Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 386 The Overwhelming Confidence of Old General Huang Zhong

Chapter 380 The Sixth Chapter Huang Zhong's Overwhelming Confidence

Jiangdong and Sun Quan joined the war with all their strength, even though Liu Feng was Jiangdong's great enemy, Sun Quan could not wait to deal with it as soon as possible.And Xinye is not qualified to participate in the battle at all, not to watch.

Liu Feng's power is already top-notch in the world, much stronger than Liu Zhang, Ma, Han Sui, Gongsun Kang and others. Even compared to Jiangdong, Jiangxia's various forces are also stronger.

However, being first-class in the world does not mean top-notch.

In today's world, Cao Cao dominates the north and is the only top power.

A little Sima Yi wants power but no rights, wants prestige but no prestige.But under the power of Cao Cao, it can stir up the situation.

One hundred thousand troops crusade against Jiang Xia, threatening Jiang Xia.It shows how powerful Cao Cao is.

As for how Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan viewed this war, Liu Feng naturally had no time to guess, but at least it wasn't as burnt-out as Cao Cao thought, just a little dignified.

On the upper floor of the city gate of Linxiangxi, a handsome flag with the word "Liu" flutters in the wind, with teeth and claws.

Looking handsome, Liu Feng leaned against the female wall and looked at the barbarian camp in the distance.Surrounded by Chen Da, Huo Jun, Zhou Shun, Xu Zheng and others.

Liu Feng was dressed in golden armor, a cherry helmet on his head, and a Chu knife hanging from his waist. His right hand rested naturally on the handle of the knife at his waist, and his expression was slightly dignified.

The rest, Chen Da, Huo Jun, Zhou Shun, etc. were also wearing armor and equipped with Chu swords.Only Xu Zheng was wearing an official uniform because he was an official.

The more he looked at the distant army, the more dignified Liu Feng became.

What is serious is not the current predicament. After all, a strategy has been laid out, and generals such as Pang Tong and Huang Zhong have already been dispatched.Pang Tong, in particular, has bypassed Linxiang and led an army of [-] to Hanshou to confront the [-] troops from the three counties.

With the [-] troops involved, Deng Ai has already crossed the river, defending [-]% of the north of the river.

At present, the army facing Linxiang is only these [-] barbarians.

The reason for Liu Feng's solemnity was the arrangement of the opponent's camp.

Because the barbarians do not fight with the Han people, they conquer themselves all the year round, which leads to their weak ability to fight, especially the layout of the camp, which has no rules.There is no military formation to speak of even fighting.

This is what Liu Feng learned from some people who knew about barbarians.But the layout of this barracks camp is really outstanding.

The layout of the big camp is grand and well-proportioned. It seems that there is no danger, but in fact there are murderous intentions hidden.If someone dared to rob the camp, he must have returned.

Liu Feng was not a vegetarian after studying with Xu Shu for three years, and he could tell at a glance that the layout of the camp was made by an expert.

Liu Feng was very clear about who was in the opponent's camp and who set up the formation.

On the one hand, Liu Feng hated Sima Yi, who actually arranged the superb camp layout of the Han people for the barbarians.Although those barbarians may not be able to learn.

But even if one obtains the essence of one or two, it will be a big disaster in the future.

On the other hand, he also praised Sima Yi.Although the layout of this big camp is exquisite, it is not some conventional layout, it should be figured out by Sima Yi himself.

This guy is a genius.

On the one hand, Liu Feng hated Sima Yi, and did everything he could to suppress Jiang Xia.On the one hand, it is dignified because of Sima Yi's dedication.

Finally, greedy eyes appeared.

Liu Feng has experienced relatively few wars, but he has a high vision as a teacher of Xu Shu.Against Cao Ren and Zhou Yu, although their formations were good.

But Cao Ren's barracks were more conventional, and when he faced Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu had only [-] soldiers and horses, so he couldn't see anything.

But now Sima Yi has made a barracks of broken barbarians so distinctive.

It is really a rare opportunity to learn and learn from, so naturally Liu Feng will not miss it.

"Master." Zhou Shun who was beside him suddenly said.I want to ask Liu Feng to take Xu Zheng down together. One of them is a monarch and the other is an official. It is not appropriate to stand here.

"Don't talk." Liu Feng stretched out his hand, signaling Zhou Shun to be quiet.Immediately, without turning his head, he said: "This military camp has hidden secrets, and it is the first-class method of setting up camps in the world. If you can learn a few points, you will never be able to use it in this life."

He wanted to persuade Liu Feng to go down the city wall, but he heard Liu Feng's words full of meaning.

Zhou Shun was taken aback for a moment, but then subconsciously looked into the distance.He also looked at the big camp for a while, but he didn't think much of it.

But after being reminded by Liu Feng, there were some differences.It is different from the general barracks.

Besides Zhou Shun, Huo Jun and Chen Da also carefully looked at the other party's camp.

Not long after, the faces of the three of them gradually became solemn, and there was a hint of excitement in their eyes.

These three people, including the famous general Huo Jun, have only been in contact with ordinary military camps, and for some camps with many changes and hidden murderous intentions.

It is rarely involved, and now I have seen this kind of camp with my own eyes.What's more, Liu Feng himself said that after watching it, he can't get enough of it.

Naturally, they would not let go of the opportunity in front of them, and looked greedily into the distance.It's just that their eyesight is limited and they can't see the mystery.

I had no choice but to write down the layout silently, planning to study it slowly after I got back.

Sima Yi probably never imagined in his dreams that Liu Feng would still be thinking of stealing his teacher to learn the layout of the camp when the army was under pressure.

Sima Yi's life is not easy now, and it's not like Liu Feng thought, that King Shamohun treated Sima Yi with courtesy.Even obedience.

It took Sima Yi a lot of effort to set up the barracks before Shamohun set it up.Those barbarian generals and barbarians are all idiots.

It took half a day to set up the barracks.

Sima Yi wanted to take advantage of the time to persuade Sha Mohun to attack the city.One is spirit, along the way, the spirit of this barbarian has reached its peak.

Siege at this moment may have unexpected effects.

The second is also a matter of time. Breaking through Linxiang as soon as possible is good for everyone.

But Shamo didn't listen.

In the army tent, Shamohun, Fanda, Shamoke and other barbarian kings and barbarian generals were all present, their expressions extremely relaxed.

Only Sima Yi looked at Sha Mohun anxiously and said, "At this time, the vigor is in full swing. If we push it hard, we will definitely get unexpected results. Please also invite the king's soldiers."

"I've said it many times. My soldiers are exhausted after traveling for days. They will rest for a day and then attack the city tomorrow." Shamo frowned displeasedly.

He had explained it many times, and he didn't know why this original person was so persistent.Has he never fought a war?On the eve of the decisive battle, recharging your energy is the kingly way.

"Puchi." Next to him, Shamoke couldn't help laughing. The big camp that Sima Yi set up today really made him admire.But what does this original person talk about with Samohun, what kind of momentum, what is he talking about in one go.

It's like Niuqin.

Sima Yi also saw that this Sha Mohun was really a rotten piece of wood.

He shook his head and sighed.Communicating with these savages is really exhausting.

Sima Yi felt very strong here, and Liu Feng on the other side of the city was also a little strange.

It's been a while since the camp on the opposite side has been set up, why is there no plan to attack the city yet?Liu Feng glanced at the sky, it was still one or two hours before the sun went down.

It is completely possible to attack violently.

Now Sima Yi and others have many troops, and the momentum is very fierce.It's time to go all out and go down to Linxiang.One or two hours wasted could lead to ruin.

After standing for half an hour and pondering for a while, Liu Feng reckoned that the opponent would not attack the city today.Surprised in his heart, he turned his head to Huo Jun and said, "I'll leave this to Zhong Miao first. You have to be on guard day and night, don't be careless."

"No." Huo Jun raised his fist and said in a low voice.

Liu Feng nodded, and left the city with Chen Da and Xu Zheng.

Since Sima Yi will not attack the city, let's recharge our batteries today.By the way, digest the layout of Sima Yi's camp, this is a rare opportunity.


In Guiyang, more than [-] miles north of Chencheng, there is an avenue, and an army of nearly [-] is flying towards Chencheng.

This large army is well-organized, even while running, it is orderly and not chaotic at all.

In front of the army, there are more than ten knights.One of the knights is holding a general flag with the word "yellow" embroidered on it.Next to him is Huang Zhong, Huang Xu and his son.

After receiving Liu Feng's general order, Huang Zhong and his son chose to get out of Jiujiang in the dark and kill to the south.Just keep marching in a high way.

Be sure to destroy the second city as soon as possible.

It is now the seventh day since the army left, and they finally arrived near Chen County.Huang Zhong's strategy was to attack Guiyang, which is farther away, first, and then attack Lingling in the northwest of Guiyang.

One is that after capturing Guiyang, they can take advantage of the situation to attack Lingling, and then go north to support Pang Tong.The second is to pick persimmons and pinch soft persimmons.

Huang Zhong has lived in Changsha for a long time, and he has a better understanding of the prefects in the four counties in Jingnan.

Both Liu Du and Jin Xuan are stronger, and their army is stronger.But Gui Yang raises his hand and Zhao Fan is a complete minister, relatively weak.Also weaker.

His army is not strong either.

First break Guiyang to boost morale, and then attack Lingling north with the momentum of victory.According to Huang Zhong's estimate, it would only take ten days at the fastest to destroy the second counties.

Then the soldiers went north, trying to meet Pang Tong within one month and one year.

For this purpose, Huang Zhong turned a blind eye to some counties.Go straight to the Guiyang government office, Chenxian County.It is also fortunate that Jingnan has a large land and few people, few cities and a large area.

All the county towns were bypassed by Huang Zhong, and there was no supply line.It was only within seven days that they arrived near Chencheng.

"Father, the soldiers are very tired after traveling for several days. After arriving at the city, do you want to rest first?" Huang Xu raised his head and asked Huang Zhongdao, a little worried.

Although Huang Zhong's army is well-trained and not weak.But it's still not enough to rush for seven days.

"You can rest for half an hour, and nothing more will do. As a father, you must break through the city of Chencheng in one day with great vigor. For this reason, the camp is also gone. After resting for half an hour, you will be directly a hero." Huang Zhong watched As soon as the sky changed, it was only halfway through the morning, after thinking secretly, he said decisively.

Breaking through a county in a day is a huge confidence.

"No." Huang Xu cheered up and promised.

Immediately, the army did not decrease, but became faster and faster.Finally, half an hour later, I saw Chencheng.

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