Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 366 Let Sun Quan lose everything

Wandering Soul paused, turned around and looked at Wang Lin tremblingly.

If there is still no news of the two of them until the end, it can only mean that Xu Hao and Ge Yang are dead.

It's a pity that the storage bags containing many treasures including gourds were crushed by Rattan Huayuan, and all of them disappeared.

Some even rushed over, but immediately turned a corner and swerved around.

During the flight, Wang Lin's expression suddenly changed slightly. His neighbor came over and found the two people he was looking for. The two people were dead, and the storage bags were being sent by wandering spirits.

The monks in the outer battlefield, in the past few days, have found that the signs of collapse seem to have slowed down slightly, but this is of no use to them, because compared to the collapse of large areas, those weird creatures are more terrifying.

Even more bizarrely, a creature suddenly appeared and rushed towards Zhou Zihong, but at the moment it just touched Zhou Zihong, it suddenly seemed to see unimaginable horror, screamed and quickly backed away, desperate to flee .

Not long after, an illusory wandering spirit with two horns on its head flew towards it from a distance. Zhou Zihong and the other three didn't pay attention to it, but they found that the wandering spirit was getting closer, so they couldn't help but look at Wang Lin.

The three of them were not fools. Such a strange thing would naturally lead to doubts. After thinking about it in combination with the previous and previous events, they immediately understood that the answer was Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't even look at Zhou Zihong and the three of them, he moved forward and came to the wandering soul lightly.The number of wandering souls Wang Lin devoured was eight thousand if not ten thousand. He hadn't calculated the exact number himself. He could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with the wandering soul in front of him.

Zhou Zihong was stunned, opened her eyes and saw a young man flying towards here, the young man was handsome, but there was a coldness hidden in it, and there was a blood stain on the chest and skirt.

After the wandering soul finished all this, it immediately turned around and flew away.

So along the way, the three of them had adventures. In the end, they even got used to this experience several times a day. Often after seeing the strange creature, they didn't immediately stop and change direction as before, but the speed was slightly reduced. After the creature is gone, speed up the flight.

With a heart of despair, Zhou Zihong couldn't control the wild thoughts in her mind. At this moment, she suddenly heard Senior Brother Yang shouting anxiously beside her: "Ma Liang! Run!"

The three of Zhou Zihong were flying.He was extremely cautious, even taking the medicine to replenish spiritual power from the storage bag.All very careful.Zhou Zihong even took out an extra pill and handed it to Wang Lin. Looking at the pill in his hand, Wang Lin couldn't help but think of his Tianni Beads. The liquid soaked in the beads is the best recovery medicine.

These people were in the teleportation array, staring nervously at the outside. Whenever there was a turmoil, they were shocked one by one, but slowly, some people discovered that those wandering souls only wandered outside and never touched the light curtain of the teleportation array.

Seeing that there is still a short distance away, they will rush to the nearest teleportation array, and there are more monks nearby, and everyone's goal is the teleportation array ahead.

Anyone who enters the battlefield outside the territory will be issued a jade talisman. Apart from resisting the strong wind, the biggest function of this jade talisman is to become a token for sending back.

Wang Lin glanced at the three of them, but did not speak. At this moment, the dozen or so wandering spirits who were chasing after him suddenly stopped and stared at Wang Lin, showing hesitation.

In the entire extraterritorial battlefield, there are four large teleportation formations in total. The direction Wang Lin and the others are flying to is the nearest one. For these four teleportation formations, Wang Lin has no fixed choice. For him, which teleportation formation to go to It's all the same, this teleportation array can only teleport people who are qualified for the jade talisman.

The wandering souls that Wang Lin devoured before are actually more like a living body that lives in a state of consciousness. They have a certain amount of wisdom, but their natural instinct is to devour everything.


Wang Lin snorted softly, and there was a wave in his consciousness.

Senior brother Yang also hurriedly followed, unwilling to stay where he was at all, Zhou Zihong glanced at Wang Lin.She whispered: "Be careful." After she finished speaking, she jumped up and flew forward.

More than a dozen wandering souls retreated in panic and panic, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wang Lin didn't have Zhao Guo's token, so he couldn't go back to Zhao Guo directly through the teleportation array, and now he is occupying Ma Liang's body, so for him, the best choice is Huofen Kingdom where Ma Liang is located.

Wang Lin never had a chance to speak. He raised his footsteps and followed behind in a leisurely manner. The reason why he saved the three people was not only because of other plans, but also because in Ma Liang's memory, he was very fond of Zhou Zihong. Grateful, Wang Lin took Ma Liang's body consciously.Should do something for him.

Zhou Zihong stared blankly at the scene in front of him.She couldn't guess why those terrifying creatures left suddenly. Suddenly she turned her head to look at Wang Lin, and a ridiculous thought arose in her heart. Could it be that these terrifying creatures are afraid of Ma Liang?

Wang Lin had already used his spiritual sense to investigate before, and some people gathered outside the teleportation formation ahead, waiting for the teleportation formation to open.A white light curtain shrouded the teleportation array, playing a protective role. Outside the teleportation array, there were a large number of mummy floating. These were all monks who wanted to enter the teleportation array. Drilling around in a mummy.

Of course, it would be best if they could find Xu Hao and Ge Yang.

After these traces accumulated to a certain extent, the physique of this wandering soul was completely changed. Wang Lin's eyes flickered, and he looked carefully for a long time. Situ Nan's Nascent Soul feeling.

At this time, another disciple of the Temple of War God said impatiently: "What are you talking about, you don't go. I'll go first." As he spoke, he moved his body and rushed out quickly.Through Ma Liang's memory, Wang Lin knew that this person was called Lin Tao.

Senior brother Yang was the oldest among them, he looked around with lingering fear, and quickly said: "Junior sister, although those creatures don't know why they don't attack us, but it's not suitable to stay here for long, we should rush to the teleportation array as soon as possible, Get out of here quickly."

It's not that he doesn't want to ask, but that he can't ask. If he offends Wang Lin with one sentence at this time, his life may be lost here.

Or it can be said that there seems to be a commonality between the two.

Zhou Zihong shivered.Nodding quickly, he said to Ma Liang: "Junior Brother Ma, you have the lowest level of cultivation, you must follow us closely, and you must not let those creatures jump on you, otherwise your soul will fly away immediately."

The teleportation arrays in the extraterritorial battlefield are usually closed, and they will only be opened at a fixed time. Now there are two days before the opening day.

After a week of continuous flying, what puzzled Zhou Zihong and the others was that all the strange creatures seemed to ignore them completely, as if they couldn't see them.

These two people have been listed by Wang Lin as people who must be killed. They were not killed for Ma Liang, but because they knew that the real Ma Liang was dead. In order not to leave any legacy, the two of them had to to die.

If these monks were allowed to choose the way of death, almost all of them would choose to collapse instead of being swallowed.

One after another, people discovered this phenomenon, so the people in the formation breathed a sigh of relief.

"Junior Brother Ma, we are doomed this time, alas." Senior Brother Yang sighed, he looked about 30 years old, with a look of melancholy on his face.

It collapsed, and visually, at most, people disappeared suddenly, but the devouring of those creatures made people watch their souls being swallowed, screaming again and again, and then their bodies turned into mummy.

What is obviously different about the wandering soul in front of him is that his body is extremely heterogeneous. After being swallowed by it, many souls seem to have not been digested, leaving deep traces in his body.

Along the way, according to Ma Liang's memory, Wang Lin has already contacted his three neighbors and asked them to search for them. All the wandering souls in the entire battlefield outside the territory have become Wang Lin's eyes and ears on this matter. If there is any news from anyone, his three neighbors will notify him immediately.

The disciple named Lin Tao turned his back to Wang Lin, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart, but his expression soon became normal, and he couldn't see the slightest clue.

At this time, the wandering soul stopped in front of the three of them, and flung it at Wang Lin. The three storage bags immediately flew out, and Wang Lin grabbed them.

But then, she denied this speculation.The other two War God Temple disciples were also at a loss.But no matter how you say it, the feeling of surviving after a catastrophe rises spontaneously.All three breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that except for Zhou Zihong who opened his mouth and wanted to ask something, but finally didn't ask, the other two simply pretended not to see it.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed, staring at the wandering soul, and suddenly said: "Stop!"

"Go and kill him!" Wang Lin pointed at Lin Tao with his right hand and ordered.

This is also another reason for him to save the three of Zihong next week in order to grab a jade talisman.

Except for Ma Liang who left alone four days ago, there were only three of them left in the Temple of War. Zhou Zihong sighed bitterly, and hurriedly looked back at the strange creature that was getting closer and closer. , closed his eyes in despair, Ma Liang's figure involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Wang Lin sighed secretly, he could feel the existence of the beads in his consciousness, and even the flying sword of the blood refinement technique could also feel as if it had melted into his soul, but it was not the time to investigate right now. Wang Lin pondered for a while, and became more certain in his heart that after leaving the battlefield outside the territory, he must find a place to retreat.

"That Ma Liang has always been as timid as a mouse, greedy for life and afraid of death, but he is also very thick-skinned, and he doesn't care about beatings and scolding. It is because Junior Sister Tong can't stand being pestered by him, so she thinks of a way to get him to the battlefield outside the territory. If he hadn't looked at him pitifully and rescued him many times, I'm afraid he would have died long ago. This Ma Liang also has a conscience. A few days ago, he gave me a pill, saying that after taking it, he would keep my face, I don't know if it is true or not... "!" ~!


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