Chapter 370 Killing

There are dozens of counties in Changsha County, and there are many tyrants, big and small. It is a bit troublesome for these people to gather. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

It took two or three days before and after.

During this period, Liu Feng allowed the price of food to soar in order not to scare the snake, without any intention of stopping it.

In the hall of the prefect's mansion, Liu Feng sat on the main seat, and Xu Zheng stood beside him.

"Is everything here?" Liu Feng asked.

"Basically all of them came, but the two largest gentry clans did not come." Xu Zheng said in shame.

"Chen, Dong?" Liu Feng asked with a change of expression.

During this period of time, Liu Feng was not completely idle. He had a rough understanding of the situation in Changsha, and had a rough idea of ​​Chen Donger's family.

The two heads of Changsha didn't arrive.

Liu Feng had some bad premonitions in his heart.

"Yes. These two families are both from Linxiang, and they are very close. I asked on the first day, and their slaves said that they had all gone out. I was suspicious, so I sent someone to investigate and found that the two The mansion is already vacant, and the whole family, carrying gold and silver, went to Lingling." Xu Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Dare to make trouble, but quickly escaped afterwards, someone must have instigated them." Liu Feng said with a flash of coldness in his eyes.

If we say that on the way, Liu Feng was still wondering if Cao Cao really intervened.

But now it is basically certain that if it is really an idiot, it will definitely resist and will not run away.And he fled with the whole family.

Someone must have instructed them to do this, and then told them that Liu Feng knew how to use force.

So, I prepared the soft noodles in advance and left with the whole family.

But with one mouth, he can instigate these two tyrants based in Changsha to oppose him.It must be Cao Cao.In the world, there is only Cao Cao who has such great energy and can make people feel at ease.

The word Cao Cao represents power, a golden signboard.

"Someone instigated it?" Liu Feng had been here for several days, but he hadn't expressed his doubts to Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng was really taken aback when he said it out of the blue.

Liu Feng ignored Xu Zheng's surprise, but secretly calculated in his heart.

Cao Cao intervened, intervening in the affairs of the four counties in southern Jing.And so anxious.The Battle of Red Cliff, I'm afraid it will happen like in history.

In the 13th year of Jian'an, winter.There is still a year to go.

All kinds of things he did, such as the alliance between Gongsundu, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang brothers in Liaodong, formed a larger force and entrenched in Youzhou.

It didn't have any effect, and it couldn't stop the 13-year war in Jian'an.

I don't know who was sent to stop all forces against him.Stop him from unifying the four counties in Jingnan.

People like Jia Xu and Xun You should be unlikely. These people are quite old and they are Cao Cao's right-hand man. Cao Cao probably can't do without them.

Those who have come to Jingzhou are probably those who are both young and capable.

Who is it?Liu Feng thought for a moment, but he didn't have a clue. Cao Wei's side is full of talents, and there are too many young and capable people.

"Apart from these two families, are everyone else here?" Unable to guess who it was, Liu Feng simply stopped guessing.looked up and asked.

"Well, they're all here. Now they're all placed in the side hall." Xu Zheng nodded.

"Well, send someone to talk to Zhou Shun first, let him control the mansions of the Chen family and the Dong family, and arrest all the people from these two clans. Then, follow me to meet these powerful people." Said With that, Liu Feng stood up.

"No." Xu Zheng responded, and first went out and ordered a guard to find Zhou Shun.Immediately, he went to the side hall with Liu Feng.

In the side hall, there are more than twenty people standing at the moment.

These people have different looks and looks.There are literati types, there are reckless types, and of course there are profiteer types.

There are young people in their twenties and thirties, and there are also old people with gray hair.Most of them had appeared in Chen Xiong and Dong Kuang's rally.

These people did not have the consciousness of coming to the Yamen at all.Those who knew each other had a good relationship, and stood together, discussing why Xu Zheng was looking for them this time.

"Xu Zheng is really baffled. Now that food prices are so good, what can he produce to make us give up such a good opportunity to make money?"

"That's right, more than 20 of us were summoned at one time. Almost all the powerful people in Changsha were included."

Although complaining, they both restrained each other and kept their voices relatively low.

They stopped talking until there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.He turned his gaze to the door.

I saw an imposing young man walking in, and the leader of Changsha, Xu Zheng, followed behind.Immediately aroused the speculation of the crowd.

Who is this young man?

For Liu Feng, most of these illegal profiteers and tyrants are dying people, so naturally they don't care much about their eyes.

Liu Feng went straight to the main seat and sat down, while Xu Zhengze stood aside.

After correcting his sitting posture, Liu Feng raised his head and glanced at the crowd calmly, and asked, "Chen Xiong, Dong Kuang, should you know each other?"

Who was Liu Feng, but the people present couldn't guess.

Because Liu Feng rarely showed up, he kept a low profile.Besides, this is Changsha, not Jiangxia.There are even fewer people who know Liu Feng.

Moreover, none of the people present realized that things in Changsha have become serious.Liu Feng will come in person.

They looked at each other, and one of them came out of the strong.

This man was about 50 to [-] years old, with gray hair and a shrewd look in his eyes.It seems that among the crowd, there is some prestige.

"I wonder who this lord is?" The old man first glanced at Xu Zheng who was standing next to Liu Feng, and then asked Liu Feng cautiously.

It is probably a sensible person who has realized that Liu Feng's identity is not simple and the seriousness of the matter.

"Ancheng is powerful, Li You is a good man with strength and influence." Xu Zheng, who had been the prefect for so many days, knew everything about Changsha's power like the palm of his hand, and immediately whispered to Liu Feng.

Xu Zheng's performance made Li You's pupils shrink.

Such a respectful demeanor, one must know that Xu Zhengnai is actually the prefect of Changsha, even Jiang Wan and others are on the same level as Xu Zhengnai.

Someone who can make Xu Zheng so respectful.

Either Liu Feng's close ministers, or Liu Feng himself.

Liu Feng himself?Among the people present, there finally appeared an understanding person.Realized that it might be Liu Feng himself.

Li You is a powerful man, and also a businessman, very powerful in the local area.As Xu Zheng said, he is a nice guy.

Rarely participate in things like driving up food prices and making huge profits.

But this time, the benefits are too great, too great.Even Li You, an old man, couldn't help but make a move.

Like everyone present, Li You didn't have much fear, because the law does not blame the public.Those present almost represented the mighty forces in Changsha, so it stands to reason that Liu Feng would not eradicate them all.

But at this moment, Liu Feng personally.It made Li You feel a little chilly in his heart.

Good old man?Liu Feng smiled disdainfully in his heart, this good old man is probably only considered a good old man among many powerful people.Among the common people, this man named Li You is still that kind of illegal profiteer.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, do you know Chen Xiong and Dong Kuang? Do you know who the two of them have been in contact with during this time?" Liu Feng asked.

Who did you contact?Li You is a fine person, and immediately guessed something from Liu Feng's words.

Immediately his face changed greatly, and he panicked: "The young one knows these two people, but the young one doesn't know who these two people have come into contact with."

It wasn't just Li You who was smart, there were also some people present, whose complexions also changed drastically.

"What about you?" Liu Feng frowned and asked the rest of the people.

"I don't know." The people present looked at each other and said in unison.

"Arrest them all, interrogate them, and then investigate them. Those who drive up food prices and annex land and disregard people's lives will be killed. All property, fields, and houses will be confiscated. The men will be slaves, and the women will be slaves. Only raise food prices and have a slight reputation." Okay, confiscate most of the property, the fields, and only give a few acres of Susukida to live on."

"In addition, set up a government market, and put all the confiscated grain into the government market to calm the price of food."

After finishing speaking, Liu Feng glanced coldly at the tyrants, and walked out with a flick of his sleeves.

Liu Feng spoke quickly and urgently.The content is ruthless.The people present did not react for a while.Only Li You and a few others were trembling all over, with horrified expressions on their faces.

"Plop." A few people with poor mental capacity even fell to the ground.Limp as mud.

"Chen Xiong, Dong Kuang, you two villains murdered the old man, murdered the old man." Li You's eyes were red and he cursed loudly.

The reactions of several people immediately caused panic.

Many people came forward one after another, crying: "Master Xu, Xu Zong, this is not true, this is not true, you want to kill us? You want to slaughter the tyrants in Changsha?"

Some people laughed wildly and said: "Who is that person? He thinks he is General Yang Wu? Dare to order the killing of the powerful people in Changsha?"

"Joke, joke."

Whether it's crying, or nothing.Xu Zhengdu cast a sympathetic look.

cry?You drive up food prices and cause social unrest.People who have been murdered by you, who can they cry to?

Don't dare to order the slaughter of Changsha tyrants?

What a joke, the lord is a prince.He is a prince with a heavy army in his hand.Those who harm the lord's rule will of course be killed.

"Come here." After pity, Xu Zheng's eyes suddenly changed, and he exuded an official authority.

Following Xu Zheng's words, a group of soldiers immediately poured in outside the door.Heavily armed with swords.

The influx of this group of soldiers like wolves and tigers finally made many people wake up. They were no longer arrogant, and they no longer doubted whether Liu Feng would order the slaughter of the powerful men in Changsha.

All they have in their hearts now is fear.kill?Confiscate all family property and land property.Men are slaves and women are slaves.

Liu Feng's words echoed in everyone's ears.A burst of coldness invaded them.

"Now, we can talk about whether Chen Xiong and Dong Kuang had any contact with anyone a while ago." Xu Zheng sneered.

Three shifts every day for nearly eighty consecutive days.Sanqi couldn't stand it anymore, really couldn't stand it anymore.In the early hours of this morning...the clock ticked, and Chapter 2 was coded out.

If you continue to code, it may be dawn.

After thinking about it, Sanqi should go to bed first, there are only two chapters today.

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