Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 360 The Prospect of Super, Super, Super Powerful Cavalry

Facing the gazes of Xu Shu and Zhao Yun, Liu Feng smiled slightly and said: ... Teacher and Zilong, have you ever heard of Gongsun Kang's father in Liaodong, and that Gongsundu once sent people across the sea to attack Qingzhou? ","ocean? ", Xu Shu and Zhao Yun were all shocked, and at the same moment, they understood where these war horses came from.

But even if you understand," it's still unbelievable.

Liaodong and Jiangxia can actually trade by sea, let alone whether it can be done, at least they have to cross the Yangtze River.

Although the two of them had all sorts of doubts in their hearts, they looked at the war horse in front of them. [Real] could no longer be a real war horse. Both of them knew that the trade between Liaodong and Jiangxia existed.

And still avoided Jiangdong.

Seeing the two people became even more confused." Liu Feng didn't hold back. He smiled and told Jiang Dong's grievances and grievances, including Jiang Qin's capture, Gan Ning's expedition and so on.

Xu Shu and Zhao Yun were amazed when they heard this.It turned out that Liu Feng sent troops to Jiangdong, and there was another meaning behind it.

At first Xu Shu was a little puzzled, but now he understands.War horse, such a big benefit is enough to make people jealous to the point of bloodshed.

Liu Feng won this battle.On the other hand, Sun Quan lost a large amount of supplies, as well as Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin, Jiang Qin, and a thousand sailors.

Moreover, according to Liu Feng's meaning, as long as Sun Quan dares to send a navy to the sea, the Yiji in Taiwan will dare to intercept it once.

In other words, as long as Sun Quan goes to sea, he will get his money back, time and time again.

The disaster caused by greed is a big loss.

"Can this Liaodong war horse come to Jiangxia continuously?" Zhao Yun asked with a more excited expression.

"Well, according to my agreement with Sun Quan, it shouldn't be a problem within one year. One year is enough to increase the number of horses to 1. It is enough to form a cavalry army of [-] people." . "Speaking, Liu Feng told Zhao Yun his idea of ​​being alone and three horses.

These ideas" actually had been exchanged between Liu Feng and Zhao Yun three years ago, but now Liu Feng's ideas are much more perfect than before.

After all, the more you know, the more ideas change with each passing day.

"One man with three horses seems to be feasible." Xu Shu, who is sensitive to military affairs, nodded upon hearing this.

"It's not feasible, but very feasible." Zhao Yun nodded affirmatively and said.

"The Central Plains is no better than Jingchu, where the water system is well developed" and there are many mountains, "you can only develop a navy" to resist the attack of the Central Plains.On the other side of the Central Plains, there is a flat plain, mostly plains.Conducive to the charge of cavalry.If there is a cavalry that comes and goes like the wind, "it will have an advantage innately." Liu Feng said with joy again.

Liu Feng found that in the past two days, his mood was in a relatively excited state.

Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan "increased" cavalry.

Watching and feeling my power is constantly increasing" This kind of excitement is hard to refuse. Liu Feng doesn't want to refuse either.

The "fighting war" picture shows a sense of conquest, and excitement can maintain aggressiveness.

Then "Liu Feng showed the Chu knife to Xu Shu and Zhao Yun. The sharpness and the speed brought by the narrowness surprised Xu Shu and the others.

The resources Liu Feng possesses are beyond their imagination.Ships, war horses, and this Chu knife" can all play a vital role.

"Okay, Zilong should be prepared for the matter of the war horse. Let's go to Xiling first, and meet the teacher for you. Then we will consider the matter of conscription." About half an hour later, Liu Feng, who had finished talking about his own advantages, turned Turning his head to Zhao Yundao.

But Zhao Yun didn't think so." Hearing this, he raised his fist and said, "I want to live here. "

"I know that Zilong is eager to establish a cavalry, but it will not happen overnight. Now that there is only one person in Wulong, and there is no elite cavalry, it is even more difficult to build. It is also difficult to delay for a day or two. "Liu Feng was taken aback for a moment, then persuaded.

"No, it's not that question." Zhao Yun still shook his head.

Under Liu Feng's puzzled gaze, Zhao Yun raised his head and looked in the direction of Xinye.

"An abandoned person, how can he have the face to let the lord host a banquet in person? Now that he is a newcomer, he is already a benevolent lord who can be reused. Why should he ask for anything? Unless one day, I use the cavalry to make a contribution to the lord. Otherwise, I What face do you have to meet people?" Zhao Yun softly answered Liu Feng's doubts.

At the beginning, I was a little lonely, but it was quickly replaced by strong ambition.

Build a cavalry and make great achievements.

What reason does Liu Feng have to break the persistence in such a general's heart?

"Understood." Liu Feng took a serious look at Zhao Yun, and finally nodded.

"Come here, prepare a new bedding. This Zhao Yun, General Zhao Zilong, will live here from now on." Immediately," Liu Feng ordered to the man behind him, an official from the ranch.

"No." The official responded.

"Thank you, my lord." Zhao Yun said gratefully.

"After I return to Xiling, I will issue an appointment immediately. Send officials and manpower to help Zilong recruit soldiers and build a strong cavalry as soon as possible." Liu Feng smiled.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will do my best." Zhao Yun said firmly.

Both the war horse and the outlook for the future have been conveyed to Zhao Yun.It would be meaningless for Liu Feng to stay here again.

And Zhao Yun insisted on living in the ranch." Liu Feng was no longer a rabbit.

After a while, Liu Feng took Xu Shu, and under Zhao Yun's gaze, slowly headed for Xiling City.

Although Liu Feng's vision for the cavalry was very hot.But as soon as he returned to Xiling City, Liu Feng forced himself to record that feeling.

Liu Bei's affairs are over, and the harvest is huge.But there are still some follow-up things that need to be dealt with.In addition, there is the most important Sun Quan.

Liu Bei's civil servants and generals, Sun Quan's population, iron mines.The city area of ​​Jingchu.

The same can not be less.

Therefore, after Liu Feng returned to Xiling City, he first arranged Xu Shu's residence so that the teacher could cultivate for a few days.Relieve the fatigue of the journey.

Immediately, he quickly wrote an appointment document.Xu Shu was ordered to be the general of Zhonglang, and [-] soldiers were recruited.Wei Yan was the Sima of the army.Zhao Yun was the school lieutenant and was recruited [-] soldiers.

And "Let Jiang Xia's prefect Jiang Wan send officials to help Zhao Yun.

Of these three appointment documents, only Wei Yan and Zhao Yun sent them out. Xu Shu's was kept by Liu Feng's side.

I haven't seen Xu Shu for a year, and Liu Feng hopes to have a good reunion.If the teacher is dispatched to the police, the next time we meet, it may be another year.

After finishing these things, Liu Feng considered who to send to Xinye to win the hearts of the people.

After careful selection, Liu Feng decided to send Xu Tian there.

At the beginning, after Zhang Dao and Xu Tian returned, Liu Feng sent Zhang Dao to Changsha and left Xu Tian behind.

This approach is based on the consideration that if the two brothers Xu Zheng and Xu Tian are in charge of Changsha together, it will lead to an imbalance of power.

This is not because Liu Feng doubts Xu Zheng and Xu Tian brothers, but because of the constraints of power.Therefore, "Xu Tian stayed in Jiangxia" is temporarily working as a manager, helping Jiang Wan handle the affairs of the county.

"Come on, go and find Xu Tian, ​​who is in charge." After making up his mind, Liu Fengkai.Said loudly towards us.

"Promise." After a resounding promise, there was a burst of footsteps, and they gradually drifted away.The guards faithfully carried out Liu Feng's orders.

Not long after," wearing Xu Tian came in. "My lord. "After entering the study, Xu Tian paid his respects.

Wearing an official uniform" is obviously in the middle of official business.

Liu Feng was a little apologetic," but he still said: "Let the official work in hand be done by the little official first, I need you to do some things. "

"My lord, please tell me." Xu Tian's face changed when he heard this, "bending forward.

"In Xinye, I reached a deal with Liu Bei, and 20 shi of grain passed over. Among them, [-] shi, in my name," distributed food in Xinye to win the hearts of the people.This matter is left to you, you must do it well and win the hearts of the people. "Liu Feng exhorted.

"This subordinate understands." Xu Tian cheered up."

Although Xu Tian is in his 20s now, he is considered an old minister of Liu Feng. He went out of Xinye with Liu Feng and entered Jiangxia.

It is very clear what kind of treatment Liu Feng received when he was in Xinye.

Now I hear that "I want to dismantle Liu Bei's platform and win the hearts of the people in Xinye. Xu Tian is very motivated.

Xu Tian's expression fell into Liu Feng's eyes, which made Liu Feng heave a sigh of relief.

With Xu Tian around, this battle for popular support may have some unexpected results.

So far, the resources that Xinye can squeeze out by Liu Feng, Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and people's hearts have almost been realized. Far beyond the original expectations.

Liu Feng felt relaxed, but Lu Su was not.

The mansion, in the courtyard.

Lu Su was wearing casual clothes, standing in the yard, looking a little anxious.

Lu Su couldn't decide the conditions Liu Feng gave that day.After listening to Mi Zhu's words again, he understood the reason for asking for a lot of money and paying back the money on the spot.

Lu Su immediately sent someone to Jiangdong to tell Sun Quan the news.

But now Mi Zhu has left, and the yard adjacent to him is also vacant.Before leaving, Mi Zhu secretly told him that the deal between Xinye and Jiang Xia had been concluded.

Xu Shu, Wei Yan, Zhao Yun.The result of bargaining.

Xinye got food and could survive the flood.Liu Bei breathed a sigh of relief.But what about Jiangdong?Sun Quan has not heard from him yet.

Lu Su knew that Sun Quan was reluctant to part with the hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people.

As long as these hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people are raised for a year or two, it will definitely not be a problem to fight for 20 to [-] elite soldiers.Ten or twenty years later, they will be ordinary people in Jiangdong.

lead to population increase.

What is the population?It is power.And this force is the result of nearly a year of hard work by the generals headed by Zhou Yu.

No one would be reconciled to giving up so simply.

Lu Su understands, understands Sun Quan's mood, but now is not the time to care about these hundreds of thousands of people.Abandoning these hundreds of thousands of people" can be exchanged for the survival of millions of people in the east.

And if Sun Quan couldn't figure it out, he couldn't let go.It is tantamount to dragging millions of people into the abyss together.

Anxious, Lu Su can be said to be very anxious.

In the end, Lu Su raised his head and looked in the direction of Jiangdong, and murmured: "My lord, if hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people are gone, they can be suppressed again. Jiangdong's mountains are more than a million. And if Jiangshan is gone, There will be nothing left. Choose carefully."

At this time, Lu Su once again understood a truth, what is meant by man-made knife and I for every meat


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