Chapter 360 IX Surprised Sima Yi (Third Change)

Zhuangzi, in a study in the front yard.

A young man knelt on the main seat. This young man had a majestic face and a tall and straight figure.A pair of eyes are extremely divine.Kneeling and sitting there, a kind of demeanor spread out.

In the study room, besides the young man, there is another person who is similar to the young man.Looking at the clothes, it seems to be the young man's entourage.

The fact is also true, this young man is the famous Sima Yi, and the person next to him is Sima Yi's entourage.

"Young master, the prime minister asked us to come to let the young master gather the power of the three Jingnan counties, to cause trouble for Liu Feng, and to prevent Liu Feng from unifying the four Jingnan counties. Why are you wasting time here? Those short-sighted tyrants, and What's the use?" The attendant next to him looked at Sima Yi suspiciously and said.

When the entourage mentioned the word "Prime Minister", Sima Yi's eyes flashed a bit of resentment.But then it was hidden again.

"In the four counties of Jingnan, each of the three prefects has no less than 1 troops. There are also [-] to [-] in total. It seems that they can compete with Liu Feng, but they are actually vulnerable. Relying on this It's really stupid for the three eunuchs to delay Liu Feng's progress." Sima Yi shook his head and said.

"Then these tyrants can delay the time?" the follower wondered.

"Well, although these people are short-sighted, they still have some effect. Jiangxia's current power is only three counties. If there is chaos in Changsha, it will be enough for Liu Feng. It will be a headache. At that time, it will take a lot of energy to govern, and it will relieve him from unifying the three counties. The footsteps." Sima Yi nodded.

"But that's not necessarily the case. I heard that Liu Feng is a character, and he is decisive in killing them. These tyrants are driving up prices and creating chaos. If Liu Feng is angry, he will kill everyone. It won't be settled soon. Is it?" The follower suddenly wondered again.

"Well, this possibility is very high, but what happens after killing Haoqiang? Although those Haoqiang are stupid, they are indeed local and powerful people. If they are all killed at once, there will be some chaos in the short term. It's delayed." Sima Yi nodded.

"Anyway, as long as it works, don't let Liu Feng's pace go too fast. It doesn't matter whether you can succeed or not." Finally, Sima Yi concluded.

"Hmm." The follower nodded.

Immediately, the study fell into silence.

Sima Yi, the talent of heaven.When he was young, he was called by others, with few oddities, smart and simple.Today, the fame is getting bigger and bigger.

A few years ago, Cao Cao began to recruit Sima Yi as an official.But Sima Yi had a huge resistance to Cao Cao.

unwilling to be an official.

After a few years of delay, Cao Cao is now the prime minister.Cao Cao used force to activate Sima Yi.

And gave Sima Yi a task, let him reach the four counties of Jingnan alone, join forces and fight against Liu Feng.

It's not that Cao Cao believes that Sima Yi has such a heaven-defying ability, but that Cao Cao believes that his reputation and power can win over the prefects of the three counties and deal with Liu Feng together.

Prevent Liu Feng from unifying the four counties.

Yes, unify the four counties.Cao Cao was aware of Liu Feng's strategic plan a long time ago.Moreover, it is expected that Cai Mao and Kuai Yue will lose to Liu Feng.

Or Cai Mao simply helped Liu Feng secretly.

Anyway, relying on Cai Mao, Kuai Yue's ability can never restrict Liu Feng.So, Sima Yi came.

Came with resentment.

On the one hand, Sima Yi resented Cao Cao who forcibly recruited him as an official and sent him to Jingnan. On the other hand, Sima Yi did not dare to show such resentment.

We must try our best to plan to satisfy Cao Cao.

After staying in Jingnan for a month, Sima Yi decided to come to Changsha first, and let Changsha be disturbed.

The two great powers in Changsha, Chen Xiong and Dong Kuang, were also brought together by Sima Yi by taking advantage of Cao Cao's prestige and power.

Cao Cao has such a role. As long as his subordinates hold Cao Cao's signboard, they can eat well wherever they go.

In silence, Chen Xiong and Dong Kuang walked in.

"Lieutenant Sima." After the two came in, they all greeted each other.

Sima Yi's current official position is the school lieutenant, which was set up by Cao Cao to facilitate Sima Yi's travel.And there are gold seals, and certificates.

"Yeah." Sima Yi glanced at the two of them and nodded.After a pause, he asked again, "How is the situation?"

Chen Xiong and Dong Kuang looked at each other.Chen Xiong took a step forward and replied: "The situation is very good. Those tyrants are very excited. I believe that the price of food will rise soon, and the annexation of land will become more and more serious, and there will even be forced buying and selling. , Changsha will be in turmoil."

"Well, well done. When Mr. Cao goes south and conquered Jingchu, it will be the time for you two to benefit. In addition, you two should prepare quickly to avoid disaster and go to Wuling or Lingling. To avoid being caught by Liu I'll kill you." Sima Yi nodded again.And a reminder.

This made Chen Xiong and Dong Kuang hesitate.

Chen Xiong hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Then Liu Feng is really so decisive? Can he kill all the powerful men in Changsha?"

"Hehe." Sima Yi sneered, and said, "Don't underestimate those people who hold powerful soldiers. Those people hold heavy soldiers to consolidate their power. They will definitely not be soft when they kill people. What kind of law does not blame the public, what is powerful. In Under his knife, it will definitely turn into blood. This is all I have to say, so I can know myself."

Saying that, Sima Yi got up and gave the two of them a fistful, and then made a gesture to the follower's eyes, and the two left very gracefully.

The two watched Sima Yi leave helplessly, they couldn't stop them, they didn't dare to stop them.

In the eyes of short-sighted people, Cao Cao has already unified the north, his power is strong, and he is not far from unifying the world.

Offending Sima Yi is not good.

"Hmph, this person is really afraid of Liu Feng like a tiger. I still don't believe that Liu Feng was able to mobilize his troops to bloodbath the entire Changsha County." Shortly after Sima Yi left, Dong Kuang said indignantly.

It was aggrieved to say that Sima Yi waited for only two people, and he was able to order them.Afterwards, he patted his ass and left, leaving a mess on the ground.

There is no way to resist.

"It's better to believe it or not. You and I should leave first. If it is really affected, it won't be worth it." Chen Xiong shook his head and said.

"Brother Chen is also afraid of Liu Feng?" Dong Kuang didn't believe it.

"Fear, Jiang Xia's three surnames." Under Dong Kuang's surprised gaze, Chen Xiong nodded generously.

Dong Kuang felt a chill rise in his heart, and rushed straight to the top door.When meeting with those tyrants in the small living room next door, Dong Kuang pretended to be very disdainful.

But for the destruction of Jiangxia's three surnames, I was still very shocked.

The clan that has been passed down for hundreds of years is destroyed in one day.

In Dong Kuang's heart, he also had the intention of leaving.


Under the joint operation of big and small tyrants, food prices skyrocketed almost overnight.

It has skyrocketed several times.

The people in Changsha are currently divided into two groups, one of which is pure disaster victims, who can go to the government to receive food every half a month.The other part is ordinary people.

Because of the disaster, the harvest of these people is less than [-]% of previous years.

The food at home is not enough, not enough to survive until next autumn.Seeing the skyrocketing price of food, everyone panicked.

And at this time, some tyrants bid a price and sold food to the common people at a price that was twice the market price, but the price was the common people's fields and personal freedom.

That is to say, from a free citizen to someone else's tenant.

It stands to reason that this is an extremely absurd thing, and no commoner would be willing.But this era is like this.

The people are very foolish.In a panic, being a tenant and being protected by the powerful is a good way out.

As a result, several people sold their fields one after another in exchange for grain, and became tenants of the powerful family.

Although Xu Zheng tried his best to release the grain in the granary to calm down the price of grain, he couldn't save the panic.

But not all the people are so ignorant.There are also more than half of the people who are nostalgic for their own fields.

They would rather die than sell the land.

And the tyrants who have already tasted the sweetness at this moment are already jealous.As a result, things like strong buying and strong selling began to happen.

Changsha, a fairly stable county.Because Sima Yi was flying clouds and rain, and Xu Zheng was a little indecisive, which led to escalating turmoil.

Plus the plague.

By the fourth day, the storm had formed.

Wu Ba.A farmer in a small village from Luo County.But he is not an ordinary farmer, he is powerful, besides farming, he is also a good hunter in the village.

Can hold a knife and fight wild wolves.Vicious and unusual.There is a juicy mother-in-law and a two-year-old son in the family.

In Luo County, the biggest tyrant is naturally the Kou family.But the Kou family has become much more peaceful since Liu Feng's purge last time.

This time, the chaos was not exploited for profiteering.

However, in Luo County, besides the Kou family, there are also some minor tyrants.Together, they are not weak.

Wu Ba's village happened to be within the sphere of influence of these tyrants.

Because of panic, many people in the village sold their fields and became tenants of Haoqiang's family.

But there are also a large number of people who are not willing to sell the land at all, and Wu Ba is a diehard among them.Wu Ba is still a loyal supporter of Liu Feng.

Because Wu Ba's village was saved by the deep borehole dug by Liu Feng. In addition, Wu Ba also participated in Liu Feng's improvement of the reinforced river.

Therefore, I have always been very grateful to Liu Feng and supported Liu Feng.

He is also very confident in the government's ability.He believes that when everyone has no food to eat, the government will open warehouses for disaster relief.

Just like helping victims of floods now.

Wu Ba's confidence has infected many people.But it has also become a thorn in the side of some tyrannical.

On this day, Wu Ba and more than ten brothers came back from hunting in the forest.When Wu Ba returned home, his wife and children were lying in a pool of blood.

"Who, who did it?" Wu Ba rushed towards the corpses of his wife and children like crazy.Howling crazily.

After a while, Wu Ba rushed out of the house, frantically looking for someone in the village to ask.

In the end, he learned that his wife and children were killed by a powerful domestic slave in Luo County.Killed in public.

Wu Ba's eyes were blood red, and he led more than ten brothers to kill the mighty Zhuangzi.

The flames soared into the sky that day, which also heralded the beginning of the chaos in Changsha.


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