Chapter 370 Second Sima Yi's Plan

After Liu Feng walked out of the side hall, he returned to the hall. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

He went straight to the main seat and waited for the news from Xu Zheng.

About two hours later, Xu Zheng walked in with a look of joy in his eyes.

Liu Feng glanced at it and was refreshed.Asked: "How?"

"My lord, those tyrants really don't know if anyone has contacted Chen Xiong and Dong Kuang. But after I searched Chen and Dong's house, I got some clues from a servant." Xu Zheng smiled.

"What clue?"

"About half a month ago, a literati in his twenties asked for an interview in front of the Chen Mansion. He called himself Sima, and handed a letter to the gatekeeper to bring him into the Chen Mansion. After a while, the person who called himself Sima, He was invited in. This time, when Chen Xiong left Linxiang, everyone who had seen Sima, including the porter, was taken away. However, when a servant passed by, because of his sharp eyes and ears, he heard this. The word Sima." Xu Zheng said.

Xu Zheng didn't notice it, but when he said the word Sima, Liu Feng's eyes burst out with such a fine light.

It was a combination of disbelief, strangeness, and excitement in this light.

It just slowly dimmed, and finally hidden in the eyes.He sighed and said, "I already have some ideas about who that person is, but I'm only looking for it now, and I'm afraid it's too late. This person is no longer in Changsha."

The joy in Xu Zheng's eyes also dissipated when he heard the words, and he was a little depressed.

That's right, even if he knew that the man was Sima, but he left, what's the point?Changsha Sifang, Wuling, Lingling, and Guiyang are not within their control.

"Forget it, this matter, first find out here, you first deal with the affairs of these tyrants, the order I issued, kill, confiscate family property, land property, and future generations will be slaves, nothing can be deducted. I Liu Feng wants Let people know that no matter whether they are powerful or not, powerful or powerful, those who dare to drive up food prices under my rule will not be tolerated." Liu said in a cold voice with a flash of evil spirit on the cover.

"No." Looking at the evil spirit on Liu's cover, Xu Zheng knew that this matter must be done cleanly, without any slack.

After making a promise, Xu Zheng left in a hurry.

After Xu Zheng left, Liu Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.He almost lost his composure just now.Hearing the word Sima, Liu Feng thought of the pervert Sima Yi.

Although there are many people with the same surname Sima in the world, and Sima Yi and several elder brothers are very famous, known as Sima Bada, but in general, Sima Yi is the most perverted.

Is Zhuge Liang good enough?But Zhuge Liang is too genuine and lacks trickery.One aspect can be shown that Zhuge Liang was entrusted by Liu Bei, and when he monopolized the power, he did not usurp the throne.

Too much reputation.

Sima Yi was also an important minister of Emperor Wei Ming, but he usurped the throne.This guy surpassed Zhuge Liang in courage and ambition.

Ambition can make the extraordinary play of ability.

Therefore, Liu Feng felt that Sima Yi, a pervert, was better than Zhuge Liang in some respects.

Moreover, Sima Yi is also a great threat.After Cao Cao's death, Sima Yi took the lead as Cao Pi's friend, and then came to power.

For the southwest side, Jingchu and Yizhou are particularly threatening.With this person there, it can be worth a hundred thousand troops.

Thinking of this, Liu Feng became clear about his purpose for himself.

When Sima Yi went south, he must have been ordered by Cao Cao to disturb Changsha first, and then the power of the entire three counties moved at the right time.

The power of the three counties is nothing, Liu Du, Jin Xuan, and Zhao Fan are really third-rate people, even if they each have their own city and hold [-] to [-] troops.

It is also a mess of loose sand, and when the army arrives, it will be wiped out.

But if Sima Yi reconciles, then it will be difficult.Pingding is certain, at least in terms of strength, Liu Feng definitely has the upper hand.

The quality of the army, as well as the talents and generals, all have the upper hand.

Even if this matter is handed over to Pang Tong, I'm afraid it will be done beautifully.It's just that it will take some time to really pacify the three counties.

The existence of Sima Yi is to delay his control of the four counties in Jingnan, forming a situation where he relies on the Yangtze River to resist Cao Cao.

Liu Feng guessed this.But there is nothing to do, because Sima Yi is capable enough to do this.It really takes a lot of effort to pacify the three counties in a short period of time.It may not be guaranteed to drag on for half a year.

However, Liu Feng was not discouraged.Because Liu Feng also has advantages, he knows Sima Yi's ability, Sima Yi's existence, and attaches great importance to Sima Yi.

At this point, it has the upper hand.

And what Liu Feng had to do now was not simply to capture the four counties in Jingnan, but to capture Sima Yi alive, and the last time he wanted to kill this pervert.

There are many talents in Wei State. In the early stage, there were five good generals, Cao Ren and other generals of the Cao family and Xiahou family, and even Xun Yu, who were like clouds.

There are also many people in the mid-term, Cao Xiu, Xia Houshang, Cao Zhen, Zhang Jai and so on.In the later stage, there are Deng Ai, Zhong Hui and so on.

But among these people, Sima Yi is still one of the most outstanding characters, a great man who traversed the early, middle and late stages of Cao Wei.

Killing this person will have far-reaching consequences.

Now that Cao Cao sent this kind of character to his door, if he couldn't capture him alive or kill him, he would be heartbroken.

But to kill, or capture Sima Yi alive.First of all, it is necessary to know the whereabouts of this guy.

The seriousness in Liu Feng's eyes flashed away, and then he shouted towards the door: "Come on, find Kou for me."

"No." A promise sounded from outside the door.Not long after, Kou Shui walked in.

"Master." After entering the door, Kou Shui bowed to Liu Feng.The eyes are full of respect.

Liu Feng is very satisfied with this retainer of the Kou family.Hardworking and loyal.When doing things, he is very rigorous.

"Go back to Xiling immediately, go to Pang Tong's office, and recruit 150 strong and clever soldiers. Three Dubos, fifteen Shichang. Scattered to Lingling, Wuling, and Guiyang counties, pay attention to a [-]-year-old soldier , dressed as a literati, very dignified, a person whose surname is Sima." Liu Feng ordered.

"Here, my lord, with 150 people, it is really a needle in a haystack to find one person in such a large three counties with a population of 10." Kou Shui's excellent personality of obedience is also very good for Liu Feng's orders. It is embarrassing.hesitated.

Of course Liu Feng knew that he was looking for a needle in a haystack, so there was no other way now.Anyway, this opportunity is rare, if Sima Yi runs away, Liu Feng will be heartbroken.

Even if it is a stupid method, use it.

However, 150 people in such a large area of ​​hundreds of counties in three counties is indeed a little less.

After thinking for a while, Liu Feng's heart moved.If Sima Yi wants to unite the three counties, he must first put on Cao Cao's signboard.In other words, Liu Du, Jin Xuan, and Zhao Fan's prefect's mansion is the best surveillance location.

"The scope is reduced, just three counties, especially the prefect's mansion. Keep a close eye on it to see if the person I described comes in or out. He is in his twenties, with a very handsome appearance and an extraordinary bearing." Liu Feng Look up at Kou Waterway.

"No." Seeing that Liu Feng lowered the difficulty, Kou Shui breathed a sigh of relief and responded.

Afterwards, he bowed to Liu Feng and withdrew.

"Find the person first, and then find an opportunity to kill or capture him." After Kou Shui left, Liu Feng murmured.

What happened to Sima Yi greatly shocked Liu Feng.I am also looking forward to the result, but whether it succeeds or not, chances and chances are very big.

Now that the arrangements are made, just wait for the news.

Therefore, Liu Feng temporarily put this matter behind him.The situation in Changsha was basically settled. Those who controlled food prices and made huge profits were almost killed.

If the grain is released again, the price of grain in the market will definitely return to normal.

Liu Feng settled down and decided to go to Luo County to settle his uncle's affairs.

A while later, Liu Feng ordered Chen Da to take the soldiers of the [-] Po Army and the Second Battalion of the God Arm with him, and head to Luo County together.

It's not that Liu Feng made a big fuss, he had to bring the strongest strength with him when he went out.Instead, there are three hostile forces around Changsha.

It is not impossible for someone to send dozens of dead men to attack him after receiving the information.Therefore, Liu Feng's alert army must be large and fine.

Luo County is very close to Linxiang, where Changsha is governed, and soon Liu Feng arrived near Luo County.

Looking at the county seat of Luo County, Liu Feng recalled some memories.Back then, I came to Luo County nervously with confusion about the future.

Uncle Liu Bi received him and gave him a sum of gold.Instead, his clan's property was taken over by others.In a rage, he killed the past.

Afterwards, the parents were paid homage to, and the root system was found in the surname Kou.He decided to return to Kou's family after he had a son, and to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan.

Thinking of the past, Liu Feng bragged a bit.In just over a year, in just over a year, his power has expanded to a height that is difficult for others to match.

But the effort put in is quite considerable.Think back then, how powerful the people around him were, Liu Biao, Sun Quan, Cao Cao, any of them could crush him to death.

Thinking back to the beginning, Liu Feng couldn't help but shudder, but luckily he still came over.

Now Liu Biao is dead, Sun Quan is disabled, and only Cao Cao is still strong.The situation can be said to be very good.

In retrospect, the village where my uncle Liu Bizhuangzi lives has already been seen from a distance.

From a distance, Liu Feng saw a large camp standing next to the village, and the entrance of the village was also blocked by a group of soldiers.

Liu Feng was not nervous about his uncle Liu Mi being kidnapped here, and the reason why he was delayed in Linxiang for two or three days was that the gang of thieves who kidnapped Liu Mi were not vicious.

Under Huo Jun's mobilization, a tacit agreement has been reached with the thieves occupying Zhuangzi.

Both sides are overly persecuting. In other words, Liu Mi's life is safer now, in a more secure environment.

And now Liu Feng's arrival is to solve this problem.

In addition, Liu Feng also has some considerations about the future of his uncle Liu Mi.For example, to become an official.

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