Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 362 Liu Feng's Anti-Drug Strategy

Liu Feng didn't know much about Jiaozhou.I only know of a man named Shi X.He occupied Jiaozhou for decades and lived to be in his 90s.

Jiaozhou is a land of Baiyue, and it is difficult for Han people to survive.

At that time, Zhao Tuo, the king of Nanyue, captured Jiaozhou with hundreds of thousands of Qin troops and established himself as the king of Nanyue. The high prestige is really rare.

It is rumored that Shi Xie's prestige can compete with Zhao Tuo.

But maybe because of his age, Shi Xie is surprisingly gentle.He never participated in the Central Plains War, so he is a character that is easily overlooked.

But now this Shi Yi, who is suspected to be a member of the Shi Xie clan, actually came to Jiangxia, which is really strange.

Still with an elephant?Some interested looks flashed in Liu Feng's eyes.

"Prepare the chariots and horses, and go to the city gate to have a look." Liu Feng ordered.

"No." The guard complied, and immediately went down to prepare.

After a while, Liu Feng got into the carriage, surrounded by dozens of guards, and headed towards the east of the city.

The guard reported that he was from the south, because Shidan was carrying elephants, and elephants were mostly produced in Jiaozhou, so they were called southerners.

But in fact, Shiyi came from Jiangdong" and entered through the east gate.

But at this moment, Shi Yi was not blocked at the gate of the city.

Outside the gate of the east city, the soldiers on the top of the city looked like they were facing a big enemy. Several soldiers aimed their arrows at the bottom of the city and bent their bows to shoot.

Near the gate of the city, there was also a group of 50 soldiers standing, staring at the front.

And in front of them stood Shi Yi with an embarrassed face and a wry smile.

That's right, it was a wry smile, perhaps with some depression.After getting the information from Sun Quan, Shi Yi happily brought ten elephants and countless gold, silver and jewels to Jiangxia.

Shi Yi has lived in Jiaozhou for decades, and he is used to things like elephants entering the city.Moreover, he thought that these elephants were dedicated to Liu Feng.

Without thinking about it, he brought the elephant into the city, but he didn't expect that the defenders of the city would not let him in as if they were facing a big enemy.

Shi Yi gave an order." The animal trainers commanded the elephant to retreat slowly, and the carriage behind followed suit. After retreating to a safe place, Shi Yi ordered the elephant to rest first.

On the other hand, he tidied up his clothes and planned to meet Liu Feng.

Shi Yi held Jiaozhou all the year round and did not participate in the Central Plains War.Moreover, the road is difficult to walk, and the news is blocked.Information about the outside world is scarce.

When leaving Jiaozhou, Shi Yi still believed that the prefect of Jiangxia was still Huang Zu.Until he left the Marquis of Wu's Mansion," Shi Yi still thought so.

But after inquiring along the way, Shi Yi didn't until Jiang Xia changed a prefect a year ago.Moreover, this Liu Feng has also done a series of big things.

Defeat Zhou Yu" overthrow Jiangdong and defeat Cao Ren.

A series of victories made Shi Yi shudder.What a strong man this is.

So Shi Yi put up all his energy and made up his mind to deal with it carefully.

Just when Shi Yi was about to enter the city, a team appeared in front of him. Dozens of well-armored guards, guarding a carriage like stars arching the moon, came slowly.

From the quality of the guards and the shape of the carriage, one can tell whether a person's status is noble or not.

This team made Shi Yi shrink his eyes.He was sure that the person in the carriage must be a big shot.

The carriage slowly approached Shi Yi and the others, and when it was more than ten steps away, the carriage stopped slowly.A young man stepped out from above.

A man who is younger than Sun Quan, but more powerful than Sun Quan.

Shi Yi is not a person without eyesight. Combining what he has seen and heard on the road and his own guess, Shi Yi can conclude that the person in front of him is Liu Feng.

"Prefect Cangwu of Jiaozhou, I have met General Yang Wu." Shi Yi stepped forward to pay respects to Liu Feng.

At this moment, Liu Feng's mind has been firmly attracted by the ten elephants next to him.

Although these elephants look lazy, and there are some animal trainers sitting on each elephant.But the sense of oppression brought by that huge body size.

Liu Feng had no doubts about the destructive power of this elephant.Destructive power?Liu Feng's eyes lit up, what kind of situation would it be if these ten elephants were put on the battlefield.

Since it can be domesticated, it can be used on the battlefield.Liu Feng did not doubt this.

As for whether it is a joke to put elephants on the battlefield, Liu Feng does not doubt it, because some people in later generations have confirmed it. Elephants can indeed be used on the battlefield and have great destructive power.

Think about it, how great is the sense of oppression on the enemy when the two armies are fighting to drive the elephant forward?

Liu Feng felt a little turbulent in his heart.Until Shi Yi's words awakened Liu Feng.

"The old man is polite." Liu Feng turned around and returned the courtesy to Shi Yi.

Shi Yi watched Liu Feng look at the elephant for a long time, and he was very happy, as long as he likes it.

At this time, Liu Feng had completely withdrawn his gaze from the elephant.He raised his fist and asked, "I admire the elegance of the governor of Jiaozhou. It's just that I have never met him, and I have nothing to do with it. I don't know why the old man brought these elephants here?"

"Hey" It's a long story.A few days ago, the heavy rains fell continuously, and the floods in Jiaozhou were severe." The food was not enough. So my brother sent me to Jiangdong to get food, but Wu Hou also had food there. When I was discouraged, Wu Hou instructed me to come to Jiangxia to buy food. ", Shi Yi sighed.

Walking with the elephant along the way, the speed was very slow, and it traveled thousands of miles.Eleven felt that his old bones were about to fall apart.

Liu Feng frowned, "Sun Quan? That fellow would actually drive Shi Yi to Jiangxia, there must be some conspiracy.

As he was thinking about it, suddenly a light of inspiration flashed in Liu Feng's heart.

I couldn't help sneering in my heart, set me up?

In an instant, Liu Feng understood Sun Quan's poisonous plan.

The current situation is very delicate, Liu Bei has already raised his hand and surrendered.And Jingchu had Cai Mao in command, leaving only Sun Quan.

That fellow may have a guilty conscience for unilaterally starting a war with Jiang Xia.But they are reluctant to part with the hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people.

At this time, Shi Yi came.And brought news of floods in Jiaozhou.

In Sun Quan's view, it may be a godsend opportunity.Because he opened his mouth to Xinye and Jiangdong Lions one after another, according to common sense, he should also talk to Shi Yi to a lion.

At that time, Shi Yi was full of resentment, and Sun Quan lobbied again.

The situation in which the two "joint forces" attacked Jiangxia was formed.

Looting food?Thankfully he figured it out.

Liu Fengneng asked Jingzhou for cities and land.You can ask for talents from Xinye” and you can ask for population from Jiangdong. But you will never ask for anything from Jiaozhou.

Because Jiaozhou has nothing.

city?Too far.people. ?too little.talent?almost none.A land that is barren and does not produce food.There are hundreds of Vietnamese people, there are no benefits, and there are still a lot of troubles.

Moreover, Shi Xie has gone out of his famous gentleness and will not send troops to the Central Plains.Such a character is not a competitor.

At this moment Liu Feng decided to collect some food from the heavy soldiers.Of course it's not conditional, Liu Feng is not a bad guy.

I heard that Jiaozhou is rich in gold, silver and jewelry.And these ten elephants.Looking at the elephant next to him, Liu Feng's eyes burned.

After watching for a while, Liu Feng smiled and said, "I do have food, but does the old man know how much I offered Sun Quan?" "General Yang Wu, let's talk." Shi Yi said immediately.Confidence on the face "Although the land in Jiaozhou is barren, there are many kinds of jewelry, and some of them are money.

"150 million shi of grain in exchange for a population of 60, 20 jin of iron ore, and a handsome talent." Liu Feng said with a smile, regardless of shocking the world.

"What, what?", out of surprise, Shi Yi opened his mouth in disbelief.

Although Shi Yi had considered that food umbrellas would be expensive, he never realized that it would be so expensive. 20 jin of iron ore is available in Jiaozhou.

A handsome talent?If the generals and schools in Jiaozhou are also considered handsome, there are.

But the key is the population of 60.The entire Jiaozhou may not have a population of 60.Even if Jiaozhou needs less food, 20 shi is enough.

But even if the population of 60 is reduced by 6% to [-], Jiaozhou cannot afford it.

"Hehe, does the old man know about my grievances with Sun Quan?" Liu Feng asked suddenly.

"I know a little bit." Shi Yi was still surprised but still nodded.Some people don't understand why Liu Feng mentioned this at this time.

"Sun Quan and I are enemies, irreversible enemies. Therefore, the price paid to him is so high that Sun Quan cannot afford it. But Jiaozhou is different. I have always admired the elegance of the governor. Therefore, I am willing to sell part of the grain to Jiaozhou. As for the price, just follow the market price. But I have some requirements." Liu Feng smiled slightly.

Pie in the sky, pie in the sky is nothing more than that.

After hearing the price Liu Feng offered Sun Quan, Shi Yi was already desperate.But I didn't expect Liu Feng to change the subject and sell grain to Jiaozhou at the market price.

For a while, Shi Yi was full of gratitude for Liu Mei.

"The general said that as long as Jiaozhou can do it, he will definitely fulfill the general's request." Shi Yiji said excitedly.

"These ten elephants are not enough, I need twenty." Liu Feng pointed at the ten elephants with one hand," said seriously.

I thought this request should be very simple, but I didn't expect Shi Yi's face to show embarrassment after listening to Liu Feng's words.

"What's wrong?" Liu Feng asked with a frown.

"To tell the truth, the general, these elephants were donated by some remote Yi tribes, and there are not many in Jiaozhou. Unless you give me a few months, let me go back to Jiaozhou, and let those Yi tribes send some more." Shi Yi apologized.

I thought Shi Yi was not happy, so I listened to it first, but I didn't have enough storage.

Liu Feng's mood immediately improved, and he said with a smile, "No problem, you can transport the elephant here, that's fine."

"The food?" Seeing Liu Fenglu's smile, Shi Yi was overjoyed, but then hesitated.

"How much does Jiaozhou need?" Liu Feng asked with a smile.

"20 shi." Shi Yi said cautiously.

"We can gather tomorrow." Liu Feng laughed and said, thinking how much it would cost, it turned out to be only 20 shi.

"Thank you General, thank you General." Shi Yi said with tears.

Seeing Shi Yi's moody look, Liu Feng felt refreshed.

It not only disintegrated Sun Quan's conspiracy, but also avoided the enmity with Jiaozhou.He also got [-] elephants and the friendship of Jiaozhou.

What's more, the food is not given away for nothing, it is sold to Jiaozhou at the market price.

It doesn't hurt at all.

It's just that Sun Quan plotted against him.There was a gloomy look in Liu Feng's eyes.People are knives, I am fish, and little fish" dare to jump ether.

Find death.


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