Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 359 Zhao Yun's Surprise

Wei Yan collapsed, although Liu Feng believed that with Wei Yan's tenacious character, he would come over soon. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

But it will definitely take a little time, at least a few days.But Liu Feng didn't have time to stay in Xiakou, so Liu Feng temporarily handed Wei Yan over to Gan Ning.

Taking Xu Shu and Zhao Yun back to Xiling together.

There are many things waiting for Liu Feng in Xiling City. First, he must send someone to give Liu Bei 20 shi of grain, which is the bargaining chip in the deal.Liu Feng won't regret it if he accepts someone.

Moreover, [-] stones went to Xinye in the name of Liu Feng to win the hearts of the people.Furthermore, Liu Feng had to choose someone to go to Xinye to deliver food.

Even the news from Lu Su's side, Liu Feng also needs to pay attention.Because in the past few days, Jiangdong Sun Quan has not responded to the news.

But Liu Feng put all these things behind him.

Because of Zhao Yun.

And looking at Zhao Yun's situation, it's not bad.Liu Feng couldn't wait to show Zhao Yun his precious bump.

A total of nine thousand pairs of horses.

Liu Feng led Xu Shu and Zhao Yun bypassed Xiling and came directly to the ranch.

The pasture is very large, with a total of [-] mu of land.Among them are wastelands and fields.But Liu Feng requisitioned them all.

It is too extravagant to raise [-] war horses on [-] mu of land.But Liu Feng believes that war horses will continue to come from Liaodong.

So I don't feel bad.

The only thing that gave Liu Feng a headache was that the fifty ships entered Taiwan.In order to avoid leaking the news, Liu Feng could only build another sea-going ship.

It was just finished a few days ago.go to sea.

It will take at least two or three months for the number of war horses to increase again.

Liu Feng felt a little regretful.But he didn't know what kind of mood Zhao Yun felt when nine thousand war horses were placed in front of Zhao Yun.

Trembling all over, his expression was extremely agitated.

war horse.The treasure that Zhao Yun desperately desires.When he was in Liaodong, Gongsun Zan was a prodigal son.There are countless war horses, and there is even a cavalry composed entirely of white horses." Gongsun Zan himself is also known as the White Horse General.

During that time, Zhao Yun received a very orthodox cavalry education.Ability to grow rapidly.At that time, Zhao Yun didn't realize the importance of war horses.

Gongsun Zan has too many, too many.

But when Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei to Xinye, Zhao Yun's desire for war horses reached an extreme level.

With five or six hundred war horses, one man and two cavalry can produce three hundred cavalry.pitiful.

But now there are [-] 〖〖free〗 free war horses" in Zhao Yun's eyes, and Zhao Yun's eyes emitted a green light.

Even Xu Shu was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Xu Shu was born in Yingchuan, so it's not that he has never seen war horses.But this is Jingzhou, the south.There is also a strong Cao Cao isolated.

Xu Shu never thought that Liu Feng would have so many war horses.

Although Xu Shu told Zhao Yun that Liu Feng must have prepared no less than five thousand horses, he would invite you out of the mountain.But that's guesswork after all.

And now it is confirmed, and it still exceeds expectations.

"There are no less than ten thousand war horses here?" Xu Shu sighed after being stunned for a moment.

"I'm afraid there are a little more than 9000" but less than [-]. "Zhao Yun replied instead of Liu Feng, without looking back, staring at the pasture with a pair of tiger eyes.

"Well, there are nine thousand one or two hundred horses." Liu Feng secretly praised Zhao Yun's eyesight and confirmed.

"I remember Feng'er, you ransacked Chaisang once. Oh, yes, I heard that Jiangling was also ransacked once. Could it be Feng'er too? No, no." Even if Chaisang and Jiangling are combined, it is impossible to have So many war horses. Xu Shu shook his head for a while, nodded for a while, and said suspiciously.

"The teacher's guess is correct, Jiangling" Chai Sang was all looted by me. "Liu Feng smiled and said vigorously: "Now I have three counties in Jiangxia, leading 80 people.Forty-five thousand people with armor.The remaining equipment can also form an army of one hundred thousand.Grain can be eaten for ten years. "

Xu Shu originally thought that he gave his disciple a high look, but found that he still gave him a low look.

"Jiangling was ransacked" news spread to Xinye at that time. Zhuge Liang analyzed it with him, and they all suspected that the person who ransacked Jiangling might not be Jiangdong.

But thinking about Liu Feng's power at the time, it was too weak, too weak.

Therefore, the idea was dismissed.But I didn't expect that Liu Feng really ransacked it.

Surprised, but also very happy for Liu Feng.But Xu Shu soon discovered something was wrong.Frowning, he said: "Feng'er, don't be too hasty, 80 people, recruiting an army of [-]" is too much. "

"You don't have to worry about this teacher, the students know it well." Liu Feng said with a smile." After a pause, he continued: "During this time, the students just want the teacher to recruit 5000 grass teams to join Li Yan and station troops near the police.Then let Zilong recruit [-] cavalry to make up [-] people. "

"It's still not right." Xu Shu frowned slightly, but still worried.

If the ratio of the people to the army is ten to one, it is a poor soldier redeeming his military force.Now Liu Feng has 80 people, but [-] troops.Thirteen to one.It's almost a poor soldier's redemption.

This kind of thing is very dangerous.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about this teacher. The current situation in Jingchu and Jiangdong. I believe the teacher has already understood. Liu Bei has gray hair, so I believe in Jiangdong. The same is true for Kuai Yue and Cai Junshi. Exactly, I have food for students, hundreds of Grain for ten thousand stones." As he said that, Liu Feng's eyes glowed with golden light, reddish golden light.

"On the Jiangdong side, what the students want is hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people and 20 jin of iron ore. On the Jingchu side, Cai Junshi is the student's father-in-law. Students are cheaper. One Wuling County can consider supporting Jingchu food."

Looking at Liu Feng with golden eyes, Xu Shu had some words.

It's really easy to make a fortune, and the timing seems to be helping this disciple.

There were occasional droughts and floods in Jingchu and Jiangdong, but they were never as severe as this time.This opportunity, Leng let this disciple get it.

Not helping is anything.

80 people, plus hundreds of thousands, a Wuling County has a population of 20.Add up to 60 million.

After such a calculation, Xu Shu no longer expressed his opinion on Liu Feng's threat to raise [-] troops.Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Xu Shu is a handsome talent, a counselor, and even involved in Wenzhi.Very comprehensive consideration.

But Zhao Yun only considered the present.

Hearing that Liu Feng wanted to recruit [-] cavalry, Zhao Yun felt it was wrong.There are still some doubts.

It is not appropriate to recruit [-] cavalry for these [-] war horses.But it is impossible for Liu Feng to make such a low-level mistake. I remember that Liu Feng often exchanged cavalry with him.

"This, will..., my lord. Is [-] cavalry too many?" Zhao Yun asked.

Regarding Zhao Yun's question, Liu Feng had some considerations in his mind.With [-] war horses, Liu Feng's plan is to raise [-] cavalry to achieve the highest equipment for cavalry, one person with three horses.

But the problem is that Liu Feng's war horses will continue to increase. According to Liu Feng's calculations, the number of war horses will increase to [-] before the Battle of Chibi.Enough to feed ten thousand cavalry.

In order to avoid increasing troops again and again, it is better to add 1 people at a time.

Think about it, three horses per person.One horse is loaded with people, and one horse is empty.Another horse was laden with dry food, arrows.That speed would be a blast.There is no need to replenish.

Liu Feng knew that fighting the water army was not as good as Jiangdong, so he invented the ship.I also know that the number of fighting cavalry will never be comparable to Cao Cao.

Then play tricks.

One person and three horses.This kind of cavalry's highest offense only appeared for a while in Menggu.No one in this era would waste like that.

And Liu Feng is just the kind of person who will be willing to spend money and waste it.

One person and three horses come and go.There is no need for supplies.How cool.

Liu Feng planned to tell Zhao Yun about this idea.First-class cavalry generals, and the highest cavalry equipment.Perhaps the future achievements will not be inferior to the first battalion of Pojun.

However, before that, I still have to explain to Zhao Yun how the horse came here.

"Teacher, Zilong. Come with me." Liu Feng smiled slightly, and led Zhao Yunlai deep into the pasture.

At this moment, the war horses in the ranch are very relaxed.It is a trained war horse again, and its character is not very rebellious.

Therefore, Liu Feng and others approached the warhorse group smoothly.

"Zilong looked at these horses, did you find any familiar ones?" Approaching the edge of the horse group, Dao Feng casually pointed at the horses in front of him, and asked with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yun immediately turned his attention to the war horse in front of him, but he didn't notice anything at first.But Zhao Yun's eyes suddenly widened.

It is the size of Tongling.Almost sticking out.

In order to prove whether what he saw was true, Zhao Yun also ignored Liu Feng.At the scene, they stroked the horses one by one, and looked at the horses carefully.

In the end, the expression became more and more agitated.

"Liaodong war horses, these are Liaodong war horses. You can't go wrong, there are a huge number of Liaodong war horses." Zhao Yun's expression was very excited.

Although Liaodong is the territory of Gongsundu and Gongsunkang, the term Liaodong war horse refers to it in general.Gongsun Zan was the prefect of Liaoxi. Most of the war horses he used were produced in Liaoxi, but the breed was also from Liaodong.

Liaodong is the place where Zhao Yun was honed.Zhao Yun is very familiar with Liaodong war horses, and he can't make a mistake by himself.

Zhao Yun has been in exile with Liu Bei for many years.The war horses on the Liaodong side are rarely seen because Cao Cao blocked them.The horses they could get were all from Liangzhou.

From Liangzhou to Hanzhong, and then to Jingzhou.To be honest, the quality is uneven.Liaodong war horses are almost hard to see.

Suddenly seeing a large group of Liaodong war horses, Zhao Yunchu suspected that he was wrong.But after petting more than ten war horses, Zhao Yun finally confirmed it.

A large part of the war horses here come from Liaodong.

And Liaodong and Jiangxia are separated by Cao Cao.Cao Cao's control over the horses has almost reached the point of abnormality.So many Liaoji war horses appeared in Jiangxia.

This is both unbelievable and improbable.almost impossible.

But Zhao Yun personally confirmed the existence of a large group of Liaodong war horses.

This, this, Fei Zhao Yun, and Xu Shu all set their sights on Liu Feng.Well, listen to Liu Feng's explanation.

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