Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 380 Four alliances, three armies

One mile to the west of Linyuan City, the camp of Wuxi barbarians was stationed here.

In the center of Daying, there is a handsome flag embroidered with a "snake" pattern.The totem of the Shamohun tribe is a snake. Wherever they march, the snake will come.

And Shuai's banner is a big tent.

At this moment, there are more than ten people sitting in the big tent.Shamohun sat on the main seat, and there was a second seat near the main seat, which was the seat of another fan king, Fan Da.

Below them are the fierce generals under the tent of the two kings.

All of them are fierce and strong, very strong.His figure is the most conspicuous, and Shamoke is the one with the highest status, and his seat is arranged to be the first seat of Shamohun.

It stands to reason that the people of Wuxi should be happy if they conquered three cities in a row and won the battle.

But the faces of all the people present are more or less gloomy.

There are three cities and several granaries, but their harvest is only a few thousand shi of grain.It is only enough for an army of [-] to feed for eight days.

Little, too little.

The land of Jingchu is not as beautiful as Sha Mohun imagined.

"Shamohun, although we have conquered three cities in a row, what we have gained cannot compare with what we paid. What are you going to do about this matter?" Fan Da said unceremoniously.

It is said that it is Shamohun who can get more benefits from attacking Jingchu.But the reality is almost nothing.

Now is the time when Shamohun's prestige has dropped to the lowest level. If Fan Da doesn't speak out provocatively, she is not the only female king in Wuxi.

Fan Da's words aroused a kind of doubt.It also includes some generals under Sha Mohun's account.

At this moment, Shamohun had the urge to strangle this woman to death.But dare not.Although Sha Mohun was a little arrogant, he was not a fool.

Knowing that there is internal strife at this time, he can't get any cheap.

"The habit of the Han people is to accumulate all the grain in the county. And in front of you is Linyuan City, the county town of Wuling County. As long as you capture this city, you can get countless grains." Shamohun said kindly. .

"Hey" What if there is no one? "Fan Da smiled and said coldly.

Sha Mohun's eyes flickered coldly, and Fan Da stared back timidly.Following the confrontation between the kings of the two sides, the generals of both sides were tense." They looked at each other, full of vigilance.

"Hey." Samokonai below sighed, and it became like this after a little frustration.It's time to break up and go back to Wuxi.

In this atmosphere, a small barbarian soldier entered the big tent and reported: "Your Majesty, there is a Han man outside the gate of the camp asking to see him, claiming to be a captain."

Captain.down please?

Suddenly a wave of ecstasy rose from Shamohun's heart, and he couldn't wait to say: "Please come in."

"Promise." The barbarian responded," and walked out quickly.

After the barbarians left, Sha Mohun smiled brightly, and said to Fan Da, "The beggars are here. Is there any food in the city? Let's go in and have a look before leaving."

"Hmph." Fan Da snorted coldly to show his disdain.But the heart also has some expectations.

How much food is there in this city?

surrender?not necessarily?Occupy such a tall city wall and [-] soldiers.Even if a hundred thousand soldiers come, they can still defend for a while.

What's more, their soldiers are only [-].

Shamo Kexin has a different opinion," but he wouldn't say it out of his mouth.

The so-called lieutenant of the barbarian soldiers, and the surrender seeker that Shamo recognized was none other than Sima Yi.

Sima Yi and several followers stood outside the camp.Through the gate of the camp, Sima Yi could clearly see the situation of the barbarian camp.

Horrible" really is horrible.

Sima Yi only looked at it for a moment, and couldn't help shaking his head.Such a large camp is like mud piled together.Just give him [-] elite soldiers" to destroy [-] such barbarians.

Thinking about it, Sima Yi sighed. It seemed a bit too wishful thinking to use this kind of barbarian to hold Liu Feng.

"Your Majesty, please." Just as Sima Yi was lamenting, the barbarian had returned from the tent.Bending down, saluting.

"En." Sima Yi nodded, winked at the followers behind him and walked in.

It's just that the more I walked inside, the more discouraged I became.What kind of camp is this?It was only when " was about to approach Daying's heart that Sima Yi lightened up slightly.

On a small campsite, there are some special tents erected. These tents are well arranged, the intervals between the tents are extremely wide, and the roads are wide.

It is a very formal method for a Han Chinese to set up camp.

Sima Yi's eyes lit up, but quickly dimmed.Looking at the general of this small army, he should be a good general, but unfortunately, he lacks power.

If it had enough power, this big camp wouldn't be in such a mess.

At this time, a few dozen steps away from Sima Yi, stood a large tent.Sima Yi knew that this might be the military tent, so he couldn't help but put his mind away.

Ran Bu, who followed the barbarian, walked in.

The moment he stepped into the big tent, Sima Yi felt the light from all around him shining on him.It's just that Sima Yi walked a few steps without changing his face after fighting for a long time.

He bowed to Shamohun and said, "But Shamohun, king of Wuxi Fan, is in front?"

This sound of King Fan had already paid Sha Mohun a lot of respect, but it was harsh to Sha Mohun's ears.Because when ordinary people see him, they call him the Great King.

When his face changed slightly, he said coldly: "It's this king, did you come here to beg for peace?"

"Hehe, I'm just joking. My Wuling city is huge and has [-] elite soldiers. There are tens of thousands of people. If you stick to it, I'm afraid you may not be able to please you by waiting for [-] barbarians." Sima Yi laughed.

Facing Shamohun's aura, he was happy and unafraid.

Sima Yi was not very happy to deal with Liu Feng with barbarians like Sha Mohun.Not to mention in a humble tone.

At this moment, Sima Yi standing in front of Sha Mohun stood upright, full of pride.

The wild generals present have never seen such awe.Some people don't understand that a person who looks delicate and fair-skinned, who is very weak, will show such an aura.

Only Samoko understands that this is the arrogance of the Han people, the scholars and bureaucrats.

Although there is no courage, it is majestic.Sha Moke secretly praised.

"Hmph, are you playing tricks on me?" Sha Mohun was also caught by Sima Yi's aura, but then he became angrily and asked.

"It's not a joke, on the contrary, it brought the king a way of life." Sima Yi said calmly.

After tidying up his clothes, Sima Yi smiled slightly and said, "Wuxi soldiers, I am afraid that the food is in short supply due to the natural disasters a few days ago. Well, I have taken some benefits from the Jingchu area. But I can tell you that there is no food in Wuling, not only It’s Wuling, even Guiyang and Lingling don’t have much food. The area affected by that natural disaster is the entire east of the Jingchu River.”

As he said that, Sima Yi looked up at Shamohun and said, "Since there is not much food and grass in the Wuxi tribe, I believe that the king of Fan will not bring much food when he goes out this time. If he can't attack for a long time, retreat. I will lead my troops to pursue the victory. King Fan Of the [-] troops, at least [-] to [-] must be left behind."

Positive weakness, sharp ah.Shamoke secretly praised.

It's just that compared with Shamoke's ease, Shamohun seems shameless.His face turned red and blue, and he stood up abruptly and said, "Just by opening your mouth, you want this king to retreat? You think too highly of yourself."

"Of course it's not that simple. And I didn't want to let the King of Tibet return with [-] military exploits just by talking about it." Sima Yi shook his head and said.

"Then what do you mean?" Fanda next to him interjected.

Although Sima Yi knew that Fan Da might be the rumored female king of Wuxi, Sima Yi had no intention of saluting foreign women.So just watched it.

Hearing this, Sima Yi glanced at Fan Da, and said with a smile: "Wuling has no food, Guiyang, Lingling, Jiangling, Xiangyang, and Jiangdong have no food. But Changsha has Jiangxia, and Jiujiang has it. The amount of food is not large. A million stones."

"Hiss." The people present took a deep breath.Millions of stones?What a huge amount of food that must be.Enough to feed their tribe for several years.

Whether it's Shamohun or Fan Dayan, it's hot.

The rebellion on Sha Mohun's face disappeared, and he asked cautiously, "What do you mean?"

"Changsha, Jiangxia, and Jiujiang are the lands of Liu Feng. Guiyang, Wuling, and Lingling all belong to Cao Gong and belong to different groups. If the king of Fan is willing to attack Changsha, then our three counties are willing to merge [-], from Let me support you and wave the flag for the King of Fan." Sima Yi shot a very confident look.With millions of stones of grain, he didn't believe that Shamo couldn't take the bait.

Just as Sima Yi thought, Sha Mohun and Fan Da looked at each other, both of them were heartbroken.Sima Yi only thought that the King of Fan sent troops to plunder, but Shamohun knew his ambition was to annex Jingchu.

Sha Mohun was very confident in his military strength, the only thing to worry about was the food issue, if there were millions of shi, why worry about it?

However, Sha Mohun would not easily trust the Han man in front of him.

"If you want to be in our army, wherever my army goes, you have to be there. If your words are a little false, this king will drag you out and behead you." Shamohun said viciously.

"As the king wishes." Sima Yi smiled slightly, but then said: "Just, I need to tell my followers to inform Wuling prefect Jin Xuan and the prefects of the other two counties."

In the camp, Sha Mohun was not afraid of Sima Yi running away.Moreover, Sima Yi was indeed needed to contact her.Therefore, Sha Mohun nodded, and said with a big air: "Go."

Sima Yi clasped his hands at Shamoke, turned around and walked out.

Outside the door, several of Sima Yi's attendants were there, all of them were domestic slaves, and one of them was a domestic slave who grew up with Sima Yi.

"Go and inform Jinxuan, and it's done. Then take my letter and Jinxuan's own father, contact the prefects of the other two counties, join forces, and march into Hanshou. Wave the flag for the king. In addition, send Someone go and inform General Xu Huang of Wancheng to send [-] troops to Jiangxia. If Jiangxia is on guard, feign an attack;

"No." The attendant responded, and immediately turned and left.

Sima Yi raised his head and looked in the direction of Changsha with a slight smile on his face.

"See how you, Liu Feng, deal with the three-way army."

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