Outside Xiling City, Day Camp.

In the big army tent, Pang Tong sat on the main seat, with a group of generals under him.

Deng Ai, Ma Su, and Xiang Chong are all here.Deng Ai has the highest position, sitting first under Pang Tong's right hand.Ma Di stood behind Pang Tong as a small official.Xiang Chong ranked last because he had the smallest official position.

As the saying goes, gold shines wherever it is.Deng Ai was dug by Liu Feng himself, and he had contributed to the growth of Liu Feng's power.

Since being included in Pang Tong's account, he has won Pang Tong's favorite.At present, not only is he in charge of three thousand soldiers and horses, but he is also half of Pang Tong's disciple.

Ma Su is not very old, but his IQ is extremely high.

It's just that there are some weaknesses that are more serious. For example, his thinking is a bit peculiar.Pang Tong concluded that this person would either become a genius or a fool.In particular, Liu Feng wrote to him personally, asking him to teach him carefully.Don't dare to be negligent" stay by my side and teach carefully. My temperament has initially stabilized a few days ago.

She took off her childishness, and there was a hint of calmness on her face.

In the end, it's towards favor.Although the talent shown by this person is not as good as Deng Ai's Ma Di, he is still the best.

Pang Tong paid more attention to "he is currently a military lord in charge of 500 people.

Look at his face" full of determination.

These three people are very young, and two of them are still in low official positions.He was a bit out of tune with the group of young generals in the big tent.But those present dared to underestimate them.

Think about it, all of their young talents have the opportunity to sit here, and Deng Ai and others have already made their mark at a young age.

This huge gap" made everyone understand that the future of these three people is limitless.

At this moment, the discussion in the big tent has just begun.Pang Tong took out a roll of bamboo slips, handed them to Ma Di and said, "Let all the generals read them one by one."

Pang Tong has been famous for a long time, and he has a very strong morale.Now, he has been in a high position for a long time, and he has an extremely powerful general's arrogance on his body.

What is made soft is a kind of majesty, which can [suppress] people's hearts.

Although the words are light at the moment, they are different from military orders.Overwhelm the generals.

promise. "Sit down with Pang Tong" Ma Su has been influenced for a long time, and has already been impressed by Pang Tong's talents.Respectfully, he took the bamboo slip from Pang Tong's hand, then walked up to Deng Ai, and handed the bamboo slip to Deng Ai.

After Deng Ai took it, he glanced at it, his expression changed slightly.Immediately, he quietly handed the bamboo slip to the next person.But the general who took Deng Ai's bamboo slips couldn't keep calm like Deng Ai.

One hundred thousand sheep, attacking Jiangxia from all directions?

This news is really amazing.When the bamboo slips were handed down to the last person, they were going to be favored." There was already a lot of discussion in the big tent.

Those who frown, there are.There are those who are dignified. But none of them turned pale and flinched.

Most of the generals here are from Jiangxia.And these years when Liu Feng was in Jiangxia, he was very popular with the people, "managing Jiangshan stronger than Jiangdong.

These generals are naturally loyal.

"One hundred thousand troops?" Ma Di's face remained motionless, but his heart was a little turbulent.Immediately, he glanced at Pang Tong, but his heart calmed down.

Jiangxia "Changsha" Jiujiang.The hearts of the people are strong, and the master is "handsome, wise, and brave. It is not something that can be easily shaken by external forces.

Xiang Chongyan was also deeply shocked, but he glanced at Deng Ai who was sitting in the first place with a calm and natural expression, and quietly cheered himself up.

Xiang Chong, Xiang Chong, you will also be a hero in the future.Don't be intimidated by this number.

Pang Tong could see the expressions of the three of them," he felt relieved.

Deng Ai is as calm as a mountain.Even an army of [-] could not scare him away.

Ma Di's eyes flickered, obviously aware of their advantage.

But Xiang Chong is also a bloody person.These three people" must be the leaders of my Jiang Xia generation.

Looking at them, Pang Tong felt a sense of old age.Immediately, I couldn't help laughing, it's the heyday of spring and autumn, why do I say I'm old?

"This time, an army of [-] will attack on three fronts. What do Captain Deng think?" Pang Tong asked Deng Ai with a slight smile.

"Since my lord has reached a conclusion, what else can I say? Fight." Deng Ai's eyes flashed coldly, and he spit out such a sentence.

Although young, but murderous Ling Ran.Immediately, the generals in the tent calmed down.That's right, since the lord has already made a strategy, "what's the point of being so dignified, fight.

At this moment, several people's blood boiled with excitement.

Although this son is small, it is enough to [suppress] the general's heart and make the army invincible.Pang Tong glanced at Deng Ai strangely." After a while, he retracted his gaze. He smiled slightly and said: "Yes, the enemy army is coming, and the Lord is in front. We should share our worries and fight. "

As he spoke, the smile on his face faded, and he said in a deep voice, "Deng Ai."

"The last general is here." Deng Ai immediately got up and said, "Going forward to meet him.

"Lead 3000 troops from the headquarters and station them in Gucheng. With the order of the general, you can control the six cities in Jiangbei, and those who disobey the order will be executed."

"No." Deng Ai took a few steps forward, took the general's order, and walked out.

After a while, I only heard the sound of the horn." Then there was a sound of footsteps, killing to the north.

"The rest of you, follow me to the west, to Hanshou, and help the Lord defeat the enemy." After Deng Ai," Pang Tong slowly got up and said.

"Promise." All the generals agreed together.

"Hmph, I, Jiangxia, have been the hegemony for many generations, and I have just started with PS. How can I let little Sima Yi mess it up." After the generals left, Pang Tong looked up to the west and snorted coldly.

The voice is domineering.Pang Tong is the crown of Nanzhou scholar, known as the unique Jingchu.Although Sima Yi was famous, Pang Tong still dismissed him.

No matter how strong your ability is, you still need to have capital. It is absurd to want to sweep Jiangxia in a state of disunity.

A flash of astonishment flashed in Ma Su's eyes, and he quickly lowered his head, hiding the astonishment in his heart.

Over the years hegemony.

Lord, ministers, generals.After lowering his head, the horror in Ma Su's eyes was replaced by excitement, and his heart was surging.

This battle is a matter of life and death." Therefore, the generals prepared very quickly. Soon after, Pang Tong walked out of the army tent, put on a light armor, wore a Chu sword on his waist, and rode a horse on his body. He led an army of [-] to attack Han. life.

Jiujiang.To be exact, it is Jiujiang Five Cities.

Jiujiang used to have only four cities. After Liu Zai captured Chaisang, he established a county based on these four cities.But not long ago, Zhuge Jin, the guard of Shanyue Lang, built another city in Jiujiang. He was responsible for arranging the people of Shanyue.

Although this city is only a rough embryo, it is still a city. Therefore, there are now five cities in Jiujiang. There are nearly 20 people.

It is a big county.

At this moment, the big camp outside Chaisang City is inside the army tent.Huang Zhong also showed Liu Feng's order to his generals.

"The last general must always be vigilant about Jiangdong and defend Jiujiang for the general. General, don't worry about capturing Guiyang and Lingling counties." After reading the order, Zhang Gui said in a deep voice.

His whole body exuded a strong sense of self-confidence. Zhang Gui was the general Liu Feng relied on in the early days. He was born in the army and was a very orthodox military officer.

Over the years, he followed Liu Feng to conquer east and west, and finally followed Huang Zhong, and learned a lot.

Moreover, the five cities of Jiujiang have been heightened and thickened six times over the years.You know, these cities were originally Zhou Yu's lair, and they were extremely strong.Now that it is taller and thicker, one can imagine how strong it is.Even if tens of thousands of troops from Jiangdong come to attack "Zhang Gui believes that he can defend for a year or so.

At this moment, although Zhang Gui was calm and confident.But the heart is surging.

When he followed Liu Feng, he was still persecuted.Thinking about it now, it's luckier than that.Liu Feng has reached the present point step by step, holding the three counties of Jiangxia.

His status has also risen with the tide.Now, Liu Feng wants to take another three counties to become king and hegemony.

Like that Jiangdong, the south is called Gu.Sitting on one side.

This is a great opportunity.After the general leaves, no matter who comes to Jiujiang.Don't even think about taking a city from me.

Zhang Gui clenched his fists, his eyes flickered fiercely.Huang Zhong, the general of the belt.Since shooting Huang Zu, Huang Zhong has faded out of Jiangxia. He is not as active as Gan Ning, and participated in the attack on Jiangling, Wancheng, and Jiangdong.But Huang Zhong's role can be ignored.It is precisely because of him in Jiujiang that Liu Feng's east can be stable.Only then can you free up your hands to deal with many powerful enemies in the northwest.

At this moment, Huang Zhong was wearing a golden armor, his head was white, but his face was shining red, like a young man.A pair of tiger eyes are shining.

Vitality and blood are exuberant and ageless.

Hearing Zhang Gui's assurance, Huang Zhong looked up.Slowly said: "Two months" can defeat Guiyang "Lingling. Three months should defeat Wuxi barbarians."

"Don't worry, general, the final general will live up to expectations." Zhang Gui immediately raised his fist and said with a firm expression.

"Let's gather the soldiers and horses first, and leave quietly at night." Huang Zhong said in a deep voice.

"No." Zhang Gui immediately got up and said.

After Zhang Gui left, Huang Zhong's eyes flickered.Said to himself: "Guiyang, Lingling. In the past, Liu Jingzhou guarded Changsha, but I didn't expect to capture these two cities today."

He sighed, but there was no regret on Huang Zhong's face.

Although Liu Biao used him, he was not reused, not to mention the kindness of knowing him.And Liu Biao has been dead for a long time now.

Compared with Liu Biao, Liu Feng first saved the life of his only son.He was given command of an army of fifteen thousand.It made his later life more colorful.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Huang Zhong shouted to the door: "Xu'er, come here to get the armor for my father.

"No." A young man's voice sounded from outside the door.After a while, a young man walked in with a black bow in hand, followed by two stout sergeants, carrying a large box.

This young man is very strong and has a slightly dark complexion.It looks no different from ordinary soldiers, except for a pair of bright eyes.

It was Huang Xu, the reckless young man who dared to shoot Liu Feng.

Nowadays, Huang Xu's body has long since lost the impulsiveness of a young man, and only has calmness.The improvement of his body made Huang Xu's personality settle down.

Huang Zhong glanced at Huang Xu gratifiedly, and said: "You will follow this battle and sharpen yourself on the battlefield." Considering that his heirs are weak and Huang Xu's health has improved, Huang Zhong begged for a wife for Huang Xu. Several wives and concubines.

Several of them were pregnant.

Now that he is taking his son away to sharpen by his side, Huang Zhong is also relieved.If jade is not carved, it is not a tool.

"No." Huang Xu said, his body trembling slightly.

As a young man entering the battlefield for the first time, he was very excited to see Huang Xu's expression "Huang Zhong's satisfaction flashed away. This son" must be extraordinary. ! ~!

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