Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 370 Arriving in Changsha

Chapter 370 Arriving in Changsha (Part [-])

On the official road to Linxiang, a large army surrounded a carriage and advanced rapidly.

Under the banner of "Chen", this army has about 1000 people.

The soldiers are divided into two parts, the front part is all infantry, and the rear 200 people are archers with bows on their backs.It's just that whether it's a pawn or an archer, they all have a Chu knife hanging from their waists.

These soldiers are all tall and tall, different from ordinary people.Even weaker archers are taller than ordinary people.

Their expressions were indifferent, exuding a cold murderous aura all the time.

This is an iron army, an invincible iron army.

Break the army, the second battalion of God Arm.The most powerful army in Liu Feng's hands.

The only person who is qualified to be surrounded by soldiers from the second battalion is Liu Feng.

On the carriage, Liu Feng held the bamboo slips in his hand and sighed.

Above is the urgent report about Changsha.Five or six days ago, Liu Feng received a report from Xu Zheng.Immediately, an order was issued to Huo Jun to assist Xu Zheng to send troops to control the food prices in various parts of Changsha.

But Liu Feng's order had not yet been executed, and another news came from Changsha.

Because of the abnormal behavior of the tyrants in various places in Changsha, some people were angry and killed people.However, even so, there was no reason for Liu Feng to come in person.

The reason why Liu Feng came here was because a group of people broke into the village of his uncle Liu Mi.

Liu Bi.Liu Feng was grateful to someone from the bottom of his heart.At the beginning, he was given a lot of help, and even willing to go bankrupt and give him gold.

uncle.In this world, Liu Feng has two recognized uncles, one is Mi Zhu and the other is Liu Mi.Liu Mi was robbed, so Liu Feng had to come.

In addition, there is another point, Liu Feng felt an unusual smell.

Drive up food prices and fight against the government.There are so many tyrants in Changsha, it is impossible for them all to be fools.Knowing that doing so would make him angry.

cause great trouble.

But those tyrants still did it, Liu Feng felt strange.

I remember that such an incident happened in history, and the protagonists of the incident were Cao Cao and Liu Ba.

During the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao went south, and several gentry followed Liu Bei to the south, but Liu Ba chose to go north to join Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was surprised and delighted, and named Liu Ba.Then he sent Liu Ba to the south, entered Lingling, and ordered Liu Ba to control the four counties in Jingnan to prevent Liu Bei from becoming a big one.

Later, Cao Cao was defeated.Liu Ba lost support and was defeated by Liu Bei.

Because of this incident, this kind of incident suddenly appeared in Changsha, which was originally relatively stable. Liu Feng had to suspect that Cao Cao had already set his eyes on the four counties in Jingnan.

Cao Cao?Liu Feng cheered up.If it was really what Cao Cao did, it means that Cao Cao began to value him, and valued him extremely.

Cao Cao wanted to prevent him from capturing the four counties in Jingnan and continue to grow.

This kind of attention did not make Liu Feng favored now, but it made Liu Feng full of energy.

Although he defeated Cao Ren, he also set a trap for Cao Cao.But Liu Feng never denied that Cao Cao was the biggest hero in the end of Han Dynasty, with the strongest ability.

In front of Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan are all floating clouds.

But now that he might be facing Cao Cao's strategy directly, Liu Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation in his heart.

I was thinking secretly in my heart, Linxiang City had already jumped into my eyes.

The city was different from the city Liu Feng had seen.

Even taller and more stalwart than before.Liu Feng could tell at a glance that the city had been carefully reinforced and raised.

A little satisfaction flashed in his eyes, the east of Changsha County was Luling County, where Tai Shici was entrenched.

That's why he put Huo Jun here, leading other Sima, with five thousand troops.But looking at the situation in the city now, Huo Jun and Xu Zheng did not live up to his expectations.

Changsha as a whole is relatively safe and reliable.

The army slowly approached Changsha, and Liu Feng also found a group of people standing outside the city gate.

Xu Zheng, Zhang Dao, Zhou Shun and other officials from Changsha, but they didn't see Huo Jun.

After arriving at the city gate, the army slowly stopped, only Liu Feng's carriage was still moving forward slowly.

"My lord." When the carriage approached the group of people, the group of people, led by Xu Zheng, bowed down in unison.

"Excuse me." Liu Feng lowered his head and glanced at the crowd, among them, he paused for a moment on Xu Zheng's face before skipping over.Then, he opened his mouth.

Although Liu Feng's gaze only paused for a moment, Xu Zheng still felt it.

His heart trembled, and he felt even more guilty.The lord handed over the huge Changsha to him for reuse and trust, but now he doesn't.Why.

"No." He felt guilty, but Xu Zheng was still very general.He didn't show it, but led everyone to make a promise.

Originally, Liu Feng had some opinions on Xu Zheng. After all, what happened in Changsha has developed to the present, and Xu Zheng has a little responsibility.No guts.

But when he saw Xu Zheng, Liu Feng didn't blame him anymore.

The whole person lost a full three laps.His eyes were bloodshot, and his face was full of guilt.

Xu Zhengben was born as a petty official, and giving him the management of the entire Changsha County was to embarrass him.But Xu Zheng managed it well.Changsha stabilized.There is hard work without credit.

Now encountering emergencies, some mistakes can be tolerated.

Liu Feng is not a harsh person.

"Go in and talk." Liu Feng said.Immediately, he turned his head and told Chen Dao, who was in command of the army, "Stay outside the city."

"Promise." Xu Zheng and Chen Da agreed respectively.Immediately, Liu Feng's carriage entered the city together with all the officials present.

The prefect's mansion in the city, in the hall.

Liu Feng sat at the main seat, Kou Shui was responsible for standing behind Liu Feng, Xu Zheng, Zhang Dao, and Zhou Shun took their seats respectively.The rest of the low-level officials were all sent away by Liu Feng.

After sitting down, Liu Feng turned his attention to Zhou Shun, the confidant who had been placed next to Huo Jun as his deputy.

"Where is Huo Jun?" Liu Feng asked.

"Huo Sima confronted the bandit leader Wu Ba outside Mr. Liu's Zhuangzi in Luo County." Zhou Shun respectfully said.

"Wu Ba?" Liu Feng asked suspiciously.

The official document submitted by Xu Zheng was not detailed.

"My lord, that Wu Ba is a villager in a village near Luo County. Kong Wu is powerful. When a group of tyrants forced the people to sell their fields, Wu Ba refused. The tyrant was full of hatred, so he sent someone to take his wife and children. Killed. In a fit of anger, Wu Ba killed Hao Qiang, and then attacked Mr. Liu's Zhuangzi. However, after capturing Zhuangzi, Wu Ba did not hurt Mr. Liu. Instead, he led a group of thieves to confront Huo Sima." Zhou Shun explained.

The leader of the thieves neither killed nor robbed nor ran away.Probably out of fear.He also knew that Liu Mi was his uncle, so he robbed Liu Mi in order to save his life.

In other words, Liu Mi is temporarily safe.

"Yeah." Liu Feng relaxed and nodded.

"My lord, how to deal with the bandit leader, I ask my lord to decide." At this time, Xu Zheng raised his fist and said.

"My uncle is fine for the time being, so don't worry about him for now. The important thing now is to calm down the grain price." Liu Feng shook his head and said.

"My lord, how do we deal with Hao Qiang?" Xu Zheng also had his senses right now, and asked directly without saying anything to appease him.

Liu Feng glanced at Xu Zheng, and said: "After suffering a loss, I know how to improve, and it's not in vain that I brought you to Changsha."

"Ashamed of my lord." Xu Zheng said even more guiltily when he heard the words.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things." Liu Feng waved his hand, and then sneered, "How to deal with the powerful? Does it need to be said? Naturally, it is suppression."

"You immediately send people to various places in Changsha to invite those powerful tycoons to come over and say that it is a matter of negotiating food prices."

Liu Feng's cold eyes and cold words.Xu Zheng's heart trembled, knowing that this time, blood might really flow into rivers.

Those tyrants don't know how to advance or retreat.

"No." Although Xinxia sighed, Xu Zheng still said without hesitation.

The Xu brothers have followed Liu Feng for a long time, and they absolutely support Liu Feng.No matter what order Liu Feng gave, he would execute it without hesitation.

Xu Zhengxin's premonition was not wrong, Liu Feng planned to raise the butcher's knife.

Liu Feng didn't have a good impression of the powerful, especially the greedy ones. He didn't know the so-called powerful, and those powerful would only cause chaos in the place.It's like the three surnames of Jiangxia in the past.

Driving up food prices and creating turmoil are capital offenses.

After this time, Liu Feng intends to eradicate those bad tyrants in one fell swoop and stabilize Changsha.

As for the reason why Liu Feng asked Xu Zheng to send people to invite those tyrants over, it was naturally to kill the chief culprit.Also, check to see if there is really a shadow of Cao Cao.

However, there are dozens of counties in Changsha, and it will take some time to summon the powerful.After giving the order, Liu Feng sent Xu Zheng and Zhou Shun away.But Zhang Dao was left alone.

Zhang Dao also came from a small official background, but he worked as a small official in the army.There is some decisive aura on his body, and after the experience, his whole body is full of capable aura.

This time, Zhang Dao's performance surprised Liu Feng a little.

It was Zhang Dao who first proposed to Xu Zheng to purge and suppress with iron and blood methods.

"What do you think of Xu Zong?" Liu Feng asked Zhang Daodao.

"Xu Zong is capable and tactful, dealing with various tyrants, guarding a place, very impressive." Zhang Dao replied softly.

Liu Feng stared at Zhang Dao's eyes and found that Zhang Dao's eyes were full of clarity.Nodding with satisfaction.

This time, Xu Zheng made a mistake.But Zhang Dao did not take the opportunity to add insult to injury, but affirmed Xu Zheng's ability.This is very satisfying.

"In the next few months, follow Xu Zheng to do things well. When you have the opportunity, you will go to other places to do work, or the county guard." Without any hint, Liu Feng looked at Zhang Dao encouragingly and said directly.

Zhang Dao was shocked, and suddenly raised his head, looking at Liu Feng in shock.

Facing Zhang Dao's gaze, Liu Fengman nodded with a smile.

Seeing the affirmation in Liu Feng's eyes, Zhang Dao took a deep breath, bowed deeply and said, "Thank you, my lord."

However, he has already guessed some of Liu Feng's intentions.Go to another county to work, or to be a county guard?Wuling?Lingling?Or Guiyang?

Zhang Dao only felt that his whole body was full of energy.At the same time, I am deeply glad that I followed Liu Feng to the south.If he stayed in Xinye, he would probably be a petty official for the rest of his life.

How can there be today's scenery.


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