Chapter 370

Now that Wu Ba had joined the army, his fellow villagers were naturally taken away by the army. (Apex novels hand-made novels) Served in corvée until the end of the sentence.

Liu Feng also met Liu Mi as he wished.

Wearing a blue robe outside, he was in good spirits, but with tears in his eyes, he was very excited to see Liu Feng standing with his head held high.

"Uncle." In the hall, Liu Feng bowed deeply to Liu Mi.

"Okay, okay." Liu Bi took a few steps forward, stretched out his hands to support Liu Feng, and said two good words repeatedly.

At this moment, Liu Mi's excitement was not unreasonable. Thinking back, when Liu Feng was kicked out, he was really down and out.At that time, Liu Feng's idea was not to attack Jiangxia and stand on his own, but to seek refuge with Liu Biao for protection.

With Liu Feng's character, he had to bow his head to Liu Biao.The dire situation can be seen.

But since Liu Feng left Changsha and beheaded Huang She, he has made great strides all the way.Not only did Jiang Xia secure a firm foothold, but he also expanded his territory and saved such a large family business.

Liu Mi is proud, more than proud.This is his nephew.

Liu Mi also regretted handing Liu Feng to Liu Bei at the beginning. It takes a deep sea to take off for a dragon. It is a waste of time to put it in a small place like Xinye.

"Uncle is very pleased that Feng'er can achieve today's achievements. Finally, I have not let your dead parents down." Liu Mi said excitedly.

"My nephew is today thanks to my uncle's support." Liu Feng shook his head.

These words are not polite. At the beginning, Liu Mi gave him thousands of gold, which not only gave him start-up funds, but also gave Liu Feng confidence.

As he spoke, Liu Feng supported Liu Mi, walked a few steps, and sat down on the main seat, while he himself sat on the side.

Liu Mi shook her head and said, "I don't have any support. I have no connections and no ability."

Liu Feng's heart moved, and he said seriously: "When I return to Luo County this time, apart from worrying about my uncle's safety, I also want to ask my uncle one thing."

"Oh?" Liu Mi looked at Liu Feng in surprise. According to the current situation, this nephew's power and ability are already extremely strong, surpassing him by too much, what else can he ask for?

"Now my nephew is sitting on the three counties of Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and Changsha, and his wings are gradually growing. He has a relationship with Jingchu and Cai Junshi. He is expanding westward and attacking the three counties of Lingling, Wuling, and Guiyang." Said. Then, Liu Feng glanced at Liu Mi, and Liu Mi showed some thoughtful light

Liu Feng was overjoyed, and continued: "Uncle also knows that I rose too hastily. Although I seem to be full-fledged, I don't have enough background, and there are few people I can trust. It's really hard to vacate the land of the three counties all at once. I can't find anyone I trust to manage it, so I want to ask my uncle to go out and manage a county."

After speaking, Liu Feng looked at Liu Mi expectantly.

Liu Mi smiled wryly. He came from a wealthy family and visited famous teachers in his early years.I learned some skills, but ended up living in seclusion in Changsha.In addition to loathing the darkness of officialdom, he also has a quiet temperament and doesn't like to move.

Regarding Liu Feng's request, Liu Mi was very unwilling to accept it.

But thinking about this nephew was also very embarrassing, and he didn't do anything to help.So he gritted his teeth, thinking about giving up the hundred pounds.

As a cornerstone for the nephew, it is good to do some modest efforts.

"For my nephew, I'm an uncle." After a while, Liu Bi nodded.But then, You Nai said: "Uncle, I have never set foot in the officialdom, I am afraid I am not experienced enough."

Seeing Liu Mi nodding in response, Liu Feng was really happy in his heart.The joining of Liu Mi added another brick to the power he had built with his own hands.

For Liu Mi's self-proclaimed inexperience, Liu Feng didn't take it seriously.He smiled and said: "For being an official, no one is born with it. They all get used to it slowly. My nephew believes that with my uncle's intelligence, he will be qualified for the post of county guard. Moreover, if the four counties are captured, when the time comes , there will be no wars in the south of the Yangtze River, and uncle only needs to guard the county and take care of it."

Liu Mi automatically ignored the first half of Liu Feng's sentence. If he was really smart, he would not be famous at all.

As for the second half of the sentence, Liu Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no war, as long as we abide by our duties and let the county officials operate on their own, it will be fine.This kind of thing is really easier to get started.

Then the nephew and uncle went to have serious words and said some light words.

Suddenly, Liu Mi remembered something and asked, "What is my nephew going to do with that Wu Ba?"

"Slighter punishment." Thinking of Wu Ba, Liu Feng showed some smiles on his face, and told Liu Mi what happened outside.

"That strong man is also desolate." After hearing this, Liu Mi said with a little relief on his face.

Although Wu Ba captured his Zhuangzi, he did not commit any offense to him.Liu Mi also appreciates Wu Ba's temperament of emphasizing love and righteousness.

Seeing that Wu Ba doesn't have to be beheaded now, he is naturally relieved.

The two sat in the hall for almost half a day, until it was getting late and their aunt came in to invite them to have a meal, and they realized that it was getting late.

After eating the meal, Liu Mi persuaded Liu Feng to stay in Luo County for a few days.Liu Feng agreed.

In the next few days, Liu Feng took the time to go to Kou's ancestral grave to pay respects to his parents and grandparents.It was a rare and peaceful day.

But the situation outside, especially Sima Yi.It was really hard for Liu Feng to feel at ease. After staying for a few days, Liu Feng set off to return to Linxiang.

Different from when he came, when he went back, he brought not only his uncle's family, but also Wu Ba, a strong man.

Because of Kou Shui's absence, Liu Feng handed Wu Ba over to a higher-ranking member of the soldiers to teach him these days.

This man is athletic and willing to learn.Moreover, he values ​​love and righteousness, and is very frank in getting along with others.Soon, he gained a firm foothold among Liu Feng's personal soldiers.

Liu Feng was so happy, Wu Ba was still very attractive to him.

After returning to Linxiang, Liu Feng immediately found Xu Zheng.

In the hall of the prefect's mansion, Liu Feng sat in the main seat, and Liu Mi and Xu Tian sat in the side seats.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the decadence on Xu Zheng's face disappeared, and he was very energetic.Obviously, Xu Zheng was very angry after killing all those tyrants who got in the way these days.

"This is Liu Mi, my uncle. I will be the chief bookkeeper of Changsha for the time being, so as to accumulate more experience. In addition, I will write an official document later and officially promote you to the governor of Changsha." Liu Feng first asked Xu Zheng to arrange Liu Mi.

Although Liu Feng trusts Liu Mi, it is impossible to do it all at once. It is necessary to start with the master book and gradually accumulate experience.

What's more, the three counties have not yet been obtained, and they are still far away.

"Promise." Xu Zheng's face turned solemn when he heard the words, and he replied in a deep voice.

The promotion to the county guard was expected.Liu Feng had hinted at him many days ago.It was Liu Mi who caught Xu Zheng's heart.

Liu Feng's uncle, this status is enough for Xu Zheng to take seriously.

As he said that, Xu Zheng raised his fist at Liu Mi, and Liu Mi returned the salute with a smile, the two of them had met.

This matter is also arranged.Liu Feng remembered something else.

"How's the food price in Changsha recently? How about the plague situation?" Liu Feng asked, but he remembered that after beheading many powerful people, it should have worked.

"My lord, after killing those tyrannical powers, on the one hand, they confiscated several grains and put them into the market, and opened official warehouses to distribute grains. At present, the grains in Changsha have returned to the previous level, and there are even some grains compared with before. It's cheap. Food prices have dropped, and the people have regained their stability." Xu Zheng thought for a moment before replying.

"Yeah." Liu Feng nodded, basically as expected.

People in this era can feel at ease when they have food, which can have the effect of social stability.It is extremely correct to kill Hao Qiang by means of thunder.

Seeing Liu Feng nodding, Xu Zheng was relieved.Immediately, he raised his fist and said, "As for the plague, since a prescription has been developed, it has been controlled within a certain range."

"Oh?" This was beyond Liu Feng's expectation.

Although there are records of general plagues and common prescriptions, not every plague is the same disease.

This time, it was extraordinary.

When Liu Feng first arrived, no less than a thousand people in the Changsha area had been infected.Although it has been isolated, the situation is not optimistic.

Because you can't prescribe the right medicine.It can only be supported by the physique of the people. If you are in good health, you can survive, and if you are not good, you can only survive to death.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, there was a prescription.

After being surprised for a moment, Liu Feng was replaced by joy.The plague can be controlled by prescribing the right medicine, and the deaths of the people can be reduced.

The horrible situation of tens of thousands of people dying at once has been eliminated.It is really gratifying and fortunate.For the person who developed the prescription.Liu Feng was also very grateful.

"Who is the person who developed the prescription?" Liu Feng asked, paused, and said: "Let people record his name and spread it all over Changsha, so that the whole Changsha knows his merits. In addition, he will reward him with a hundred gold as a reward." Of."

For such a doctor who can live several lives, Liu Feng is not stingy at all.

"Promise." Liu Feng spoke quickly and urgently, so Xu Zheng had no choice but to promise.Then he replied: "Speaking of which, the doctor has some connections with Changsha. He used to be the prefect of Changsha..."

Liu Feng's whole body was shocked, his eyes glowed brightly.

"Mr. Zhang Zhongjing?"

"My lord knows this old gentleman?" Xu Zheng asked in surprise.

"Is that the genius doctor who cured the only son of the old general Huang Zhong?" Liu Mi, who had been silent by the side, said thoughtfully.

He vaguely remembered what Liu Feng used to lure Huang Zhong to go to the north.

"Exactly." Liu Feng smiled at Liu Mi, and then sighed: "Thanks to that old gentleman, I was able to save Huang Xu, making..."

Having said that, Liu Feng suddenly stopped talking.If I go on talking about it, I'm afraid it will give people a feeling that Huang Zhong can only be accepted because he saved Huang Xu.

Although this is the case, it cannot be passed on.

As for Zhang Zhongjing, Liu Feng admired him very much.A genius doctor of the Han family, a figure in the annals of celebrities.

Thinking of Zhang Zhongjing, some plans that had been rotten in Liu Feng's mind gradually recovered.

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