Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 378 Sima Yi's First Plan

Shamoke's perfect performance made Fanda's pair of... beautiful eyes... staring at Shamoke all the time, even if Shamoke deliberately hid his body behind Shamohun, he still couldn't stop Fanda's pair "Beautiful eyes".

As for Sha Mo Ke, he also put away his fear of Sha Mo Ke.

I couldn't help but laugh, this younger brother has always been simple-minded, he only obeys orders, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Dispelling the fear of Shamoko, Shamohun turned his gaze to Fanda.See Fan Da's eyes full of obsession.

Can't help but let out a light cough. "cough."

Fan Da is the female king of Wuxi, not as shy as a Han woman.Hearing Sha Mohun's cough, he looked at Sha Moke reluctantly.

Then he withdrew his gaze and looked at Shamohun.

"Tuokui is dead, and now only you and I are left in the whole Wuxi. I don't know what Queen Fanda means?" Shamohun stared at Fanda closely, with a fierce look in his eyes.

The three kings of Wuxi, each with elite soldiers.Involve each other and attack each other.It's hard to kill.

Although Torquay is dead now, his followers are still there.His son is still there.Well, it will take a little time to annex it, and it will be a little troublesome to rely on his followers.

Therefore, a little external force is needed, so Fan Da's support is very important.But if Fan Da is not willing, he will have no choice but to destroy u.

Sha Mohun's fierce light suddenly stimulated the group of male and female generals behind Fan Da.All of them put their hands on the weapons, their bodies tensed.

Obviously on high alert.

But Queen Fanda didn't care at all. She chuckled and said in a rough and muddy voice, "I have no objection."

As he said that, Fan Da cast a "wink" at Shamoke's big, basketball-like but solid chest and iron-like muscles all over his body.

Sha Moke only felt his chest roll, and he was about to vomit.

Fan Da's words" not only expressed support, but also had a different kind of hint. The barbarians under her also followed Fan Da's words and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They relaxed their guard a little bit.

Sha Mo glanced at Sha Moke, hesitant to give this younger brother to Fan Da, so that the two families formed an alliance.

But Shamok's bravery is too powerful." He existed in Wuxi like a god of war. Therefore, Shamohun just thought about it and dismissed this idea.

Therefore, Sha Mo ignored Fan Da's hint, and just smiled: "Okay, then we will annex Tuo Kui's tribe first, and then we will gather an army of [-] to attack Wuling."

"I have information, the current master of Jingzhou" Liu Cong is weak.The four counties in Jingnan are like a plate of scattered sand. These four places are sparsely populated.Perfect for our 40 influx.After occupying this place, we enslaved the Han people, built ships, established aquatic plants, relied on the Yangtze River, and fought against the people in Xiangyang. "

Fifty thousand troops?Fan Da's pupils shrank slightly." And Sha Moke, who was behind Sha Mo, also showed a sneering smile on his face.

What Sha Mohun said was on the rise, but he didn't notice other people's expressions, he just said excitedly to himself: "Anyway, Liu Cong is not a strong enemy, and the only thing to worry about is Liu Feng. This person has three counties. Put "[-] to [-] troops under his command.But don't worry, this man is easy to fight. Our warriors in Wuxi are all "elite" and stronger than his army. Besides, we still have Jiangdong. I heard that Liu Feng offended the people of Jiangdong. It should be easy to convince The Jiangdong people marched into Jingnan. At that time, we will occupy the four counties of Wuling, Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang, while Jiangdong will occupy Jiujiang and Jiangxia."

"After taking down the four counties, enslave the Han people to farm for us, and let our warriors get out of labor, as long as they train" Train and train, you will definitely be the enemy of the world.At that time, it will run rampant in the world. "

It has to be said that Sha Mohun still has some skills.Know how to attack from a distance.Unfortunately, the information is somewhat insufficient.Only Liu Feng and the officials under his account know about Jiangdong's current situation.

At least one year of training is required.There is no ability at all, energy to send troops.

The sarcasm of Shamoko's eyes became more intense.This elder brother was really fascinated by the things in front of him. You must know that the Han people are extremely xenophobic.

They are always barbarians in the eyes of the Han people.How could Jiangdong Sun Quan cooperate with the barbarians?Even if they cooperate, I am afraid that most of them will be used.

At that time, as soon as he ate Liu Feng, he might turn his face and compete with them.And is Liu Feng so easy to kill?

Sha Moke knew that Liu Feng's rise was only a year old, with strong abilities and a tough style.It is extremely powerful, and it is one of the targets he wants to rely on.

Compared with Shamoko, Fanda is much simpler.

She frowned, and said, "5 people? Our 40 or so ministries combined have a population of only 5 people. If [-] people are drawn, we fail once, and next year we won't have a mature labor force."

"Although it's a little ugly, it's quite smart. Until the poor soldiers redeem their weapons, it's not a long-term solution.

With a population of 40 and [-] elite soldiers, one out of eight will be selected, and the first-class poor soldiers will redeem their weapons. "Sha Moke's eyes were even more sarcastic.

"The queen doesn't know this. We are now short of food. Bring out these 5 people. If you win, you can get a lot of food to support the tribe. If you fail, you can also wipe out this population, so that you can survive." grimly said.

As soon as Sha Mohun's words fell, all the people present shuddered and looked at Sha Mohun with a bit of fear.

"Hey, full of murderous intent, but lack of virtue. Sooner or later, the tribe will turn against you." Shamoke sneered.

Fan Da is not as good as Shamoke, knowing those truths.But instinctively felt that something was wrong, but Sha Mohun's words were very correct.

It is a better way to tide over the crisis.

"Okay, let's divide the tribe of Tuokui equally. Then I will send [-] troops, you will send [-], and we will combine [-]. Attack the four counties of Jingzhou." After thinking for a moment, Fan Da's eyes flickered fiercely and said.

"Hahaha, that's exactly what it should be." Sha Mohun laughed and stood up, and when he came to 〖〗center, Fan Da also stood up and stood face to face with Sha Mohun.

"Destroy Torquay's troops first, and then join forces in Orochi City, and make an alliance with blood."

"Farewell." Chida nodded upon hearing the words, and then cast a reluctant glance at Samoke, said a word, and turned to leave.

After Fan Da left, Samo's eyes gleamed coldly.

"Tell me, how many kings are needed in this Wuxi territory?" Shamo turned around and said.

"One, only the king and one king are needed." The generals behind greeted him one after another.

"Hahahaha, first use this woman for a while, and when I have made progress in the four counties, I will swallow this woman first, then become the king, set up officials, appoint hundreds of officials, and finally become the emperor, sitting on the world." Sha Mohun laughed loudly road.

"Your Majesty is wise." All the generals bowed down one after another, saying they were wise.

Sha Moke is also one of them, but his eyes are more sarcasm.

It is still called the emperor, and the name of the emperor was also invented by the Han people.On the one hand, they want to rebel against the Han people and do everything possible to blame the Han people, but on the other hand, they want to inherit the customs of the Han people.The establishment proclaims the emperor.

A fool who sells dog meat with blindfolded eyes.

No matter what, the Wuxi barbarians are dead.

In the winter of the 12th year of Jian'an, Shamohun, the king of Wuxi Fan, killed Tuokui, the king of Fan, and joined forces with Fan Da, the king of Fan, to attack Wuling.

Within ten days, they broke through three county towns, killed the Han people, and robbed food.Ten days later, they approached the Wuling government office, Linyuan City.

The prefect of Wuling County is Jin Xuan, a descendant of Jin Ritan, the former general of Emperor Xiaowu Liu Che.Hundreds of years ago, it was also Hou Men, Jiang Men.

It has been passed down to this day, although the entrance hall has been dilapidated.But there is still power, Jinxuan relied on his own ability and the reputation of his ancestors to achieve the position of sheriff of Wuling County.

He has been in office for several years, trained elite soldiers and built high walls.First he was attached to Liu Biao, and after Liu Biao died, he became estranged from Liu Cong, and he was regarded as a separate power.

But he didn't have any ambitions himself, he just thought that he would live the life of a local emperor for a few years first, and when Cao Cao went south, it would be like demoting Cao Cao and becoming a hero.

During his reign, he got along well with the Wuxi barbarians and did business with each other.Very gentle.Therefore, from the county guard to the common people, they never thought that the Wuxi barbarians would become so tyrannical.

Such a reckless disregard for human life.

The three county towns that were previously destroyed were due to Shamohun's [-] army, which was too powerful.The second is also the reason for being unprepared.

Now that the army is approaching the city, Jin Xuan ordered twelve thousand elite soldiers to enter the city and prepare to defend the city.But the city is still panicked.

Chaos, chaos, chaos.

This period of time was really chaotic, first there was a drought, then a flood, and then a plague.Although the plague situation has eased now.

But there is not enough food, and the society is inherently unstable.

Encountering the invasion of the Wuxi barbarians, the entire Linyuan City was panicked, and the sky collapsed.

In the east of the city, a small house.This house is neither big nor small. Although it is not very rich, it is very elegant.

At this moment, in the hall, sitting a handsome young man, standing beside him is a figure dressed as an entourage.

Judging from the postures of the two, it seems that one is reporting and the other is listening.It was Sima Yi.

"Prepare the frame, I'm going to see Jin Xuan." Sima Yi waved his hand.

"No." The follower nodded, turned and walked out.

"Wuxi barbarians?" Sima Yi sighed. To be honest, Sima Yi's character is still very good. While he hopes to be wise and protect himself, he also hopes that the world will be safe and peaceful.

It is abhorrent for the barbarians to invade.

But at this moment, for the sake of the order that Cao Cao gave, he had to take advantage of it.Transfer the power of the barbarians to Changsha.

On the one hand, let Liu Feng eliminate the barbarians, on the other hand, weaken Liu Feng's power.

This battle may be an opportunity.Originally, the three counties, Wuling, Lingling, and Guiyang did not have the capital to challenge Liu Jing even if they joined forces.

But now is the chance.

This opportunity came unexpectedly and unexpectedly.

Wuxi barbarians.If there is a drought, the torrential rain will cover Wuxi.Then the barbarians will rebel, and if they rebel, the barbarians will not rebel.

Therefore, Sima Yi waited for the opportunity in Wu'er. ! ~!

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