Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 357 Xu Shu Returns to Throne

Chapter 350 Seven Return of Xu Shu (Third Change)

Xiakou Ferry.

tens of meters to the north.Several large ships slowly approached the Xiakou Ferry.

Xu Shu and Zhao Yun stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the ferry.Moods vary.

"This is Xiakou, the first city that Liu Feng captured." Xu Shu looked at Xiakou and smiled.

"This is Jiang Xia, Liu Feng's place. It's also where I prove myself." Zhao Yun murmured while looking at Xiakou with clenched fists.

After several days of sailing, Xu Shu and Zhao Yun finally arrived at Xiakou.

During these few days, with Xu Shu as his companion, Zhao Yun's unwillingness turned into motivation, the motivation to prove to Liu Bei.

It's a bit ridiculous to say that you have a sense of belonging to Jiang Xia, but at least you don't reject Jiang Xia anymore.Zhao Yun's heart also cheered up from the shock of Liu Bei abandoning him.

This is the most important.

Now is the non-war period, so the gate of the ferry village is open all year round.Soldiers are only responsible for maintaining order.

When Xu Shu's boat came to the gate of the village, it was not stopped.It landed smoothly.

On the shore, there are several pairs of soldiers responsible for maintaining order.There is also a man who looks like Dubo, who is directing.

Xu Shu got off the boat and came to Dubo, raised his fist with a smile on his face and said, "Please inform General Gan Ning that Xu Shu is visiting."

"But Xu Shu, Mr. Xu Yuanzhi?" Du Bo said in surprise.From the day before yesterday, Gan Ning told the soldiers on duty to pay attention to Xu Shu.

Unexpectedly, this credit was given to him.

"Exactly." Xu Shu said with a smile.

"Wait a moment." Du Bo bowed and said a few words to the soldiers under his tent, then hurriedly got on his horse and headed for Gan Ning's mansion.

Although Liu Feng lived in Xiakou, he even lived in Gan Ning's mansion.

But he never interfered with Gan Ning's military affairs, just read in the study, and occasionally went out to take a boat or go fishing.

Now the flood from the upper reaches has been reduced a lot, and the Yangtze River has gradually returned to calm.Fishing is a good recreational choice.

However, Liu Feng was reading in Gan Ning's study in the mansion that day.

Some ranger biographies, read with relish.

Uncle Nadu first found Gan Ning, and then Gan Ning found Liu Feng.

I heard Gan Ning say that when Xu Shu arrived.Liu Feng threw away the bamboo slips in his hand, stood up suddenly, laughed loudly and said to Gan Ning, "Xingba, let's go, go and meet my teacher, Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, famous scholars from Jingchu."

Gan Ning is a confidant general.Of course he knew why Liu Feng lived in Xiakou for several days.

Hearing the words, he said happily: "Mr. Xu is famous in Jingchu, and his subordinates have admired him for a long time. It is really a blessing to be able to meet with the lord today."

This is not a compliment, Xu Shu once defeated Cao Ren.The reputation in Jingchu is quite good.

"Haha." Liu Feng laughed, and took Gan Ning to the shore by car.

From a distance, Liu Feng saw Xu Shu and Zhao Yun next to Xu Shu.

When he saw Xu Shu's familiar and no longer familiar face, Liu Feng's eyes were a little moist.Xu Shu, in Liu Feng's heart, has a special meaning.

Apprenticeship was the first plan Liu Feng made after he came to this era.At that time, Liu Feng knew that this strategy was the wisest strategy in his life.

For this reason, Liu Feng did not hesitate to take risks and went deep into Cao Ying.It saved Xu Shu's fate to go to the north.

What happened later proved that what Liu Feng did was absolutely correct.

During the three years under Xu Shu, Liu Feng learned a lot and understood a lot.When the accident happened, it was also Xu Shu who reminded him to leave and find a suitable sky for him.

It is precisely because of Xu Shu's reminder that he has Liu Feng's current status.Sitting in three counties, with 80 people, tens of thousands of armored officers.

Without Xu Shu, there would be no Liu Feng today.

In the past, Liu Feng had no strength and no chance to take over this teacher.There is now.

When the carriage stopped in front of Xu Shu, Liu Feng got off the carriage, bowed deeply to Xu Shu and said, "Teacher."

This bending, to the bottom.

With Liu Feng's current status, this etiquette is very important.No one can afford such a heavy gift from Liu Feng unless he is a parent of his own.

But in other words, Liu Feng completely regarded Xu Shu as an elder.

However, Zhao Yun beside Xu Shu and Gan Ning beside Liu Feng were not moved, because they both knew how important Xu Shu's position in Liu Feng's heart was.

Liu Feng was excited when he saw Xu Shu, and Xu Shu was also excited when he saw Liu Feng.

After all, he is a disciple who has taught for three years.The time the two spent together was a long, long time.Compared with Liu Bei, Xu Shu is like Liu Feng's father.

"Get up." Xu Shu stretched out his hand and helped Liu Feng up.

The moment he saw Liu Feng, Xu Shu also had the same feeling as Mi Zhu. Liu Feng has grown up, no, it should be said that he has grown up.

Strong and powerful.No longer immature.When it first came out of Xinye, it was still a young eagle, but now it is an eagle.

"It's more powerful than before." Xu Shu had thousands of words to say in his heart, but in the end, he just said it happily.

"Mr. is also wiser than before." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.

Liu Feng was also looking at Xu Shu. He felt that Xu Shu's temperament was more reserved, but the wisdom in his eyes was more abundant.

"My lord, this is not a place to talk, let's go back and talk about the old days." At this time, Gan Ning stepped forward and said.

There was a lot of movement here, which attracted the curious eyes of many people in the ferry.

Liu Feng glanced at it, nodded, and said, "Yes." Immediately, he bent over and said, "Teacher, get in the car."

Xu Shu nodded happily, and confidently took a step ahead of Liu Feng, and stepped into the carriage.Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng also got into the carriage.

Zhao Yun and Gan Ning were in the same car.

The four of them headed slowly to Gan Mansion.

In the hall of Gan Mansion, Liu Feng sat at the main seat, Xu Shu, Gan Ning, and Zhao Yun sat beside him.

Liu Feng's expression was rare, and he raised his head to Xu Shu and said, "Do you still remember Zhuge Liang's strategy?"

Xu Shu nodded slightly and said, "I remember."

"Jingzhou and Yizhou, with the power of the two states, ally Sun Quan against Cao Cao." Liu Feng said quickly, and then smiled: "The situation in Jiangxia is not like this now. Jiangdong is an enemy. Sooner or later we have to fight one. In this way, when we occupy Jingchu in the future, if we want to attack Yizhou, we must first guard against Sun Quan. We must divide our troops into two groups."

"Now I have Pang Shiyuan's help, plus my teacher. One person guards Jingzhou, and the other follows me into Yizhou. In this way, it is as stable as Mount Tai."

Liu Feng said in high spirits, that was full of provocative power, and his confidence in building his own empire made Gan Ning a little excited.

Zhao Yun's eyes were also full of splendor.Zhao Yun is not the core figure of Liu Bei's forces, and he does not know some of Zhuge Liang's countermeasures.

It was the first time he had heard of the grand scheme.

Only Xu Shu frowned slightly.Asked: "Why is Feng'er obsessed with Jiangdong? Are you sure he is an enemy?"

"Because I hate Sun Quan, and I have a backhand to swallow Jiangdong completely." Liu Feng didn't intend to hide Xu Shu, and said with a smile.

Hate Sun Quan's successor?

Xu Shu was a little bit dumbfounded that Liu Feng hated Sun Quan.But I am also a little curious about the so-called backhand.

Jiangdong has gone through three generations since Sun Jian.The people's hearts are stable.How can Liu Feng swallow Jiangdong?

Liu Feng also wanted to answer, but at this moment.

Zhao Yun suddenly said: "General, I am tired from the journey, and I feel a little unwell."

Just now, Liu Feng greeted Zhao Yun.He comforted Zhao Yun a few words, but did not have an in-depth conversation.

What Zhao Yun meant, Liu Feng also understood.The method of annexing Jiangdong must be a secret.Zhao Yun paid himself to be a newcomer to avoid embarrassment, so he retreated automatically.

But Liu Feng would not let Zhao Yun retreat.Liu Feng knew Zhao Yun well, since he came to Jiangxia, he could be trusted.

Even on the battlefield, Liu Feng would never say anything if he handed over his back to Zhao Yun.

"Haha, Zilong is strong and strong, so he doesn't need any rest. Wait a minute, we will set off to Xiling City, let Zilong take a good look at our horses. Form a team of iron cavalry that can rival the world." Liu Feng said no Understanding what Zhao Yun meant, he laughed.

Zhao Yun also knew that Liu Feng was a smart man, so he must understand what he said.But now that he said these words, it was full of trust.

trust?He was not trusted in Xinye and was even abandoned by Liu Bei.This trace of trust immediately turned into a warm current, warming Zhao Yun.

"Wrapping people's hearts in shape." Xu Shu gave a secret praise when he saw it in his eyes.There are many ways to win people's hearts, among which there is no doubt about employing people.

Now is the time for Zhao Yun to feel lost, and Liu Feng gave him his trust without hesitation.

This is what wins people's hearts in form.

Just as Xu Shu thought, when Zhao Yun saw Liu Feng laughing, he stopped insisting.I am looking forward to the war horse that Liu Feng said.

"Okay, okay. We'll talk about the war horse at a later time. What is it that makes Feng'er so confident?" Xu Shu asked with a smile.

"If I have a navy of [-] people, ambush in the east of Jiangdong, above the sea. Teacher, what do you think?" Liu Feng smiled slightly, his eyes flickering.

"Can there be such a huge island in the sea?" Xu Shu lost his voice.

It's not that Xu Shu doesn't believe in his disciples, but this kind of thing seems absurd.

Zhao Yun was also shocked, with disbelief in his eyes.

"Not only is it huge, but it can also grow five grains. There are hundreds of thousands of Tibetans." Meeting Xu Shu's gaze, Liu Feng nodded affirmatively.

"Feng'er has immigrated?" Xu Shu immediately realized the meaning of Liu Feng's words and said in shock.

"Well, a few days ago, Jiangdong Shanyue rebelled, and Jiangdong's Jiangdong defense was lax. I immigrated 20 people to the big island, and set up a Taiwan county, with Iraqi as the county guard. Sharpen the sharp weapon." Liu Feng's eyes revealed a huge ambition. .The ambition to annex Jiangdong.

"In this way, Jiangdong can be swallowed." Xu Shu murmured with doubts in his heart.

A sigh suddenly rose in Xu Shu's heart.

I thought this disciple had done well enough, but unexpectedly, Liu Feng did better than he imagined.

Three counties?Obviously there are four counties.

Taiwan.The trump card behind this is well concealed.What is the killer feature?It's a weapon of surprise.Straight to the throat.

Yizhou, Jingchu, Jiangdong.

It is a confrontation between two sides.Kong Ming, my disciple has gone farther than your three-legged confrontation.

Xu Shu proudly looked at Liu Feng who was beaming with joy.There is no time to be more determined that Liu Feng can achieve great things than this moment.


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