Chapter 370 Three Solutions

For a long time, the civil servants under Liu Feng's account were very scarce. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Some newly promoted officials are worried.Second, there is no dedicated selection system.If there is no county magistrate, how can there be a sheriff?

In the past, people like Ma Liang supported it.

But now, his territory is expanding. Although there is Sima Yi in the three counties, he must get it anyway.

At that time, the selection of the sheriff will be a matter for Soyo.

One Zhang Dao and the other Xu Tian are both candidates in Liu Feng's heart.But it only adds up to two.As for uncle Liu Mi, his talent and learning are not bad, he is also old, and his determination is strong enough.The most important thing is that he is an uncle.

It was like this in ancient times, talented people are not as good as trustworthy people.What's more, just to be a sheriff, mediocre talent is enough, don't need to be too powerful.

So, the purpose of coming to Changsha this time is to solve the tyranny, calm down the food price, and also to deal with the plague. Besides saving uncle Liu Mi, there is also the meaning of using Liu Mi.

However, these things still have to be rescued from Liu Mi first.

Thinking about being hijacked, but wanting him to become an official.Liu Feng laughed a little.

Soon the carriage approached the entrance of the village. At this time, there were no single soldiers guarding the entrance of the village. Huo Jun, who led the news, had also arrived at the entrance of the village, ready to welcome Liu Feng.

"My lord." When the team stopped and Liu Feng got off the carriage, Huo Jun greeted him.

"Excuse me." Liu Feng stretched out his hands for a little support, and saw Huo Jun get up under his gesture.Liu Fengcai looked at Huo Jun carefully.

Under Liu Biao's account, this guy was just a small man who commanded hundreds of people, but on his side he was the Sima of another department who commanded five thousand troops.

As the saying goes, a person's ability and temperament are in direct contrast to the stage on which he can perform.Now Huo Jun, who is in command of 5000 people, has a little more confidence, a little calmness, and a little majesty.

Simply put, like a famous general.

After a few glances, Liu Feng was quite satisfied, but now is not the time to reminisce about the past.Liu Feng pondered for a moment and asked, "How's the situation inside?"

"The thief leader, Wu Ba, is very stubborn. He has no intention of surrendering at all when he kidnapped Mr. Liu. Even if I compromised, he said that as long as he let Mr. Liu go, he would forget the past, and he ignored it." Huo Junnai said .

That Wu Ba was the one who had his wife and children killed by Hao Qiang, and then called his friends to kill Hao Qiang.

After killing Haoqiang, this Wu Ba ran to Liu Mi's Zhuangzi for some reason and killed him.But it didn't hurt anyone.

"Go and see." These things are similar to Liu Feng's understanding, and they are not helpful to Liu Feng.Liu Feng decided to go to see the thief first.

"No." Huo Jun complied, and then ordered the soldiers guarding the entrance of the village to step aside and walked in with Liu Feng.

Liu Feng had a vague impression of this village. He had lived in this village for several days.

However, unlike what I remembered, the village was very quiet and there were no children playing.The doors of every house were closed.Liu Feng knew in his heart that it was because there were more soldiers in the village.

Liu Feng could vaguely feel that through the door, countless eyes were focused on him.

Mixed with curiosity, awe.

This is also the reason why Liu Feng seldom goes out. It is really uncomfortable to meet this kind of gaze when he goes out.Therefore, Liu Feng spends all year round with his wives and concubines in the backyard, or reads books in the study.

Handle official duties.

However, there are also some disadvantages. Although this life seems boring, the women enjoy the most high-end food and take care of it meticulously.And the most important thing is that great power.

Because of a momentary feeling, Liu Feng remembered this.Soon, Liu Feng got rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to look at these gazes.

Soon, Liu Feng arrived outside Liu Mi's Zhuangzi.

Zhuangzi's gate was closed tightly, and the plaque on the gate was crooked.Several soldiers stood around.Liu Feng sighed, if it weren't for him, this uncle wouldn't have suffered a disaster.

Although Liu Feng didn't know the reason, he also knew that Wu Ba hijacked Liu Mi, so he might have something to do with it.

"Go and call that thief over, and say that I want to talk to him." After looking around, Liu Feng turned his head and said to Huo Jun.

Huo Jun nodded, took a step forward, reached out to knock on the door, and shouted: "Wu Zhuangshi, my lord is here, please call me back."

Huo Jun's voice was so loud that the whole Zhuangzi could hear it logically.

But it was very quiet inside, and the people inside had no intention of answering at all, until Liu Feng got a little impatient.

A hesitant voice came from inside Zhuangzi, "But, General Yang Wu and Liu are out?"

"Exactly." Liu Feng stepped forward and replied.

After Liu Feng answered, there was only a squeak, and the closed door opened.A figure walked out of it. This man was tall and tall, but his face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was deeply tired.

When this middle-aged man came out, he aroused the vigilance of a group of soldiers, and suddenly clenched the weapons in their hands, and the murderous aura around him became stronger.

But the man didn't care. After looking around, he turned his attention to Liu Feng.

In the eyes of this man, Liu Feng is quite dignified.

With an extremely heroic face, a burly physique, and a straight standing posture, he wears it on his body.All kinds of aura formed made the man believe that the young man in front of him was Liu Feng.

After believing that the man in front of him was Liu Feng, the man immediately became excited.

"Little Wu Ba has met the general." Amidst Liu Feng's unexpected expression, the man knelt down in front of Liu Feng and kowtowed.

"Strong man, please get up." Liu Feng looked at this man in surprise. It seemed that this man had no hostility towards him, but he didn't dare to approach him rashly, but instead supported him with both hands.

"Thank you, General." Wu Ba kowtowed again before standing up.After standing up, he looked at Liu Feng with reverence.

"Respect?" Liu Feng was confused.

Under Liu Feng's suspicious eyes, Wu Ba trembled and said, "The little one is originally a hunter in the village..."

In Wu Ba's trembling voice, Liu Feng could hear the general idea.After this Wu Ba gathered a crowd to kill Hao Qiang, he knew that he had caused trouble, and his heart was ashamed.

He intends to commit suicide, but there are many friends in the village who follow him to kill.These people all have families.Wu Ba couldn't bear them to die with him.

He also happened to remember that there was a family here, which was Liu Feng's uncle, so he brought someone to kill him.

However, he didn't dare to hurt others, and he didn't dare to show any disrespect to Liu Mi.

Wu Ba was quite flexible and courageous. After robbing Liu Mi, he wanted to ask Liu Feng to forgive their sins.

Liu Feng frowned after listening.But I still tried to keep my voice steady, "If I let you go today, everyone in the world will follow suit, robbing my relatives and threatening me. How can I be safe?"

"The young one knows that a small crime cannot be pardoned. Therefore, the young one is willing to go up to the head to wash away the sins. The young one just wants to ask the general to bypass the young partner. There are old and young in their family. If they are implicated, the family will definitely be difficult to maintain. "Speaking, Wu Ba lowered his head deeply, feeling very ashamed.

Liu Feng really had some respect for this man.It turns out that doing evil is not for oneself.

In addition, this man respected him quite a lot in words, and he was the direct beneficiary of digging deep wells, strengthening river channels, and resisting natural disasters.

In addition, Liu Feng's investigation of this Wu Ba is very clear, and his family background is clean.It's just a heart of love.

But letting it go is a disaster, just like what Liu Feng said before.Bad for domination.

After thinking about it, Liu Feng decided to make a compromise.

"Actually, the tyrants you killed, after the disaster, drove up food prices and made huge profits. It is indeed abominable. I came to Changsha this time for this purpose. At this moment, after the trial of Xu Zheng in Changsha, those arrogant tyrants have almost survived. , beheaded in the city." As he spoke, Liu Feng looked up at Wu Ba, and saw that Wu Ba's eyebrows were very excited, and his gaze became even more reverent.

"Although this is the case, it is indeed wrong for you to kill people. Although there are excusable circumstances, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped. Your partners will have to serve three years of corvee to clear their guilt. As for you."

Having said that, Liu Feng paused.

As for Liu Feng's words, Wu Ba was already overjoyed.Compared with their crimes, the three years of corvee is really light.

He no longer has any worries in his heart.Therefore, Wu Ba stopped at Liu Feng and said without hesitation: "I would like to help the general deter Changsha with my head."

"My majesty doesn't need the head of a little person like you to increase. Besides, it's a pity to kill you. After all, I have eaten such a big one for food, and it is still so strong." Liu Feng smiled slightly.

Immediately, he suddenly put away his smile and said, "Wu Ba obeys orders."

"The little one is here." Wu Ba was taken aback for a moment, and then responded.

"Nian you are eager for revenge, and you kill the wicked. Capital crimes can be avoided, but punishment is inevitable. You will be twenty years old, and you will serve in the military for ten years, so as to serve as an example to others." Liu Fengfeng said with a smile.

I thought today's matter would take some trouble in the south.But I didn't expect to meet Wu Ba who is quite loyal and respects him very much.

Liu Feng was in a good mood.

"No." Wu Ba was stunned. He really didn't expect that after he killed Liu Feng and hijacked Liu Feng's uncle, he would be forgiven by Liu Feng.

It's just that there is no ecstasy in his heart, after all his wife and children are already dead, and he has no intention of surviving.But at this moment, a desire to survive rose in Wu Ba's heart.

Ten years of military service.And still, give General Yang Wu Liu Feng, who has lived countless people in Changsha, to serve in the military.

Wu Ba made up his mind to do his best to finish his military service.

Liu Feng looked at Wu Ba's resolute face, smiled slightly, and then remembered something, turned to Huo Jun and said: "The sinner Wu Ba has already been executed, and his party members have died. In Changsha County, spread the news wantonly. To deter those The rebellious Xiaoxiao."

This is Liu Feng's compromise.People are alive, but nominally dead.To deter Changsha.

"No." Huo Jun comprehended and promised.

"Call yourself from Jiangxia from now on, don't call yourself from Changsha." After instructing Huo Jun, Liu Feng smiled at Wu Ba.

"Thank you, General." Wu Ba said with a puff, kneeling down again.

Accept a man who is daring and loyal.Liu Feng was in a really good mood, and looked up at Zhuangzi.

Uncle, how are you?

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