Chapter 360 Eight Profiteers (Second Change)

The next day, Liu Feng woke up with a refreshed spirit.Start to deal with official duties with a very calm mood.

The four counties in Jingnan just made Liu Feng's mood excited for a day.Just like what Liu Feng said to Cai Yu yesterday, the meal should be eaten bite by bite.

At present, the most important thing in the three counties of Jiangxia.It is still to appease the victims of disasters everywhere, rebuild the washed-out villages, and arrange for the Shanyue people.

As for the conquest of the four counties, it is fine to wait until these tasks are completed.As long as it is completed before Cao Cao goes south, it will be fine.

Even Liu Feng didn't discuss sending troops with Pang Tong, Jiang Wan, and Liu Ba.Because there is no need.Jiangxia has a lot of food, and soldiers and horses are also ready-made.

When you want to attack the four counties, you can send troops whenever you want.

However, Liu Feng's calm mood did not last long.

"Report to my lord, Xu Zheng, who works in Changsha, came to report that there is a plague." Liu Ba, who was in charge of the correspondence, came in, holding a roll of bamboo slips in his hand, with a livid expression on his face.

"What?" Liu Feng opened his eyes wide in horror.

"This is an urgent report." Liu Ba didn't talk nonsense, stepped forward and handed the bamboo slips in his hand to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng collected himself, took the bamboo slips, and unfolded them to read.

After a while, the eyebrows twisted into a "chuan" shape.plague.plague.

The so-called natural disasters are not floods or droughts, but the plagues after the floods.Liu Feng has protective measures for drought and flood, but not for plague.

Because not only the three counties of Jiangxia were affected by the disaster, but the entire Jingchu.

The three counties of Changsha, Jiangxia, and Jiujiang all disposed of the corpses in a timely manner after the flood.But there is no such thing as Wuling.

The reaction is relatively slow.

According to the records on the bamboo slips, the source of the plague should be Wuling, and then spread into Changsha.Hundreds of people have been found affected.

A plague can easily kill tens of thousands of people.

Liu Feng's hand holding the bamboo slips trembled a little, and he could no longer keep calm in his heart.

If the enemy comes to attack, soldiers can come to water the enemy to the earth weir.But the plague, the plague, cannot be defended against.

"Medical materials, medicinal materials. I remember that before the disaster, I ordered to stockpile some of the medicinal materials to deal with the plague. Immediately send someone to transport them, and send some doctors over there. Be sure to prevent the plague. Don't let it spread into Jiangxia." Liu Feng looked After finishing, immediately ordered.

"Promise." Liu Ba promised, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he bent over and said, "Jiangdong is the most severely affected this time, and the probability of plague is also the greatest. Do you also order the Jiujiang prefect to be ready?"

This is a supplementary comment.

Liu Feng nodded immediately without going through his brain and said, "Just as Mr. said, prepare a document and send it to Jiujiang."

"No." Liu Ba promised, and turned to leave.

"Wait, not only Jiujiang, but also Jiangxia, stand ready." Liu Feng stopped Liu Ba again and ordered.


After Liu Ba left, Liu Feng's heart could not be calm.

Now there are hundreds of people, and it will be thousands in a few days?Tens of thousands of people?Some of the lands and mountains that were finally conquered and the population that was gathered may disappear all at once.

Liu Feng only felt his heart twitch violently.


The situation in Changsha did not develop according to Liu Feng's expectations.

The first place where the plague occurred was Linxiang, the seat of Changsha.The plague happened suddenly and spread quickly.

When Changsha was engaged in Xu Zheng's discovery and treatment began, hundreds of people had already been infected.After more than ten days, the number of infected people has reached nearly a thousand.

And it's still spreading.

Originally, Changsha was the most weakly reinforced river because of its vast land and sparse population.The disaster was the most serious among the three counties in Jiangxia.

According to statistics some time ago, more than 300 people were affected by the disaster.

These people have nothing.Government relief is required.Food is distributed every half month.In addition, food prices have also risen sharply.

Although Xu Zheng is trying his best to release grain to calm the price, the rise is still going on.

This time, the plague exacerbated the skyrocketing food supply and the panic among the people.

Since Changsha fell into Liu Feng's hands, it has become turbulent for the first time.

At this moment, in the Changsha government office, in the study of the prefect's mansion in Linxiang City.

Xu Zheng was sitting on the main seat with a hesitant look on his face.Zhang Dao stood in front of Xu Zheng with an excited expression.

"Xu Zong, it is a heavy responsibility for my lord to order you to be in charge of the Changsha county. At this moment, it is time for Xu Zong to repay the lord. He should make a quick decision and order the other minister, Huo Jun, to mobilize the army to clean up the entire Changsha territory. Priceless profiteers." Zhang Dao's face was flushed, and he tried hard to persuade him.

"Master Zhang said it a little lightly. Which of those profiteers who are driving up prices is not a local tycoon? If they are all cleaned up, they will cause trouble." Xu Zheng said with a sigh.

The current situation is that the plague is approaching and the people's hearts are unstable.And, the tyrants and gentry in Changsha are driving up food prices and making huge profits.

Changsha is a place full of powerful people, and the powerful people are very powerful.

It can be seen that the small Kou family was able to have thousands of gold and several fertile fields.

Over the past year, Xu Zheng has made a lot of efforts to stabilize Changsha.Appease the powerful, be friendly with the powerful, and control the place.

Some achievements have been made, but because of a flood, the group of tyrants and gentry turned their faces.

Drive up food prices, leading to social unrest.

According to what Xu Zheng meant, he continued to appease and persuade the tyrants, and the gentry lowered the price of food to stabilize the people's hearts.But what Zhang Dao meant was to cut through the mess quickly and carry out a big cleansing.

It is best to bloodbath part and deter part.Play the role of rapidly stabilizing Changsha.

Seeing that Xu Zheng was still inclined to be gentle, Zhang Dao was disappointed for a while.Although Xu Zheng is capable, he can mediate the internal relations in Changsha.Stabilize Changsha.

The credit is indispensable, but there is no decisiveness in killing.

"Then please Xu Zong report the situation in Changsha to the lord, and I ask the lord to make a decision." Zhang Dao felt resigned, so he had to retreat to the next best thing.

"Naturally." Xu Zheng nodded.

Xu Zheng is not a corrupt official, nor is he incompetent.Not the kind of officials who try to hide the plague and achieve concealment.

Zhang Dao breathed a sigh of relief, starting from Linxiang, it only takes two days to reach Xiling, and it only takes four days to go back and forth.

According to the protagonist's decisive personality, the decision must be made quickly.

For four days, there should be no changes in four days.

Zhang Dao breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't know that something big happened in these four days.

Why did a feudal dynasty perish because of peasant uprising?Because the top is stupid?Because of exorbitant taxes?neither.

The biggest reason is because of land mergers.

Tyrants continue to annex land and become rich.The peasants continued to sell their land and became tenants.become poor.

Here in Changsha, there are many powerful people, big and small.

The largest ones are the Chen family in Linxiang and the Dong family in You County.

Although these two families are not as good as Mi Zhu's in Xuzhou, they are comparable to the three counties of Jiangxia that were wiped out by Liu Feng.

The clan has been passed down for hundreds of years and has a rich heritage.There are hundreds of tenants alone, nearly [-] people.The land is tens of thousands of acres.


At this moment, in a Zhuangzi outside Linxiang City.

Chen Xiong, the Patriarch of the Chen Clan, and Dong Kuang, the Patriarch of the Dong Clan.Sitting in the small living room in Zhuangzi.

Chen Xiong is 34 years old, with a white beard and a slender figure. He has such an aristocratic air about him.A bit of cunning flashed in his eyes from time to time.

Dong Kuang sitting opposite Chen Xiong was also similar, only older.Also more feminine.

At this moment, apart from the two of them, there are more than ten small tyrants in Changsha County in the living room.

"Hey, Xu Zheng sent someone to urge me again, and asked me to open a warehouse to release grain to calm down the price of grain." Chen Xiong sighed.

It's just that Chen Xiong's eyes were cunning and hidden, and there was no fear.Obviously what was said was bullshit.

"Hmph, open a warehouse to release grain? He Xu Zheng didn't even think about it. How did we tycoons develop? Only in a disaster year can we develop and grow. Panic? Only when panic spreads can those foolish people sell their fields , join us and be under our protection." Dong Kuang snorted coldly, his eyes full of madness.

Natural disasters, natural disasters are the opportunity for development, this time natural disasters are rare for several years.

"Yes, yes. We don't think the panic is big enough. Flattening food prices? Let Xu Zheng dream."

"****, I hate Liu Feng. If he hadn't found something to do to strengthen the river, the flood would have been bigger, and our sources of income would have been wider. Now it's all right, let Liu Feng control the flood to a very small extent. Shengsheng Not only that, but also completely cut off our way of getting rich. Flattening food prices? No way."

Dong Kuang's words made the little tyrants all around echo him.

There was a lot of anger all around, and the scene was very lively.

In the troubled times, the surviving clans all eat people without spitting out their bones.Especially Jingchu, where the ruling group is relatively cowardly, and the three surnames Jiangxia are a precedent.

Chen Xiong saw it, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly uttered a sentence: "Then Liu Feng is not easy to provoke, if it really messes up Changsha. Jiangxia's three surnames are a precedent."

Chen Xiong's words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the flames in everyone's hearts.

Jiang Xia's three surnames?That was exterminated.Those present, no one wants the clan to be destroyed.

"Brother Chen, don't scare you brothers anymore. Why did Jiang Xia's three surnames be destroyed? That's because they rebelled and colluded with Cao Cao. Liu Feng's destruction of the three surnames is justified. And what about us? Just looking for an opportunity to make a fortune. Everyone here is The elites in Changsha and the powerful people from all over the country can affect the foundation of Changsha together. He has no reason to deal with us, and he has no courage to deal with us." Dong Kuang sneered with a brilliance in his eyes.

"Okay, Brother Dong is right. Together, we can represent all powerful forces in Changsha. Isn't it just to make some money? How dare he deal with us?"

"Yes, we should continue to increase food prices and force foolish people to sell their land for profit."

The atmosphere in the living room was hotter than ever again.This time it was even hotter than last time, as if they would be enemies in the world after they united.

Chen Xiong and Dong Kuang, the two most powerful patriarchs in Changsha, glanced at each other indiscriminately.Very tacit understanding.


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