Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 382 Waiting for Sima Yi to Take the Bait

Although the heart is happy, Liu Feng knows that this time is different from the past, and the danger is still there.

For example, Deng Ai failed to resist Xu Huang in Gucheng.Either Jiangdong suddenly attacked Jiujiang, or Huang Zhong could not break through Guiyang and Lingling counties on time.

It's all very dangerous.This time, it's not a unilateral enemy.

But danger also means opportunity. If this battle is successful, Lingling, Guiyang, Wuling, and even Wuxi will be wiped out successfully.

It would have taken a year and a half to conquer the three Jingnan counties, but they could be captured in only three or four months.

If you can get it, you have to thank Sima Yi.How much trouble would it be without him.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng smiled slightly.Taking a deep breath, he expressed his thoughts to Xu Zheng, Zhang Dao, and Huo Jun who were present.

"My lord, this is too risky. If [-] barbarians break through Changsha, what should I do? My lord has three counties and is powerful. There is no need to fight against the barbarians for the sake of gaining or losing a city or a place." Xu Zheng was in a hurry when he heard the words, and tried hard to persuade him.

That's what it means, stay out of the way for now.

In Liu Feng's heart, he didn't back off because he was angry with Xu Zheng, because in the eyes of many people, avoiding the edge for the time being is beneficial to development.It doesn't mean that Xu Zheng is timid or unreliable.

"I've made up my mind on this matter. Prefect Xu doesn't need to say anything more." Liu Feng shook his head, and spoke clearly to Xu Zhengdao.

Seeing the expression on Liu Feng's face and his firm gaze, Xu Zheng also knew that there was more to say.Liu Feng had already made up his mind, all he had to do was to cooperate as much as possible.

"In this case, my lord, please allow me to go down and make arrangements first, and prepare to gather the people to defend the city together." Xu Zheng raised his fist and said in a deep voice.

Liu Feng nodded happily. Sure enough, he was right. Although he disagreed, Xu Zheng was also the kind of person who would fully cooperate when the situation was settled.

"Prepare as many defense equipment as possible." Liu Feng nodded and said.

"Promise." Xu Zhengxun replied quickly." Then he hurriedly got up and walked out.

After Xu Zheng left, only Liu Feng, Zhang Dao, and Huo Jun were left in the study.

Liu Feng set his sights on Huo Jun, "This person is the key figure in defeating the barbarians. After Liu Feng said that the plan was small, this key figure's eyes kept shining with thought. He must be calculating something.

"How about it, Zhong Miao. The barbarians have [-] troops, but you only have [-] troops, a city of people, and a tall and honest city. Can you hold it?" Liu Feng asked with a smile.

As soon as Liu Feng's words came out, Huo Jun put away the light in his eyes.

He was indeed calculating just now, okay?Liu Feng and him have the kindness of knowing each other." When he first came to Jiangxia, he became the Sima of another department, guarding one side.

Therefore, in these years, Huo Jun has devoted himself to everything he does.Army, city walls.They all trained well.Especially the city wall, because there is always a strong threat from Tai Shici in the east.

So Huo Jun repaired the city wall to be extremely tall and strong.Don't say anything else." Just relying on this tall city wall, Huo Jun has the confidence to resist the attack of the barbarians.

But how long, there is no way to calculate.

This has a lot to do with the momentum, the situation, and the support of the people."

At present, the momentum of our own side is strong. Liu Feng, the lord of the three counties, is here.The support of the people is very strong.

Liu Feng saved countless Changsha people in a natural disaster.When the plague broke out, it was also treated in time. And the price of food was quelled, and the powerful were killed.

Various measures have made the people of Changsha have an unusual love for Liu Feng.

Huo Jun has read many biographies of people, and knows that if some people serve as officials in one side and benefit the local area, when they leave office, countless people will follow them.

And Huo Jun believed that "if Liu Feng had to give up Changsha as a last resort, there must be countless Changsha people willing to follow him to live in Jiangxia.

So "momentum and the support of the people are not a problem, what follows is the situation. However, the situation on the battlefield is always changing. Who can understand it?"

Huo Jun laughed at himself, now he only needs to answer the lord's question, whether he can stop fifty thousand barbarians.

"If there are only [-] barbarians, relying on the power of the city, they will be able to defend for at least five months." Huo Jun thought for a moment and said.

Huo Jun knew that modesty was the worst thing to be tolerated on the battlefield.If one is modest, allowing Liu Feng to misjudge, it may cause a big mistake.

Therefore, these five months are the shortest period for Huo Jun to defend the city after calculation.I don't know how long I can hold on.

five months?Liu Feng smiled with satisfaction. He knew that Huo Jun was a very cautious person, and those who were not cautious would generally not become a famous general who was famous for defending the city.

Therefore, there will be absolutely no mistakes in five months.

As long as Huang Zhong can defeat the two counties of Guiyang and Lingling within these five months, he can go north to join Pang Tong and defeat the army of the three counties together.

This battle can be won.Liu Feng was sure.

"That's good." Liu Feng nodded and said, and then said: "Go down and prepare. If you have any difficulties, you can tell Xu Zheng directly. Next, the whole city will cooperate with you in defense."

"No." Huo Jun replied calmly, got up and left the study.

"My lord." A Jun is the queen.Liu Feng fell into deep thought, thinking about whether there was anything to add to this battle.Until one sentence woke Liu Feng up.

"What's the matter?" Liu Feng remembered that Zhang Dao was still there.

"According to the lord's strategy, Jiangdong must be guarded against. Shall we hold down the food and not exchange it with Jiangdong for the time being, so that Jiangdong can use the mouse?" Zhang Dao raised his fist and said.

It is no secret that Jiangdong and Jiangxia are exchanging Shanyue captives and food with each other.The Jiangdong generals are still going deep into Senshan to destroy Shanyue to make up for Liu Feng's appetite, with 60 Shanyue people.However, Zhou Yu stayed and garrisoned Yuzhang firmly, confronting Jiujiang.

Liu Feng thought about Zhang Dao’s method of using food to suppress Jiangdong, but he shook his head and said, "No way. If we suppress the food, it means that we are afraid of Jiangdong from the side, which means we are empty." , Zhou Yu's nature may raise troops immediately. The gain outweighs the loss."

"We can't control the food, but we have to proceed as usual." Liu Feng added.

Zhang Daoxin thought about Liu Feng's words, and broke out in a cold sweat.If it was true as Liu Feng said, Zhou Yu would raise troops immediately, then he would be a sinner.

"I didn't think well, so please punish me, my lord." Zhang Dao raised his head and said guiltily.

"Things, why, it reminded me of one thing." Liu Feng smiled slightly and waved his hand.

With Zhang Dao's ability, it is not bad that he has grown to the point where he can serve as a county guard. Liu Feng does not expect him to become a qualified adviser.

"Jiangdong really has to guard against it. Drafting. When Huang Zhong is asked to send troops, choose night. Food and other things should be as low-key as possible. Don't let Jiangdong's spies listen to the wind." Liu Feng paused for a while. He added: "Also, immediately let Deng Ai lead 3000 people from the headquarters into Gucheng to prepare to defend against Xu Huang. Pang Tong, with 1 people, marched into Hanshou and confronted the soldiers and horses of the three counties."

Drafting the book should have been the responsibility of Liu Ba, the chief bookkeeper, but the matter was urgent and Liu Ba did not come here, so Liu Feng could only hand it over to Zhang Dao.

Seeing that Liu Feng did not blame him, Zhang Dao was relieved and felt a little guilty.Warn yourself in the future to avoid areas that you are not good at, and to export casually.

"No." Zhang Dao responded to Liu Feng's order and left quickly.

After Zhang Dao left, Liu Feng fell into deep thought.

This battle, the layout has been completed.But the others are false, Liu Feng believed that Sima Yi had a thorough understanding before sending troops.

The only killer move is Huo Jun.In other words, it will definitely win.

But Liu Feng still thought about it carefully to see if there was anything to add.In the end nothing was added.

It's a pity that there is no adviser around now, Pang Tong, Jiang Wan, Xu Shu, Liu Ba, are either county guards or chief bookkeepers.Either in Jiangxia, or in conscription, not in Changsha.

Without these people, Liu Feng was somewhat uncertain.

However, on the other hand, it also aroused Liu Feng's blood, just like when he first left the Xinye drifting, the evil grew out of the courage and entered Jiangxia.

At that time, there were no celebrities around.

fight one.Let Sima Yi return in a disastrous defeat, not just talk.Liu Feng clenched his fists.The eyes flickered fiercely.

Evil comes from the gallbladder.Remembering the moment when Huang Zu was killed, Liu Feng's blood boiled with enthusiasm.


Wancheng.In the past, Wancheng was a very huge city, not only the outer wall, but also the people inside the city. It was very large and prosperous.

But after Liu Feng's fire.

The city of Wan was charred and there was no human habitation.Even the outer city walls were damaged a lot.

Since Xu Huang led the elite soldiers to Wancheng, they first repaired the city walls and then built houses. After several months, people moved into Wancheng successively from the original places.

It has only recovered a little bit of vitality until today.But compared with Wancheng's heyday, it is very different.

As the new guardian of Wancheng, Xu Huang does not have a good impression of Liu Feng.

And Xu Huang's goal was to raise troops to attack Jiangxia's six cities in the north of the Yangtze River.To avenge Wancheng.

Xu Huang has a burly figure and a rough appearance. Because of his personality, he is not a very talkative person, nor is he a pleasant-looking person.But its prestige is very high.

Whether it is in his own army or in Cao Cao's entire power group.

The entire Cao Cao power has many and broad generals.It is not unreasonable for Xu Huang to be listed as a famous general, together with Zhang Liao, Zhang Jai, Yu Jin, Le Jin, etc., as the Five Sons.

When Sima Yi's letter came, Xu Huang felt that this battle was in accordance with his destiny, and he also followed his heart.

It gave him the opportunity to attack the six cities in Jiangbei and avenge his hatred every day.

In the general's mansion, in the study, Xu Huang held Sima Yi's hand in his hand: "Rise up [-] troops and attack Gucheng with all our strength."

The voice is rich and powerful.

When these five good generals make a move, what kind of Fan King fifty thousand barbarians.The [-] troops in the three counties are all inferior.

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