Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 381 Liu Feng's Advantage

The seat of Lingling is Quanling City.

Liu Du, the governor of the county, has garrisoned the government office in this city for several years.Similar to Jin Xuan's situation, Liu Du also has a heart for Cao Cao.

But it is also a party of princes, and they will not only obey the orders of Jing Chu, Cai Mao and Kuai Yue.Compared to Jin Xuan, Liu Du's character is stronger.

When Sima Yi and Jin Xuan's Shuxingong arrived at Quanling.

Liu Du was discussing with Cong Shi Zhang Su in the hall.Liu Du has a Chinese character face, a burly figure, and looks dignified.

Zhang Su is 32 years old, and he is a rare talent in Lingling.With outstanding ability, he is Liu Du's right-hand man.

...Hmph, Duke Cao's school lieutenant?Who is this Sima Yi?Could it be the person from the Jinxuan faction pretending to be it? "After reading the letter, Liu Du snorted coldly, with a mocking look on his face.

"Reporting to my lord, Sima Yi is very famous in the north. He is the son of Sima Fang. The eight brothers are called Bada. If Jin Xuan wants to impersonate, I am afraid that he will only impersonate someone who is more famous and capable. He will not choose Sima Yi. "Zhang Su also looked at it with a dignified expression.

"That is to attack Changsha?" Liu Du's expression changed, and he said unwillingly.

Although Liu Du wanted to talk to Cao, he also wanted to have some disputes with Liu Feng.

"Attack. Anyway, Liu Feng's power is already strong, and sooner or later he will attack the remaining three counties in Jingnan. Now, with Sima Yi leading the way, it is also an opportunity for the three counties to attack Liu Feng together." Zhang Su said.

"That's right. There are 5 troops in the three counties. I heard that the barbarians also have [-] horses. The total is [-]. Let's not talk about the quality, but the number sounds scary enough. Hehe, maybe Liu Feng Maybe the ship capsized in the Huiyin ditch." Liu Du was right after thinking about it." Hehe smiled. Greedily said: "If Liu Feng can be wiped out in a daze, and he has made great contributions to Cao Gong, he will definitely be named a marquis and a general. "

As soon as these few words were spoken, Liu Du's attitude changed.From prudence" to greed for merit.

Eighty thousand troops, hehe.

…………………, the seat of Guiyang County is Tied County.

With a population of tens of thousands, it is Zhao Fan's city.Zhao Fan's situation is similar to that of Jin Xuan, Liu Du and others." He also served as a prefect for several years, and when Liu Biao died of illness, he became an independent prince.

However, there are also differences.Because the Zhao family is a prominent family in Guiyang County, compared to Jin Xuan, Liu Du, and Zhao Fan's foundation is slightly stronger.

However, Zhao Fan's character is weaker than the previous two.

When Jin Xuan and Sima Yi's letter arrived, Zhao Fan hesitated.Hastily summoned the master book, Deng Fei.

Deng Fei is Zhao Fan's confidant. He was born as a petty official, and was promoted step by step by Zhao Fan to become the chief bookkeeper.He won the trust of Zhao Fan.

"My lord, this is a great achievement. It would be a pity not to accept it." Deng Fei finished reading Sima Yi and Jin Xuan's.

That kind of shit" is no different from being beaten with chicken blood.

"Will Liu Feng be defeated?" Zhao Fan's eyes lit up first, then hesitantly asked.

"I'm sure I'll be defeated. I've heard of Sima Yi, he's a famous person. He's in command of these armies, Liu Feng is sure to be defeated." Seeing Zhao Fan hesitate, Deng Fei hurriedly said.

That look" as if you're out of broth when you're late.

Deng Fei's instigation made Zhao Fan's expression slightly firmer.But still do some hesitation.

"Prepare [-] troops and go to the Hanshou Festival for money," Zhao Fan finally ordered.

The three Jingnan counties each have [-] to [-] troops. In Guiyang, Zhao Fan's army is mostly [-] soldiers and horses. This time Zhao Fan only plans to send half of the troops.

Deng Fei felt a little helpless. The letter was clearly written, and [-] troops were sent out every day, and [-] troops were combined.But Zhao Fan was out of eight thousand soldiers.This character.

Deng Fei shook his head heartily, but he also knew that it was not easy for Zhao Fan to send troops, so it was better not to force him too much.Therefore," he had no choice but to say, "No." "

………, Changsha County, Linxiang City.

However, Liu Feng also received the news that Sha Mohun, king of Wuxi Fan, sent [-] troops "to attack Wuling first, but then" bypassed Wuling and went straight to Changsha.

Followed by, there are traces of Sima Yi.

And, Jinxuan, the governor of Wuling County, led [-] troops to Hanshou.Guiyang and Lingling are both ready to move.

The first moment he saw the news, Liu Feng sneered.

An army of [-] is enough to look down on him.However, Liu Feng didn't think that Sima Yi's power was just a little bit.

Sima Yi is actually not scary, it is Cao Cao who is scary.The power that Sima Yi can use, in addition to the three counties, should also be Xu Huang from the north.

Xu Huang in the north was the second general after Cao Ren, stationed in Wancheng, with [-] to [-] elite soldiers.

Adding up these forces, there are nearly [-] troops.

As for Liu Feng's own army, Jiujiang Huangzhong has 5000 people. It has the surrendered soldiers of Cao Ren and Huang Zu in the past.But this one, we must guard against Jiangdong.

Pang Tong's Ministry has 3000 people.It is also called elite.This part is to guard Jiangxia and guard against Xu Huang's army in the north.

Gan Ning's navy has 6000 people, and this one is just a pure navy.Liu Feng didn't want to be involved in the ground war.In addition, there are Chen Da's one thousand broken army and the second battalion of God's arms.

It is the elite of the elite.The [-] Changsha defenders led by Huo Jun, this part of the army has a relatively short training time.

Just average.

In addition, there are Xu Shu, Wei Yan, Li Yan and other [-] troops, and Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry.These two parts are not even fully recruited.

They are currently recruiting in Jiangxia and Jiujiang respectively.Unusable.

In this way, Liu Feng's army can use only 4 people.There is a huge difference from the army of nearly 10 people held by Sima Yi.But Liu Feng also has Liu Feng's advantages.

At this moment, Huo Jun and Chen Da are all there.

Facing the news that nearly [-] troops came to attack.Except for Liu Feng, Chen Da's expression was quite calm, Xu Zheng, Zhang Dao, and Huo Jun's expressions were all a little unnatural.

Xu Zheng, in particular, lacked the experience of a big battle.His face was already dripping with cold sweat.

"My lord, now the Second Route Army is an army of [-], should we shrink our defenses and give up Changsha to avoid the front for a while and retreat to Jiangxia to garrison?" Xu Zheng raised his fist and said.

From Xu Zheng's point of view, Changsha really couldn't bear it.There are only [-] troops in total, but the enemy has tens of thousands of people.

"It's more than that. Depending on the situation, Xu Huang from the north will also send troops. That's the troublesome one, [-] to [-] elite soldiers, elite soldiers from the north." Liu Feng smiled slightly.

Xu Zheng's face turned black when he heard this, and a sense of dizziness hit him.It's not just ** million, there are really [-].

What made Xu Zheng suspicious was why Liu Feng could be so calm?Is there a good way to defeat the enemy?Xu Zheng was not a brainless person, and he guessed the reason for Liu Feng's composure in an instant.

And recalling Liu Feng's many achievements, killing Huang Zu, worshiping Zhou Yu, and capturing Cao Ren, none of these things were extremely dangerous, but Liu Feng survived and made his power bigger and bigger.

Up to now, it has become a force parallel to Jiangdong.Although the enemy has an army of [-], Zhou Yu is much more difficult to deal with than the five commanders, as well as other races, each with their own ghosts.

Thinking of this, Xu Zheng felt relieved.

In fact, it was not as easy as Xu Zheng thought, but Liu Feng was indeed very confident and had an advantage.

First is Xu Huang's side. If Xu Huang sends troops, he will definitely follow Cao Ren's old path and attack Jiangxia's cities in the north of the Yangtze River.

In the past, 3000 people from Pang Tong's department had to be stationed in the north to stop Xu Huang.But now it's not like Cao Ren.

Liu Feng once had a small plan, and personally decided on a place to build a big city.And ordered Gucheng run by Xiang Lang.Back then, it was named "solid" because it was easy to be strong and strong.Just to prepare for today.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is not a big city, it can only be regarded as a waiting city.But the walls are tall and thick.Very difficult to break.

Therefore, as long as Deng Ai from the Pang Tong Department leads 3000 people into Gucheng, they can hold on for five months.In the extra five months, the remaining [-] troops of the Iraqi Pang Tong Department.Ke Ran has done many, many things.

For example, when the soldiers came to Hanshou, they confronted the [-] troops from the three counties.

In addition to this advantage, Liu Feng also has another advantage, that is Huang Zhong from Jiujiang County.This group of people was originally set up to deal with Jiangdong Sun Quan.

But now Jiangdong still relies on Liu Feng's grain as a supply.It is possible to relax a little bit.With 5000 people, Liu Feng can let Huang Zhong send [-] troops to sweep Lingling and the two counties of Guiyang.After breaking the second county, he led the army to the north and joined Pang Tong.

With Huang Zhong's ability, it is estimated that one or two months will be enough.Another additional effect is that the rear is broken, causing turmoil in the front.

In this way, Xu Huang's army was restrained by Deng Ai.The [-] troops in the three counties were restrained by Pang Tong and Huang Zhong.Three armies, two were blocked.

The army that Liu Feng had to face was actually only the [-] army of Wuxi Fan King Shamohun.But the army in Linxiang City has Huo Jun and Chen Da's [-] troops.

With Chen Da's magic arm, the Second Battalion of the Pojun was responsible for the offense and could not participate in the defense.Therefore, in fact, there are only five thousand defenders of Huo Jun in Linxiang City.

Fifty thousand barbarians and five thousand defenders are extremely weak.But this weakness is precisely Liu Feng's greatest advantage.

In fact, other advantages are not advantages.Liu Feng believed that everything was within Sima Yi's calculations.But only this last advantage can be guessed.Unless it is a time traveler like Liu Feng.

Huo Jun is very good at defending.

Historically, Huo Jun defended Xiameng City with hundreds of people.And Liu Zhang sent his generals to attack the city with 1 people.For a year, Huo Jun's city was not captured.

Huo Jun is the best general in Shu who is good at defending the city.In Liu Feng's view, Wuxi barbarians are worse than Liu Zhang's army.

Sima Yi never imagined that 5 people would fail to attack Linxiang, which had only five or six thousand defenders.Sima Yi never thought of this.

After January and February, Huang Zhong conquered Lingling and the two counties of Guiyang.Suddenly the situation becomes clear.

This time, Sima Yi had to lose miserably.Liu Feng clenched his fist hard.The heart is very carefree. ! .

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