Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 367 Good News from Cai Mao

Chapter 360 The good news brought by Cai Mao (first update)

The matter of the elephant soldiers is still in the groping stage, and Zhao Yun will manage it, just find a way.

After Liu Feng watched some training methods of the elephants at the ranch, he got into the carriage and returned to Xiling City.

Xiling City, outside General Yang Wu's residence.

As soon as Liu Feng got off the carriage, he listened to the soldiers' report.

"My lord, half an hour ago, a man asked to see the general. Mrs. Cai received him later, and he is now in the lobby of the front yard."

"Madam Cai?" Liu Feng frowned, but he had a premonition of who was coming.

Nodding his head, Liu Feng walked quickly towards the hall.

When Liu Feng stepped into the hall, he saw Cai Mao.And Cai Yu, the second daughter of Cai Da who was sitting beside her.

Cai Mao was wearing casual clothes, with a faint smile on his face.

After several months of recuperation, Cai Yu and Cai Da have completely recovered from postpartum weakness.

At this moment, the second daughter also had a smile on her face, talking to Cai Mao.

"Feng'er is back?" The sound of Liu Feng's footsteps caught the attention of the three of them, and they all raised their heads.Seeing that it was Liu Feng, Cai Mao smiled and said.

"Well, I'm done with the outside work." Liu Feng nodded, and instead of going forward to sit in the main seat, he went straight to Cai Mao's side, knelt down and said.

"There is a lot of movement these days." Looking at this son-in-law, Cai Mao was more satisfied in his heart and praised.

Not only is it not small.Cai Mao didn't know much about the entanglement between Jiangxia and Jiangdong, but the emigration of hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people was a big deal.

The movement is as loud as the sky.

Everyone knows that Jiangdong has a vast land and few people, and the importance of these mountain people to Jiangdong is self-evident.

But he was brought here by Liu Feng.Sun Quan didn't even fart.

When such a thing happened, after discussing with Kuai Yue, Cai Mao came over.

Liu Feng has already proved his potential and ability to the limit.Cai Mao came to Jiangxia this time with a lot of plans.

"It's just relying on foresight to hoard food and grass on a large scale. It's all about controlling the lifeline of Jiangdong." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.

"Humility is a good thing, but excessive modesty is a bad thing. Foresight. It's amazing." Cai Mao said with a smile.

In Cai Mao's mind, he thought that Liu Feng was able to go through a series of situations and guess that there would be a flood because of his profound knowledge.

Hence admiration, not awe.

"My father-in-law reminded me." Liu Feng raised his fist with his expression unchanged.

Modesty is just to be modest in front of Cai Mao and others.In front of others, he has never been humble.

"You two, when you meet, it's business, business. It's not at all like the situation that Weng and son-in-law should have when they meet." Cai Yu from the side saw the conversation between the two, and said with a coquettish snort.

"Hehe." Cai Da covered her mouth and smiled.

Cai Yu is Cai Mao's younger sister, and Cai Mao has always felt guilty about Cai Yu.He couldn't get angry at all, and just smiled wryly upon hearing this.

Liu Feng took a look at Cai Yu, and said softly: "Now is not the time to play around. I will discuss business with my father-in-law first, and you will go down first with Da'er."

It was a light sentence, but in Cai Yu's ears, it carried an undeniable flavor.

Family affairs are family affairs, business affairs are business affairs.Even if Cai Yu messes around again now, Liu Feng will definitely get angry, and the consequences will be serious.

"Hmph, what's the big deal." Cai Yu let out a cold snort, but got up obediently, and walked out together with her colleague Cai Da who got up.

A trace of disbelief flashed in Cai Mao's eyes, this younger sister is actually so obedient.

In Liu Feng's mind, he wasn't too surprised. Although the woman Cai Yu likes to play tricks, she is very general.

After Cai Yu's two daughters left, Liu Feng asked softly: "Everything that matters is gone. If you have anything to say, father-in-law will speak directly."

Cai Mao's identity is sensitive, and he rarely goes to Jiangxia in person.But this time, he came in person, and he came in a secretive way.

Liu Feng knew that it must be no small matter.

"I need 20 shi of grain for disaster relief." With the birth of Liu Wei and Liu Chang, the relationship between the two is really unbreakable.So Cai Mao said straightforwardly.

"Yes, but I have one condition." Liu Feng also said calmly.

"I know what you want, Jingnan four counties, right?" Cai Mao asked with a smile.Then, without waiting for Liu Feng to answer, he said again: "This time, you made a big fuss. Since defeating Zhou Yu, Kuai Yue and I have been looking at you squarely and paying attention to you. But you overturned us time and time again. I attach great importance to you in my heart. I defeated Cao Ren, conquered Jiangdong, and this time won hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people without bloodshed. Thanks to this time, I finally persuaded Kuai Yue to give you a chance. A chance to strengthen myself."

"A chance against Cao Cao."

These words, especially the last sentence, Cai Mao stared at Liu Fengzai and said.With an expression on his face, he couldn't hide his excitement.

Ever since he heard Huang Chengyan's words and married his daughter to Liu Feng, Cai Mao firmly believed that Liu Feng could accomplish great things step by step.Then he began to constantly influence Kuai Yue, and finally, at one time, he finally convinced Kuai Yue.

Liu Feng originally wanted to say, I only want Wuling County, but Cai Mao's words came out at once like a cannonball, and Liu kept his mouth shut.

In the end, Liu Feng didn't want to speak anymore.

Cai Mao persuaded Kuai Yue to give him all the four counties in southern Jing?There are such good things in the world.It would be strange to refuse.However, Liu Feng was really sincere towards Cai Mao.

There is still a hidden worry in my heart, after thinking about it for a while.Liu Feng said: "If you give me the four counties in southern Jing, I'm afraid Cao Cao will not let you go."

Cai Hao and Kuai Yue belonged to the Cao faction, which is unshakable.Because of the clan, although Cai Mao believed in him, he would not risk such a big clan.

If Cai Mao surrendered Cao, he also gave him the four counties of Jingnan.Liu Feng was afraid that Cao Cao would be unfavorable to Cai Mao.

Seeing his son-in-law caring about him, Cai Mao felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.It's not in vain, I helped him like this.

"Don't worry about this. Kuai Yue and I have discussed it and judged it. As long as Kuai Yue and I donate Xiangyang, Jiangling, Shangyong, and the tens of thousands of sailors left behind by Liu Biao, it will be a great achievement. Cao Cao won't kill us." Then, Cai Mao glanced at Liu Feng, and said with a smile: "Even if you raise troops to fight against him because you are my son-in-law, at most you will just snub me, not deal with me."

"Besides that, one more thing."

Hearing this, Liu Feng raised his head and looked at Cai Mao, waiting for the next sentence.

"The four counties in Jingnan, our control power is already very weak. Jinxuan, Zhao Fan, Liu Du, etc. each have their own cities and soldiers, and their power is not small. If you want to control them, you have to send troops yourself. In other words, You attacked the four counties. It is your ability and our ability. It is not that I intend to give you the four counties." Cai Mao said meaningfully.

Liu Feng suddenly realized that Cai Mao's method was good, but he left it clean.No wonder Kuai Yue agreed.

"Yeah." Liu Feng nodded, no more doubts in his heart.

Jingnan four counties, Changsha, Wuling, Guiyang, Lingling.Except for Changsha, the rest of the population is quite large.

Add up to about 50.Add in the 80 population of Jiangxia, Jiujiang and other three counties, and the 60 population of Shanyue.

That's 190 million.

In terms of hard power, it can completely surpass Jiangdong.

Moreover, the success of the four counties in Jingnan is very important to Liu Feng.Because that was the prospect when I first came out of Xinye.

Go down to the four counties in southern Jing, gather an army of [-], and then send troops to the north.

Now, it's finally possible.At this moment, it was difficult for anyone to understand the excitement in Liu Feng's heart.

"There is one more thing, you must promise me, no, promise Kuai Yue." Cai Mao said again in a deep voice.

"What's the matter?" Liu Feng suddenly cleared his mind and asked calmly.

"If you can really fight against Cao Cao and send troops north to attack Xiangyang, you must ensure the existence of the Kuai clan." Cai Mao said solemnly.

"No problem." Liu Feng knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch, and this was Kuai Yue's condition, a condition that could not be refused.Therefore, Liu Feng nodded solemnly.

Seeing that Liu Feng agreed without hesitation, Cai Mao showed a smile on his face.Immediately, he couldn't help but said: "Don't worry, neither Kuai Yue nor I know each other. As long as the clan inheritance is kept alive, we won't pursue that kind of extreme power."

This is Cai Mao's guarantee.

It is guaranteed that there will be no behemoths like Cai and Kuai during Liu Biao's reign.

Liu Feng actually said so to this point.Considering such a complicated issue without owning Jingchu is really too ambitious.

However, Liu Feng was also happy to accept Cai Mao's assurance.

Borrowing food, and implicitly letting Liu Feng attack the four counties in Jingnan, Cai Mao's purpose for coming this time has almost been fulfilled.

Next, it's not business.

Liu Feng held a family banquet at the mansion and entertained Cai Mao.Originally, Liu Feng wanted to keep Cai Mao to stay for a few days, but Cai Mao secretly left that night because of his sensitive identity.

At night, in General Yang Wu's backyard, in Cai Yu's house.

After Liu Feng took a bath and changed his clothes, he came to the back room.

In the inner room, Cai Yu had already undressed and was lying on the bed.After Liu Feng came in, he lifted the quilt and lay down.

It's winter now, with Cai Yu under the quilt, it's very warm.Liu Feng subconsciously hugged Cai Yu's waist and leaned over.

Cai Yu let Liu Feng hug him, squinting his eyes.

"During the day, what did brother discuss with you?" Cai Yu suddenly asked.

Liu Feng didn't give Cai Yu face during the day, but at night when the husband and wife were lying in the same bed, Liu Feng still gave Cai Yu a lot of face.

Smiling slightly, he recounted what happened during the day.

"Aren't you too eager for quick success?" Cai Yu frowned and asked.

"Well, that's what I thought too. You have to eat the food one bite at a time, and you have to digest hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people before you think about it." Liu Feng nodded.

Although he covets the four Jingnan counties, he is very calm.

"Yeah." Cai Yu felt relieved, she was just asking casually, seeing that Liu Feng was calm and not impatient at all.Then she felt relieved, at this moment, feeling sleepy, Cai Yu closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Hearing Cai Yu's steady breathing in his arms, Liu Feng smiled slightly and closed his eyes.


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