Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 365 Sun Quan's Sad Reminder 1 Ring Then 1 Ring

After Liu Feng said yes, he no longer worried about Lu Su.What to do, Lu Su himself should be clear.

And not only Lu Su, Sun Quan will also be terrified.Enough.

Liu Feng, a bachelor, started from scratch with hundreds of soldiers.Be able to do things that would rather be jade than broken.

But Sun Quan can't, Sun Quan is a second generation ancestor.Holding such a large foundation, he can't afford to lose it, because he is not a self-made man, and he is afraid of losing everything.

It can be seen from Sun Quan's behavior. He is a stable Wuhou, but he wants to guard against Da Qiao's mother and son.

Scared and suspicious.

Liu Feng looked down on this kind of person.

Look, Sun Quan is absolutely terrified by this scare.Life and death will not do those little tricks.

Liu Feng left with overwhelming confidence, leaving only Lu Su and Jiang Wan behind.

Lu Su was very distraught, this time, Yin plotted against Liu Feng, once again suffered a big loss.Millions of people in Jiangdong will drink rice soup for a year.

It could have been rice porridge.Is it really self-inflicted, so you can't live?

Lu Su felt sad in his heart.

"Hey, why bother. The one hundred thousand shi of grain was also worked hard by the common people, and it was turned into ashes because of Sun Quan's idea." Jiang Wan sighed at Lu Su, paused, He also persuaded: "Tell Sun Quan, don't mess with the general during this time, he is not in a good mood.", "If you don't pay attention, you will increase the price again. The millions of people in Jiangdong are not as simple as starvation." Many will starve to death human. "

"Thank you, Gong Yan, for reminding me." Lu Su raised his fist vigorously.

provoke?How dare you.Liu Feng dared to die together, but Jiang Dong didn't dare, really didn't dare.

"Take care." Jiang Wan glanced at Gu Fei who was between Lu Su's eyebrows, nodded, and left.

After Jiang Wan left, only soldiers remained nearby.These soldiers "will pick up the pieces after the fire goes out.

Lu Su took a distressed look at the burnt grain, full of regret.

My treasure, his dross.Nai He, Nai He.

"Hey, Marquis Wu. This time" it's a big loss. Lu Su looked up at Jiangdong, sighed, shook his head and left.

This time, Lu Su passed the news to Sun Quan as quickly as possible.

Wu County, within the Wuhou Mansion.

Sun Quan couldn't believe that what was recorded in the bamboo slips in front of him was actually true.

That's right, the purpose of sending a group of scholars to Jiangxia is to make Liu Feng greedy." The lion opened his mouth and quoted an unbearable price in Jiaozhou.

At that time, Jiaozhou and Jiangdong will jointly send troops to attack Liu Feng.

Coerced Liu Feng to release grain.

This was originally a relatively high-level conspiracy.If you can't pay the price," Sun Quan can also take a risk.

But what about the result?What did Lu Su see?Liu Feng released the grain to Jiaozhou and gave them a warning.

Afterwards, the extremely courageous fire-fighting burned one hundred thousand shi of grain, making them terrified.

That's right." Sun Quan was terrified, really terrified.

If one hundred thousand shi of grain is burned, the 100 million shi, 200 million shi of grain can also be burned.Now there are many disaster victims in Jiangdong, and food is scarce.

If there is no food, it will be destroyed within two or three months.

It is better to have broken pieces of jade than to be tiled, and it is better to have broken pieces of jade not to be tiled.The determination shown by Liu Feng made Sun Quan dare not act rashly.

Didn't dare to move at all.

"Hey." Sun Quan sighed and put down the bamboo slips in his hand very carelessly.

There is no other way now, Liu Feng is too strong to be treated politely.It's too unreasonable to play cards.Sun Quan knew that "all he can do is buy it at a price.

But this problem made Sun Quan even more entangled.

I made a little conspiracy, I thought it would be successful.As a result, the loss was huge, and the price actually doubled.

Sun Quan was so entangled that he almost went crazy.If I had known this earlier, I would have obeyed Liu Feng's construction rules obediently, and started the business by asking for a lot of money and paying back the money on the spot.

60 Shan Yue people? 60 Shan Yue people?

It's still 20 short.what to do?It can only be suppressed.

In the past, Shanyue made troubles with Jiangdong, and there was never a time when people from Jiangdong made troubles with Shanyue people.

That's because most of the Shanyue people are hidden in the deep mountains, and the terrain is complicated." A little carelessness will lead to the annihilation of the entire army. Now, in order to gather 60 Shanyue people, it is necessary to take a risk.

Take tens of thousands of troops to take risks.Sun Quan really wanted to slap himself.

"Come on, go and call General Zhou back." Sun Quan's stubborn eyes flashed away, and Nai yelled outside.

"No." Naturally, the guard didn't know that Sun Quan would be recalcitrant, Nai," still replied angrily.

"Liu Feng, Liu Feng, Gu knows it. Before the power recovers, Gu will not mess with you. But you wait, only five years, only five years, Gu's Jiangdong will recover." In Sun Quan's eyes The green light flashes away, but the evil spirit never dies.

It's no wonder that Sun Quan suffered several big losses at Liu Feng's hands.A big loss of money.As the lord of Jiangdong," how could Sun Quan feel better?

As the commander-in-chief of most of Jiangdong's forces, Zhou Yu was stationed in Yuzhang. It would take at least half a month for him to be summoned back.

Even if he was summoned back, it was not a discussion to deal with Liu Feng.I really didn't dare, even if I killed Sun Quan, I wouldn't be able to deal with PS and Liu Feng in a short time.

He was called back to exterminate Shanyue, and after taking down Shanyue, he was given to Liu Feng as a reward.

Therefore, Sun Quan first summoned Zhang Zhao and ordered him to handle Shanyue's affairs with full authority.

The more than [-] Shanyue people who surrendered back then did not stay in one place, but were still scattered throughout Jiangdong, and now they are going to be taken back.

Get together and go to Jiangxia.

This migration also requires a lot of manpower and material resources.Grain, in normal times, 100 million shi of grain is only worth [-] to [-] gold, but now it has more than ten times the value.

Liu Feng.Sun Quan cursed in his heart.

In the next month, Sun Quan was not in a good mood.Because I watched batches of people being gathered and transported to Jiangxia every day.

That is a piece of strength.Even Liu Feng's food was transported into Jiangdong in exchange, which eased the situation in Jiangdong.It didn't make Sun Quan feel better either.

Until" a piece of good news came.

The sea ships were built, a total of one hundred sea ships.After it was done, this matter eased Sun Quan's mood.

Sea ships, Sun Quan imitated those ships that detained Liu Feng at the beginning" and built sea ships.

Because of the development, it took a lot of time.But no matter what," it was still made.

With these one hundred sea-going ships, they can cross the sea and sell "war horses" to obtain huge profits of ten times and dozens of times.

How much can make up for the loss of being poached by Liu Feng.

Sun Quan attached great importance to this matter.But at the same time it's nerve-wracking.

Because now Jiangdong is almost impoverished, with no food or gold.The only thing that can be produced is some cloth.But the quantity is not enough.

For future glory, Sun Quan gritted his teeth and decided to sell "Wu Dao" in exchange for horses.

Although Wu Dao is excellent, but Jiangdong is too difficult now, and there is no way to fight against Liu Feng. It can only be sold by strong men cutting their wrists.

What's more, there is a little advantage in selling Wu Dao to Liaodong, because Liaodong is also one of Cao Cao's enemies.An enemy of an enemy is a fleeting ally.It is a good thing to increase the power of allies.It's self comforting.

In the north of Wuxian County, at the ferry crossing of Piling City.

Sun Quan led a large number of civil servants and military generals to stand on the south bank of the Yangtze River, looking at the hundred sea-going ships tng standing in the surging Yangtze River in front of him.

Hope, this is Jiangdong's hope.

"War horses" As long as there are enough war horses, we will have cavalry in Jiangdong. With cavalry, we can directly cross the Yangtze River and attack Xuzhou in the north. Xuzhou Yima Pingchuan "After having cavalry, it is too easy, too easy.Not only Sun Quan is hot, but also a series of important ministers such as Zhang Zhao beside Sun Quan are also very hot.

"Master" has such a profiteering channel, it's hard for Jiangdong not to be strong. "Zhang Zhao's old face" was also flushed because of the jerk.

Zhang Zhaonai is an important minister in Jiangdong, in charge of the administration of officials, and he knows everything about horses. He also knows what war horses mean to Jiangdong.

Capital, the capital that strives for world hegemony.Only a war horse can go out of the Yangtze River.Only with war horses can you go out of the Yangtze River.Because of the jerk, the corners of Zhang Zhao's eyes became moist.

"En." Sun Quan nodded fiercely.

These monarchs and ministers are looking forward to the future.

Jiangxia, in Xiling City.

Liu Feng's mood for more than a month" is completely another extreme compared with Sun Quan.

Sun Quan was depressed and almost vomited blood.Liu Feng, on the other hand, felt refreshed physically and mentally.Because it was too comfortable, even at night it was much braver.

The girls who often cut down are exhausted.

On this day, Liu Feng got up from Xiao Qiao's body.After washing and dressing neatly, I had breakfast first" and then went to the study to deal with official duties.

As time passed day by day, more and more Shanyue people came from Jiangdong.

Although the Shanyue people can speak some Jiangdong dialects, they are a foreign race after all, and it is difficult to get along with the Han people, so proper arrangements need to be made.However, fortunately, Liu Feng had already made preparations, and the Hushan Yue Zhonglang general Zhuge Jin.After several months of development, "Zhuge Jin's yamen has been basically completed.

Has a long history, "Great Cao" engaged in small officials and so on.

It is a system that is independent of the three counties of Jiangxia and directly obeys Liu Feng's orders.

Under the operation of this system, the Shanyue people were continuously scattered to various wastelands in Jiangxia, and cultivated fields on the wasteland.

Another advantage of getting Shanyue people to Jiangxia is that they are not afraid of them running away.

There are too many deep mountains in Jiangdong, and there are also many Shanyue tribes.The Shanyue people who have surrendered will run back to the mountains if they are not careful.

In Jiangxia, this problem does not exist.Because it is too far away from Jiangdong.Across Jiujiang.

Therefore, Shanyue people are also much more peaceful.

Usually, there are official documents about the arrangement of the Shanyue people." But today, Liu Feng discovered an interesting thing.

According to intelligence, Sun Quan dispatched [-] ships to Liaodong.

The movement is tng big.

Liu Feng held the bamboo slips and smiled slightly, with some strange lights shining in his eyes.

Do you know what is on board?There are a hundred sea-going ships, and they did this vote." There is no need to worry about Yiji.


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