Chapter 370 Six Leaves the Medical Sage (Second Change)

Everlasting fame?When Zhang Zhongjing heard this, Gu Jingbo's heart couldn't help but fluctuate a bit.

Although Zhang Zhongjing has a heart of medical ethics and benevolence, he is still limited to the trend of this era, and he still has a certain desire for such things as leaving his name in history.

But as I get older, this desire is very weak.After a little fluctuation, it tends to be flat.

"Let's talk, general." However, Zhang Zhongjing still gave Liu a cover and raised his fist.

Zhang Zhongjing's expression became dull, and Liu Feng could tell that this old gentleman was not too attached to being immortal.He sighed secretly.

But it doesn't matter, Du Shaochen and generals have said it all.Let alone a medical saint.

In Liu Fengxin, there are very few talents who can't be recruited. The reason why they can't be recruited is simply because they haven't grasped their weaknesses.

But Zhang Zhongjing's weakness is also obvious.

"I want to build a medical clinic in Xiling, and hire an old man to sit in it." Liu Feng smiled slightly.

Liu Feng's words made Zhang Zhongjing frowned, secretly thinking that Liu Feng wanted to keep him in captivity, only to serve Liu Feng alone and his family.

Because the rich and powerful hinted at him in the early years, Zhang Zhongjing was so angry that he lived in seclusion in the countryside.

Therefore, Zhang Zhongjing was quite disgusted with what Liu Feng said.

"I am very grateful for the general's love." Zhang Zhongjing said something first, and then tactfully said: "It's just that I want to devote myself to writing a book of medical skills recently. Therefore, I hope that I can calm down and avoid the secular world. I want to avoid Jiaozhou."

Liu Feng was startled, he didn't expect Zhang Zhongjing to have come this far.I remember that according to historical records, Zhang Zhongjing avoided Jiaozhou during the last part of his life and wrote a book Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases.It was this book that earned Zhang Zhongjing the title of Medical Sage.

It is also the difference between Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, a genius doctor who is also famous in the world at the same time in this era.

Although Hua Tuo was a god, he was only active in one era, and his actual influence was really limited.But Zhang Zhongjing is different. His theory of treatise on febrile disease and miscellaneous diseases has influenced thousands of generations.

It will last forever.

Liu Feng was surprised at first, then rejoiced.Fortunately, Zhang Zhongjing showed up at this time, or if he really went to Jiaozhou, I am afraid we will never meet again in this life.

Also missed this opportunity in vain.

I was glad in my heart, but Liu didn't reveal anything on the cover.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Zhang Zhongjing sincerely and said, "I wonder what the purpose of the old man's bibliography is?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhongjing thought about it and said, "Of course it is to leave experience and teach the world how to cure diseases and save lives."

"With all due respect, the old man's method is a bit biased." Liu Feng shook his head and said.

Zhang Zhongjing was startled when he heard this, and looked up at Liu Feng with doubts in his eyes.

He is not a proud person. Since someone said that his method was wrong, and this person was Liu Feng, he naturally wanted to listen.

"General, please speak frankly." Zhang Zhongjing raised his fist solemnly.

"Mr. is right. Writing books is a good thing. Only books can be exiled for thousands of generations, such as the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, etc. But you can do more." Seeing Zhang Zhongjing's attitude, Liu Feng felt sad. I like this old man even more.

Even if he reached the height of a medical sage, he didn't have that kind of self-awareness. He was just like an ordinary person, asking questions when he didn't understand.

He has a very good temper, no wonder he can achieve today's achievements.

"For example, the book is just rigid. If it falls into the hands of a famous doctor, it can be used flexibly, but if it is used in the hands of a quack doctor, it will be useless as firewood for cooking. I don't know, am I right?" Liu Feng asked with a smile.

"It makes sense." Zhang Zhongjing thought for a while, then nodded.

This is something that can't be helped by the limitations of the times. There are so many military books in the world, but there are only a few famous generals.The same is true of medical books.

But after Zhang Zhongjing thought about it, he realized that Liu Feng seemed to have some way to solve this problem.With a heartbeat, a pair of eyes looked directly at Liu Feng, with implied expectation.

Facing Zhang Zhongjing's gaze, Liu Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Guan's medical skills are excellent in the world, but he has few disciples. It's better to open a medical center and recruit apprentices. Teach countless disciples and treat the people of the world."

After speaking, Liu Feng paused, raised his fist solemnly to Zhang Zhongjing and said, "If you have such great ambitions, I would like to appoint you as a medical officer, open a medical clinic, recruit apprentices for you, and provide everything you need."

"In this way, as long as the master spends a few years of hard work, he can teach a group of disciples, and then the disciples beckon to the disciples. Such a spread of branches and leaves will make the whole world famous doctors rain, wouldn't it be fun?"

Under Liu Feng's sincere gaze, Zhang Zhongjing's heart was moved.

Zhang Zhongjing had a similar idea before, but in the end Nai gave up.Because the status of a doctor is relatively low, even an imperial doctor who serves the royal family is as cheap as a dog.

Say kill.

Therefore, it is impossible to recruit disciples widely.But with Liu Feng's support, it's different.In the land of the three counties, dozens of disciples are recruited, and then disciples accept disciples.

Then the medicine of this world will reach its peak.

In this way, it becomes much easier for ordinary people to treat diseases.This is Zhang Zhongjing's long-cherished wish.

Moreover, teaching his disciples will not have too much impact on his writing, because some of Zhang Zhongjing's followers are very skilled in medicine.

Let them teach the basics first, and when the medical skills of the disciples reach a certain level, he will go out in person.

In this way, I can write a book without wasting time.It's the best of both worlds.

However, there is another point that makes Zhang Zhongjing worry about it.

Although Liu Feng is fully supportive, he also gave a great prospect.But there are still suspicions that he was kept in captivity as only serving Liu Feng's family.

"Thank you, General, for your love and trust in me. However, I have some principles in my heart, and I ask the General to agree." Zhang Zhongjing thought for a moment, then raised his fist and said.

"Sir, let's talk." Liu Feng was overjoyed and said with a smile.

"I'm not stationed in the General's Mansion..." Zhang Zhongjing said.But was interrupted by Liu Feng, Liu Feng looked at Zhang Zhongjing very solemnly and said: "I understand what you mean, sir. In fact, it is really selfish for me to invite you to Xiling. Humans always hate death and want to live. It lasts a long time. Having a skilled doctor like Mr. by your side can prolong your life. I don’t deny this. But please rest assured, I will not ask too much from you after you arrive at Xiling. All I need is the help of my husband, and nothing else."

In other words, Zhang Zhongjing will not occupy too much time.

In fact, Liu Feng had already guessed Zhang Zhongjing's displeasure.Just now Zhang Zhongjing said that he would not be stationed in the General's Mansion, which confirmed Liu Feng's guess.

Not being stationed in the general's mansion is tantamount to not giving personal services to the general.If any minister or general is sick or something, Zhang Zhongjing can also ignore it.

That's why Liu Feng said that.

But in fact, Liu Feng still calculated Zhang Zhongjing, Zhang Zhongjing himself was not willing to enter the general's mansion, so let him.But he taught many true disciples.

It's different.Liu Feng believed that someone would be willing to enter the General's Mansion and become his personal doctor.

The level of medical care in this era is really too low, and the common people need to survive.As the protagonist, he needs to survive even more, who doesn't have a headache.

Moreover, through Mi's weak body, Liu Feng also thought of Gan.

When he first came out of Xinye, Gan's body was weaker.And the Gan family in history also died early.Liu Feng felt that the matter should be taken seriously.

After all, Liu Feng actually had only one purpose, to leave Zhang Zhongjing behind, to discover his medical skills, to change the medical environment of the counties and counties under his rule as much as possible, and to reduce the deaths of the people.And save the lives of his family.

Zhang Zhongjing was taken aback by Liu Feng's calmness, and then he took a deep look at Liu Feng.He raised his fist and said, "So, I entrust this old bone to the general."

"Hahaha, the old man is serious. He is serious." Liu Feng laughed loudly, his heart was happy.Regardless of whether it is private or public, Zhang Zhongjing's joining has unimaginable benefits.

Compared with ordinary ministers and generals, the influence is more far-reaching.

There was no cover for this burst of hearty laughter.In Zhang Zhongjing's ears, he was a little moved.

As a doctor, he has never received such attention.

Immediately, Liu Feng and Zhang Zhongjing began to talk about the construction of the medical center.From how much money is injected, and the scale.Everything is covered.

This talk lasts for one day.On the second day, Liu Feng ordered people to send guards to send Zhang Zhongjing to Xiling.

Liu Feng's handwriting was also taken away, and Liu Ba was ordered to cooperate fully with Zhang Zhongjing.


Wuling County has more than 6000 counties under its jurisdiction, with a population of tens of thousands.On average, there are no more than [-] people in each county.The end is that the land is vast and sparsely populated.

But this only refers to the areas controlled by the Han people. In Wuling County, there is still a foreign force entrenched.

That is the Wuxi barbarians. There are about [-] tribes living in Wuxi.

Although these more than thirty ethnic groups are relatively independent, after several years of reproduction, they have formed about three forces.

Each is king.

Its largest feudal lord belongs to Sha Mohun, who has many generals under his tent, especially his younger brother Sha Moke, who is amazingly brave.There is the courage of all husbands.Control more than ten tribes, with a population of more than [-] and [-] elite soldiers.

The second is the vassal king Tuokui, who is weaker.It also controls ten tribes, with a population of more than one hundred thousand and eight thousand elite soldiers.

Finally, Fan Da, the vassal king, is the last in power, but he also controls eight tribes, with a population of [-] to [-] and [-] elite soldiers.

Because of the numerous mountains and forests in the Wuxi area, the barbarians flourished, and the total population approached 40.But this group of people is fundamentally different from the Shanyue people in Jiangdong.

Because this group of people is relatively concentrated.A big force has been formed, which is equal to the Han people.

And Shanyue is scattered all over Jiangdong. Although they are all called Shanyue people, they practice the same loose sand.

Another point is that the Wuxi barbarians are relatively docile. For the Han people, they are relatively docile and rarely rebel.To be able to do business with the Han people, and to be in conflict.

But at this moment, it is different from previous years.

Because Wuxi suffered from severe drought and severe floods, the grain harvest was almost complete.A gloomy cloud filled the hearts of the entire Wuxi people.

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