Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 385 Sun Quan and Liu Bei are powerless to join the battle

Liao Li was excited, while Liu Bei was very happy.

Ever since he suffered so many losses from Liu Feng, what Liu Bei likes to see the most is Liu Feng being deflated.

Although this is selfish, it is also ambitious.

Only when Liu Feng's power is weak and destroyed, will he have a chance to occupy Jingzhou.

Now that Sima Yi has created an army of [-] to attack Jiangxia, how can Liu Bei not be happy?

Whether it's public or private, be happy.

It's just that after several storms, Liu Bei's city has deepened, and his emotions and anger have become more and more invisible.The heart is happy, but the face is full of ancient well waves.

"Jiangxia is in danger, and I have a very good heart." Liu Bei just smiled slightly, and responded to Liao Li's words.

Immediately, Liu Bei turned his attention to Zhuge Liang.

In the study, apart from Liu Bei and Liao Li, there is only Zhuge Liang.

Unlike Liao Li's activeness, Zhuge Liang has been quiet recently, as if he has lost his ambition.

This made Liu Bei feel a little uneasy, because his plan was made by Zhuge Liang. At the beginning, Liu Bei was determined to drive away Liu Feng and alienate Xu Shu because of the tripartite theory.

But now Zhuge Liang seems to have given up.

Liu Bei felt that Zhuge Liang's ambition should be awakened, and he should fight side by side to establish the career of king and hegemony.

"Now the south is weak, and the situation is secretive. I don't know what Kong Ming wants?" Liu Bei said.

Seeing Liu Bei ask Zhuge Liang, Liao Li felt a little displeased, but he held back and didn't say anything, just looked at Zhuge Liang with a sneer.

He thought that once Xu Shu left, the only remaining enemy was Zhuge Liang.Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang was still more affectionate, so he fell silent.

Some alienated Liu Bei.

Now, the relationship with Liu Bei is very bad.No more threats.What nice thing can he say?

Seemingly aware of Liao Li's gaze, Zhuge Liang raised his head and glanced, anger flashed in the depths of his eyes.

It is rare for Zhuge Liang to be angry.Zhuge Liang is naturally calm, and he can make Mount Tai collapse in front of him without changing his face.

When he was angry, one can imagine what happened.

As soon as Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan left, the food arrived.Coupled with the recent rumors, how could Zhuge Liang fail to guess that Liu Bei sold out his subjects.

No matter what is wrong with Xu Shu, whether Zhao Yun is loyal or not, whether Wei Yan is capable or not.These three people never left.

It was wrong for Liu Bei to sell them.

And Zhuge Liang is sure that it must be Liao Li who instigated Liu Bei to do this.

this villain.With Zhuge Liang's restraint, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

"My lord's words are true. This battle will definitely hurt Liu Feng's vitality. In the southern area, no matter how strong the master is, the lord can take advantage of the momentum." He didn't want to speak at first, but seeing Liao Li's eyes, Zhuge Liang spoke.

It is also auspicious.

"Hehe, the situation in the world is now clear, and Liu Feng and others are bound to decline." Liao Li didn't want Zhuge Liang to speak up, and he said something positive.

Xin was very surprised, didn't this guy like to give advice in the past.

While surprised, Liao Li felt that Zhuge Liang was still a great threat.It must be eradicated, so he smirked.

Insinuating that this is the ending that everyone in the world knows, Zhuge Liang's words are nonsense.

"Although the situation is clear, the ones who take advantage of the victory can only be the unrivaled powerhouses, and they cannot become powerful unless they are heroes. It is precisely because the situation is clear that it is precious for the master to become powerful." Zhuge Liang said with a slight smile.

These years, Liu Bei likes to listen to soft words because he hits everywhere.Liao Li was capable, so Liu Bei stayed.

But now, Zhuge Liang and Liao Li are facing each other, and they both report good news but not bad news.Liu Bei's heart sank, and he had a bad premonition.

If the left and right counselors fight each other, can he still succeed?

Thinking about it this way, Liu Bei's joy at the news that the [-] troops attacked Jiangxia from the south also dimmed.Looking at the important ministers on the left and right, I felt a headache.

I really miss the time when the monarch and his ministers were harmonious in the past, but it is a pity that it is gone forever.

Liu Bei's eyes flickered sadly, which is rare.Perhaps, he really did something wrong?Xu Shu, Zhao Yun and Wei Yan should not be sold off.

At this moment, Liu Bei felt regretful.

There was no joy left.


During natural disasters, floods almost submerged the entire Jiangdong, the earth became the sea, and the mountains became small islands.Now the flood has receded.

But it left devastated.

There have been small-scale plagues.In addition, it is extremely difficult to distribute food. During disaster relief, rice porridge can only be used.

The faces of the common people were all sallow, with the look of malnutrition.

In addition, there are more painful things.Jiangdong's soldiers have once again set out to conquer Shanyue.

This time it wasn't Shanyue who was violent and went to suppress the rebellion.Instead, he took the initiative to trouble those Shanyue people in the deep mountains and old forests.

This is something that makes all Jiangdong people sad.

60 Shanyue people in exchange for food.Now only more than [-] people have been handed over to Jiangxia, and there are more than [-] Shanyue people who need to rely on battles and the bloodshed of soldiers to get together.

It is bitter enough for others to pick the fruits of victory.Sun Quan had to take the initiative to hand over the fruit to Liu Feng.This is the more poignant thing.

These days, Sun Quan looked at the public every day, where the people could not eat enough, and the county magistrate asked for food support.It was the Jiangdong generals who encountered the tenacious resistance of the Shanyue people in the forest.

The soldiers lost a lot.

Beginning with drought, flood, plague, famine, the constant death of elite soldiers.

It was like a series of curses that made Sun Quan haggard a lot.

But today is a good day.Sun Quan saw it, and saw the news that the [-] soldiers of the Wuxi barbarians and the [-] troops from the three counties were attacking Liu Feng.

"Hahahaha." Sun Quan's extremely cheerful smile came from the study room.

The sound is full of joy and joy.It was a feeling of exhilaration that had been suppressed for a long time and suddenly became exhilarating.It proves from the side that during this period of time, Sun Quan's life was so oppressive and horrible.

In the study room, except for Sun Quan who laughed heartily.And Lu Su, and Zhang Zhao.

Like Sun Quan, Lu Su helped deal with the affairs of various places all day long, and he was in a very bad mood, almost as good as Sun Quan.After hearing the news of Liu Feng's predicament today, he also showed a smile.

After three missions to Jiang Xia, Lu Su basically had no good impression of Jiang Xia.Although the schadenfreude in this smile is not as blatant as Sun Quan's, it still shows.

Judging from the gloating smile, it can be seen that Lu Su's mood can be seen a little bit.

Compared to Lu Su, Zhang Zhao is much more reserved.

Zhang Zhao is Jiangdong's chief manager, and all affairs must go through Zhang Zhao's hands directly or indirectly.Regarding the disaster in Jiangdong, Zhang Zhao was also devastated.

But in terms of personal feelings, Zhang Zhao has neither good nor bad feelings for Liu Feng.

Therefore, Zhang Zhao just smiled slightly, echoing Sun Quan's joy.

Sun Quan's laughter was like a burst of laughter after sex.It rang for quite a while.After a long time, the laughter was slowly stopped.

After regaining some composure, Sun Quan couldn't wait to ask: "Zijing, now that Liu Feng's foundation is solid, so many soldiers and horses attacking Jiangxia may only cause trouble for Liu Feng, but cannot shake the foundation. If I How about waiting for troops to be dispatched?"

Sun Quan is a man of foresight, and the three counties of Jiangxia have become a piece of Tietong.The hearts of the people are towards Liu Feng, the officials use their schemes, and the generals use their lives.

It has become its own party.The barbarians, the people from the three counties are coming fiercely, and it will be nothing in the end.

Sun Quan felt that if it was at this time, Bo would fuel the fire.Shaking Liu Feng's foundation may be successful.But on the other hand, he was worried about whether Jiangdong, who was currently weak, could bear it, so he asked tentatively.

"No." Lu Su and Zhang Zhao blurted out almost as colleagues.

The two looked at each other, and both saw horror in each other's eyes.

"My lord, Jiangdong now needs to rely on Liu Feng's food to save the people, and on the other hand, it also needs to rely on Liu Feng's food to support the army's use of troops against the Shanyue people. In addition, all aspects are too weak to use troops." Zhang Zhao hastily persuaded.

Knowing that Sun Quan hated Liu Feng very much, Zhang Zhao almost gritted his teeth.But now is not the time to take personal revenge, Jiang Dong has no strength at all.

"Mr. Zibu's words are very true." Lu Su next to him was also startled, and hurriedly said: "Not only is Jiangdong weak, but Jiujiang is run by Huang Zhong and Ma Liang. The people's hearts are attached, the city is tall, and there are ten thousand soldiers. [-]. Even if Gong Jin goes out to fight, he may not be able to take Jiujiang within half a year. If he fails to take Jiujiang, Liu Feng will pacify the three counties instead. When the time comes, Jiangdong will be attacked with elite soldiers, and Jiangdong will be in danger."

If under normal circumstances, Cao Cao was strong, Jiang Dong and Jiang Xia would be close to each other.But now the two sides can't wait for the other to die.

Liu Fengneng made a feat of Gan Ning attacking Jiangdong and burning more than a thousand miles.It will definitely retaliate against Jiangdong's attack on Jiujiang again.

The stakes are too high.Jiang Dong can't afford to be hurt.

The anxious persuasion of the two important ministers cooled Sun Quan's fiery heart a little.After calming down, I couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

As Zhang Zhao and Lu Su said, if Jiang Dong intervenes this time, it is certainly possible to eliminate Liu Feng.But it is also possible that it will lead to the destruction of Jiangdong.

The probability of these two solutions depends on the ability of Jiangdong's generals, but also depends on whether the three counties and the barbarians are outstanding.

That is, there is no sure-win situation, and there is no strength for war.

The gamble was too great.With this bet, no matter whether he wins or loses, Sun Quan loses.

Failure is nothing. Victory is gratifying, but relying on gambling to win means that Sun Quan has lost his mind and lost his composure.

How can this fight against the more powerful Cao Cao?

Sun Quan let out a long breath, only feeling cold sweat dripping down his body.At the same time, a sense of decadence rose in my heart.

Jiangdong is now so weak that he is even weaker than when Sun Ce was handed over to him.

On the other hand, Liu Feng started with hundreds of soldiers, but he became stronger step by step.The aspirations of the people in the three counties are like an iron bucket.

This ups and downs are really sad.

Sun Quan thought of being suppressed by Liu Feng, like Liu Bei, and lost his joy.There is nothing but decadence.

Just like Liu Bei, Jiang Dong is no longer qualified to participate in the war

Ashamed, the recent ups and downs are not very stable.I would like to apologize to the many brothers who supported Sanqi.

Well, talk about the update.This can also be [-] yards, it must be more yards.If there are fewer updates, I hope everyone will forgive me.

I hope I can recover, and next month I will maintain a speed of [-] words every day.Um.

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