Chapter 370

The medical conditions in this era are very backward, and Liu Feng deeply understands this.Just like in the past, Mi's body is weak, although she has been recuperated for a long time, she still looks like that, and even Mi's infertility may have something to do with it.

Or, just like in front of you, a so-called plague will kill tens of thousands of people.The end is appalling.

Therefore, Liu Feng had his own government early on and established a government-run medical clinic.Taking a person with high medical skills as the ancestor, recruiting apprentices, spreading branches and leaves.

Improve the level of medical treatment as a whole, so that diseases that can be cured can be cured, and people who can live can continue to live.

This is starting from another aspect, saving the lives of the people and achieving the goal of increasing the population from the side.

However, Liu Feng has no research on Western medicine, so Liu Feng himself can't do it.Ordinary people can't see it.Although I met Zhang Zhongjing, I was not sure to persuade this old man with high medical skills.

Therefore, the plan was delayed.

And now I meet Zhang Zhongjing again, especially during the plague.The old man has the heart of a doctor and is very lenient.It must be unbearable to see the plague raging in front of you.

Persuasion, there is a bit of a chance of winning.

After thinking about it for a moment, Liu Feng solemnly said to Xu Zheng: "First, send someone to spread the news about Mr. Zhang Zhongjing's development of the prescription to the three counties. Then, you take me to see the old man yourself."

"No." Xu Zheng nodded, first went outside the door to give orders, and then turned back.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Xu Zheng, Liu Feng went to Zhang Zhongjing's place.But Liu Mi didn't follow because he was a little tired.

Three miles to the east of Linxiang City, there is a simple dwelling.The area is large, but still well organized.

At this moment, more than a thousand patients are piled up in the residence, including young and old.With the exception of these people, they all have sallow complexions and staring eyes.

There is a strong medicinal smell all around.

However, some people know that the current situation is much better than the previous few days. The more than 1000 people in the previous few days were really miserable, almost waiting to die.At least there is hope now.

All because of an old man.

An old man with some entourage appeared among the patients from time to time, feeling the pulse and brewing medicine.

Led by Xu Zheng, Liu Feng's carriage came nearby.

When approaching the simple residence, Liu Feng saw an old man with gray hair, who was constantly busy treating illnesses and saving lives.

The old man's head is gray, but his face is red. It is Zhang Zhongjing.

Liu Feng got out of the car and wanted to get closer.But Xu Zheng stopped him. "My lord, there are too many patients ahead, it's not suitable to enter. I'll send someone to call the old man out first."

Although Liu Feng didn't take it seriously, he was young and strong after all, and had a certain resistance to the plague.Moreover, the prescription has also been developed.Not a big problem.

But considering, if it is really infected, it will be really uncomfortable.So he gave up the idea of ​​going in, nodded and said: "Go."

Although he agreed, Liu Feng still warned: "Don't be rude, please use it."

"No." Xu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, it would be terrible if Liu Feng insisted on going in.Immediately, Xu Zheng turned his head and told a small official beside him to go in and ask Zhang Zhongjing to come out.

Regarding Liu Feng's exhortations, he also told the little official verbatim.Immediately, he ordered the little official to leave.

This little official was used by Xu Zheng's side, very obedient and well-behaved.And ordered him to please.

When Xu Zheng wanted to come, it should be a matter of his grasp.

But unexpectedly, not long after, the little official came back with a dejected expression on his face.

"My lord, my lord, the old gentleman said that he wants to cure diseases and save people, so he has no time to pay attention to it, pay attention to it." At the end of the speech, the little official stuttered.

But the meaning is still clearly expressed.

Xu Zheng was furious when he heard the words, and said: "The majestic General Yang Wu is here, how dare he be so negligent. Come here, go and bring him here."

Xu Zheng could be regarded as Liu Feng's confidant, and he was the most loyal to Liu Feng, but when he saw someone neglecting Liu Feng, he became furious for a while.

"No." Under Xu Zheng's majesty, the clerk trembled, and immediately nodded.

"Wait." Liu Feng called to stop the little official.The little official stopped immediately when he heard the words, and looked at Liu Feng suspiciously.Xu Zheng also had this kind of gaze.

"The old man has a heart of benevolence, but this time I have entrusted him with it." Liu Feng shook his head and said.

I remembered that when I was in Xiangyang, Zhang Zhongjing was terminally ill because of pity for Huang Xu at a young age.Not only were they taken in and treated for treatment, but they were also inseparable.

People like this value human life the most.Come and see him, maybe he can save several people.In other words, in Zhang Zhongjing's heart, patients are more important than him.

Liu Feng was not angry but happy. Doctors who heal diseases and save lives must have this kind of disposition.That's him.Medical sage Zhang Zhongjing.

Too big?Xu Zheng looked at Liu Feng with some doubts, not knowing why.Among the three counties, Liu Feng is the largest, so there is no such thing as arrogance.

But Xu Zheng looked at Liu Feng not only without the slightest anger, but with a smile on his face.I endured my doubts.

However, my heart admired Liu Feng.

The person who invites you with a good voice does not come to see him.Not only was he not angry, but he was smiling.This kind of heart is really broad.

Far from what the narrow minded can have.

Thinking of this, Xu Zheng's resentment towards Zhang Zhongjing's attitude of neglecting Liu Feng also faded a lot.

No matter how arrogant he is, it only brings out the heart of the general in front of him.

"Send someone to watch day and night, and wait for the patients here to be empty. Then invite this old gentleman over. Remember, please, don't be rude." Liu Feng stopped here for a while before getting into the carriage.And commanded.

"No." Xu Zheng replied, and glanced at the busy white old man in the distance.Taking a long breath, he ordered the chariots and horses to return to Linxiang City.

After returning to Linxiang, Liu Feng became the protagonist who never left home again.

In the next few days, Liu Feng did not bother Zhang Zhongjing, but paid close attention to the situation in Wuling, Lingling and Guiyang counties.

The most important thing is Sima Yi's situation. A few days ago, the Japanese invaders had dispersed 150 clever soldiers selected by the army to the three counties' offices and county towns.

There are 50 people in each city, led by Du Bo, who pay close attention to the prefect's mansion and investigate Sima Yi's movements.Then Wu Ba was also included in this list, because Liu Feng felt that it was a bit of a shame to hide Wu Ba in his own soldiers.

It's just that after sending these people out, there has been no news.

However, Liu Feng didn't care too much.When the situation cannot be opened, the consideration is patience.As long as Liu Feng feels that Sima Yi is still in Jingnan, he is still planning something.

Just be firm that you can kill or capture Sima Yi alive.

But having said that, it is still very interesting to find that guy Sima Yi out, and Liu Feng is not lacking in patience.

This wait is half a month.

Within half a month, the spies sent to the three counties did not report any news.

However, Liu Feng did not succeed in everything, and finally there was news from Zhang Zhongjing.The more than 1000 patients infected with the plague either died or were rescued because of their incapacity.

It's finally over.

Today, the sun is shining.It's almost winter, and it's very refreshing to have such a comfortable weather.

In Linxiang City, in the study of the Taishou Mansion, Liu Feng was wearing more formal clothes.Look up to the right.And in that direction, sat an old man.

Zhang Zhongjing and Liu Feng met once half a month ago, but today they are different.

Zhang Zhongjing's face was no longer flushed, his complexion was a little pale, and his eyes were full of exhaustion.

In half a month, together with some attendants and other doctors, he cured more than 1000 patients infected with the plague.Especially at this age.

Liu Feng admired Zhang Zhongjing more and more.

"It's extremely difficult to meet the old man." Liu Feng smiled slightly and joked.

"There were too many seriously ill people that day, and the little old man was a little impatient. If there is any offence, please don't blame the general." Zhang Zhongjing said seriously.

Zhang Zhongjing was not a person who didn't understand the world, and he refused to meet Liu Feng that day, because the situation was urgent and his life was at stake.It's not that Zhang Zhongjing has any arrogance.

At this moment, Liu Feng made a joke, and he also expressed his apology.

"Human life is at stake, Mr. Healer heals heart, how can I blame him?" Liu Feng smiled indifferently.

"Besides, I took that kid Huang Xu to Xiangyang that day, and it was because of my husband's heart as a doctor that I was able to save that kid."

See Liu Feng's demeanor and lenient tone.Zhang Zhongjing also breathed a sigh of relief.In fact, Zhang Zhongjing's impression of Liu Feng is a bit vague.There are too many people saved in my life, and Liu Feng is just one of them, very inconspicuous.

Until now, Zhang Zhongjing recalled that there was such a person as Huang Xu.

The reason why Zhang Zhongjing breathed a sigh of relief was because he knew that on this one-third-acre land in Changsha, no one could offend the person in front of him if he offended anyone.It's best not to worry about it.

However, Zhang Zhongjing is also a little tired of this situation.He really hates dealing with powerful people.

You must have your own principles, but you must not offend these people.It was really hard work.

In fact, this time Zhang Zhongjing went south because of this. He originally wanted to go directly to Jiaozhou. The local political situation is stable and there is no turmoil, which is very suitable for cultivation.

Zhang Zhongjing intends to write about medical skills there, and write his own skills into a work handed down from generation to generation, which will be a blessing for all generations.

However, because I had been a prefect in Changsha for several years, I was a little nostalgic, so I passed by Changsha.I don't want to encounter floods and be trapped.Then, fearing that there might be a plague, they stayed.

Now that I think about it, the original decision was wise. As expected, there was a plague in Changsha.Fortunately, he was able to find out the symptoms and prescribe the right medicine.

Many people were saved.

Zhang Zhongjing's face was mixed with relief and satisfaction, which made Liu Feng stunned.But then he seemed to think of something, showing a bright smile.

Said: "I have a proposal, which can save the blessings of the world and make it famous forever. I don't know what the old man agrees with?"

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