Be it the despised, the envious, the fearful, or the unbeliever. (Apex novels hand-made novels) can't stop Liu Bei from selling civil servants and generals to save himself.

Selling secretly.

After the eighth day, Xu Shu took Liu Bei's reward, 30 gold, [-] yuan, and [-] pieces of cloth, and went south.

When boarding the boat, Xu Shu met Zhao Yun.

Xu Shu's complexion was not bad, and his eyes were bright and energetic.But Zhao Yun looked ashamed.

Xu Shu remembered the sad "self-deprecating mood" after hearing Liao Li's words. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun.Xu Shu was not familiar with anything.Because in the past when deploying troops, "Guan Yu" and Zhang Fei were the main ones, and Zhao Yunding was mostly supplemented, or guarding the rear.

It is rare to lead an army independently.

Liu Bei didn't trust Zhao Yun, and Xu Shu had already guessed in his heart.

But Xu Shu still knew a little about Zhao Yun.It all depends on his disciple.

Liu Feng admired Zhao Yun very much, and often said that Zhao Yun was a rare cavalry general.

After listening a lot, Xu Shu also had a little understanding of Zhao Yun.

Thinking of the past." Xu Shu also realized that Liu Feng chose Zhao Yun to go south with him.

First of all, Zhao Yun's ability is outstanding, and he is a rare general.Secondly, Liu Bei's trust in Zhao Yun is not as good as Guan Yu's. The chances of abandoning him are very high.

That's why today's colleagues go south.

Xu Shu felt that it was necessary to enlighten Zhao Yun and lay a good foundation for Liu Feng to welcome Zhao Yun and reuse Zhao Yun.

"Why is Zilong like this?" Xu Shu came out of the cabin, stood beside Zhao Yun, and asked knowingly.

At this moment," they were on a relatively large ship with a large deck. Zhao Yun stood obstinately on the bow.

"Don't Mr. Yuanzhi feel sad?" Zhao Yun sarcastically said.

This ridicule was not aimed at Xu Shu, but more like self-mockery at himself.

"Sorrowful? Why?" Xu Shu asked back.

"Isn't it sad to be abandoned like a waste?" Zhao Yun's face was full of ashes, showing some surprise, looking at Xu Shu with some puzzlement.

Zhao Yun was really puzzled.Zhao Yun has also heard about Xu Shu's situation, and he is not reused, which is similar to him.

But no matter what, a person with self-respect should feel humiliated, angry, and sad about being abandoned as goods.

But Zhao Yun didn't find any of these emotions on Xu Shu's face." So Zhao Yun was surprised.

"Why are you sad? I feel relieved instead." Xu Shu said with a smile.As he said that, under Zhao Yun's surprised gaze, Xu Shu looked up to the south.

"What did I gain in Xinye? Alienation and distrust. And what about Jiangxia? That is my disciple's region, where I will be trusted and reused according to conditions. After leaving Xinye" and going to Jiangxia, I should feel happy.Isn't it right? "Speaking, Xu Shu turned his head and looked at Zhao Yundao.

Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, listening to Xu Shu's remarks, it seemed to make sense.

In Xinye, he is not trusted, "he should seek another job. But soon, Zhao Yun's strong reluctance prevailed.

"But I am not reconciled. Although I am not trusted, I tried my best to show my ability and trained three hundred cavalry." I dare to swear that "the three hundred cavalry are definitely outstanding cavalry. But why" why did I work so hard, Will he end up like this? "Zhao Yun growled in a low voice.

In an instant, his eyes turned blood red.

"As a king, once you are suspicious, you will not trust him.

Since you don't trust it, you won't reuse it, and you won't reuse it all the time.No matter how hard Zilong tries. " Xu Shu smiled and shook his head.

Although a general like Zhao Yun is loyal and brave.But I don't know much about the way of the emperor.

"Why?" Zhao Yun didn't understand yet.

"Employees are not suspicious, doubters are not." Xu Shu said with a slight smile.

Following Xu Shu's words, Zhao Yun gradually understood.It turned out that the suspect didn't need it.It turned out that his several years of hard work, such a successful cavalry.

The reason for not being reused is actually the person who was suspected.

Zhao Yun never thought it would be like this.Zhao Yun laughed at himself, "The self-question these days was solved by Xu Shu.

Zhao Yun was even more desperate."A moment ago" there was still unwillingness to support him in his heart. But at this moment "there was nothing left.

For the future, Zhao Yun feels confused.

"Zilong, if you want to prove your ability is outstanding, there is another way." Xu Shu suddenly laughed.

"What method?" Zhao Yun asked subconsciously.

"At the critical moment, defeat Liu Bei, or defeat Cao Cao. Establish your prestige and become famous all over the world, making Liu Bei regret, regretting that he gave up Zilong today." As he said, Xu Shu's face was covered with a strange brilliance .

Why is he not himself.

Zhao Yun was a little stunned, but what Xu Shu said resonated strongly with Zhao Yun.It turns out that there is another way to prove one's ability.

Zhao Yun's eyes gradually brightened up. Although it can't be said that they have returned to the bright, energetic, shrewd and capable eyes of the past, they can still be considered to have regained a little vitality.

"Zilong still has an impression of Liu Feng?" Looking at Zhao Yun's eyes that gradually brightened, Xu Shu asked with a smile.

Liu Feng?In Zhao Yun's PS brain, a somewhat immature but heroic man's face emerged.

For Liu Feng and Zhao Yun, there are indescribable complex feelings.

When I met Liu Feng for the first time, Liu Feng's identity was still a major general.Later, Zhao Yun also gave Liu Feng a war horse, which I remember was called Wu Yunju.

Let's talk cavalry together.At that time "Liu Feng's eyebrows were beaming, and he was very excited. For Liu Feng's closeness and trust.

Zhao Yun is also very happy "because Liu Feng is a major general. He is the heir. These three words" make Zhao Yun full of energy.

It is the most reasonable thing for a son to inherit his father's business. One day Liu Ba can inherit the power from Liu Bei.He will also continue to serve Liu Bei's son.

Moreover, Liu Ba admired his abilities, so he could be reused.

But the situation changed suddenly." Before Zhao Yun could react, Liu Feng changed from an heir to an abandoned son. He escaped from Xinye.

At that time, Zhao Yun felt sorry for Liu Feng.

However, after Liu Feng came out of Xinye, his rapid rise made Zhao Yun dizzy.Fight, fight, fight.Liu Feng has grown to the point where Liu Bei needs to look up through battle after battle.

The battle of Wancheng made Liu Bei even more embarrassing.

Is this what Xu Shu said about proving his ability, making Liu Bei regret it?Some enlightenment rose in Zhao Yun's heart.

Perhaps, the road that Liu Feng traveled was not bad.At least he can prove that he is very capable, not inferior to anyone.

Zhao Yun clenched his fists.

"Does Zilong know about Jiang Xia's situation?" Seeing that Zhao Yun was getting angry gradually, Xu Shu was secretly happy in his heart," he asked face to face.

"I know roughly." Zhao Yun nodded.

"I don't know." Xu Shu smiled.

"Huh?" Zhao Yun was stunned.

"Don't be surprised, Zilong. These years, I basically stay at home, and I basically don't hear about foreign affairs. Even the things about Liu Feng's side are only learned from Kong Ming. Therefore, the concept is vague. But I know one thing." Said Then, Xu Shu looked at Zhao Yundao with a smile.

Zhao Yun looked at Xu Shu suspiciously.

"My disciple never fights a battle that he is not sure of. When Zhou Yu came to attack, he had no choice but to raise troops hastily. But when Cao Ren came to attack, Liu Feng had the Fire Bull Formation to assist him." Attacking Jiangdong is a powerful weapon. "As he said, Xu Shu smiled slightly," a little proudly.

"So even if he is Chong Zilong, he will not ask Liu Bei for Zilong for any reason. Since he has asked, there must be a lot of war horses under his tent."

"Sir, you mean." Zhao Yun said tremblingly.

"After going to Jiangxia, Zilong will be reused. If my guess is correct, there will be no less than [-] war horses." Xu Shu said with a smile.

No fewer than five thousand horses?Zhao Yun murmured.

A fire rose from Zhao Yun's heart. "War horses and soldiers are Zhao Yun's life. If possible, Zhao Yun hopes that he can rely on cavalry to shock the world. He may even fight to death on the battlefield."

This is the persistence in Zhao Yun's heart.

But this attachment, Liu Bei can't satisfy him.He can only use three hundred cavalry.You must also prove your ability and expect to be reused.

But now, Xu Shu told him that if he wanted to prove his ability, he could choose revenge.Tell Liu Bei with reality that it was wrong to abandon him.

It just so happens that there are war horses on Liu Feng's side, and there are a large number of war horses.

Prove yourself with ability?


Liu Feng's mood was surging, no less than Xu Shu's.

As early as five days ago, he got Liu Bei's reply, "It is said that Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan will be exchanged for 20 shi of grain." As for whose name the grain is used for disaster relief, it is half and half.One can imagine Liu Feng's mood when he got the news.

Zhao Yun, Xu Shu.Liu Feng's original goal was just the two of them.Now add Wei Yan.

There is still a chance to win over the hearts of the people in Xinye.

Coincidentally, Mi Zhu was ordered to return to Xinye.Liu Feng personally sent Mi Zhu to Xia. "Afterwards, they stayed in Xiakou, preparing to meet Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan in person.

Xu Shu, his teacher.

During the three years of studying with Xu Shu, Liu Feng learned about Xu Shu's strength from various aspects. He not only knows how to fencing, but also can fight the enemy.

You can still govern the country." There are generals.

Xu Shu's ability will be slightly higher than that of governing the army, and the second is governing the country.

It's not that Xu Shu's ability to govern the country is poor, on the contrary, he is much higher than ordinary people.However, Xu Shu's emphasis is on general strategy, which is somewhat similar to Pang Tong.

But Pang Tong is good at ingenious strategies, assisting the center, which means that his sword is slanted.And Xu Shu is Zhongzheng and peace, supplemented by a unique strategy.

Both have their own advantages.

Pang Tong and Xu Shu are both handsome talents.Alternative talent.

And Liu Feng's goal is to follow the Shuhan route, and go further than the Shuhan.Occupy Xiangyang and occupy Jingchu in an all-round way.

and Tsaizhou.

At that time, Xu Shu and Pang Tong led their armies northward from Jingzhou and Yizhou to attack Cao Guo.After that, it was supplemented by Gan Ning, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, Li Yan and other generals.

What a grand event this is.

Civil servants and military generals come from the north.My heart is full.

This was Liu Feng's mood at the moment. ! ~!

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