Knowing the existence of Taiwan, Xu Shu doubted Liu Feng's annexation of Jiangdong again. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Since Jiangdong can be quickly swallowed, there is no need to form an alliance with Jiangdong.

Conquering the world is a very cruel thing. The so-called ally is just a word. When all enemies are eliminated, allies will become enemies in an instant.

Just like when Chu and Han fought for hegemony.Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were originally allies, but in the end?It's not that the enemies met each other, they were extremely jealous, and they fought for four full years.

So allies are enemies.

With Jingzhou, Yizhou, Jiangdong, and Taiwan counties, Liu Feng's power must not be inferior to Cao Cao.Well, everyone present was a little excited.

"By the way, why did the teacher come first? Where's Wei Yan?" Liu Feng asked suddenly, with some doubts on his face.

In the document handed over by Mi Zhu, it was clearly stated that Liu Bei was willing to send Wei Yan.

"Wei Yan, is he a military marquis?" Xu Shu asked suspiciously after thinking about it.

Seeing the doubt on Xu Shu's face, Liu Feng smiled apologetically.Forgetting this matter, Xu Shu didn't know.However, Wei Yan was prepared by Liu Feng for Xu Shu.

Now Pang Tong has Deng Ai, Xu Sheng, and Xiang Lang under Pang Tong's account. They are handsome and general, and they are very strong.

And Liu Feng wants to raise Xu Shu's position to the level of Pang Tong, and recruit another [-] troops based on the soldiers of Li Yan's department.Equipped with Wei Yan.

In this way, Xu Shu's forces became a powerful independent army.Can respond to any crisis situation.

"Yes, he is a military lord." Liu Feng smiled slightly.

Not just a military lord, Wei Yan is very famous.Although Wei Yan is also famous for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang called Wei Yan a rebellious brain.

But in fact, what happened behind the scenes of history.Wei Yan, according to the official history, this person is the part of Liu Bei when he was in Yuzhou, and later fled with Liu Bei. He has a certain status in Liu Bei's heart.

Later, when Liu Bei entered Yizhou, Wei Yan performed well, accumulated military exploits quickly, and his position was getting higher and higher.

Liu Bei also trusted him.This kind of trust even surpassed Zhang Fei.

After Liu Bei entered Yizhou, he had just repelled Cao Cao and occupied Hanzhong. But there was no guard. At that time, Guan Yu was guarding Jingzhou, and Hanzhong was the gateway of Yizhou, and its status was not inferior to Jingzhou.

At that time, the whole court believed that Zhang Fei was the prefect of Hanzhong.But Liu Bei unexpectedly chose Wei Yan.

At that time, Wei Yan was very high-spirited and said. "If Cao Cao sends 10 people, I will swallow it for the king. If Cao Cao comes from the whole world, I will take it for the king."

Exudes an astonishing domineering arrogance.

A person who is not capable” dares to say such a thing?

As for the matter of the back of the head, it is really ridiculous.That's right, Wei Yan was charged with rebellion in the end and wiped out the three clans.

But the main reason is that after Wei Yan and Zhuge Liang, Yang Yi, who was in power for a short time, was at odds.Wei Yan raised troops to protect himself.

There is another aspect that can also prove that Wei Yan is loyal.

That was Liu Bei's trust. Although Liu Feng didn't like Liu Bei very much, he had to admit that that guy was a good judge of people.

If Wei Yan was not loyal, he would not have promoted Wei Yan to be the prefect of Hanzhong.

But it was this powerful general who said "Cao Cao sent 10 people and swallowed them. Cao Cao came from all over the world, according to them." Finally died in internal struggles.

It's a pity." It's a pity.

But now, Liu Feng just wanted to take this powerful figure as his own.

Before Liu Bei discovered Wei Yan's talent.

"Wei Yan's ability is outstanding, but he is a general. I want to take the teacher as the general of Zhonglang" and recruit [-] elite soldiers. This person and Li Yan can be the teacher's arm. " Liu Feng added.

To be honest, Xu Shu had heard about Wei Yan, but he didn't know anything about Li Yan.

But Xu Shu trusted his disciple's perspective on people.In the wars initiated or passive by Liu Feng, Huang Zhongyi was not excavated by Liu Feng himself, the brilliant Gan Ning.

Therefore, "Xu Shu quietly remembered Wei Yan and Li Yan, the two relatively unfamiliar names."

There is a saying that says Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

While talking, the soldiers came in and reported: "My lord, there is a man who claims to be Wei Yan, the Marquis of Liu Bei's tent, and led some soldiers into Xiakou."

"Bring him here." Liu Feng was overjoyed and raised his hand.

promise. "The soldier responded and walked down.

If Wei Yan came one day later, Liu Feng would go back to Xiling.It might be difficult to meet Wei Yan.It's nice to see you now.

"Hehe, the teacher's deputy is here." After the soldier went down, Liu Feng turned his head and smiled at Xu Shu.

"To be so respected by Feng'er, this Wei Yan is really curious." Xu Shu said with a smile.

"What you said is true." Suan Ning also nodded.

Even Zhao Yun is the same.Zhao Yun and Wei Yan have met several times, but only as acquaintances.I didn't see any superficiality in Wei Yan.

Just as everyone was expecting, Wei Yan walked in.

He was tall and tall, with a majestic face, and he didn't have much aggressive aura.Relatively commonplace.

Both Xu Shu and Zhao Yun had met Wei Yan before and thought that Wei Yan was relatively ordinary, but after Liu Feng's exaggeration, when they looked at Wei Yan carefully, they really found something extraordinary.

In a pair of tiger eyes, there is a faintly compelling sharpness.

"I have met General Yang Wu." Wei Yan's voice was as thick as ever.

"How polite." Liu Feng casually raised his hand and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you in a year, how is Wei Junhou?"

"Thank you, General, for your concern, Wei is fine." Wei Yan replied calmly.

But what kind of situation is in his heart, only Wei Yan knows.

Think about it a year ago, inside the city gate, Liu Feng took the body sent by Tang and ordered him to hang it on the top of the city and leave.At that time, I was somewhat hasty and embarrassed.

But today, one year later, Liu Feng's power has reached where it is today.Almost on an equal footing with Sun Quan.

In just one year, Wei Yan finds it unbelievable when he thinks about it.

"Hehe, I'm relieved." Liu Feng smiled slightly and nodded.

Immediately, Liu Feng pointed to Xu Shu and said, "My teacher Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, you should know him. You will follow him from now on."

"What do you mean, General?" Wei Yan frowned.Following Xu Shu?There was some disdain for Xu Shu and Wei Yan, a coward who ran away in times of crisis.

"Oh, I didn't make it clear." Liu Feng said, "Xian Ran".

"Wei Junhou's ability is outstanding, but it's limited to the small area of ​​Xinye, with few soldiers. He can only be a military marquis. But it's different when he comes to my side." Liu Feng smiled slightly, looked at Xu Shu, and said: "I want to take my teacher Xu Shu as an example. General Zhonglang will recruit [-] troops. Marquis of the Wei Army can command [-] troops, and he will be the commander of the army, assisting the teacher in commanding the army."

"Is General Liu talking about it?" Wei Yan really didn't understand.

"It's very simple. I asked Liu Bei for 20 shi of grain, the teacher, General Zhao Yun, and you, the Marquis." Liu Feng said bluntly.

This matter is a great weapon.You can tell from Zhao Yun's performance that the abandoned person will not have any nostalgia for the old master.

When Liu Feng saw Wei Yan, he planned to smash Liu Bei's tall image in Wei Yan's heart.

"Impossible?" Wei Yan's whole body trembled, his eyes glowed with disbelief, and he lost his voice.

Because it was unbelievable, Wei Yan's momentum was exaggerated.That sharp blade-like aura swept the entire hall.

Gan Ning, Zhao Yun and Xu Shu were all moved.For a general, appearance is not the most important thing, the most important thing is momentum.

Momentum is in some ways synonymous with competence.

And Wei Yan's aura at this moment was enough to impress them.

Liu Feng met Zhou Yu and killed Pan Zhang.I have fought tough battles.Wei Yan's arrogance could not have any effect in front of Liu Feng.

At most, it would make Liu Feng happy.

According to history, Wei Yan made his mark during the process of entering Sichuan.At this time, the name is still silent, but in fact, the internal aspects have been sharpened.

Very sharp, very sharp, "I don't need to lie to you. With your current status, you are not qualified enough. Besides, Teacher, Zhao Yun is here. You can ask them. If you still don't believe it, then wait for your little one Come here. I made an agreement with Liu Bei that your family will be brought to Jiangxia when we set off. I guess it's not this afternoon, but tomorrow." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.

"What Feng'er said is not false, the Marquis of Wei Jun need not doubt it." Xu Shu assisted.

"We are all abandoned sons." Zhao Yun said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Impossible, impossible." Wei Yan at this moment, like Zhao Yun back then, almost lost control of his emotions.

But on the other hand, Wei Yan knew that what Liu Feng said could not be false, and Liu Feng had no reason to lie to him.Moreover, if what Liu Feng said is true, he will arrive at his home in the afternoon, or tomorrow.

This lie can only last for a short time, and it is unnecessary.

This is why Wei Yan lost control, he was actually abandoned.As a trilogy, he joined Liu Bei in Yuzhou, fought thousands of miles, and went into exile in Jingzhou.

Never give up.

It turned out to be an abandoned child.Ridiculous abandonment.

Liu Feng and the others looked at Wei Yan calmly, seeing that Wei Yan never believed, and became distraught.This is a process that must be experienced.

Only Zhao Yun's face showed a little unbearable, thinking that he was so depressed back then.The pain in it is empathetic.

But no matter what, Wei Yan's abandonment has become a fact.

In the afternoon, Wei Yan's family had already been sent to his family. There were a lot of wives, concubines, and children.

Wei Yan is from Yuzhou, and his family grew up in Yuzhou.There were no relatives in Xinye, even when Wei Yan first came to Xinye, Wei Yan was just alone.After Liu Bei settled down in Xinye, Wei Yancai remarried a wife and had children.

When Wei Yan saw a group of women and children.Completely broke down.

Liu Feng knew that another general had joined his forces.It is another step away from his goal of controlling all the civil and military affairs of the Shu Han.

At the same time, the addition of Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan made his soft power in terms of talents gradually stronger.

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