood in Xinye City has receded.Although the road is still wet, it does not affect the speed of travel.

Soon" the carriage came to the gate of Xu Shu's mansion. Similar to last time, Liao Li sent someone to knock on the door. Soon, the door opened slowly with a creak.From inside peeped the porter's face.

"Mr. Liao. Guang Liao Li came here once," the porter remembered, bowing in salute.

"Go and report it." Liao Li said lightly.

"No." The concierge replied, and hurried towards the mansion.After a while," he came out again. "My lord, please sir. "The porter opened the door completely," saluted.

"En." Liao Li responded, "Turning back and explaining to the guard, he strode in.

The porter hastened to follow.Soon, Liao Li, led by the doorman, came outside the study.

He stopped outside the door for a moment and tidied up his appearance.Liao Li walked in with his chest out.

In the study, Xu Shu just put down the bamboo slips in his hand and looked up at the door.

Wearing a milky white robe and a crown on his head, he looked indifferent.

In fact, Xu Shu was a little surprised by Liao Li's arrival, and he should have clearly rejected it last time.Why did you come this time?

For Liao Li, Xu Shu didn't take it seriously, and even avoided the etiquette of standing up to greet him.

When Liao Li stepped into the study room, he saw Xu Shu sitting on his knees with a calm expression, not at all welcoming. The corner of Liao Li's mouth twitched.

Immediately, he squeezed out a sincere smile, stepped forward and said, "Brother Yuanzhi."

"Gongyuan." Xu Shu lifted Gu and returned the courtesy.After finishing speaking," there is no further text.

"Hehe." Liao Li was annoyed in his heart, but there was a smile on his face." He came to the side seat and sat down. He raised his fist and said, "I have some things to discuss with Yuan Zhi. "

"Let's talk." Xu Shu was still shocked.

"A few days ago, the heavy rain fell suddenly, causing the city to be flooded." I believe Yuan Zhi also saw it. Liao Li sighed.

"I have something to say, just tell me." Xu Shu's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was a little impatient.

In Xu Shu's eyes, Liao Li was like a clown, and he was pretending to be concerned about the country and the people.If it wasn't for the fact that Xu Shu's xinxing cultivation has improved a lot over the years," he would have already said it to drive people away.

Seeing that Xu Shu didn't like this, Liao Li put away his expression of worrying about the country and the people.With a sneer, he said, "That day Zhuge Liang asked the lord for advice, and asked Jiang Xia for advice. Mi Zhu has already gone." Liu Feng also agreed to the lord's request, but with some conditions. "

"About me?" Xu Shu asked with a heartbeat.

"Brother Yuan Zhi taught a filial student." Liao Li said with a smile that was not a smile, and then said: "That's right, Liu Feng's request is Yuan Zhi, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan." Hi, he knows that Liu Feng is a humble and filial person.I also know that Liu Feng will miss him.But when he suddenly heard that Liu Feng was going to pick him up, Xu Shu couldn't help being overjoyed.

However, Xu Shu's heart was replaced by sadness immediately.

It's sad that you have eyeballs.Since Liao Li is here, and he has given him a condition," then Liu Bei must have agreed.

Although Xu Shu knew that he was definitely not far behind Liu Bei's forces, but when this moment came, he still couldn't help but feel sad.

From attaching importance to, relying on, to alienating, abandoning.In just one year, Xu Shu thought that he had tried his best to plan for Liu Bei, and repelled Cao Ren's attack with tricks.

I just find it ridiculous.There was a bit of self-mockery and sadness on Xu Shu's face.And that indescribable bitterness.Xu Shu's expression was complicated, in Liao Li's view, it was ashen-faced.

Think about it too, to be a counselor is to be abandoned by the monarch.I lost all my face, so I just killed myself.

Seeing Xu Shu's face, Liao Li felt complacent.I am the most important minister Liu Bei relies on.If you dare to despise me, you must be prepared to be driven away.The expression on Xu Shu's face only lasted for a moment, and after a while, it returned to normal.Xu Shu knew that this moment would come, and he was well prepared.

Just now, it was just a sudden change of mood.For a while, the emotions have been restrained.

Liao Li was a little disappointed by that indifferent look.

"Don't worry, Gong Yuan. I will bid farewell to the lord immediately and leave for Jiangxia." Xu Shu said lightly.In Xu Shu's view, a person needs to have a beginning and an end.

I defected at the beginning, but I bid farewell today.

"No no." Liao Li shook his head, and said softly, "My lord doesn't want too many people to know about this matter. You don't have to say goodbye to the lord, and you don't have to leave immediately."

"After the items given by the lord arrive, Yuan Zhi and Zhao Yun will leave." How wise Xu Shu was, he immediately understood what Liao Li meant.It was just to let outsiders see that "they turned their backs on Liu Bei in the flood, so as to hide Liu Bei's unrighteous act of betraying his subordinates." Suddenly, some anger rose in Xu Shu's heart.

Don't let it go clean.And let me bear the bad name.However, in a daze, Xu Shu returned to the scene of "that day" when he defected to Liu Bei in high spirits.

That's all, that's all.This is the last thing I do for you, and we have nothing to do with you from now on.Thinking about it, the anger in Xu Shu's heart gradually dissipated.Xu Shu raised his head and said lightly, "That's it, that's what Gongyuan arranged."

It's time-conscious.Liao Li was somewhat satisfied with Xu Shu's understanding of current affairs.

"So" I said goodbye first. " Liao Li got up and said.

"No." Xu Shu said no, and he really didn't, and he didn't even intend to get up.

The satisfaction in Liao Li's heart dissipated immediately, he glanced at Xu Shu coldly, snorted coldly, and walked away.

"Little man." Xu Shu sneered.Get up and find the confidant butler, let him prepare his bags, leave Xinye at any time" and go to Jiangxia.

"Master is going to Jiangxia?" the housekeeper asked in surprise.

"Yes, go find my disciple." Xu Shu said with a slight smile.

With that said, he raised his head and looked at Jiang Xia.I don't know how that "disciple" is doing now. I haven't seen him for more than a year. The kid who had no advantage at the beginning is now a prince.

And he was a powerful prince.

Liu Bei's estrangement" made Xu Shu closer to Liu Feng.

It can be said that going to Jiangxia is something that Xu Shu has been looking forward to for a long time.

Xu Shu knew that he was about to usher in a stage, a stage bigger than Xinye.And the person who arranged the stage was his disciple.

He can show his talents to the fullest and realize his ambitions.

Assist Mingjun.Establish the eternal foundation.

After Liu Feng left, he was neglected by Liu Bei for a year, alienated for a year, and silent for a year. I thought it was as light as water.

But at this moment," Xu Shu's body involuntarily raised a surge of power.

When he was young, he "learned martial arts, and he was brave and fierce. When he was young, he went south to study and abandoned martial arts to study literature."Near middle age, he has learned something.

Very brave and ruthless, but ten enemies.A general is the enemy of ten thousand people.

Isn't learning literature just for the ambition in your heart?And now" the time has come.

Compared with Xu Shuliu's mood in another village, Zhao Yun's mood is in a different situation.

Just now, Liao Li came and left again.He told Zhao Yun the same thing as he said to Xu Shu.

Zhao Yuncai really felt ashamed.


In the barracks, Zhao Yun's handsome face was full of unwillingness and pain.His eyes were all red, and he clenched his hands into fists." The veins on the back of his hands were bulging.

why why.

Zhao Yun kept asking himself why.

When he was in Youzhou, Liu Bei was relatively close to him.Later, when Gongsun Zan was defeated, Zhao Yun chose to wander and met Liu Bei by chance.

At that time, "Zhao Yun immediately worshiped Liu Bei" and vowed to follow Liu Bei.

But later Zhao Yun discovered that Liu Bei did not trust him.It's a gut feeling.Zhao Yun once asked himself why, why.

But Zhao Yun was born loyal and honest, and soon forced himself to forget this.He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the training of the army.

Liu Bei's three hundred cavalry was Zhao Yun's painstaking effort.And Zhao Yun trained this cavalry in order to show Liu Bei his achievements. His ability and loyalty are beyond doubt.

But at this moment, the persistence and loyalty in Zhao Yun's heart collapsed.It collapsed.

Why, why did his efforts end up like this?

Zhao Yun knows, knows the difficulties in Xinye now.Therefore" when he learned that Liu Bei was going to attack Xu Huang, he trained his soldiers desperately.

He can go to the battlefield of death with Liu Bei.

However, this determination cannot be exchanged for trust.

A small amount of grain, twenty hundred shi of grain, sold him.He is a person, not a commodity.

Zhao Yun is a born general. If he meets a hero he likes, if he encounters a desperate situation, he will definitely not die.

A long sword, just wiped the neck.

But Zhao Yun didn't even have the chance to wipe his neck now, who would he be loyal to if he wiped his neck?For Liu Bei?joke.Liu Bei is going to sell him for food, "If he wipes his neck now, not only will he not get Liu Bei's favor", but he will be spurned by Liu Bei.

"Ridiculous. Ridiculous." Zhao Yun's clenched fist loosened.

There was a piece of ashes on his face, and his eyes were staring, as if he had lost his soul.

Xu Shu" Zhao Yun asked Liu Bei to resign and wanted to go south.

This news swept through the entire Xinye like a hurricane.

There are those who despise it, and those who admire it.Those who fear have it, and those who do not believe have it.

Now the flood in Xinye is the time for life and death. In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Shu and Zhao Yun are important ministers and generals. At this time, regardless of the past blessings, they pledged allegiance to the death and lived and died with Liu Bei, but fled instead.


So cast aside.

go south.These two words make many people think about it.Because Liu Feng is in Jiangxia, and Xu Shu is Liu Feng's teacher, where to go south.

Ready to come out.So some people are envious.After all, Jiangxia is much better than Xinye.In the land of Xinye Maru, there are many cities in Jiangxia, thousands of miles deep.

In this era, what is emphasized is that the top is the emperor's teacher, the middle is the emperor's friend, and the bottom is the emperor's minister.

The simple thing is, the best is to be the emperor's teacher, Rong Zhi.The next best thing is to be the emperor's friend, which is equally honored.The last thing is to be a courtier of the emperor.Although it looks pretty good, it is far worse than the above two grades.

The world is in chaos today" Liu Feng, as a prince of one side, is like a local emperor.

Xu Shu's departure is the identity of the emperor's teacher.

How can you not be envious, how can you not be envious?

Now Liu Feng sits in three counties and has tens of thousands of soldiers.80 people.The soldiers are fine and the food is sufficient.If Xu Shu and Zhao Yun are added, wouldn't it be like a tiger with wings added?

This is the mind of the fearful.

As for the unbelievers.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Sun Qian, and Jian Yong didn't believe that Xu Shu would leave, but they were all silent.

Zhuge Liang didn't believe it either, nor did he believe that Xu Shu would carry Liu Bei and leave.Zhuge Liang has a deep understanding of this friend's character and ability.

I also firmly believe that one day, Liu Bei will abandon his disgust and reuse Xu Shu.

But at this moment, at this moment, his friend was about to leave. At this time of internal and external troubles, he chose to go to Jiangxia.

Doesn't he know what kind of notoriety this will bear?

Only a few people knew about the deal between Liu Feng and Liu Bei, and Zhuge Liang certainly didn't know that his friend had been sold.

In Liu Bei's mind, it is worthwhile to sell Xu Shu and Zhao Yun, who are already disloyal, in exchange for 20 grains and vitality after the flood.

Zhuge Liang didn't know, didn't know Liu Bei's thoughts.

Therefore, the first person he went to look for was Xu Shu.But Xu Shu did not see Zhuge Liang.Close the door" without seeing one side.

Zhuge Liang was not reconciled, so he went to Liu Bei.

But Liu Bei's answer to Zhuge Liang made Zhuge Liang even cooler.

What Liu Bei meant was that the situation is critical now, and it is common sense for Xu Shu and Zhao Yun to leave, so it is easy to get together and leave.Not only let him go, but also give Xu Shu money and rewards. Send him off peacefully.

This sounded unbelievable to Zhuge Liang's ears.

A talent with outstanding ability, capable of writing and martial arts, just let go?

Zhuge Liang couldn't believe it, but in the hearts of others, he praised Liu Bei's benevolence.

Listen, what is tolerance? This is called tolerance.Liu Bei can also tolerate those who betray.And be kind.

Anyway, after selling Xu Shu and Zhao Yun, Liu Bei not only lost his reputation, but also repaired the reputation lost in Liu Feng's hands, and slightly improved it.Therefore, Liu Bei felt that the deal was a good deal. ! ~!

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