Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 364 Burning Sun Quan's Arrogance

Xiling City is not only the seat of Jiangxia, but also the residence of General Liu Feng and Yang Wu, and the seat of the highest power in the three counties of Jiangxia, Jiujiang and Changsha.

Therefore, the defense of Xiling City is also very strict.

Before the natural disaster, the rivers around the city were reinforced several ensure safety.

Therefore, Xiling City is the only city that can be foreseen and will not be submerged before the natural disaster.

The fact is also the same. Today's Xiling City is within a radius of tens of miles, and the people's lives are very peaceful.

At this moment, a place twenty miles south of the city,

This is a manor-like place, surrounded by armored soldiers, with countless weeds piled up inside, and a few grains piled on top of the weeds.

Around the grain, there are some kerosene with a pungent smell.

Liu Feng and Jiang Wan were standing next to the food.It's just that Liu Feng smiled, and a cold light flashed in his eyes from time to time.

But Jiang Wan looked at the hidden pile of grain with some distress.

It's not that the value of the food is distressing, after all, there is currently more than ten years of food in Xiling City.It's just that Jiang Wan, as a civil servant, loves the fruits of the people's labor.

But compared with Liu Feng's plan, these grains are nothing.

Time passed slowly, and the sound of slowly rolling wheels sounded slowly.From far to near.

Liu Feng and Jiang Wan looked up to the north, and they were coming.

At the same time, the carriage also stopped, and Lu Su got out of the carriage.

Looking at the environment ahead, I feel a little dazed.Which song did Liu Feng sing?This layout looks like a manor, but there are no walls. Standing here, Lu Su can naturally see the situation inside.

Full of food?After being a little dazed, Lu Su felt some excitement in his heart.Food, this is the food Soochow dreamed of, food for the victims of disasters.

After the jerk, Lu Su glanced at the guard next to him, who nodded and said, "My lord is inside, please sir."

Nodding his head, Lu Su walked in.

After passing through some armored soldiers, Lu Su quickly came to Liu Feng's body.

"Greetings to General Yang Wu." Lu Su bowed to Liu Feng.

"Yeah." Liu Feng nodded slightly, his expression a little indifferent.

Seeing Liu Feng's expression, Lu Su's heart sank. This is so similar to Liu Feng's expression of turning his face last time.

"I don't know, why did the general call me here?" Lu Su asked cautiously.

"Did you see the grain behind me?" Liu Feng said softly, turning around and pointing at the mountain of grain behind me.

"I see." Seeing the mountain of grain, Lu Su's eyes flashed with greed, and he nodded.

"Hehe." Liu Feng suddenly chuckled, and said, "I know you Jiangdong is short of food, it's extremely short, and you can do whatever you can to get food. For example, this time, Shi Yi's incident has brought disaster to the east."

The greed in Lu Su's heart immediately turned into green smoke, and his heart sank to the bottom.

He noticed it, he really noticed it.The plan of using Shi Yi to borrow a knife to kill people not only failed, but aroused Liu Feng's anger.

There was a violent change in his heart, but Lu Su's face was a little dazed, he raised his fist and said, "I don't understand what the general is talking about."

The good one is as immobile as a mountain, pretending to be stupid.

"It's okay, you'll understand later." Liu Feng took a deep look at Lu Su, then turned to Jiang Wan and said, "Order, set fire."

"No." Jiang Wan said.

Lu Su was at a loss as to what the monarch and his ministers meant in their words.

set fire?What fire?Could it be?Lu Su looked at the mountains of grain in front of him, his pupils shrank, and his heart beat violently.

Immediately, Lu Su saw something that horrified him even more.

At Jiang Wan's order, the surrounding soldiers immediately lifted up large barrels one by one.The smell is very pungent, it is kerosene.

Could it be that Liu Feng really wanted to burn all this food?

"Think twice, general." Lu Su exclaimed in horror.

"Think twice? Don't you Marquis Wu really want food?" Liu Feng said with a cold smile.Immediately, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Xiling.

"I can tell you that there is a lot of food in Xiling City, but it is mine. I can do whatever I want. If I want to sell it to Jiangdong, I will sell it to Jiangdong. If I don't sell it. Even if you want to grab it by force No. I'd rather burn the jade to pieces than to destroy it." Liu Feng said in a cold voice with a flash of coldness in his eyes.

It's not a threat, it's not a threat.

Lu Su felt that Liu Feng was not a threat, because while speaking, the surrounding soldiers had already poured kerosene on the grain and grass.

Fire oil, plus hay under it.It's burning a little bit.

Lu Su went crazy, and felt that he was really going crazy.This is full of grain, at a glance, there is absolutely no less than a hundred thousand shi of grain.

Liu Feng actually wanted to burn it.That's one hundred thousand shi of grain, which can save the lives of many people in Jiangdong.

Liu Feng actually burned like a fire, burned.

"Stop, general, stop, general, there is something to discuss, something to discuss." Lu Su yelled, and rushed forward with his whole body, trying to stop the soldiers from setting fire.

But the soldiers glanced at Lu Su indifferently, and continued to pour kerosene on the grain in an orderly manner.

"Is there something to discuss? Sun Quan lured Shi Yi here without saying a word, trying to use my greedy "weakness" to arouse Shi Yi's anger. When the time comes, the two countries will send troops to force me to give up food. This is also applauded Discuss?" Liu Feng said with a cold smile, unmoved by Lu Su's words.

"No, no." Under Lu Su's desperate eyes, the surrounding soldiers finished pouring out the kerosene.The food was ignited, and the flames shot up into the sky.

In this raging fire, one hundred thousand shi of grain was burned into coke.

Jiang Wan looked at the scene in front of her and boasted for a while, the lord is really ruthless this time, he would rather have the jade broken than the tile, and Sun Quan might ignore what he said, but he continued to make small moves.But this time, the one hundred thousand shi grains were wiped out in ashes, and Sun Quan must be able to be restrained by people, which in turn made Sun Quan be afraid of rats.

Don't even think about any small tricks or plots.

Obediently deliver what you need.

At this moment, Lu Su lost his temper, really lost his temper at all, and stared blankly at the sky full of flames.

My heart is empty.

This fire burned a hundred thousand shi of grain.With Liu Feng's character, he lost one hundred thousand shi of grain, such a big loss, he would bear it himself.impossible.

Based on Lu Su's understanding of Liu Feng, it was completely impossible.In other words, Jiangdong is probably the one who has to bear the loss.

My lord, my lord, I have said long ago that Liu Feng should not be provoked, at least when there is something to ask for, he must not be provoked. He is a ruthless person.

At this moment, Lu Su also regretted in his heart, regretting why he did not dissuade Sun Quan.

If Liu Feng could hear the regret in Lu Su's heart, he would be very surprised.Lu Su knew him too well.How could this hundred thousand shi of grain be burned for nothing?

"What should be seen, sir has seen it too. Presumably, sir will not doubt it. If you push me too hard, I will go crazy and drag Jiangdong to perish together. It is better not to play with Sun Quan's little tricks, so as not to play with yourself Dead." Liu Feng smiled slightly.

Lu Su said silently, he didn't dare anymore, he really didn't dare to make any small moves.Sun Quan must be the same.One hundred thousand shi of grain, if it is said to be burned, it will be burned.

If Liu Feng gets upset one day, he will burn it all down.Sun Quan couldn't even cry.

"To tell you the truth, although I opened my mouth wide, I said that I want 60 people, 20 jin of iron ore, and one Luxun in exchange for 150 million shi of grain. There is a lot of water in it. My real goal is only more than 20 Shanyue people , and [-] iron ore. But it’s different now, Sun Quan’s little actions make me more irritable.”

As he said that, Liu Feng stretched out a finger in front of Lu Su's numb eyes, and said, "Now I will remove 150 or 50 million shi of grain from the original 100 million shi of grain. But I want 60 Shanyue people , and 40 catties of iron ore. If Sun Quan can’t give it, or is unwilling to give it, then go to war. But even if it’s a war, even if Jiang Xia loses. Sun Quan can’t even think about getting a grain of food.” Liu Feng said There was a strong threat in the words.

But Lu Su didn't doubt at all that the end of the hundred thousand shi grains was in sight.Lu Su didn't dare to doubt, really didn't dare to doubt.

At this moment, Lu Su was really regretful in his heart.


The price has at least doubled.And it's only 100 million shi of grain, what is the concept of 100 million shi?It means that in the next year, the people in Jiangdong can only live on rice soup.

Sun Quan's plan hadn't started yet, but he just used his brains to cause Liu Feng's revenge.There is no way to resist, there is no way to resist.

The food is with Liu Feng, and Jiangdong will collapse without food, a complete collapse.Robbery?He was about to face Liu Feng's full anger.

The anger that can burn millions of stone grains in one fire.

At this moment, Liu Feng had the absolute upper hand, almost an enemy, a real enemy.

The remorse in his heart almost overwhelmed Lu Su's whole heart.

"There are only more than 30 Shanyue people in Jiangdong, and about [-] catties of iron ore." After a long time, Lu Su recovered a little.He raised his head vigorously.

Not only did he have strength, but he also lost his sharpness and confidence.Confidence against Liu Feng.

Lu Su went to Jiangxia three times as an envoy, and this was the only time he lost confidence.

"Jiangdong's army is still there. As long as the army is there, why not be able to encircle and suppress more Shanyue people? The iron mines are still there. As long as the iron mines are there, 40 catties of iron ore is only a matter of time." Liu Feng is no different. love way.

"Then can you ask the general to deliver a batch of grain first?" Lu Su asked, and then he was afraid that Liu Feng would misunderstand, and then said: "Don't worry, the general, the 40 people, Marquis Wu will also deliver it first."

"Yes." Liu Feng just wanted to dampen Sun Quan's spirit and make him stop being arrogant.It's not that he wants to starve several people to death in Jiangdong.After thinking about it, he nodded.

"Thank you, General." Lu Su said with a sigh of relief, really relieved, he was afraid, afraid of Liu Feng's stubbornness, afraid of Liu Feng's strength.


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