In Linyuan city, people are in panic.People, all closed their houses tightly, and the prosperous scene of the past has gone with the war.

Especially when the opponent is still a barbarian.

This clan's attack and killing all pay attention to benevolence and righteousness. Except for a few people, they generally don't slaughter the city.He did nothing wrong with the common people.

But it's up to the heavens for foreigners to attack and kill.

If the foreign king is happy, he can still survive after the city is broken.If you are not happy, the whole city will be slaughtered.

Therefore, while the gate of the house is closed, many young and middle-aged people with passion in their hearts are ready.

As long as Jin Xuanbu, the governor of Wuling County, ordered that the city's young and strong should be recruited to guard the city.There will be several people with hoes and shovels going up to the top of the city.

Fighting with foreigners forever.

In this atmosphere, there are actually quite a few people looking outside through the cracks in the door.

At this time, a carriage swayed along the avenue.Driving towards the City Lord's Mansion, it was unusually eye-catching.

Wu Ba, the thief Liu Feng surrendered, ordered Wu Ba to be a spy because Liu Feng looked at it as a pity.Together with fifty soldiers, they monitored the prefect's mansion in Linyuan City.

Because in a short period of time, the servants of the prefect's mansion could not be bought.Therefore, Du Bo, who led the team, ordered to buy two houses outside the main gate and back gate of the prefect's mansion.

It turned out that there were still some soldiers who pretended to be peddlers and often passed by.But because there are few people in the city today, in order to avoid suspicion, those people were withdrawn.

Only these two houses were left to stare at the prefect's mansion.

Now it is Wu Ba who is in charge of watching the whistle, and Wu Ba is somewhat courageous and alert.Now it was the time when the Wuxi barbarians rebelled, and another carriage was parked outside the gate of the prefect's mansion.

The person in the carriage was also very handsome, and he was only in his twenties when viewed from the side.

Wu Ba's mind gradually recalled Liu Feng's confession that a young man in his twenties with a stately appearance would definitely appear in the prefect's mansions in Wuling, Lingling, and Guiyang.

Must find.

Take the arrest as a priority, and if there is no chance, assassinate him.

After Wu Ba took a few glances, he quietly closed the door.Stepping lightly, he walked towards the interior of the house.

This person is somewhat similar to the person Liu Feng told him to investigate. Now it's time to report to Mr. Du and find a way to spread the news.

Not to mention that Wu Ba finally detected Sima Yi's whereabouts, which made Liu Feng's Tianluodi formation useful.

Unaware that his whereabouts had been leaked, Sima Yi, who was targeted by Liu Feng, who knew everything and greedily wanted to devour him, stopped in front of the gate of the prefect's mansion.

At this moment, in front of the prefect's mansion, although the gate is open, it is heavily guarded.

The soldiers looked around very alertly.He also showed a bit of vigilance towards Sima Yi, if it wasn't for Sima Yi's extraordinary attire, he would have come here in a fair manner.

I'm afraid the soldiers have already rushed forward.

"I also ask the sergeant to present this item to Lord Jinxuan, the county guard." After the carriage stopped, a follower stepped forward, holding a roll of bamboo slips, and said nothing to the guard in front of the door. humanity.

"Wait a minute." Jin Xuan is also a character. The guard in front of the door is not the kind of arrogant and unreasonable character. It can be seen from the fact that he didn't rush forward blindly to expel Sima Yi.

At this moment, seeing the attendant solemnly hand over the bamboo slips to him.Responded very cautiously, and reached out to take the bamboo slips.

Then he explained to the guards around him, and walked into the prefect's mansion with the bamboo slips in his hand.

All of this fell into Sima Yi's eyes, and he had some confidence in using the soldiers of the three counties to resist and even weaken Liu Feng.

Although these people are not very powerful, they may not be used by the army.But to be able to occupy one side, there are people with some skills.

Jin Xuan is 35 years old this year. Although his ancestor Jin Ridun was a foreign general of the Huns, he has been integrated into the Han people for hundreds of years.Some of the things left by the Huns on the body have long since disappeared.

He wears a crown on his head and has a white beard.He is an orthodox Han scholar-bureaucrat who can no longer be orthodox.

When the head of the guard entered the hall, Jin Xuan was discussing with the county lieutenant Zhang Tao and Gong Zhi how to deal with Wuxi Fan King Shamohun.

There was a trace of decadence hidden between his brows, because there was no way to retreat from the enemy.Even Zhang Tao, the county lieutenant, proposed to send someone to Changsha Liu Feng for help.

Fifty thousand troops are approaching the city, and the barbarians are brave and good at fighting.The sergeant is timid.

"My lord. There are people worshiping outside the city.

People worship books?Wuling County is relatively healthy, and many people choose Wuling to settle down.Usually, from time to time, someone asks for a meeting or asks for a book.

Jinxuan is more intelligent, and assigns officials according to their abilities.But at this moment, with the barbarians approaching the city, Jin Xuan was not interested.

He was about to wave back the soldiers, but his heart fluttered.Exports are different.

"Present." Jin Xuan said majesticly towards the soldiers.

"No." The soldier lowered his head and handed the bamboo slip in his hand to Jin Xuan.

Jin Xuan took it and opened it, but his face changed slightly.Immediately, he put down the bamboo slips calmly.He raised his hand to the soldiers and said, "Please come in, that gentleman."

"No." The soldier responded and retreated.

After the soldiers left, Jin Xuan's heart was surging.Because of the sentence above.Sima Yi, Captain of the Han Dynasty, came from the north.

These few short words represent a power, a huge power, a power that Jin Xuan intends to surrender.

Cao Cao.

Sweeping across the north, taking the emperor with him to command the princes.The most powerful man in the world.And this man named Sima Yi is the one who represents Cao Cao.

It is a very good thing for Jin Xuan to be able to contact Cao Cao under such circumstances.

Because of Cao Cao's prestige, if this Sima Yi goes out, maybe Wuling can still have one or two foreign aids.For example, Zhao Fan, the prefect of Guiyang, and Liu Du, the prefect of Lingling.

These people are all elite soldiers in their respective battles, and they are the characters who rule one side.

If in the name of Cao Cao, the three forces can be merged into one and fight against the barbarians, they may not necessarily fail.

Although there were few emotional fluctuations on Jin Xuan's face, Gong Zhi could still see Zhang Tao who had been under the tent for a long time, and secretly guessed who was outside the door.

Just as the two guessed, Sima Yi walked in.

"Sima Yi met Jin Taishou." Sima Yi raised his fist in greeting.That appearance and demeanor made everyone present secretly praise him.

"Hehe, Colonel Sima is polite." Sima Yi was Cao Cao's captain, and he went deep into Jingnan. He must be someone Cao Cao trusted, so Jin Xuan shouldn't be negligent at all, and raised his fist to return the courtesy.

Immediately, Jin Xuan pointed to the left and right and laughed, "This is Zhang Tao, Lieutenant of Wuling County, who works in Gong Zhi."

"This is Sima Yi, the school lieutenant under Prime Minister Cao's account."

"Happy to meet."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." After Jin Xuan's introduction, the three saluted each other.

Sima Yi still looked very calm, compared to Zhang Tao and Gong Zhi, their faces changed slightly, and they were shocked.

Captain Sima Yi?Cao Cao's people?

Cao Cao, for the princes of the world, they are all giants.For them, it is even more of a giant's giant.

"I don't know the purpose of Colonel Sima's visit?" After several people met each other, Jin Xuan asked Sima Yi to take a seat first, and then tried to speak out.

"Liu Feng is rebellious, just like the overlord of Chu in the past. The prime minister ordered me to come here to unite the forces of the three counties to resist Liu Feng." Sima Yi said bluntly.

"What?" Jin Xuan was a little stunned. He thought he could use Cao Cao's prestige to unite the three counties against the barbarians, but he didn't expect it to deal with Liu Feng.

Jin Xuan is a self-aware person, he knows that the three counties combined will not be Liu Feng's opponent.I didn't see Zhou Yu, Cao Ren and others were strong and strong, and they were repeatedly defeated in battles with Liu Feng.

The three counties are lazy, although there are some soldiers and horses, they are strong generals and great talents.To contend with Liu Feng, wouldn't it be an egg hitting a rock?

Moreover, there are still barbarians approaching the city at this moment.

Jin Xuan deliberately refused, but it was because of Cao Cao's prestige.So he carefully asked: "Prime Minister Cao's order, I will go all out. It's just that the barbarians are outside the city, and my Wuling is in danger. If troops are sent to attack Liu Feng, Wuling will be lost. When the time comes, if there is a foundation, the soldiers will definitely mutiny .This battle is worrisome."

Next to Zhang Tao, Gong Zhi quickly nodded his head, raised his fist and said, "The prefect is wise." Not only the above reasons, but there is not much food and grass in Wuling County now, and he also needs to appease the people.

There is really no capital to send troops.

For these, Sima Yi is naturally clear.He smiled and said: "I know that the power of the three counties is not Liu Feng's opponent."

Jin Xuan was overjoyed when he heard the words, as long as he understands people.

But what Sima Yi said made Jin Xuan's heart go cold.

"But at this moment, there is a rebellion by the king Sha Mohun. It can be used." Sima Yi smiled slightly, and then said: "The rebellion of the king is only due to natural disasters, which led to the harvest. Wuling, Guiyang, and Lingling are under my control. The three counties are all short of food. Only Changsha has it. Now that King Fan has conquered the three counties of Wuling, he must understand. You can lobby and lead him to attack Changsha. Fight Liu Feng."

"No, my lord." As soon as Sima Yi finished speaking, Gong Zhi said anxiously, "The quarrel between the prime minister and Liu Feng is a dispute between the Han family. It doesn't matter who the lord is for. But if you form an alliance with the barbarians , you have to bear the infamy. Moreover, although Prime Minister Cao is strong and Liu Feng is weak. But that is relative. Compared with Liu Feng, Wuling County is really weak. If you compete with Liu Feng, you will definitely lose. And when the time comes, Prime Minister Cao will not be able to rescue him in time. It must be a situation where the city is destroyed."

"This man is quite intelligent." Sima Yi couldn't help but glance at Gong Zhi, only to see that there was some firmness in his brows, although he was anxious, he did not lose his dignity.Many people in Jingchu can be regarded as candidates for a while.

Looking at Jin Xuan again, following Gong Zhi's words, he became a little hesitant.

However, Sima Yi didn't feel any pressure at all. He smiled slightly and raised his fist and said, "Gong's doing the calamity you mentioned is in the future. If you can't reach a consensus with the barbarians now and compete with Liu Feng, then the city will be destroyed and everyone will die." .As for reputation, it’s even simpler. As long as you don’t formally form an alliance with the barbarians, you can lure the barbarians into Changsha.”

What Sima Yi said immediately convinced Jin Xuanxin.

The current calamity is far worse than the future calamity.

But Gong Zhi's complexion turned pale, and his heart was depressed, but he knew the result.

"Okay, if Colonel Sima can lead the other three parties to form an alliance, I, Wuling County, would like to see Mr. Ma as the leader." Jin Xuan got up and bowed down to Sima Yi.

"I will not disappoint the prefect." Sima Yi said with a slight smile.

Now, with strength comes opportunity.Sima Yi already had some confidence in holding Liu Feng back for a year or so.

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