In addition to the gloom and gloom that filled the hearts of the people of the Wuxi tribe, there was also a murderous intent.

Although the Wuxi people are relatively docile, they are also a foreign race.When surviving natural disasters with one's own strength, it is natural to focus on the outside.

Rumor has it that the world of the Han people fell apart, wars were fought in all directions, and there were many princes.Rumor has it that Jingchu is rich.Liu Biao of Jingzhou died not long ago, and the new lord succeeded him.Virtue.

Anyway, the current Jingchu is just a piece of cake.

Dead fellows don't die poor, in any tribe's mind, this is the way of thinking.The leaders of more than [-] tribes in Wuxi, and the three kings of the tribe gathered in the largest city in Wuxi, Big Snake City.

The big snake is the totem of many tribes in Wuxi.These tribes united to become the entire king of Shamohun.

Big Snake City is also the royal city of Fan King Shamohun.The population is more than ten thousand.

Wuxi people and Han people have been doing business and trading all year round.Know the farming methods of the Han people.Outside the Big Snake City, there is a lot of fertile land, and usually, the crops are counted vertically.But this year it was bare.

Inside the city, the largest mansion, the most luxurious and most splendid mansion.It is the palace of the king of Tibet, Samohun.

It's just that, except for the Chinese character "wangfu" hanging on the gate of the mansion, which many tribesmen don't know, the overall structure of this mansion is quite different from the original Han people's mansion.

The luxury is enough, but the bearing is not complete at all.Like a nouveau riche.

At this moment, the palace hall is in a mess.Or kneeling, dozens of people will stand.

There are men and women, but no matter whether they are men or women, they all have a rough appearance like the Han people, which is quite different from the Han people.

Although it is messy, it is generally divided into three camps.Simply put, there are three kings.

The owner of the Big Snake City, Sha Mohun.

Around the age of 30, he imitated the posture of the Han people and knelt on the main seat.But the clothes he was wearing were animal skins, with beautiful feathers on his head, and a big knife on his waist.

With a rough appearance, he is a typical barbarian.

After that came a group of generals, all of whom were powerful men of Kong Wu.The most eye-catching thing is a big man with a height of eight feet (about [-] meters).

This man had a tiger head, and his eyes were extremely sharp.He is eight feet tall, but he is not thin, but strong.The whole person is like a bison, strong and imposing.

This man is Shamohun's half-brother, Shamoke.

Can kill tigers and leopards with bare hands, and use the memory of Wuxi enemies with a big ax with one hand.He is the number one general in Wuxi.

It's just that this barbarian is different from most Wuxi barbarians. He is wearing a Han suit and his sitting posture is very similar to that of a Han.

If it weren't for the rough appearance, there would be no crown on his head.This Sha Moke is a Han Chinese in every way.

This is one of its forces.

In addition to Sha Mohun and others, there are two parties present.

Sitting on the left is Tuokui, the king of Fan. He is about 40 years old, and compared to most of the barbarians present, he is a little thinner.

But the people here despise him, because Fan Da is a rare wise man in Wuxi, a guy who relies on his brain for food.

Afterwards, there were also a group of burly generals with fierce eyes.

Sitting on the right is Fan Da, the weakest king of Fan Da.Still a woman.

However, it is really different from the original woman.Not only is his appearance rough and outrageous, but his figure is also extremely strong.

A pair of breasts are as huge as a basketball, and the buttocks are straight and huge.The muscles all over his body are solid, like iron blocks, and they are bulged.

A look of evil spirit.

"Now that the crops are harvested, 40 of us live in Wuxi, which is less than a thousand miles away. If we rely on hunting, we will starve to death. This time I came to you two to discuss countermeasures and how to deal with the current situation." As the host , Sha Mohun spoke first.

The voice is rough and bold.

All the generals behind Sha Mo, except Sha Moke, showed excited expressions and were eager to try.As confidantes, they knew what it meant for Desert Hun to summon the two kings.

"Don't talk too much about the scene. I know you want to attack the Han city and seize food. But have you considered the risk? The Han people are powerful and have wiped out several tribes. This is a lesson from the past." The wise man of Wuxi, Tuo Kui, said slowly. road.

This sentence is like a basin of cold water, pouring on the hearts of everyone.It's completely cool.

Although it is said that the prairie people are strong and have been wiped out many times, they have risen again and again.After a few decades, he will have the strength to compete with the Han people.

As a tribe, the Wuxi clan should regard the grassland people as their idols and raise troops to attack the Han people.

But the situation is just the opposite. The place where Wuxi lives is land that can be cultivated and even built into a city.It is valuable.

I think that the Southern Sanyue disrespected the Han people back then, and was wiped out one by one by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.Lesson learned.If Wuxi also raised troops to resist, the final result would be that the clan could not escape, and then Wuxi would be divided into counties.

The reason why Wuxi still exists is because of its docile temperament, doing business with the Han people, and being courteous to the Han emperor, so that it can survive.

After so many years of habit, it is really embarrassing for the people present to invade the Han people all at once.

"Risk? It's nothing more than annihilation. But if we don't attack and plunder the Han people, half of our 40 tribes will starve to death. We're starving to death. What a humiliation. Instead of humiliating and surviving, it's better to fight vigorously with the Han people and capture the riches." Jing Chu."

Shamohun's expression was very excited, and he became even more excited as he talked.Suddenly, he raised his arms and said: "Nowadays, the Han people are separated from all directions, and there are many princes, big and small. It is said that there were 4000 million people in the past, but now it is less than 20 million. But our warriors can fight three with one enemy. As long as they gather [-] troops, they will be able to fight. Defeat [-] troops. This kind of capital is enough for us to separate Jingchu and enslave the Han people. After two or three generations, we will have the opportunity to enter the world and seize the entire Han people's world. It is the time when the wind is surging and we are waiting for heroes to compete in the world. When is the time, if you don’t enter now, when will you wait?”

To be honest, Sha Mohun's heroic words were very provocative. Those present, including Torquay, and the savage generals behind Fan Da were a little moved.

But listening to Toquel, it really doesn't make sense.

Not to mention that there are still 1000 million Han Chinese, even if there are only 500 million left, they are inviolable.The iron armor with high defense power, and the hand crossbow with full attack power.

The strict military discipline and the talents of the generals are not comparable to the little Wuxi people.

Because Tuo Kui once followed his father to the world of the Han people, so he understands.Understand what kind of tactics the famous generals of the Han people used to fight.

Because of understanding, so fear, so fear.

Even though he is now one of the three great kings of Wuxi and has [-] elite soldiers, he dare not say anything about advancing Jingchu, let alone conquering the world.

It's ridiculous.

"Hmph, I don't want to die with you hot-headed person. Let's go first." Torqua snorted coldly, got up and said.

The reason for coming this time is because Shamohun will find a way to trade with the Han people to buy grain.I didn't expect it to be a war, or a war of extermination.

Torquay certainly wasn't much interested.

"Hmph, shameless, Shamoke." Shamohun snorted coldly and said loudly.

"Kill." With a roar, Sha Moke, who was sitting behind Sha Mo's body, suddenly jumped up, and suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist, and swung his hands violently at the unsuspecting Torquay.

"Puchi." Under Torquay's horrified gaze, Shamoko's long sword slashed down from Torquay's neck, splitting Torquay's men in half.

The long sword in Sha Moke's hand is not sharp, but it is like cutting tofu, deeply splitting a person in half, which shows how outstanding Sha Moke's force is.

"Aww." After killing Torquay, Shamoke roared up to the sky, his whole body seemed to become extremely excited, and the aura of the tiger king suddenly dissipated.

It shocked some people, but also woke some people up.

Torquay's generals reacted. They looked at Torquay's body and howled angrily, "Shamoko, you bastard."

After a roar, the weapons were unsheathed one after another.Kill Shamoko.

At this moment, Sha Moke's roar to the sky ended.Seeing more than a dozen people killing him, a look of disdain flashed across his eyes.

"Roar." With a low growl, he drew out the long sword again and charged forward.

"Bang bang bang." After a brief collision of weapons, all the people who fought with Samoko fell to the ground.

The short [-] breaths may not be enough time for [-] breaths.Sha Moke solved more than ten wild generals under Torquay's account.

A well-known barbarian in the entire Wuxi.

"Oh." With his limbs and arms broken, Shamoke roared to the sky again, his powerful aura frightened the scene.

In the hall, the rest of the people looked at Sha Moke with fearful eyes.Even Shamohun's eyes flickered with a vague fright.

There is one more person, Fan Da.Her eyes flickered with liking, and she was almost insane looking at Shamoko who was roaring up to the sky.

Strong and burly.Brave enemy.

Sha Moke is the most outstanding man in Wuxi.

Fanda's gaze caused Shamoke's howl to stop abruptly.And the magnitude was so small that ordinary people shivered imperceptibly.

Shamoke came back behind Shamohun somewhat disheartened.

Shamoke, in the territory of Wuxi, is brave and powerful.I like Han people, and I like wearing Han clothes.I like the food, life, and women of the Han people.

I hate those barbarian women with big breasts, big buttocks and well-developed limbs.I once lived in the territory of the Han people for a period of time, and my dream was to worship a Han lord and serve under his command.

Become a foreign general like Jin Richan in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and enjoy the luxurious life of the Han people.

I sneered at Shamohun's remarks about occupying the Huahua River and Mountains of the Han people. If this country is handed over to a vulgar person like you.Isn't it a mess.

But Sha Moke is very smart, ten times smarter than the number one wise man in Wuxi, Torkui who was just killed.

He knew that he was not strong enough. Although he had outstanding courage, Shamoke had only five hundred elite soldiers.So there is no foolish rebellion against the big brother Sha Mohun.

According to the Han people, this is called showing weakness.Pretend to be brave, wait for the opportunity, and take advantage of the situation.

Finally, find his dream.Find a delicate Han wife and worship a valiant lord.Enjoy the luxurious life of the Han people. ! ~!

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