Xiling City, inside the mansion. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Lu Su paced around the yard anxiously.

Sun Quan's letter had arrived the day before yesterday. When it first arrived, Lu Su felt a little lost.

That person, Liu Feng, was unwilling to suffer a loss. If the calculation failed, he might suffer even more.

Last time, Gan Ning's Western Expedition was the best example.

But Sun Quan's temptation was also very successful. After thinking about it, Lu Su also felt that it was feasible.

Liu Feng Nading, a strong person, has a lot of ability, and his advisers have gradually become fuller, so it can be said that he has almost no weaknesses.

The only weakness is greed, more greedy.

This can be clearly seen from Liu Pao's search of Xinye and Jiang Dongzhong.

In other words, "Sun Quan's strategy will probably succeed. As long as Liu Feng blackmails the people of Jiaozhou once, it will cause a three-way war."

If Lu Su was still worried, it was because of Liu Feng's death.

If Liu Feng really had the temperament of preferring broken jade to nothing, then when the soldiers came to the city and burned all the food, it would be a big loss.

But when Lu Su thought about it, he gradually couldn't believe that Liu Feng would do that. Millions of shi grains were burned if they said they were burned? There are no such prodigal people in the world.

After the two armies of more than [-] troops entered the north, Liu Feng would definitely compromise, definitely compromise.

Therefore, Lu Su's heart gradually eased these days.

The reason for my anxiety now is that my entourage has reported that Shi Yi has arrived and is currently at the gate of the city.

"Mr. Report, Shi Yi was personally welcomed into General Yang Wu's mansion by Liu Feng." Suddenly a follower came in to report.

"You greeted him personally?" Lu Su asked with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"I greeted you in person." The attendant affirmed that he had met Liu Feng once and was deeply impressed.

For some reason, after hearing the news, Lu Su felt a little uneasy.

Liu Feng actually greeted him in person, neither Mi Zhu nor he has ever enjoyed this kind of treatment." Why is Jiaozhou meeting?

Does Liu Feng want to get close to Jiaozhou?

But according to Liu Feng's greedy character, shouldn't he let go of his greed and give Jiaozhou a low price?

Although he thought it was impossible, Lu Su was really uneasy.

And at this moment in General Yang Wu's residence, Liu Feng "received Shi Yi in the hall.

The two chatted very happily." Liu Feng asked Shiyi about the situation in Jiaozhou carefully, and Shiyi answered in detail.

Liu Fengcai discovered that Jiaozhou was more complicated than he had imagined. It was called Baiyue, and it really had several tribes.Shi Xie could rely on his own power to "coerce Baiyue."

Really capable.

Liu Feng sighed sincerely a few times, and immediately won Shi Yi's favor.

"Although my elder brother owns Jiaozhou, he is ambitious. One reason is that he is old."

The second is that they are well aware of the weaknesses of Jiaozhou, and it may be said that the folk customs are sturdy and capable of raising elite soldiers.But there is no great talent.Talent is scarce and land is barren.And Baiyue is overgrown, and there are too few Han people.This is the biggest reason restricting the development of Jiaozhou.Only by looking up to the Central Plains can we preserve the ruling power of Jiaozhou under the threat of hundreds of Yue people and hold it in the hands of the Han people. " Shi Yi said sincerely.

"That's why" Shishishi got close to Jiangdong, hoping to rely on Jiangdong to preserve Jiaozhou? "Liu Feng had some admiration for Shi Xie.

According to Shi Yi, combined with historical views.

Shi Xie is not only gentle and benevolent, but also has this unusual attachment to the Han people's rule of Jiaozhou.

Relying on a strong country, preserve Jiaozhou.

This is the reason why Shi Xie kept getting close to Sun Quan in history, and even Sun Quan installed Jiangdong officials in Jiaozhou, and Shi Xie also allowed it.

That is to say, if Liu Feng defeats him and annexes Jiangdong, Shi Xie will also approach him," just like the conquest of Jiaozhou in history.

He can also easily conquer Jiaozhou.

Thinking about it, a smile flashed in Liu Feng's heart, the 20 shi was regarded as helping the people in the future.

At this moment, Jiang Wan walked in.

There is some sweat on the face "quite hurried. Besides, there are some weirdness.

"My lord," the 20 shi grains are ready and ready to go at any time." After Jiang Wan entered the door, he reported.

Just half an hour ago, Jiang Wan was ordered to gather food.

"Thank you Gongyan." Liu Feng nodded in satisfaction, then raised his head and asked Shi Yi, "I wonder when the old man will leave?"

"Important matters concerning the people's livelihood must not be delayed." Start immediately. Although Shi Yi felt that something was wrong all over his body and his bones were about to fall apart, he still said firmly.

First Jiangdong, then Jiangxia, from death to life.Shi Yibi valued this batch of grain.

Liu Feng was a little surprised, "I didn't expect Shi Yi to be so anxious. But seeing Shi Yi was so solemn, Liu Feng didn't make things difficult for him.

"Gong Yan, please make another trip to prepare for the old man." Liu Feng turned his head and said to Jiang Wan.

"Promise." Jiang Wan responded, and then said to the scholar: "Please, sir."

"Thank you, thank you." Shi Yi said thank you twice in succession, then bowed to Liu Feng and walked out. Jiang Wan followed him.

"Jiaozhou? Elephant?" Liu Feng nodded slightly after the two left, and Liu Feng was not busy with anything else.Just here waiting for ps Jiang Wan to come back.The food has been prepared, and the soldiers should be sent out quickly.

Just as Liu Feng thought, it was indeed very fast.

Before half an hour had passed, Jiang Wan came back.

"My lord, Mr. Shi has already left for Jiaozhou." Jiang Wan bowed to Liu Feng.

"What about those things?" Liu Feng asked with concern.

"The gold, silver and jewelry have been sealed up, and the ten elephants and the animal trainers have been arranged near the pasture outside the city." Jiang Wan replied.

Immediately, a strange expression appeared on Jiang Wan's face, and he said, "My lord, the gold, silver and jewelry is not like the thin gift that Shi Yi said, but a very thick gift." "Very thick, very thick? "Liu Feng was slightly taken aback.

At the beginning, the negotiated price was based on the market price.That is one hundred thousand stones and four thousand gold. 20 shi, eight thousand catties.

At that time, Shi Yi kept silent about the matter of giving the money, and only said that next time someone would bring the elephant and the money with him.In addition, a small gift was also given.

Claiming to be Boli.

Liu Feng didn't care either, he wasn't interested in presents or anything.

But listening to Jiang Wan's words, it seemed a bit serious.

"Those gold, silver and jewels are roughly estimated to be worth no less than [-] gold." Jiang Wan nodded.

"What?" Liu Feng asked in surprise.

Thirty thousand gold?It can be regarded as a thin spear, what kind of world is this.

If this is added up, not only did he not lose money by selling the 20 shi of grain, but he made a lot of money.

You know, when Zhang Dao and the others bought grain, it was only about three thousand gold and one hundred thousand stone. 20 grain costs [-] gold.

Now a small gift of [-] gold is equivalent to earning five times.Plus elephants.

After being surprised, Liu Feng could only sigh.

"The land in Jiaozhou is poor, the population is sparse, and there are fewer scholars. But there are a lot of gold, silver and jewelry, and the poor may only have money.", "There are many mountains, so there are more minerals. And it is easier to absorb pearls and other things because of the sea. "Jiang Wan nodded.

There was fire in Liu Feng's eyes.

The biggest constraint on the development of Jiaozhou is actually the road blockage.Mountains stretch.There is too much miasma.

As long as these problems are resolved, Fengyuan's grain can enter Jiaozhou, and Jiaozhou's gold and jewelry can also flow into the Central Plains.

Liu Feng doesn't need to bother with these, as long as there are benefits, there will be a large number of businessmen who will do this.

If a Jiaozhou is used well, its production funds are enough to support it for a long, long time.

This investment really paid off.

"By the way, my lord, are you really planning to do that?" Jiang Wan asked suddenly.

"Why don't you do that? Since Sun Quan dares to conspire, he has to pay the price." Liu Feng immediately knew what Jiang Wan was talking about, and laughed when he heard the words.

I don't like Sun Quan and Liu Feng, I really don't like it.Now that his death was imminent and everything was demanded of him, how could he still play some tricks.

Liu Feng was really annoyed, so he decided to play a big one this time.

"Hey." Jiang Wan sighed when he heard the words.

Liu Feng's method of making Sun Quan behave well is very poisonous, very poisonous.The waste is also great, but even Jiang Wan has to admit that if Liu Feng really did it, the custody of Sun Quan would be as well-behaved as a cat.

And obediently sent 60 people and 20 catties of iron.

In Xiling City, following Jiang Wan's big move, 20 shi of grain was loaded and transported.Lu Su also got the news smoothly.

Lu Su couldn't believe it when he heard the return from his followers.

That greedy Liu Feng agreed to Shi Yi's request so smoothly.A large amount of food was given?

This is impossible.

Did Liu Feng's personality change, or Shi Yi agreed to Liu Feng's lion wide open. ?

"Could it be that Shi Yi sold Cangwu County to Liu Feng?" Lu Su thought hesitantly.But it's impossible, it's not a question of whether Shi Yi will sell it, but it's impossible for Liu Feng to want it.

Cangwu is too far away.It is not bordered by Jiangxia, it is sparsely populated, and it is poor in mountains and rivers.Even if you buy it, it's not much use.

But why did Liu Feng give the food to Jiaozhou so readily?

Can't figure it out, Lu Su can't figure it out.And what made Lu Subi tangled up was.Such a large-scale grain is given to Jiaozhou, so why can't it be distributed to Jiangdong?

It can solve the urgent need.

Just when Lu Su couldn't figure it out and was jealous of Jiaozhou.

Liu Feng sent someone here.

"Sir, my lord welcomes you." The guard who came in to inform, bowed to Lu Su.

Could it be that Liu Feng's personality changed drastically and he started to distribute food?Thinking about what happened to Shiqi, Lu Su began to have some expectations in his heart.

Wen Yan nodded and said: "Wait a moment."

After saying something, Lu Su immediately went back to his room and changed his clothes.After that, he left the mansion and got into the carriage.

This carriage was provided by Liu Feng.The coachmen belonged to Liu Feng, and so did the guards leading the way.

Lu Su found that he was not going towards the prefect's mansion, but towards the outside of the city.

Liu Feng wants to meet him outside the city?A doubt flashed in Lu Su's heart.

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